297 resultados para Prohibition


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El principal objetivo de este trabajo de grado es explicar la incidencia de la delincuencia relacionada a las drogas y de la salud pública, en la construcción de marcos alternativos al prohibicionismo para mitigar las consecuencias perjudiciales del fenómeno mundial de las drogas en países no productores; Portugal y Uruguay. Puesto que la violencia, la corrupción, las muertes por sobredosis y la proliferación de enfermedades infecciosas y crónicas, entre otros indicadores, han hecho posible que los Estados y sus gobiernos sean vulnerables en el ámbito doméstico e internacional, incrementando sus costos sociales y materiales. Gracias a las estudios realizados por Goldstein y las Instituciones oficiales en materias de drogas en estos países, se logró identificar la relación entre los problemas sociales y las nuevas legislaciones, las cuales, se han convertido en las promotoras de un nuevo enfoque; el individuo.


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Introducción: El trabajo infantil es una problemática mundial que lleva a los niños a adquirir responsabilidades de adultos desde temprana edad, con el fin de obtener recursos económicos que contribuyan a mejorar la economía familiar. El presente trabajo estudia las características de los niños trabajadores en Colombia en el año 2010, teniendo en cuenta el tipo de empleador. Métodos: Estudio observacional analítico de corte transversal que se realizó empleando datos de la Encuesta Nacional de Demografía y Salud Colombia-2010. Se incluyeron en el análisis todos los niños entre los 6 y 17 años con datos en la encuesta. Resultados: En total se incluyeron 51.496 niños. A comparación de los niños no trabajadores, los niños que trabajan, independientemente de su empleador, tienen mayor edad, vienen de hogares más pobres, son con mayor frecuencia hombres, no se encuentran escolarizados y pertenecen al régimen subsidiado o no están afiliados al sistema de seguridad social. Los niños que trabajan con sus familias refieren peor estado de salud, pertenecen con mayor frecuencia a la etnia indígena, reciben subsidios de alimentación, tienen con menor frecuencia presencia de su madre y viven en áreas rurales. Los niños que trabajan con un tercero están afiliados con menor frecuencia al régimen de seguridad social especial, tienen menor probabilidad de haber visitado un médico en el último año, el jefe de hogar no es hombre con mayor frecuencia, y viven principalmente en áreas rurales. Finalmente los niños que trabajan independiente pertenecen con mayor frecuencia a la etnia afro-descendiente y viven en hogares donde el jefe de hogar es mujer. Conclusiones: Los niños trabajadores presentan características comunes independientemente de su tipo de empleador, pero de acuerdo al tipo de empleador también se encuentran características particulares.


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El interés de este estudio de caso es analizar el Programa Conjunto de UNFPA y UNICEF sobre MGF/E en Kenia bajo la luz de los postulados poscolonialistas. Partiendo de la idea de que la MGF es una manifestación de las desigualdades de género, se argumenta que el PC reproduce la imagen de la mujer keniana como una víctima del poder masculino. A partir de esta imagen se deslegitima el orden cultural de los grupos que siguen esta tradición, afectando las lógicas de unidad y cohesión de la sociedad. El análisis de este tipo de dinámicas permite comprender mejor los procesos de intervención de las organizaciones internacionales sobre las estructuras sociales de actores frágiles del sistema internacional.


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El artículo explora los orígenes de la representación de la Trinidad y su declive en Europa, durante el siglo XVI, luego de la Contrarreforma. Prohibida en Europa por considerársele herética y confusa para los fines pedagógicos de la iconográfía católica, el tema trinitario floreció en América durante la segunda mitad del siglo XVII en variadas formas y adaptaciones. La prohibición se derivaba del hecho de que esta iconografía podía generar significados idolátricos al relacionar la representación del Espíritu Santo con manifestaciones religiosas animistas. El análisis se basa en un amplio corpus de imágenes recopiladas en varios contextos latinoamericanos y, finalmente, identifica la persistencia de esta representación en el arte moderno mexicano.


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El presente trabajo analiza de manera crítica el pronunciamiento de la Corte Constitucional para el Período de Transición respecto al control constitucional de las denuncias de tratados bilaterales de inversiones de capital, tomando como caso de estudio el instrumento internacional suscrito entre Ecuador y Alemania, en el cual bajo una corriente constitucionalista, la Corte somete al crisol de la contradicción el contenido del Tratado Internacional con la normativa constitucional vigente. En aquel sentido, analizaremos cómo, a través de este polémico dictamen, se inicia una línea jurisprudencial en la que se configuran temas controversiales como el denominado control automático de constitucionalidad, y, el debate respecto a la soberanía estatal en cuanto al no sometimiento del Ecuador a arbitrajes comerciales internacionales en asuntos de índole comercial.


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This new CEPS Policy Brief boldly asserts that the antitrust case launched by DG Competition against Gazprom on September 4th will turn out to be the landmark antitrust case of this decade, in much the same way that Microsoft v. Commission was the defining antitrust lawsuit of the last decade. The paper argues that, for a host of political and economic reasons, this case is likely to be hard fought by both sides to a final prohibition decision and then onwards into the EU courts. In the process, the European gas market and the powers of DG Competition in the energy field are likely to be transformed.


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This chapter evaluates the potential for legal regulation of the resort to cyber warfare between states under the ‘jus ad bellum’ (the law on the use of force). Debate in the literature has largely concerned whether cyber warfare falls within the scope of Article 2(4) UNC. The first part of this chapter sets out this debate. It then goes on to argue that the ‘Article 2(4) debate’ often misses the fact that an act of cyber warfare can be considered a breach of a different legal rule: the principle of non-intervention. The chapter further considers some of the issues in applying either the prohibition of the use of force or the principle of non-intervention to cyber warfare, and then concludes by arguing that the debate should be reoriented to focus on another existing international legal obligation: the duty to prevent cyber-attacks.


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Drone strikes are becoming a key feature of the United States’ global military response to nonstate actors, and it has been widely adduced that these strikes have been carried out with the consent of the host states in which such non-state actors reside. This article examines the degree to which assertions of consent (or ‘intervention by invitation’), provided as a justification for drone strikes by the United States in Pakistan, Yemen and Somalia, can be said to accord with international law. First the article provides a broad sketch of the presence of consent in international law. It then analyses in detail the individual elements of consent as provided by Article 20 of the International Law Commission Draft Articles of State Responsibility. These require that consent should be ‘valid’, given by the legitimate government and expressed by an official empowered to do so. These elements will be dealt with individually, and each in turn will be applied to the cases of Pakistan, Yemen and Somalia. Finally, the article will examine the breadth of the exculpatory power of consent, and the extent to which it can preclude the wrongfulness of acts carried out in contravention of international law other than the prohibition of the use of force under Article 2(4) of the Charter of the United Nations.


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A major gap in our understanding of the medieval economy concerns interest rates, especially relating to commercial credit. Although direct evidence about interest rates is scattered and anecdotal, there is much more surviving information about exchange rates. Since both contemporaries and historians have suggested that exchange and rechange transactions could be used to disguise the charging of interest in order to circumvent the usury prohibition, it should be possible to back out the interest rates from exchange rates. The following analysis is based on a new dataset of medieval exchange rates collected from commercial correspondence in the archive of Francesco di Marco Datini of Prato, c.1383-1411. It demonstrates that the time value of money was consistently incorporated into market exchange rates. Moreover, these implicit interest rates are broadly comparable to those received from other types of commercial loan and investment. Although on average profitable, the return on any individual exchange and rechange transaction did involve a degree of uncertainty that may have justified their non-usurious nature. However, there were also practical reasons why medieval merchants may have used foreign exchange transactions as a means of extending credit.


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In this thesis, the main male characters in three of the plays written by Federico García Lorca are analysed with the aim of seeingthe role they play in the frustration of desire. After two chapters dedicated to a review of published critical studies on Lorca and tocertain theoretical considerations, Chapter Three examines desire drawing on Ubersfeld's actancial model and observes that thesemale characters can be divided into two groups: those who are desired and those who are undesired.In Chapter Four this classification is linked to an analysis of absence, prohibition and lack. Absence is here defined not asrelated to their non-appearance on stage but rather to their non-presence in the lives of the desiring female protagonists. It isobserved that a number of male characters are absent in the plays mainly due to death or a journey. As far as prohibition isconcerned, in two of the works, there is a moral code associated with concepts such as "honour" and "decency", which blocks thefemale characters' access to the males they desire. Chapter Four also shows how several characters can be considered as lacking inthe sense that they do not possess the ideal male qualities contained in the plays. This chapter reaches the conclusion that desiredmale characters are either absent or forbidden in the world of the desiring female, whereas undesired male characters are lacking inthe sense that they fail to live up to the ideal highlighted in the plays.Chapter Five analyses the female characters' perception of the male figures, making use of René Girard's notion of"transfiguration", which alludes to a process of idealisation of the object of desire. Our analysis reveals a connection betweendesire, denied access to the object of desire and transfiguration in the main subjects of desire. The phenomenon of "transfiguration"has several functions in the play: firstly, the creation of hyperbolical male characters; secondly, that of transmitting the intensity ofthe desire experienced and, finally, the highlighting of the lack of certain qualities in several male characters.We thus observe that, in these three plays written by García Lorca, Girard's pessimistic view of desire is confirmed, since desireneeds a series of obstacles, such as absence or prohibition, to survive. However, this is not the only explanation for the frustrationof desire: other factors, like the actions of certain male characters or destiny, also play a decisive role.


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Discusses the Review of the Competition Law Provisions of the Trade Practices Act recommended by the Dawson Committee in Australia. Prohibition of mergers that lessens market competition by Trade Practices Act 1974; Requirement for a request of informal clearance; Establishment of an optional formal clearance procedure; Submission of merger authorization requests to the Australian Competition Tribunal.


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The Financial Intelligence Centre Act 38 of 2001 (FICA) compels certain persons and institutions (defined as "accountable institutions'') to identify and verify the identity of a new client before any transaction may be concluded or any business relationship is established.1 Accountable institutions are listed in schedule 1 to FICA and include banks, brokers, financial advisers, insurance companies, attorneys and estate agents. This duty to identify new clients came into effect on 30 June 2003. However, FICA also requires a similar procedure to be followed in respect of all current clients. Current clients are those with whom an accountable institution had business relationships on 30 June 2003.2 After 30 June 2004 an institution may not conclude a transaction in the course of its business relationship with an unidentified current client, until it has established and verified that client's identity as prescribed. An institution that concludes any transaction in contravention of this prohibition, commits an offence and is liable to a fine not exceeding R10 million or to imprisonment of up to 15 years.3

The majority of accountable institutions and their clients failed to meet the June 2004 current client identification deadline.4 This failure posed serious economic and legal risks. With a few days to spare, the minister of finance granted a partial and temporary exemption in respect of these requirements. This article explores the statutory scheme for identification and re-identification of clients and some of the practical problems that were encountered. The June 2004 exemptions from these requirements are also considered and proposals for law reform are made.

The discussion of the FICA identification scheme necessitates the following brief overview of the international and South African money laundering control framework.

1 s 21(1) of FICA.
2 s 21(2) of FICA. See also s 82(2)(b).
3 s 46(2) of FICA read with s 68(1) of FICA.


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This paper reports on the findings of a study that considered how anxiety might function to organise nurses' practice. With reference to psychoanalytic theory this paper analyses field notes taken during a series of nursing change-of-shift handovers. The handover practices analysed met all the criteria for a ritual, as understood in psychoanalytic theory, and functioned to alleviate anxiety in the short term while symbolically expressing a forbidden and unknown knowledge. We argue that the handover ritual contained certain prohibitions, yet allowed some expression of the prohibited knowledge in a disguised way. The prohibition concerned how the patient affected the nurse, that is, moved the nurse to love and hate the patient. We argue that this prohibition is expressed, in disguise, via the displacement of affection for the patient onto other nurses and through negative stereotyping of some patients. We also argue that these prohibitions of the handover mirror broader prohibitions within nursing, and thus the rituals of the handover become an expression of how professional prohibitions are enacted in practice. We conclude that the important implicit function of the handover ritual is to keep anxiety at bay, thereby enabling the nurse to commence practice rather than being immobilised by the effect of potentially overwhelming anxiety.


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This paper outlines the current literature on what is known about the processes by which individuals utilize the Internet for child sexual abuse. First, three ways in which the Internet is utilized are outlined: (1) by dissemination of sexually abusive images of children for personal and/or commercial reasons; (2) by communication with other individuals with a sexual interest in children: and (3) by maintaining and developing online pedophilic networks. Second, content and availability of abusive images are described, and the difficulties faced by criminal justice agencies in both the definition of abusive images and their prohibition is discussed. Third, the potential for offenders to ‘cross-over’ from online offenses to contact sexual victimization of children is examined and placed within a context of various Internet offender typologies that have been developed. Finally, implications of this body of research for law and public policy are considered.


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This paper examines regulatory design strategies and enforcement approaches in the context of the UK and Australia’s regulation of research involving human embryos and cloning. The aim is to discuss current regulation in view of the impending review of the Research Involving Human Embryos Act 2002 (Cth) and the Prohibition of Human Reproductive Cloning Act 2002 (Cth). It is argued that the type of regulation used in relation to those who are licensed to research in Australia is unsuitable due to an over-emphasis on deterrence and the authoritarian approach taken by regulatory bureaucracies. The cost and efficiency of the current system is also questioned. The central thesis is that a co-regulatory system that combines the existing framework legislation with self-regulation should be adopted for licence holders. Such regulation of licence holders should include responsive regulatory strategies. ‘Command and control’ design strategies and deterrence approaches present in the current regulatory systems for breaches of legislation by non-licence holders and serious breaches by licence holders should be maintained.