1000 resultados para Profissional de Educação Física


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Since there are few physical education teachers working in kindergarten, now, due to the elementary school for nine years - getting children 6 years of age, this seems to be a challenge for teachers. Therefore, interested in mobilizing efforts to understand how your training is on this new context, and how is this entry of students from 6 years old in elementary school. From the perspective of the physical education teacher who is acting in this context. In this sense, the objective of this study was to analyze teacher training and teaching of physical education among children 6 years of age entering the first grade of elementary school from the perspective of physical education teachers who work in this field. This study was guided by the principles of qualitative research, making the collection through semi-structured interview, 11 participated in the investigation of physical education teachers working in the first grade of elementary school. The categories of analysis that have emerged from our study were: 1 Teacher training; 2 The 9-year elementary school for children 6 years of age; 3 Teaching physical education in early childhood education: Reflections on its limits and its possibilities. We can point out that physical education in school is still recognized as unimportant, although the LDB 9394/96 art. 26 § 3, have given your requirement, this is not enough to change the scenario that presents itself. School is still considered by many as a space in which the body is separated from the cognitive. Therefore, for many, the play of children is worthless and physical education is worthless. Teachers interviewed here reveal that has focused efforts on making a better quality of physical education, especially among children 1 year, trying to meet their expectations and need characteristics of the universe of childhood


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With the wide variety of content to be worked out what really is expected of students in curricular physical education component? And as teachers conduct and evaluate this learning? These processes occur in the same way in public and private institutions? What is the relationship of the assessment with the students, with content and with the school? These were questions that motivated this research, which aims to conduct a desk review involving different schools, and interview their teachers, in order to identify possible relationships between teachers, students and educational institutions when referring to the assessment of physical education, between schools in different school systems (private, state and municipal), specifically from 6th to 9th grade. The survey was conducted in three different schools in the city Bauru/SP, being a private school, a school hall and a state school, and their physical education teachers. As a methodological reference was used qualitative research, and documentary analysis and semi-structured interviews were the techniques used for data collection. The data collected were tabulated and analyzed separately, and after the first analysis were separated into four categories that related to the study of literature review, interviews of teachers and the political projects of schools teaching (the documents that were analyzed). After the analysis performed it was revealed that the ways teachers surveyed perform their assessments contradicts the main problems and difficulties found in the literature. And regardless of the demands made by the educational institution that really influences the evaluation in physical education classes is the commitment and professional commitment to his students and his principles


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The present study represents a qualitative thesis, characterized as a case study, which uses the method of the present approach. In addressing the academic home in physical education, there is the constancy of the discussions regarding the curriculum and professional formatting. In view of the curriculum modifications to fit the new legislation, and the fact they are few studies related to private institutions that offer such courses, which offer even greater number of courses when compared to public institutions aimed to investigate and analyze the professional profiles, curricular goals and flows contained in the pedagogical projects of courses bachelor degree in physical education and a private institution of higher education of the State of São Paulo, as well as verifying the existence and adequacy of articulation to the institutional educational project and the institutional development plan. Compounding the literature review discussed the key historical facts relating to courses in physical education in our country, and its path to the current model. Also presented was the law of physical education courses in force in Brazil and some concepts about teaching course projects and their relationship to other institutional documents. Techniques were used to review and document analysis, with primary source documents of their own and other government institution. It found a lack of interest of some private institutions of higher education in official documents available for this type of research, which is bad since there are more courses offered by them compared to public institutions. As for the degree course for training teachers of physical education, found lack of specificity regarding the differentiation between content and the bachelor, which ends up deviating from the expectations contained in the course to the one presented in the curriculum. Thus, it becomes a need for greater collaboration of private institutions of higher education...


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This study aims to conduct a survey on the concepts that the teacher of physical education has on their role in areas of activity in the democratic management of public and private schools. They are job-specific goals: to raise theoretically as it is currently the training of physical education teacher to work in the administrative and participatory management in schools, pointing out possible instances of action of the physical education teacher in meeting the democratic management of official documents (NCP and RCN) and propose inserts that will guarantee their professional practice responsible, ethical and participatory; and check what is the concept that the physical education teacher has on their role in school activities beyond the classroom. For both methodologically this is configured as a qualitative research, in the form of literature review and field research. 30 Teachers participated in the survey, these being of public and private schools. For data collection a questionnaire was designed open dealing on the profile of teachers and their perceptions of their performance in school. The results show that in the case of conceptions that physical education teachers have about their role in the democratic management of the results lead us to infer that they all feel if done professionally, both in public schools as those of individuals, despite the difficulties encountered in their day to day


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A formação inicial do professor-pesquisador tem como pressuposto formar um docente mais autônomo e observador de sua prática pedagógica, relacionando ensino com investigação. A formação de um novo professor requer sua iniciação em valores, representações, saberes e fazeres (SARTI, 2009) e o professor-pesquisador busca investigar sua prática e resolver seus desafios, sem distanciar-se da teoria. Para abranger esta formação, o presente estudo propõe como objetivo geral compreender como os estudantes do curso de licenciatura em Educação Física da UNESP de Rio Claro interpretam a sua prática profissional em situação de estágio supervisionado na perspectiva do professor-pesquisador. Como objetivos específicos buscou-se: (1)Observar se os estagiários são estimulados a refletir sobre sua ação pedagógica; (2)Verificar se a disciplina de Prática de Ensino se aproxima de uma proposta de formação do professor que investiga a sua prática; (3)Identificar os elementos constitutivos de uma ação reflexiva e; (4)Averiguar se os estudantes de educação física se reconhecem como professores que investigam a sua prática. Optou-se pela pesquisa qualitativa, tendo como técnicas a entrevista semiestruturada com os licenciandos, a fonte documental, a observação das aulas da disciplina de estágio na universidade e a análise de conteúdo. Na busca desses dados o trabalho de campo relacionado à observação foi realizado com 15 estudantes de Licenciatura em educação física do quarto ano - turma 1 da disciplina de Estágio Curricular Supervisionado . Para a entrevista foram selecionados 6 estudantes deste grupo. Após análise de dados encontramos três eixos importantes na discussão do trabalho: 1) A importância da postura reflexiva e investigativa, 2) Estágio Curricular Supervisionado: A escola como local formativo 3) Profissionalização docente. Como considerações finais, encontramos a importância da reflexão,...


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No Brasil não há uma tradição de programas de iniciação à docência, mas é sabido que tais programas auxiliam na imersão e consolidação do profissional professor, que na fase inicial da carreira, apresenta necessidades específicas. Dessa forma este estudo se propõe a desvelar como um grupo de iniciação à docência (PIBID - área de Educação Física) tem construído o seu percurso no âmbito do ensino, da introdução ao ensino, entendendo esta perspectiva também como um modelo de educação centrado na iniciação. Assim sendo, este trabalho tem como objetivo central compreender a iniciação a docência no âmbito do projeto PIBID de educação física, buscando identificar os elementos que são apontados pelos estudantes como significativos nesse processo de aprendizagem. Especificamente se busca (a) averiguar os elementos que compõem a iniciação a docência dentro dos relatos dos estudantes; (b) identificar os elementos que são apontados pelos estudantes como significativos nesse processo de aprendizagem da docência e (c) analisar o sentido que estes estudantes atribuem para esta experiência na compreensão do ser professor. Opta-se metodologicamente pela pesquisa qualitativa, estudo descritivo, tendo como técnicas a fonte documental e a análise de conteúdo. Os documentos utilizados nesta pesquisa serão Relatórios de Experiência do 1º Semestre, documentos sobre a Contribuição do Projeto Interdisciplinar, Relatos de Experiência como Aluno da Educação Básica dentre outros produzidos por bolsistas do PIBID. Foram encontrados 3 eixos temáticos acerca dos resultados: Tornar-se professor: um processo e uma escolha, Iniciação à docência: Elementos que a compõem, ; PIBID e a aprendizagem da docência: contribuições e limites. Adicionamos ainda as sugestões, limites e críticas emitidas pelos bolsistas sobre o Programa. Realizamos a discussão destes eixos a partir de 5 pontos:...


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In this research, qualitative, aimed to analyze the meanings assigned by Physical Education teachers to the relationship between continuing education and professional development stages. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with eight state public school teachers of Bauru/SP. The data were analyzed following the theory referential of HUBERMAN (2000), relatively to the concept of professional life cycles, and found that as well as other factors of the teaching career, on the extent of continuing education teachers also have different needs at each moment professional. In summary concluded: the early stage to teaching, they seek activities to improve pedagogical practice; stabilization phase: to solve problems in the educational context and to disseminate the academic content between teachers; diversifi cation phase: to provide a basis to work new content and to make constant updates according to educational innovations; serenity/exit: they feel the need to attend training activities in different spaces of the school.


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The purpose of this article is to reflect on the movement of professionalization of teaching, emphasizing the importance given to vocational training (initial and continuing) in this context. The research is qualitative in that it sought in the testimonies of eight physical education teachers, the São Paulo public state educacional, to elucidate the reflections from the literature review. It was found that although the social and political discourses glimpse the teacher as the main agent of social transformation, this possibility still presents far for this group, especially in view of the heavy workload and poor remuneration, hindering investment in training. It was concluded that this group is immersed in speeches ambiguous and contradictory processes, characterizing a movement of professionalization and concomitant deprofessionalization in teaching.


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This study aims to investigate the main issues presented in the literature relating to teacher training during the period 2005/2014. Particular attention is paid to articles that address the Supervised Training and Practice as a Curriculum Component. For the analysis of the articles from the literature, the technique of Content Analysis was used. The results showed that the potential which is attributed to these curricular components depends on the ability to put the trainee teacher in touch with the experience of being a teacher, whilst enabling the approach of the training content to be consistent with professional practice. The technical and fragmented curriculum for training and the extensive content in the disciplines, limited by outmoded practices, is presented as a barrier against this occurring. This shows a discrepancy in the proposed training between the pedagogical design of the course and, what is actually designed as concrete action in its development.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Pós-graduação em Ciências da Motricidade - IBRC


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Pós-graduação em Ciências da Motricidade - IBRC


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O presente trabalho buscou identificar e compreender como se dão os processos reflexivos prevalentes na relação interpessoal constituída na atuação pré-profissional de formandos em um curso na área da educação física. Tendo em vista este objetivo, utilizou-se a fenomenologia como um método capaz de identificar o sentido das coisas dadas à consciência. Optou-se também pela utilização adaptada de um roteiro de supervisão para psicólogos do esporte por abordar amplamente os variados aspectos da experiência relacional em contexto de atendimento. Os resultados apontam para a prevalência do modo de pensamento mecanicista como plano de fundo de uma reflexividade causal e restrita durante a atuação pré-profissional destes formandos. Assim, uma atuação dirigida à reflexibilidade, possibilita uma abertura ao relacionamento interpessoal de maneira a incluir o sujeito a quem a prática se destina como agente do processo, e não como objeto de intervenção. O método fenomenológico pode auxiliar na manutenção e constante aprimoramento deste processo reflexivo, uma vez que permite compreender as dimensões de ordem existencial da atividade física.


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O presente ensaio tem por objetivo analisar os conceitos de abordagem de ensino e tendências pedagógicas no campo da Educação Física Escolar. A partir da exploração da literatura especializada, foi possível indagar sobre o grau de consistência interna das teorias pedagógicas produzidas nos anos 80 e 90 do século passado, como propostas sistematizadas para o ensino da Educação Física e suas implicações para o processo de formação docente. Desta forma, é proposto que a partir de uma aproximação acadêmica e profissional, seja possível promover um avanço na direção da sistematização do conhecimento.


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Este ensaio apresenta uma iniciativa de investigação interinstitucional que agrega três grupos de pesquisa vinculados a programas de pós-graduação em educação física: Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Universidade de São Paulo e Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo. O tema articulador do projeto são as políticas de formação em educação física e saúde coletiva, cujo foco inicial é o Programa de Educação pelo Trabalho em Saúde. As investigações a serem empreendidas têm o propósito de acompanhar e analisar os processos de composição e articulação entre ensino, serviço e comunidade com vistas a constituir uma rede de saberes e práticas que responda aos desafios da formação em saúde comprometida com a defesa e consolidação do Sistema Único de Saúde.