971 resultados para Production Capacity


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The central objective of this case study was to formulate the strategy of internationalization of Tubofuro®, discriminating relevant points from its design to its implementation. This is a company located in Leiria, Ortigosa parish, which operates, among others, in the Portuguese PVC pipes industry for which currently the domestic market is clearly insufficient, given the oversupply compared to demand. Being Tubofuro® an exporting company since 2004, the work here developed specifically intended to increase sales to the foreign market, with this representing 45% of total company's business in 2018 increasing of the number of markets through new partners to enable the positioning of Tubofuro® among the main players in each market, particularly in South American markets, North African and European. To achieve the above objectives presented a case study was applied, centred on Tubofuro® company, target of the internationalization strategy. The search carried out for the formulation of the strategy has been supported on a thorough analysis of the external environment and internal characteristics of the company, for which were crossed different types of data, quantitative, qualitative, secondary data and primary data. From this work resulted the development of internationalization and international marketing plan for the next three years, whose objectives are based on entrance and consequent growth in new markets, including the market Chilean, Peruvian, Mexican, Argentine, Algerian and German, as well growth in the presence and turnover in the markets for which Tubofuro® already exports regularly, for example Spain, France, Tunisia and Morocco. Based on the production capacity of Tubofuro® company, which will not suffer any kind of investment for incrementing but only to update, it is expected that the appropriate response capacity for the company is 8 regular markets, and could eventually arise sporadic exports to other markets not interfering with the normal production capacity of the company. The suggestion of the presented markets resulted from the study of the final price based on the one that local customers purchase a product equal or similar to Tubofuro® and the number of potential existing customers in each market. The internationalization model known as Uppsala Model corresponds to the strategy adopted by the company to its internationalization process, taking into account the philosophy of senior management and the risk aversion of them. The sales team Tubofuro® demand for each market, export a full container registering customer feedback, including quality and flow capacity in the market in order to seek a partnership agreement with a local distributor, which allows the Tubofuro® go to step two above mentioned model. The partnership agreement is based on mutual commitment to technical cooperation and trade between the Tubofuro® and partner, in order to increase the performance capacity among local customers. Only if the market presents a greater demand to our supply capacity and be justified by cost / benefit ratio, the entry into this market through a joint venture or subsidiary is that the decision will be taken. Although this is a case study, which means that is adjusted to the concrete case Tubofuro® preventing generalization of findings, we believe that this work can be a useful example for other companies in the internationalization process or the methodology adopted in formulating strategy or the outputs and conclusions drawn.


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Introducción: Los trastornos musculoesqueléticos de origen laboral son la primera causa de baja en los trabajadores produciendo disminución de la capacidad productiva y reducción del salario y para las empresas suponen disfunciones de la actividad y pérdidas económicas. Objetivo: Identificar la prevalencia de síntomas musculoesqueléticos del personal tanto operativo como administrativo que laboran en la central eléctrica en Norte de Santander. Metodología: Estudio de corte transversal en una población de 184 trabajadores que laboran para la sección de gestión y control de pérdidas de energía en la Central eléctrica de Norte de Santander. Se utilizó como instrumento para la recolección de información el cuestionario Nórdico de Kuorinka en su versión en español, que permite realizar la detección y análisis de síntomas musculoesqueléticos de la población expuesta, el cual consta de dos partes, la primera que incluye datos socio demográficos tales como antecedentes personales y actividad laboral y la segunda que permite registrar síntomas músculo-esqueléticos en los segmentos corporales (cuello, hombros, codos, muñecas/manos, espalda superior, espalda inferior). El análisis descriptivo incluyó el cálculo de la media y los porcentajes y para estimar asociaciones se utilizó odds ratio (OR) Resultados: El 88% de los trabajadores eran hombres, con una media de edad de 36,1(±10,5) años. El 20,7% percibía molestias en el cuello y el 17,4 % en las muñecas. Tuvieron más riesgo de percibir molestias en la región del cuello las mujeres (OR 20,54), los trabajadores que pertenecen al sector administrativo (OR 15,9), los que no realizar actividad física (OR 2,33), los que tienen menos de 1 año en el cargo (OR 2,9) y los que tenían un Índice de masa corporal mayor de 25 (OR 1,31). Conclusiones: Ser mujer y trabajar en el sector administrativo influyen en la percepción de molestias y síntomas osteomusculares con mayor prevalencia en las zonas corporales de el cuello y las muñecas o manos. De acuerdo a lo encontrado en el estudio se sugiere la realización de actividades en salud laboral que prevengan el riesgo ergonómico.


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Este proyecto se enfoca hacia la posibilidad de exportar carne de bovino colombiana a Japón, en el marco de un posible tratado de libre comercio. Japón, es un país asiático que posee alta demanda de la misma, sin embargo, su falta de superficie le impide la producción de carne bovina, volviéndose uno de los mayores importadores (puesto 5) a nivel mundial de este producto. En vista de lo anterior, nace la oportunidad para Colombia de convertirse en un viable exportador de carne bovina hacia el país asiático. Todo esto se debe, a que el país cuenta con ventajas como la superficie y el clima, llevándolo a convertirse en un país agrícola con alto potencial y capacidad de producción de carne de bovino. Al realizar el estudio pertinente, se considera que los mayores exportadores del producto hacia Japón son: Australia, Estados Unidos, Nueva Zelandia, Canadá y México, siendo Australia y Estados Unidos los mayores proveedores de Japón. Por ello, se evaluaron estos países como los principales competidores de Colombia, demostrando altas diferencias, dado que Colombia no cuenta con los requerimientos para exportar carne de bovino hacia Japón, por deficiencias en calidad, precio y cantidad.


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Some bacteria common in anaerobic digestion process can ferment a broad variety of organic compounds to organic acids, alcohols, and hydrogen, which can be used as biofuels. Researches are necessary to control the microbial interactions in favor of the alcohol production, as intermediary products of the anaerobic digestion of organic compounds. This paper reports on the effect of buffering capacity on the production of organic acids and alcohols from wastewater by a natural mixed bacterial culture. The hypothesis tested was that the increase of the buffering capacity by supplementation of sodium bicarbonate in the influent results in benefits for alcohol production by anaerobic fermentation of wastewater. When the influent was not supplemented with sodium bicarbonate, the chemical oxygen demand (COD)-ethanol and COD-methanol detected in the effluent corresponded to 22.5 and 12.7 % of the COD-sucrose consumed. Otherwise, when the reactor was fed with influent containing 0.5 g/L of sodium bicarbonate, the COD-ethanol and COD-methanol were effluents that corresponded to 39.2 and 29.6 % of the COD-sucrose consumed. Therefore, the alcohol production by supplementation of the influent with sodium bicarbonate was 33.6 % higher than the fermentation of the influent without sodium bicarbonate.


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The cDNA encoding the NH2-terminal 589 amino acids of the extracellular domain of the human polymeric immunoglobulin receptor was inserted into transfer vectors to generate recombinant baculo- and vaccinia viruses. Following infection of insect and mammalian cells, respectively, the resulting truncated protein corresponding to human secretory component (hSC) was secreted with high efficiency into serum-free culture medium. The Sf9 insect cell/baculovirus system yielded as much as 50 mg of hSC/liter of culture, while the mammalian cells/vaccinia virus system produced up to 10 mg of protein/liter. The M(r) of recombinant hSC varied depending on the cell line in which it was expressed (70,000 in Sf9 cells and 85-95,000 in CV-1, TK- 143B and HeLa). These variations in M(r) resulted from different glycosylation patterns, as evidenced by endoglycosidase digestion. Efficient single-step purification of the recombinant protein was achieved either by concanavalin A affinity chromatography or by Ni(2+)-chelate affinity chromatography, when a 6xHis tag was engineered to the carboxyl terminus of hSC. Recombinant hSC retained the capacity to specifically reassociate with dimeric IgA purified from hybridoma cells.


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The activation of an apo-cytochrome c-specific T cell clone was found to differ, depending on the antigen-presenting cell population. Whereas total syngeneic spleen cells and bone marrow macrophages could be shown to trigger proliferation, IL 2, and MAF production by the T cell clone, a B cell lymphoma only induced MAF secretion. Further studies demonstrated that this effect was not due to a different antigen processing by the B lymphoma or to limiting amounts of Ia and antigen molecules on the B lymphoma cell surface. The dissociation of induction of MAF production from IL-2 production/proliferation found with the different antigen-presenting cells indicates strongly that molecules other than Ia and antigen may be required for the complete functional activation of antigen-specific T cell clones.


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This paper reports results from electrochemical evaluations of electrodes used as cathodes for a hydrogen evolution reaction and anodes in Ni-MH batteries that had been surface-modified by micro-encapsulation, co-deposition and sol-gel methods. The surface modifications produced actual improvements in the corresponding electrochemical reactions by enhancing the performance and/or the mechanical stability of the electrode material. (c) 2005 International Association for Hydrogen Energy. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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.--A. Introduction.--B. Summary of evaluation.


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Activated macrophages and osteoclasts express high amounts of tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (TRACP, acp5). TRACP has a binuclear iron center with a redox-active iron that has been shown to catalyze the formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) by Fenton's reaction. Previous Studies Suggest that ROS generated by TRACP may participate in degradation of endocytosed bone matrix products in resorbing osteoclasts and degradation of foreign Compounds during. antigen presentation in activated macrophages. Here we have compared free radical production in macrophages of TRACP overexpressing (TRACP +) and wild-type (WT) mice. TRACP overexpression increased both ROS levels and Superoxide production. Nitric oxide production was increased in activated macrophages or WT mice, but not in TRACP+ mice, Macrophages from TRACP+ mice showed increased capacity or bacterial killing. Recombinant TRACP enzyme was capable of bacterial killing in the presence of hydrogen peroxide. These results suggest that TRACP has an important biological function in immune defense systern.


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The widespread implementation of Manufacturing Resource Planning (MRPII) systems in this country and abroad and the reported dissatisfaction with their use formed the initial basis of this piece of research which concentrates on the fundamental theory and design of the Closed Loop MRPII system itself. The dissertation concentrates on two key aspects namely; how Master Production Scheduling is carried out in differing business environments and how well the `closing of the loop' operates by checking the capcity requirements of the different levels of plans within an organisation. The main hypothesis which is tested is that in U.K. manufacturing industry, resource checks are either not being carried out satisfactorily or they are not being fed back to the appropriate plan in a timely fashion. The research methodology employed involved initial detailed investigations into Master Scheduling and capacity planning in eight diverse manufacturing companies. This was followed by a nationwide survey of users in 349 companies, a survey of all the major suppliers of Production Management software in the U.K. and an analysis of the facilities offered by current software packages. The main conclusion which is drawn is that the hypothesis is proved in the majority of companies in that only just over 50% of companies are attempting Resource and Capacity Planning and only 20% are successfully feeding back CRP information to `close the loop'. Various causative factors are put forward and remedies are suggested.