998 resultados para Primer walking


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Measures of transit accessibility are important in evaluating transit services, planning for future services and investment on land use development. Existing tools measure transit accessibility using averaged walking distance or walking time to public transit. Although the mode captivity may have significant implications on one’s willingness to walk to use public transit, this has not been addressed in the literature to date. Failed to distinguish transit captive users may lead to overestimated ridership and spatial coverage of transit services. The aim of this research is to integrate the concept of transit captivity into the analysis of walking access to public transit. The conventional way of defining “captive” and “choice” transit users showed no significant difference in their walking times according to a preliminary analysis. A cluster analysis technique is used to further divide “choice” users by three main factors, namely age group, labour force status and personal income. After eliminating “true captive” users, defined as those without driver’s licence or without a car in respective household, “non-true captive” users were classified into a total of eight groups having similar socio-economic characteristics. The analysis revealed significant differences in the walking times and patterns by their level of captivity to public transit. This paper challenges the rule-of-thumb of 400m walking distance to bus stops. In average, people’s willingness to walk dropped drastically at 268m and continued to drop constantly until it reached the mark of 670m, where there was another drastic drop of 17%, which left with only 10% of the total bus riders willing to walk 670m or more. This research found that mothers working part time were the ones with lowest transit captivity and thus most sensitive to the walking time, followed by high-income earners and the elderly. The level of captivity increases when public transit users earned lesser income, such as students and students working part time.


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Background: Gait speed is an indicator of walking ability, morbidity and mortality; and is a reliable, valid and sensitive outcome measure commonly used in the rehabilitation setting. Gait speed is a quick and efficient assessment method; yet, to date, there has been little investigation of its potential use in populations with lower limb amputation.


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Building on the launch of an early prototype at Balance Unbalance 2013, we now offer a fully realised experience of the ‘Long Time, No See?’ site specific walking/visualisation project for conference users to engage with on a do it yourself basis, either before, during or after the event. ‘Long Time, No See?’ is a new form of participatory, environmental futures project, designed for individuals and groups. It uses a smartphone APP to guide processes of individual or group walking at any chosen location—encouraging walkers to think in radical new ways about how to best prepare for ‘stormy’ environmental futures ahead. As part of their personal journeys participants’ contribute site-specific micro narratives in the form of texts, images and sounds, captured via the APP during the loosely ‘guided’ walk. These responses are then uploaded and synthesised into an ever-building audiovisual and generative artwork/‘map’ of future-thinking affinities, viewable both online at long-time-no-see.org (in Chrome) (and at the same time on a large screen visualisations at QUT’s Cube Centre in Brisbane Australia). The artwork therefore spans both participants’ mobile devices and laptops. If desired outcomes can also be presented publicly in large screen format at the conference. ‘Long Time, No See?’ has been developed over the past two years by a team of leading Australian artists, designers, urban/environmental planners and programmers.


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Sesbania mosaic virus (SeMV),a single-strand positive-sense RNA plant virus, belongs to the genus Sobemoviruses. Mechanism of replication in Sobemoviruses is poorly understood. In the present study, SeMV RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp) was overexpressed and purified as a thioredoxin-tagged protein. The recombinant SeMV RdRp could synthesize RNA from genomic or subgenomic RNA templates, even in the absence ofthe protein primer, VPg. Analysis of the product indicated that it was double-stranded and that the mode of initiation was de novo. Mutational analysis of the 3' UTR of subgenomic RNA revealed that a stem-loop structure at the 3' end was important. Further, analysis of this stem-loop showed that the SeMV RdRp was capable of recognizing stem-loop structures of various lengths and forms. These results demonstrate that the SeMV RdRp is capable of primer-independent RNAsynthesis in vitro. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The aims were to determine whether measures of acceleration of the legs and back of dairy cows while they walk could help detect changes in gait or locomotion associated with lameness and differences in the walking surface. In 2 experiments, 12 or 24 multiparous dairy cows were fitted with five 3-dimensional accelerometers, 1 attached to each leg and 1 to the back, and acceleration data were collected while cows walked in a straight line on concrete (experiment 1) or on both concrete and rubber (experiment 2). Cows were video-recorded while walking to assess overall gait, asymmetry of the steps, and walking speed. In experiment 1, cows were selected to maximize the range of gait scores, whereas no clinically lame cows were enrolled in experiment 2. For each accelerometer location, overall acceleration was calculated as the magnitude of the 3-dimensional acceleration vector and the variance of overall acceleration, as well as the asymmetry of variance of acceleration within the front and rear pair of legs. In experiment 1, the asymmetry of variance of acceleration in the front and rear legs was positively correlated with overall gait and the visually assessed asymmetry of the steps (r ≥0.6). Walking speed was negatively correlated with the asymmetry of variance of the rear legs (r=−0.8) and positively correlated with the acceleration and the variance of acceleration of each leg and back (r ≥0.7). In experiment 2, cows had lower gait scores [2.3 vs. 2.6; standard error of the difference (SED)=0.1, measured on a 5-point scale] and lower scores for asymmetry of the steps (18.0 vs. 23.1; SED=2.2, measured on a continuous 100-unit scale) when they walked on rubber compared with concrete, and their walking speed increased (1.28 vs. 1.22m/s; SED=0.02). The acceleration of the front (1.67 vs. 1.72g; SED=0.02) and rear (1.62 vs. 1.67g; SED=0.02) legs and the variance of acceleration of the rear legs (0.88 vs. 0.94g; SED=0.03) were lower when cows walked on rubber compared with concrete. Despite the improvements in gait score that occurred when cows walked on rubber, the asymmetry of variance of acceleration of the front leg was higher (15.2 vs. 10.4%; SED=2.0). The difference in walking speed between concrete and rubber correlated with the difference in the mean acceleration and the difference in the variance of acceleration of the legs and back (r ≥0.6). Three-dimensional accelerometers seem to be a promising tool for lameness detection on farm and to study walking surfaces, especially when attached to a leg.


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DNA sequence and structure play a key role in imparting fragility to different regions of the genome. Recent studies have shown that non-B DNA structures play a key role in causing genomic instability, apart from their physiological roles at telomeres and promoters. Structures such as G-quadruplexes, cruciforms, and triplexes have been implicated in making DNA susceptible to breakage, resulting in genomic rearrangements. Hence, techniques that aid in the easy identification of such non-B DNA motifs will prove to be very useful in determining factors responsible for genomic instability. In this study, we provide evidence for the use of primer extension as a sensitive and specific tool to detect such altered DNA structures. We have used the G-quadruplex motif, recently characterized at the BCL2 major breakpoint region as a proof of principle to demonstrate the advantages of the technique. Our results show that pause sites corresponding to the non-B DNA are specific, since they are absent when the G-quadruplex motif is mutated and their positions change in tandem with that of the primers. The efficiency of primer extension pause sites varied according to the concentration of monovalant cations tested, which support G-quadruplex formation. Overall, our results demonstrate that primer extension is a strong in vitro tool to detect non-B DNA structures such as G-quadruplex on a plasmid DNA, which can be further adapted to identify non-B DNA structures, even at the genomic level.


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El presente estudio se realizó de Abril de 1992 a Marzo de 1993 en el Ingenio Victoria de Julio. Se evaluaron diferentes densidades de siembra sobre los rendimientos en el cultivo de la caña de azúcar, primer retoño (6, 9 12 yemas/metro lineal). El diseño utilizado fue de bloques completos al azar, los parámetros estudiados fueron: índice de ahijamiento, población, altura, diámetro, peso promedio de los tallos, rendimientos agrícola, rendimiento industrial y rendimiento agroindustrial. Los datos obtenidos fueron sometidos a análisis de varianza y prueba de Duncan a un 5 por ciento de margen de error. Los resultados obtenidos fueron los siguientes: El mayor porcentaje de índice de ahijamiento, lo presentó el tratamiento de 12 yemas por metro lineal. Los promedios poblacionales más altos se obtuvieron con 12 yemas/metro lineal. Se lograron las mayores longitudes de tallos con 12 yemas. No existen diferencias entre los tratamientos en relación al diámetro del tallo. A mayor número de yemas usadas mayor fue el peso promedio de tallo. El rendimiento agrícola fue mayor cuando se incrementó el número de yemas. El resultado más sobresaliente en cuanto a rendimiento industrial se obtuvo con 6 yemas por metro lineal. El rendimiento agro-industrial fue superior en el tratamiento con 12 yemas por metro lineal.


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Con el objetivo de evaluar el comportamiento en el campo de plantas micro propagadas del clon de banano "Enano Ecuatoriano" se estableció un ensayo comparativo, en Bloque Completamente al Azar, con plantas del mismo clon propagadas de manera convencional (cormo). El estudio se llevó a cabo en áreas del Programa de Recursos Genéticos Nicaragüenses (REGEN) en el periodo comprendido entre marzo 1990 y marzo 1991; en el primer ciclo vegetativo del cultivo. Se evaluó el comportamiento morfológico, productivo y la fenología de las plantas durante el ensayo. No se encontró diferencia entre las vitro-plantas y las plantas cormo en cuanto a Número de hijos, Altura de planta y Área foliar, al momento del inicio de la floración, no obstante las plantas micro propagadas fueron significativamente superiores que las plantas convencionales en cuanto al Número de hojas y Diámetro del pseudotallo. El Rendimiento de las plantas in vitro fue significativamente mayor que las plantas cormo; aunque en la fecha de inicio y duración de la floración lo mismo que en el momento de cosecha no hubo diferencia entre ellos.


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Resumen: Se realizó un análisis con el fin de evaluar la respuesta de los cerdos en la etapa de recría mediante índices productivos, frente a una modificación (disminución) del primer alimento suministrado en la recría, denominado pre-iniciador (fase 1). Se tomaron los datos poblacionales del criadero y en base a ello se realizaron gráficos comparativos de los parámetros productivos sobre el presupuesto anterior (sin modificación de la cantidad del alimento pre-iniciador) y al actual (con modificación de la cantidad del alimento pre-iniciador). En lo que corresponde al impacto económico se pudo observar una significativa reducción de costos en la modificación del presupuesto con respecto al anterior de un 1,11 % en lo que se refiere a la alimentación de la recría.


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La Argentina vive, desde hace unos años, un claro desplazamiento de la ganadería hacia zonas marginales, en las cuales imperan condiciones edáficas y climáticas que son generadoras de estrés para una amplia cantidad de forrajeras utilizadas. El objetivo del presente estudio fue evaluar el rendimiento de Panicum virgatum (L.). Esta especie forrajera de metabolismo C4 fue descrita como tolerante a condiciones marginales de crecimiento. Fueron evaluados los cvs. Shawnee y Trailblazer. El experimento se condujo en dos ambientes: I) en el predio perteneciente a la Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias de la Universidad Católica Argentina (Lat.34°34´S, 58°26´O) en el cual se evaluó el rendimiento de ambas variedades sembradas a una distancia de 17,5 cm entre hileras y II) en Luján (Buenos Aires, Lat.34°32´S, 59°16´O) en un suelo Argiudol típico, evaluando solamente al cv. Shawnee a dos distintos distanciamientos entre hileras (17,5 y 35 cm). Ambos sitios experimentales se prepararon según un sistema de labranza convencional. Las siembras se efectuaron los días 3 y 5 de octubre de 2008 (ambiente 1 y 2 respectivamente) en forma manual y con un distanciamiento dentro de la hilera de 5cm y una profundidad de 1cm. El arreglo experimental consistió en un DCA con tres repeticiones. Los datos obtenidos se analizaron mediante un Análisis de la Varianza. Se tomó como criterio de defoliación una altura del follaje de 60cm y dejando una altura remanente de 15cm luego del corte En el ambiente 1, el rendimiento acumulado no difirió estadísticamente entre los genotipos estudiados en las dos campañas evaluadas. Durante el primer año, la producción (expresada en kg MS ha-1 ± EEM) del cv. Shawnee fue de 6.293,33 ± 673,42 mientras que el cv. Trailblazer produjo 5.072,38 ± 1.011,85. En cambio, durante el segundo año se observó un marcado incremento en la producción acumulada registrándose valores de 10.590,48 ± 638,31 y 8.857,14 ± 2187,41 para los cv Trailblazer y Shawnee respectivamente. En el ambiente 2, no se observaron diferencias en el rendimiento del cultivo sembrado a 17,5cm o 35 cm de distancia entre hileras. En efecto, con una separación de 17.5 cm se registró una producción de 8.302,85 ± 342,92 y 26.095,24 ± 3780,99 (año 1 y 2 respectivamente) mientras que a 35 cm se observaron 6.054,28± 1.216,01 y 29.428,57± 5.735,67 (año 1 y 2 respectivamente).Se observó la formación de estructuras reproductivas en ambos genotipos demostrando la adaptabilidad de esta especie a nuestra latitud. Los resultados presentados señalan la utilidad de continuar la evaluación de esta especie incluyendo su evaluación en ambientes donde la misma sea capaz de expresar la tolerancia a los factores abióticos generadores de estrés y su respuesta a otras variables de manejo agronómico.