909 resultados para Primary education level
Objetivo: Identificar las alteraciones espirométricas en trabajadores de las ladrilleras en el sur de Bogotá y sus condiciones sociodemográficas Metodología: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo de tipo transversal, donde se evaluaron las condiciones demográficas de trabajadores de 17 ladrilleras de 33 que conforman LA ASOCIACIÓN NACIONAL DE FABRICANTES DE LADRILLOS Y MATERIALES DE CONSTRUCCIÓN (ANAFALCO) y el resultado de la espirometría en pacientes con exámenes médicos ocupacionales en el mes de agosto de 2013 realizados por la compañía ASODER CONSULTORES IPS en Bogotá Colombia. Los datos obtenidos son descritos mediante medidas de frecuencia relativas como porcentajes y se consideró el uso de tablas de contingencia para el cruce de variables. Resultados: Se encontró una población predominantemente masculina, cuya media de edad es de 41,6 años, con un nivel educativo dada por educación básica primaria incompleta y con prevalencia del estado civil de unión libre; el 91% de la población labora en el área operativa, con una antigüedad en la empresa prevalente entre 1 a 5 años con un 44%. El 31% de los trabajadores presentó hábito de consumo de cigarrillo, y el 35% reporto practicar algún ejercicio físico. En los resultados de la espirometría el 79% presento resultado normal, el 21% mostró espirometría anormal, con predominancia de patrón obstructivo leve (17%). Conclusiones: La alteración del patrón espirométrico predomina en trabajadores del área operativa, con edad mayor a 50 años, que llevan más de 10 años trabajando en la empresa. El hábito de fumar no es un factor de riesgo directamente relacionado, pero la práctica de deporte si figura como factor protector. El patrón de alteración predominante fue el obstructivo leve, lo que sugiere la posibilidad de aplicar medidas de prevención y protección para minimizar la progresión hacia alteraciones de mayor severidad.
This paper makes use of a short, sharp, unexpected health shock in the form of the 2010 Colombian Dengue outbreak to examine the direct and indirect impact of negative health shocks on behaviour of households in affected areas. Our analysis combines data from several sources in order to obtain a comprehensive picture of the influence of the outbreak, and furthermore to understand the underlying mechanisms driving the effects. Our initial analysis indicates that the outbreak had a substantial negative effect on the health status of adults and adversely affected their ability to function as usual in their daily lives. In our aggregated school data, in areas with high levels of haemorrhagic Dengue we observe a reduction innational exam attendance (last year of secondary school) and on enrolment rates in primary education. Further analysis aims to exploit detailed individual level data to gain a more in depth understanding of the precise channels through which this disease influenced the behaviour and outcomes of the poor in Colombia.
Reconociendo la importancia que tienen las inversiones durante los primeros años del ciclo de vida, en este documento se estima el efecto de la asistencia a preescolar sobre el desempeño escolar de largo plazo, medido a través del puntaje en las áreas de lenguaje y matemáticas de la prueba Saber 11 en Colombia. Para ello, se realiza la aproximación empírica a través de la metodología de variables instrumentales. Los resultados indican que la asistencia a un año adicional de educación preescolar reduce en 0.121 desviaciones estándar el puntaje obtenido en el área de lenguaje. No obstante, se identifica un efecto diferenciado a partir de variables que dan cuenta del estatus socioeconómico de los individuos.
Resumen del autor. Resumen en castellano y en inglés. Este artículo se incluye en el monográfico 'Sistemas nacionales de evaluación'
L'escola és un dels diferents àmbits de l'Educació per a la Salut. Hi ha un ampli reconeixement de la contribució de l'escola en la promoció i la prevenció de la salut entre els escolars, així com també del paper que hi té el professorat. L'objectiu general de la recerca és: mesurar el nivell de coneixement i el paper que assumeix el professorat de les escoles de Girona amb relació al programa d'educació per a la salut a l'escola. S'ha utilitzat una metodologia quantitativa, descriptiva. La població objecte de l'estudi és el professorat de bàsica i primària de les escoles públiques i privades de la ciutat de Girona. S'ha seleccionat una mostra representativa utilitzant un mostreig aleatori per conglomerats, resultant seleccionades 8 escoles i 98 professors. Per obtenir la informació s'ha utilitzat el mètode de l'enquesta, utilitzant un qüestionari en el que s'avaluen 60 variables i es presenta amb 24 ítems. Es constata que el programa d'educació per a la salut a l'escola és a hores d'ara poc conegut pel 52,7% de la població estudiada. El 59,2% manifesten tenir poca preparació per tractar temes de la salut a classe. El 20% afirma haver tractat aspectes de salut com a activitats complementàries d'algunes assignatures, en l'etapa de formació inicial. Tot i això la majoria tracta temes de salut en la seva activitat docent i contesta a les qüestions que es plantegen. Consideren la importància del professor en el programa tant per l'edat dels escolars com pel fet de ser transmissors d'informació, en canvi no veuen tant clar el paper exemplar del professor a l'escola. S'observen diferències entre els homes i les dones, així com també entre els grups d'edat, en especial els de 31 a 40 anys. A hores d'ara no està garantida una formació bàsica en temes de salut en els futurs professors de les diferents especialitats.
L'objectiu general d'aquesta tesi fou estudiar longitudinalment l'adquisició lectora (català i castellà), de 2n. a 5è. cursos d'Educació Primària, en una mostra de 214 alumnes (101 nenes i 113 nens) d'una escola pública catalana, a partir dels resultats obtinguts en les Proves Psicopedagògiques d'Aprenentatges Instrumentals (P.P.A.I.; Canals, Carbonell, Estaún i Añaños, 1988), aplicades a principi i final de cada curs. Les P.P.A.I. valoren la velocitat i exactitud de descodificació lectora a través de la lectura de textos diferents per a cada curs, i la comprensió lectora mitjançant exercicis diferents per a cada curs (ordenar frases, executar ordres escrites, respondre qüestions sobre el contingut d'un text...). Els resultats van ser: -La majoria de la mostra, escolaritzada en català, amb independència de la llengua més parlada a casa (català o castellà), van desenvolupar progressivament i de forma similar les habilitats lectores (català i castellà) iniciades en cursos anteriors, aconseguint a finals de 5è. l'automatització dels procés de descodificació lectora en ambdues llengües. -La velocitat lectora pràcticament es va triplicar, passant d'unes 40 paraules/minut inicials a unes 130 paraules /minut a finals de 5è. - L'exactitud lectora també va augmentar i, a finals de 5è., la majoria de la mostra llegien sense quasi errors d'exactitud. -La comprensió lectora cada cop fou més elaborada i la majoria es van afrontar progressivament, amb èxit, a activitats més complexes de comprensió lectora. -En general, el desenvolupament de les habilitats lectores va ser bastant similar en els dos sexes, però a finals de 5è. es van detectar més nens que nenes amb nivell baix (descodificació i/o comprensió) i més nenes que nens amb nivell alt (descodificació i/o comprensió). -Els subjectes que es van situar en un nivell mig (descodificació i/o comprensió) a 2n., van ser els que més es van mantenir en el mateix nivell fins a 5è. En canvi, els que a 2n. mostraven nivells extrems (alt o baix), van evolucionar de forma més variable. -Es va observar que les habilitats adequades de descodificació lectora no van implicar, necessàriament, haver desenvolupat un bon nivell de comprensió lectora. I al revés, un bon nivell de comprensió no sempre va correlacionar amb un nivell correcte de descodificació. -Després de classificar la mostra en tres subgrups (mig, alt i baix) a partir dels resultats en descodificació i comprensió en català de l'última valoració de 5è., es van observar evolucions bastant paral·leles entre els subgrups en velocitat i comprensió, mantenint-se cada subgrup en el nivell que els definia al llarg dels diferents cursos. Però un 6,54% de la mostra, amb dificultats de comprensió lectora en català a finals de 5è, va experimentar, respecte la mostra i el seu propi rendiment en la primera valoració de 5è., una important disminució de la comprensió lectora a finals de 5è.
Les aules d'acollida tenen com a objectiu principal donar suport lingüístic a l'alumnat estranger perquè aquest desenvolupi coneixement de la llengua de l'escola.La tesi presenta els resultats de l'avaluació de les aules d'acollida de primària de tot Catalunya durant el curs 2006-2007. En l'avaluació es van emprar tres instruments: una prova de coneixement de català nivell A2, un qüestionari d'adaptació escolar i un qüestionari individual que recollia variables com el temps d'estada a Catalunya, el nombre d'hores setmanals a l'aula d'acollida, la llengua inicial o l'escolarització prèvia de l'alumnat. Totes les dades van ser introduïdes en el programa SPSS versió 15 i es van aplicar diferents tècniques estadístiques.Els resultats mostren que la variable que descriu millor les diferències de coneixement de català de l'alumnat estranger de les aules d'acollida és la seva adaptació escolar. Aquesta variable es mostra tan potent en la descripció dels resultats que mitiga els efectes reals d'altres variables com el temps d'estada a Catalunya, el nombre d'hores setmanals a l'aula d'acollida o la llengua inicial de l'alumnat.
Este trabalho de projeto tem como objetivo explorar as possibilidades existentes, no agrupamento vertical de escolas da cidade do Entroncamento, para a conceção de um plano de formação em contexto entre professores do 1.º ciclo e docentes de ciências físicas e naturais do 3.º ciclo/secundário, na área do ensino experimental das ciências. Deste modo, a questão de partida foi: Que plano de formação contínua em contexto é possível promover, num agrupamento vertical de escolas, através de trabalho articulado entre professores do 1.º ciclo e 3.º ciclo/secundário, potenciador de um ensino experimental das ciências? Esta investigação consiste num estudo de caso (Bogdan & Biklen, 2010), de natureza essencialmente qualitativa/interpretativa, baseado na análise dos documentos orientadores do Agrupamento de Escolas Cidade do Entroncamento, em particular no que se refere à articulação vertical dos diferentes níveis e ciclos de escolaridade. Recorreu-se, ainda, a outros instrumentos de recolha de dados, como o levantamento de recursos humanos e físicos em escolas de níveis de ensino distintos, de modo a poder racionalizar e gerir eficientemente esses recursos, e também a um questionário aos docentes da escola básica selecionada, com o propósito de aferir as reais necessidades de formação para o ensino experimental das ciências dos professores do 1.º ciclo. Este projeto evidenciou que é possível implementar um trabalho articulado interpares e interciclos, assente na partilha de saberes e de experiências educativas, sendo uma mais valia o investimento em práticas colaborativas, capazes de valorizar o ensino experimental das ciências. Por outro lado, salientou-se a necessidade de reforçar a capacidade pedagógica dos estabelecimentos de ensino que integram o agrupamento de escolas em estudo e o aproveitamento racional dos seus recursos, para que se possa caminhar no sentido de uma formação contínua contextualizada, que contribua para o desenvolvimento profissional dos professores e consequentemente para uma melhoria dos níveis de literacia científica de todos.
The chapter starts from the premise that an historically- and institutionally-formed orientation to music education at primary level in European countries privileges a nineteenth century Western European music aesthetic, with its focus on formal characteristics such as melody and rhythm. While there is a move towards a multi-faceted understanding of musical ability, a discrete intelligence and willingness to accept musical styles or 'open-earedness', there remains a paucity of documented evidence of this in research at primary school level. To date there has been no study undertaken which has the potential to provide policy makers and practitioners with insights into the degree of homogeneity or universality in conceptions of musical ability within this educational sector. Against this background, a study was set up to explore the following research questions: 1. What conceptions of musical ability do primary teachers hold a) of themselves and; b) of their pupils? 2. To what extent are these conceptions informed by Western classical practices? A mixed methods approach was used which included survey questionnaire and semi-structured interview. Questionnaires have been sent to all classroom teachers in a random sample of primary schools in the South East of England. This was followed up with a series of semi-structured interviews with a sub-sample of respondents. The main ideas are concerned with the attitudes, beliefs and working theories held by teachers in contemporary primary school settings. By mapping the extent to which a knowledge base for teaching can be resistant to change in schools, we can problematise primary schools as sites for diversity and migration of cultural ideas. Alongside this, we can use the findings from the study undertaken in an English context as a starting point for further investigation into conceptions of music, musical ability and assessment held by practitioners in a variety of primary school contexts elsewhere in Europe; our emphasis here will be on the development of shared understanding in terms of policies and practices in music education. Within this broader framework, our study can have a significant impact internationally, with potential to inform future policy making, curriculum planning and practice.
Child oral health-related quality of life (COHRQoL) has been increasingly assessed; however, few studies appraised the influence of socioeconomic status on COHRQoL in developing countries. This study assessed the relationship of COHRQoL with socioeconomic backgrounds and clinical factors. This study followed a cross-sectional design, with a multistage random sample of 792 schoolchildren aged 12 years, representative of Santa Maria, a southern city in Brazil. Participants completed the Brazilian version of the Child Perceptions Questionnaire (CPQ(11-14)), their parents or guardians answered questions on socioeconomic status, and a dental examination provided information on the prevalence of caries, dental trauma and occlusion. The assessment of association used hierarchically adjusted Poisson regression models. Higher impacts on COHRQoL were observed for children presenting with untreated dental caries (RR 1.20; 95% CI 1.07-1.35) and maxillary overjet (RR 1.19; 95% CI 1.02-1.40). Socioeconomic factors also associated with COHRQoL; poorer scores were reported by children whose mothers have not completed primary education (RR 1.30; 95% CI 1.17-1.44) and those with lower household income (RR 1.13; 95% CI 1.02-1.26). Poor socioeconomic standings and poor dental status have a negative impact on COHRQoL; reducing health inequalities may demand dental programmes and policies targeting deprived population.
Active participation of Brazilian civil society, coupled with the 2007 education development plan, launched by the Brazilian government provides an interesting example of the influences of the Dakar Goals. The two domestic initiatives share the same name, spirit and direction proposed in Dakar 2000. We analyse here changes in the Brazilian policies and indicators related to the Dakar Education Goals since its creation, we note: (i) an increase in enrolment over the relevant period; (ii) access to primary education was nearly universal by 2000; (iii) over-aged youth and adult students fell considerably during the period, but access did not expand; (iv) illiteracy has been falling at a rate which, if sustained, will enable us to meet the goal; (v) gender discrimination did not take place in Brazil; (vi) most pupil proficiency indicators have progressively deteriorated from what was already a low standard. In summary, quantity indicators did improve over the period while most quality indicators worsened.
This study was developed with the aim of analyzing the effectiveness of renal transplantation on quality of life of kidney recipients in the Rio Grande do Norte State. This is a descriptive study with longitudinal design, panel type with quantitative approach to data analysis. The Quality of Life (QoL) of chronic disease kidney patients before and after kidney transplantation was assessed by the WHOQOL-bref, The population consisted of patients in pre and post-renal transplantation, the sample had 63 patients older than 18 years. The study was conducted after approval by the Research Ethics Committee of the Onofre Lopes University Hospital, Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, No. CAAE 0008.0.294.000-10. Data collection was performed at a referral center for renal transplantation in Rio Grande do Norte, from May 2010 to May 2013. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and presented in tables and graphs. For statistical analyzes, Microsoft Excel XP and SPSS 15.0 software were used. The tests used were simple variance (ANOVA), t-test, Mann-Whitney and Wilcoxon test to compare means, and Spearman correlations. P values <0.05 were considered significant. The demographic data showed a predominance of people between 18 and 45 years (68.2%) with a mean age of 39.9 years (SD 12.2), male (63.5%), married (58.7%), with children (51.0%). Regarding the education level was observed that 49.2% of participants had completed primary school, and most did not engage in any work activity (90.4%) during the study period. Hemodialysis was the predominant renal replacement therapy (96.8%) and the average waiting time for execution of transplantation was 1.9 years (SD 1.9). Comparison of QoL before and after transplantation showed significant differences in all areas analyzed, demonstrating that kidney transplantation had a positive impact on QoL in chronic renal patients undergoing kidney transplantation. Sociodemographic factors did not influence the quality of life in this group of patients, indicating that transplantation was the main factor to explain the improvement in quality of life. Thus, the alternative hypothesis of the study was accept, that there is a significant difference in quality of life before and after kidney transplant. It is expected that the results of this study may contribute to the development of strategies to encourage organ donation and kidney transplantation process
The present study investigates and analyzes the participation of the teacher Lia Campos, during the 50 s and 60 s years, in the norte-riograndense educational organization. The choice of the period is justified because was at this the time what this teacher remained in the potiguar lands, working in favor of the education. In the search of data that informed me concerning her actions, I cover quantities as the Public Archive of the Great River of the North, Historical Institute and Geographic of the Rio Grande do Norte and the Center of Supplementary Studies Teacher Lia Campos, in the task to obtain photographs and verbal stories of friends and fellow workers, periodicals of the time, laws and decrees. Based on the primary education, the work of Lia Campos shows the relevance of the teaching formation for this level of education and the way as the ones that in it work can lead their conceptions and daily practical tasks. This way, I evidence that the cited teacher promotes, in this State, a series of activities as: survey and systematization of the school net; organization of the administrative stuff of the schools; qualifications and courses of improving for lay professors, as well as implantation of the Law of the Education nº 2.171/1957. Through this analysis I show as this teacher left printed her mark in the Rio Grande do Norte historiography by means of her actions, being therefore remembered for that they had followed her experience in norte-riograndense lands
The present study investigates and analyzes the participation of the teacher Lia Campos, during the 50 s and 60 s years, in the norte-riograndense educational organization. The choice of the period is justified because was at this the time what this teacher remained in the potiguar lands, working in favor of the education. In the search of data that informed me concerning her actions, I cover quantities as the Public Archive of the Great River of the North, Historical Institute and Geographic of the Rio Grande do Norte and the Center of Supplementary Studies Teacher Lia Campos, in the task to obtain photographs and verbal stories of friends and fellow workers, periodicals of the time, laws and decrees. Based on the primary education, the work of Lia Campos shows the relevance of the teaching formation for this level of education and the way as the ones that in it work can lead their conceptions and daily practical tasks. This way, I evidence that the cited teacher promotes, in this State, a series of activities as: survey and systematization of the school net; organization of the administrative stuff of the schools; qualifications and courses of improving for lay professors, as well as implantation of the Law of the Education nº 2.171/1957. Through this analysis I show as this teacher left printed her mark in the Rio Grande do Norte historiography by means of her actions, being therefore remembered for that they had followed her experience in norte-riograndense lands
In recent years, in Brazil, researches in the area of education have been focused on the study of the necessities of formation, by the practice of necessity analysis, to subside the continued teacher formation programs. This research on the necessity of the formation of literacy teachers in the initial years of primary education originated in our discussions in academia, regarding the issues of retention and evasion related to basic literacy teaching in Brazilian public schools. We defined as a goal: to know the necessities of the formation of literacy teachers from Odila Leite Municipal Elementary School, Natal/RN, which focuses on the literacy teaching on that level of education and in Adult and Youth Education. The object is the necessities in these teachers formation. The thesis is that the literacy teacher reveals/constructs formation necessities when speaking of her practice, when exerting said practice or even when producing teaching materials which subside that practice; in other words, when making the theoretical/practical relation related to literacy teaching. The approach is qualitative, according to which the natural environment is the source for data collection; the focus of interest is the process of knowledge construction, and fundamental importance is given to the meanings constructed by the subjects. We comprehended that necessity is a socially constructed subjective phenomenon, and that necessity analysis allows the revelation of formation objectives. We used the case study as a methodological strategy which permits: studying a well-defined entity, [ ] as well as an academic institution; the global comprehension of the phenomenon of interest; discovering what is most essential and characteristic in the object. We counted with 17 teachers, 3 of which had their teaching practices observed. We observed the school routine, analyzed the main class documents and plans and interviewed the 17 teachers. We triangulated the data obtained by the routine observation, the observation of the three teachers practices and by the document analysis, next, we triangulated this data with the data from the analyzing the interviews with the 17 teachers. Such procedures reveal formation necessities in those teachers , such as: studying child cognitive development; reviewing the concepts of literacy teaching; reviewing fundaments of written language psychogenesis; reflecting on reading practices and literature; reflecting on the practice of daily planning; reflecting on the school s material conditions and the family/school relation. We concluded that researches of this nature contribute to the orientation of teacher formation programs