942 resultados para Práticas Discursivas Imagético-espaciais
The aim of this study is to highlight the cultural identities of Spanish undergraduate students from Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia – IFRN, in integration with Universidade Aberta do Brasil – UAB, in the distance modality, built from utterances produced by them in a forum discussion online. For this, we chose to analyze the thematic forum “Using fragments of the internet is an ethical act?” generated in the first semester of 2011, linked to the Reading and Writing course. The interest of this researcher to highlight the cultural identities of these subjects, in the Virtual Learning Environment, emerged from the contact with this reality, in which it was found that the statements constructed by students were rich in positions, meanings and interactions. By producing their speeches, such subjects nurture a reflection on how we can establish meaning in the interaction created in online teaching as well as on the construction of cultural identities of the subject within that virtual space. The way students participate in the discussion forum represents learning experiences that lead to the construction of cultural identities, which determine the trajectory of the subjects, which makes the identity an ongoing process. Our theoretical reference follows the interdisciplinary approach of Applied Linguistics and is based on the socio-historical model of language, with language construed as a social practice. This study also established an interface with cultural studies, as it uses the concept of cultural identity in postmodernity. Analysis of the utterances lead to plurality, with a multiplicity of identities, as evidenced from the positioning of the subjects, some focused on the agreement, others on the disagreement, or even on the boldness. It was found also in the investigative path that these identities can be constructed and reconstructed if they are immersed in another set of historically determined social practices.
La violence a été utilisée comme un outil de maintenance du système patriarcal qui hante encore notre société. In séré et légitimé dans / par notre culture, le régime patriarcal considère la femme comme un être inférieur qui doit être subjugué et maîtrisé, y compris par la force. Cette recherche a pour d'étudier, dans les pratiques discursives et sociales, les process us de (dé) (re)construction de l’identité dans les productions de récits de femmes victimes de violence sexiste. Par conséquent, nous nous efforcerons de vérifier les études d'autres domaines tels que les études culturelles, la sociologie, le féminisme, en tre autres. De ce fait, nous croyons que ce mémoire se trouve dans les études de Linguistique Appliquée et dispose d'un point de vue interdisciplinaire (MOITA - LOPES, 2006), en plus des domaines énumérés, nous utiliserons l’analyse critique du discours, la sociologie pour le changement social et linguistique systémique fonctionnelle. Pour l'analyse autour de la posture interdisciplinaire en Linguistique Appliquée, on utilise la méthodologie qualitative/ interprétative (Magalhães, 2001). Afin d'examiner les r écits du «je» de femmes victimes de violence, nous nous sommes servie des récits exposés sur Internet, puisqu'ils sont du domaine public. Ainsi, nous avons étudié que les rapports trouvés sur l’outil « commentaire » présents dans les rapports du site G1, p lus spécifiquement, les rapports sur la violence de genre réalisés en 2014 dans deux villes du nord - est : Piauí et Rio Grande do Norte, et dans une déclaration faite dans le programme "Profession Reporter" en 2011. Pour asseoir notre recherche, comme une m éthode d'étude et de théorie sociale, nous utilisons l'Approche Sociologique Communicationnel du Discours, courant lié aux hypothèses de l’Analyse Critique du Discours (Pedrosa, 2012a). Les données montrent que les récits du «je» dans l'outil «commentaire» sont divisés en deux groupes principaux: les récits de renonciation et les récits de persistance. Nous réalisons également que les sujets se déplacent dans les sphères d'identité selon leurs contextes narratifs. La recherche nous a permis de déduire enco re qu'il y a une possibilité de changement social à partir de la narrativisation des tensions identitaires et la reconnaissance des inégalités dans les relations de pouvoir.
This study aims to present analyses of our research, documentary type, which investigates the construction of cultural identities of the Youth and Adults Education (Educação de Jovens e Adultos – EJA), level III, in a public school in the city of Natal/RN, through personal diaries produced in the school environment. In a qualitative-interpretive approach, we anchor our identity studies (BAUMAN, 2001, 2005, 2006; HALL, 1987, 1997, 2011, 2012) that bring us the idea that identities are built and rebuilt by social relations that we do. To this end, we start from a conception of language that does not require pre-conceptions because they are based on the utterance itself. Therefore, we have analyzed the utterances produced by these students from the perspective of Bakhtin Circle (BAKHTIN, 1988, 1993, 1998, 2002, 2010, 2012), which deals with the discursive construction emerging from intersubjective processes of verbal interaction, in a dialogical relationship of the self to the other, by the otherness and the heteroglossia. Moreover, our study is also guided by the guidance on speech genres (BAKHTIN, 2010) and personal journal (LEJEUNE, 2008; MACHADO, 1998, 2009). We join to Applied Linguistics (MOITA LOPES, 2006, 2009) because we believe that this research focuses on a social practice in which language plays a central role and seeks to demonstrate how the speeches of the subject students of EJA, in personal journals, are building tools not only of their identities, but also knowledge and social life of the position that this subject student takes. We conclude this work in a perception of cultural identities that are built by the subject students of EJA, because the results suggest that the identities of these students are fluidly constructed by the representation that the student makes of his or her school, of being student of EJA and how he or she is a student of this educational modality. Thus, through our work, we plan to present another look about the identity or identities of a student of EJA, pointing an insight of this subject.
Dans le contexte du cyberespace, il peut voir qu'il ya beaucoup de jeunes qui produisent des histoires de fiction en fonction de leurs univers de fiction préférés; ceux-ci sont les fanfictions. Il est remarqué, encore, qu'il ya, autour de les fanfictions, l'organisation d'une communauté discursive - constituée par des pratiques discursives de ficwriters (producteurs de fanfictions), lecteurs, betareaders (examinateurs de fanfictions) et webmistresses (administrateurs des sites ou des blogs qui publient les fanfictions). Une de ces pratiques, qui est devenu très fréquent, est le manuel de comme de faire des fanfictions. Nous cherchons, dans cette dissertation, à analyser le fonctionnement de la communauté constituée autour de les fanfictions et, plus spécifiquement, comment les ficwriters, que sont membres de cette communauté, traitent des manuels de fanfictions. Le corpus de notre recherche est essentiellement constitué par fanfictions sur Harry Potter, publiée dans les sites Floreios e Borrões et Niah fanfiction, et des textes qui se disent comme " manuel de comme de faire des fanfictions ", trouvé dans les sites et les blogs liée à fanfictions. Pour analyser ces textes, nous nous servons fondamentalement de concepts postulés par Dominique Maingueneau dans les livres Gênese dos Discursos (2008b) et Discurso Literário (2009). Notre hypothèse est que les manuels de fanfictions sont un moyen d'institutionnaliser les signes d'appartenance de communauté discursive formée autour de les fanfictions, et que cette tentative d'institutionnalisation laisse des traces dans le fonctionnement de l'instance de inscripteur: les ficwriters se positionner par rapport à ces manuels – que, dans une certaine mesure, de normaliser l'espace de l'interlangue - pour constituer le code langagier de votre fanfictions, qui affirme les signes d'appartenance dans cette communauté.
Focusing on the Nordic context, this article highlights complexities between gender equality discourse established at the societal level and discursive practice in organizations, particularly in relation to management, managing and managers. This research task is carried out by deconstructing a management text, and grounding the deconstruction in critical feminist literature. This analysis illustrates how managerial discourse is challenged and questioned by pro-egaliterian arguments in the Nordic context. However, it also demonstrates the pervasiveness of the gendered elements in managerial discourse, which relies on specific conceptions of parenthood where motherhood is constructed as problematic whereas fatherhood remains absent – and thus unproblematic. It is suggested that the ‘Nordic case’ provides a fruitful basis for similar studies in other societal contexts in Europe.
This paper aims to discuss some points on the concept of discursive formation’s formulation and application. I elaborate my point by putting in relation three French texts equally stated in Brazilian soil. Jean-Jacques Courtine, Jacques Guilhaumou and Dominique Maingueneau separately wrote each one of these three texts. Moreover, I have not randomly chosen their names: they are three authors who constitute concepts across theoretical formulations of Discourse Analysis in France, and, because of that, they are often cited in order to keep this area of knowledge in Brazil. So that my argument is justified by the need of analyzing, throughout the meeting of those three statements, an attempt to define the current status of the concept of discursive formation to the historical a priori for the Discourse Analysis’ discourse in Brazil. In order to be guaranteed of some theoretical approach, I turn my attention to the famous conference by Michel Foucault (1971), L’ordre du discours, in which he exposes four principles to examine the statement’s function of existence: specificity, inversion, discontinuity, and exteriority. Underlining the principle of specificity of a statement through the series of statements, I aim to demonstrate that a concept’s circulation does not depend on an ontological truth, or on a founding text, or on the specificity of a father; it is determined by the will to truth, which offers historical conditions to the underlying discursive practices.
This study is the result of observations and reflections that do not, and are not intended to be, deriving from a single area of scientific knowledge, or from certain sets of disciplines guided by a specific field of knowledge. Here, five points (although distinct) intersect and complement each other on the matter of (re)production of the advertising discursive practices. The first two points deal with outlines and theoretical routes related to the development of fundamental concepts of the French School of Discourse Analysis. The third point aims to make a theoretical approach between issues of discourse and copywriting techniques. Afterwards, we weave some discursive analysis, starting from a particular case study. And finally, in the section Notes on Copywriting from the discourse, we present a set of considerations regarding the problem of understanding the copywriting as a discursive practice from the perspective of the materialist theory of discourse.
The question of identity is in vogue, in social theory, in the political practices, and for sure, in language studies. In many ways and under various approaches, it has been problematized. In this paper, we are especially interested in the relationship between identity and its representation as a discursive production. The identity refers to a set of own characteristics for those the subject is recognizable and known in society, while the subject is constructed by the speeches that forms itself. Thus, under the bias of Discourse Analysis and considering the perspective of Cultural Studies, we will observe the speech about the identity of genre in some strips of Muriel, a character created by Laertes, a cartoonist who in 2009 adopted the practice of crossdressing. The choice for this subject was mainly motivated by the current thematic aspects exposed in the strips, for mobilizing various discourses and discuss, through art and humor, a remarkable and controversial experience in our society. Our goal is to observe in which ways their strips reveal a need for exposure, information and affirmation about a certain identity practice, and from that, examine the discursive practices that constitute - and also contribute - to an specific identity. We understand that Laertes’ personal experience has motivated the discourse conveyed in his recent work. An expression and exposure about his identity that tells from himself and also to himself and from many people to many others.
Faced with the perceived paradox between the scenario as sociolinguistically complex boundary and the pedagogical and educational policies that prioritize linguistic and cultural homogeneity, the objective of this article is to focus on the ambivalence of the concepts of language, culture, bilingualism and identity as concepts that guide different views toward writing hybrid "brasiguaio" students. The student, often taking as their mother tongue the Portuguese – as part of their family also uses the language of inheritance, for example, German and/or Italian - whose schooling in Paraguay focused on Spanish and Guarani languages, presents a hybrid language often stigmatized at Brazilian school, which usually leads low-esteem and school failure. The concepts presented open space to deviate attention from the idealized conception of the subject bilingual and consider that due to the characteristic muldimensional of bilingualism, the subject presents bilingual discourse practices in a constant process of mutation, and therefore also their cultural identities, which can facilitate identification with school success and distance to consider from prejudice.
In this work we consider the use of new technologies fron the Space Science and Astronautical, in the learning process, incorporating technical and conceptions of physics Spatial what can take on the response of some problems what there are a lot insistent in populate the mind of professors and followers regarding agreement of these conceptions into the level Average. Intending to bring another contribution to Physics teaching practice, especially Classical Mechanics, but introducing many introductory concepts from Modern Physics, since this topic is considered of great interest for teachers and students, for it involves high technology. It s advanced manufacturing demand certain processes that make possible the application of those concepts
The Kangaroo Program was implemented in Brazil in 2000 through the Unified Health System (Sistema Único de Saúde SUS) sustained with a humanized rethoric of health care assistance. This program adopts the skin-to-skin contact contributing to the mother-infant bond, breastfeeding and promoting security in mother s care. The users of SUS are encouraged to live in the maternity ward to follow the baby health improvement. However, it was verified in previous observations that mothers participation in the Kangaroo Program has been done through an imposed practice. Therefore, this study intended to understand the texts that permeate the kangaroo practice. This research was developed through two studies: 1) an historic exploration of motherhood concept and an analysis of how the motherhood is presented in the official document that orients the program; 2) an analysis of institutional dynamic of Kangaroo Program, emphasizing the study about the health workers everyday practice, the mothers view about their life in the maternity wards, and the attendance practice. It is highlighted that the relation between this two studies allowed the comprehension abouthow the official discourses can influence the health workers behaviors and how their viewpoint and position can shape the everyday work in a public health program. This research, supported by Institutional Ethnography, considers that people s practices and experiences are socially organized and shaped by broad social forces. The discourse method was used in the documental analysis and in the analysis of qualitative data from empiric research. The research showed that the kangaroo program has been an excellent way to save resources and to improve some baby s biologic and psychological aspects. However, this program has failed to consider the social, economic and cultural complexity of mothers and the structural limitation of the health care system. The official document uses the economic and medical approach, following the hegemonic biomedical model and the life style of the people that don t use the public health system. Consequently, the program has not been successful because it is planned without people participation. On the other hand, it was verified that although some professionals are committed with their work, the mainly does not consider mothers participation as an active process, using the institutional power as a social control to keep mothers uninformed about the possibility to leave the maternity wards. As a result, the research also showed that mothers perceive the program as mandatory and not as option that can improve pleasure moments. It is, therefore, necessary to consider the complex social determinants of health that can increase mothers participation in the Kangaroo Program. Bringing these issues into debate can be a reflective exercise on citizenship and governance, allowing spaces for the improvement of public health programs
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
New real estate launch products and closed residential spaces, occurs with increasing frequency in Brazilian cities and are based on the assumption that there is a general increase in violence, as we address urban insecurity, which involves individual coping, and privatizing adept practices of exacerbated control mechanisms. We researched deployment and appropriation of residential spaces in middle cities of Sao Paulo (Brazil). We identify social representations of the others, blamed for insecurity growing, and analyzed from everyday life perspective. We hypothesized that new forms of production of urban space with a tendency to social and spatial fragmentation, generate new practices.