1000 resultados para Popkin, John Snelling--1771-1852


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Almanac with one interleaved folded leaf and annotations made by John and Hannah Winthrop. The calendar pages are typically annotated with one or two notes at the bottom recording household activities, and a tabulation of miles traveled. The laid-in leaf includes sporadic entries about asthma fits and household activities by Hannah Winthrop, and entries on firing the household chimneys, baptisms and deaths in the community, and a bill of mortality for 1771 in John Winthrop's hand.


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David Phips wrote this letter to Colonel Jonathan Snelling from Cambridge on July 12, 1773, to inform him that Massachusetts Governor Thomas Hutchinson had requested the accompaniment of guards during his travels from Milton to Cambridge on July 21, 1773, to attend the Harvard College Commencement exercises. In the letter, Phips informs Snelling that he has issued warrants to the guards, instructing them to congregate at the Sign of the Grey Hound in Roxbury, Massachusetts at eight o'clock on the morning of the 21st. He explains that twelve other men will march, under the command of Sub-Brigadier Sumner, to the Governor's home in Milton to escort him to Roxbury, where the larger party will assemble. These heightened security measures were certainly prompted by political unrest, although this is not stated explicitly in the letter. Phips concludes by saying: "I shall order a dinner for us at Bradish's, where I hope to have the pleasure to dine with you."


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This collection of bills, sent to George Wingate while he was an undergraduate at Harvard College from 1792 to 1796, includes quarter bills, butler's bills, and bills and receipts of payment from two women, Mary Hilliard and Mary Kidder, who provided Wingate room and board ("board and chamber"). The butlers bills were created by the two men who held that position during Wingate's time as a student, John Pipon and Timothy Alden. Caleb Gannett was the steward the entire time, and thus creator of all the quarter bills. Some of the bills indicate charges for sizings and fines for punishments, and a bill from Mary Hilliard indicates that Wingate purchased candles, blank books and sheets of paper from her.


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This document lists the eleven votes cast at a meeting of the Boston Medical Society on May 3, 1784. It was authorized as a "true coppy" by Thomas Kast, the Secretary of the Society. The following members of the Society were present at the meeting, all of them doctors: James Pecker, James Lloyd, Joseph Gardner, Samuel Danforth, Isaac Rand, Jr., Charles Jarvis, Thomas Kast, Benjamin Curtis, Thomas Welsh, Nathaniel Walker Appleton, and doctors whose last names were Adams, Townsend, Eustis, Homans, and Whitwell. The document indicates that a meeting had been held the previous evening, as well (May 2, 1784), at which the topics on which votes were taken had been discussed. The votes, eleven in total, were all related to the doctors' concerns about John Warren and his involvement with the emerging medical school (now Harvard Medical School), that school's relation to almshouses, the medical care of the poor, and other related matters. The tone and content of these votes reveals anger on the part of the members of the Boston Medical Society towards Warren. This anger appears to have stemmed from the perceived threat of Warren to their own practices, exacerbated by a vote of the Harvard Corporation on April 19, 1784. This vote authorized Warren to apply to the Overseers of the Poor for the town of Boston, requesting that students in the newly-established Harvard medical program, where Warren was Professor of Anatomy and Surgery, be allowed to visit the hospital of the almshouse with their professors for the purpose of clinical instruction. Although Warren believed that the students would learn far more from these visits, in regards to surgical experience, than they could possibly learn in Cambridge, the proposal provoked great distrust from the members of the Boston Medical Society, who accused Warren of an "attempt to direct the public medical business from its usual channels" for his own financial and professional gain.


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Appendix, New Haven, 1927 (16 p.) inserted in volume.


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Plates lithographed by Peter S. Duval after drawings by Capt. Seth Eastman.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Contiene: Discurso de ingreso de José Zaragoza, con contestación de Luis López Ballesteros. Discurso de Felipe Canga Argüelles, con contestación de Antonio Cavanilles. Discurso de Salustiano de Olózaga, con contestación de Francisco Martínez de la Rosa. Discurso de Modesto Lafuente, contestación de Antonio Cavanilles. Discurso de Evaristo San Miguel, contestación del barón de la Joyosa. Discurso del Duque de Rivas, contestación de Francisco Martínez de la Rosa. Discurso de Manuel de Seijas Lozano, contestación del marqués de Pidal. Discurso de Aureliano Pernández-Guerra y Orbe, contestación de José Amador de los Rios. Discurso de Manuel Colmeiro, contestación de Antonio Cavanilles. Discurso de Cayetano Rosell, contestación de Antonio Benavides. Discurso de Juan de Cueto, contestación de Aureliano Fernández-Guerra y Orbe. Discurso de Carlos Ramón Fort, contestación de José Amador de los Rios. Discurso de Pedro Gómez de la Serna, contestación de Modesto Lafuente.


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Obra anónima atribuida a distintos autores: Capt. Cook, Joseph Banks, John Hawkesworth, Charles Solander, Richard Orton y William Perry. Misma composición tipográfica que la edición publicada en Paris el mismo año bajo el título: "Journal d'un voyage autour du monde".(Información tomada del catálogo OPALE de la BNF) Se incluye: "Vocabulaire abrégé de la langue de l'ile Otahiti" p. 241-250, "Lettre de M. de Commerson a M. de La Lande" p. 251-286 y, "Lettre de M. le B. de G.. [Bougainville] à M. de F.. [Fesche?]" p. 287-362


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Según catálogo OPALE de la BNF: obra anónima atribuida a distintos autores: Capt. Cook, Joseph Banks, John Hawkesworth, Charles Solander, Richard Orton y William Perry.