981 resultados para Plant products -- Conservation
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
A mucosite oral é a complicação oral mais freqüente nos pacientes sob quimioterapia e/ou radioterapia. Vários microrganismos podem estar presentes nesta lesão o que dificulta o seu tratamento. A propriedade antimicrobiana de plantas tem sido estudada com o intuito de confirmar cientificamente sua ação, e o possível potencial no controle de doenças infecciosas, principalmente devido ao aumento de microrganismos resistentes aos antimicrobianos conhecidos. O estudo teve por objetivo observar a ação inibidora de extratos das plantas Arrabidaea chica, Bryophyllum calycinum, Mansoa alliacea, Azadirachta indica, Senna alata, Vatairea guianensis, Vismia guianensis, Ananas erectifolius, Psidium guajava, Euterpe oleracea e Symphonia globulifera sobre cepas de microrganismos frequentemente envolvidos em lesões de mucosite oral, tais como, Streptococcus mitis (ATCC 903), Streptococcus sanguis (ATCC 10557), Streptococcus mutans (ATCC 25175), Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC 6538), Pseudomonas aeruginosa (ATCC 9027), Candida albicans (ATCC 40175), Candida krusei (ATCC 40147) e Candida parapsilosis (ATCC 40038). A avaliação da atividade antimicrobiana e a determinação da Concentração Inibitória Mínima (CIM) foram realizadas através do método de disco-difusão em meio sólido. Os extratos brutos das plantas foram testados nas concentrações de 500, 250, 125, 62,50, 31,25 e 15,62 mg/ml utilizando como solvente o Dimetil-Sulfóxido (DMSO). Os extratos de anani e de pirarucu foram os que apresentaram maior espectro de ação, inibindo o crescimento de sete microrganismos dentre os oito testados. As menores CIM foram obtidas com os extratos de anani, lacre e mata pasto. O extrato de anani foi o mais ativo tendo demonstrado boa atividade antimicrobiana (CIM abaixo de 100 mg/mL) contra sete microrganismos (S. aureus, C. albicans, C. krusei, C. parapsilosis, S. mitis. S. sanguis e S. mutans, sendo inativo apenas para P. aeruginosa). O extrato de lacre demonstrou boa atividade frente a cinco microrganismos. Mata pasto teve boa atividade contra S. aureus, S. mitis e C. albicans. P. aeruginosa foi o microrganismo mais resistente sendo suscetível apenas para os extratos de pariri e pirarucu. Dentre os extratos avaliados, apenas o curauá não apresentou atividade sobre nenhum dos microrganismos testados. Os resultados obtidos demonstraram a capacidade antimicrobiana dos produtos vegetais testados. Entretanto, estudos futuros são necessários para esclarecer os seus mecanismos de ações e as possíveis interações com as drogas antimicrobianas, visando seu aproveitamento na terapêutica de doenças infecciosas.
Herbal medicines have been widely used around the world since ancient times. The advancement of phytochemical and phytopharmacological sciences has enabled elucidation of the composition and biological activities of several medicinal plant products. The effectiveness of many species of medicinal plants depends on the supply of active compounds. Most of the biologically active constituents of extracts, such as flavonoids, tannins, and terpenoids, are highly soluble in water, but have low absorption, because they are unable to cross the lipid membranes of the cells, have excessively high molecular size, or are poorly absorbed, resulting in loss of bioavailability and efficacy. Some extracts are not used clinically because of these obstacles. It has been widely proposed to combine herbal medicine with nanotechnology, because nano-structured systems might be able to potentiate the action of plant extracts, reducing the required dose and side effects, and improving activity. Nanosystems can deliver the active constituent at a sufficient concentration during the entire treatment period, directing it to the desired site of action. Conventional treatments do not meet these requirements. The purpose of this study is to review nanotechnology- based drug delivery systems and herbal medicines.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Horticultura) - FCA
We estimate the impact of regulatory heterogeneity on agri-food trade using a gravity analysis that relies on detailed data on non-tariff measures (NTMs) collected by the NTM-Impact project. The data cover a broad range of import requirements for agricultural and food products for the EU and nine of its major trade partners. We find that trade is significantly reduced when importing countries have stricter maximum residue limits (MRLs) for plant products than exporting countries. For most other measures, due to their qualitative nature, we were unable to infer whether the importer has stricter standards relative to the exporter, and we do not find a robust relationship between these measures and trade. Our findings suggest that, at least for some import standards, harmonising regulations will increase trade. We also conclude that tariff reductions remain an effective means to increase trade even when NTMs abound.
Accelerated tropical landscape changes occurring over recent decades have produced environmental mosaics comprising remaining isolated green areas and mixed land-use types. Our objective was to study the effects of alterations in the natural landscape on the species composition and structure of assemblages of Asteraceae and their endophagous insects through comparisons between cerrado (savanna), pastures and Eucalyptus stands. We first investigated whether similarities between assemblages of Asteraceae and their insects varied among land uses or localities. Secondly, we asked whether assemblages of Eucalyptus stands and pastures are subsets of those within the cerrado. We sampled within randomly deployed transects in 15 areas. Land use was found to be an important factor in determining plant composition similarity; however, locality did not exert any significant influence. Pastures were less similar to one another, suggesting high beta diversity. Similarities among insect assemblages were correlated with plant assemblage composition, but not with land use or locality. Species of Tephritidae were distributed along localities independently of land use. High beta diversity in Asteraceae assemblages among cerrados and pastures was supported by nestedness analysis. Plant assemblages in Eucalyptus stands were subsets of cerrado, but pasture assemblages were only partial subsets. A higher degree of nestedness in insect assemblages than in plant assemblages indicated lower beta diversity within these herbivores. Our data indicate that many herbivores are specialized on widely distributed plant genera. Conservation of Asteraceae species and their flower head insects depends not only on maintenance of landscape fragments but also on the correct matching of management form and land use. Such management may contribute to reducing isolation of plant and insect species by increasing the connectivity of remaining cerrado tracts, allowing population maintenance even at low abundances.
[ES] El cuaderno de campo agrícola es un documento donde los productores agrariosregistran determinadas operaciones llevadas a cabo en su explotación. Esta herramienta debe ser supervisada por un técnico agrícola y sintetizar todos los requerimientos existentes en la legislación europea, nacional y autonómica en las siguientes materias: seguridad alimentaria; trazabilidad; seguridad en la aplicación de productos fitosanitarios; protección de aguas y suelos frente a la contaminación; protección de hábitats naturales; salud pública; condicionalidad. De esta manera, se garantiza que se llevan a cabo buenas prácticas agrícolas en laproducción hortofrutícola, respetando el medio ambiente y aportando confianza a los consumidores finales. Los modelos de cuaderno de campo agrícola existentes consisten en varias hojas con diferentes tablas que se cumplimentan en papel, con la dificultad que implica tanto para el agricultor en el registro de operaciones como para ser supervisado por los técnicos. El objetivo del presente trabajo es realizar una aplicación web que facilite al agricultor y a los técnicos agrícolas la gestión y supervisión del cuaderno de campo.
Introduction: Among all cancer types leukemia represents the leading cause of cancer death in man younger than 40 years. Single-target drug therapy has generally been highly ineffective in treating complex diseases such as cancer. A growing interest has been directed toward multi-target drugs able to hit multiple targets. In this context, plant products, based on their intrinsic complexity, could represent an interesting and promising approach. Aim of the research followed during my PhD was to indentify and study novel natural compounds for the treatment of acute leukemias. Two potential multi-target drugs were identified in Hemidesmus indicus and piperlongumine. Methodology/Principal Findings: A variety of cellular assays and flow cytometry were performed on different cell lines. We demonstrated that Hemidesmus modulates many components of intracellular signaling pathways involved in cell viability and proliferation and alters gene and protein expression, eventually leading to tumor cell death, mediated by a loss of mitochondrial transmembrane potential, raise of [Ca2+]i, inhibition of Mcl-1, increasing Bax/Bcl-2 ratio, and ROS formation. Moreover, we proved that the decoction causes differentiation of HL-60 and regulates angiogenesis of HUVECs in hypoxia and normoxia, by the inhibition of new vessel formation and the processes of migration/invasion. Clinically relevant observations are that its cytotoxic activity was also recorded in primary cells from acute myeloid leukemia (AML) patients. Moreover, both Hemidesmus and piperlongumine showed a selective action toward leukemic stem cell (LSC). Conclusions: Our results indicate the molecular basis of the anti-leukemic effects of Hemidesmus indicus and indentify the mitochondrial pathways, [Ca2+]i, cytodifferentiation and angiogenesis inhibition as crucial actors in its anticancer activity. The ability to selectively hit LSC showed by Hemidesmus and piperlongumine enriched the knowledge of their anti-leukemic activity. On these bases, we conclude that Hemidesmus and piperlongumine can represent a valuable strategy in the anticancer pharmacology.
• Background and Aims The uptake, translocation and redistribution of the heavy metals zinc, manganese, nickel, cobalt and cadmium are relevant for plant nutrition as well as for the quality of harvested plant products. The long-distance transport of these heavy metals within the root system and the release to the shoot in young wheat (Triticum aestivum ‘Arina’) plants were investigated. • Methods After the application of 65Zn, 54Mn, 63Ni, 57Co and 109Cd for 24 h to one seminal root (the other seminal roots being excised) of 54-h-old wheat seedlings, the labelled plants were incubated for several days in hydroponic culture on a medium without radionuclides. • Key Results The content of 65Zn decreased quickly in the labelled part of the root. After the transfer of 65Zn from the roots to the shoot, a further redistribution in the phloem from older to younger leaves was observed. In contrast to 65Zn, 109Cd was released more slowly from the roots to the leaves and was subsequently redistributed in the phloem to the youngest leaves only at trace levels. The content of 63Ni decreased quickly in the labelled part of the root, moving to the newly formed parts of the root system and also accumulating transiently in the expanding leaves. The 54Mn content decreased quickly in the labelled part of the root and increased simultaneously in leaf 1. A strong retention in the labelled part of the root was observed after supplying 57Co. • Conclusions The dynamics of redistribution of 65Zn, 54Mn, 63Ni, 57Co and 109Cd differed considerably. The rapid redistribution of 63Ni from older to younger leaves throughout the experiment indicated a high mobility in the phloem, while 54Mn was mobile only in the xylem and 57Co was retained in the labelled root without being loaded into the xylem.
Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior Agrária do Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Fruticultura Integrada.
Contains Notices of quarantine and Plant quarantine decisions, formerly issued as separate publications only, now published in both forms.
Includes index.
A review is given on the fundamental studies of gas-carbon reactions using electronic structure methods in the last several decades. The three types of electronic structure methods including semi-empirical, ab initio and density functional theory, methods are briefly introduced first, followed by the studies on carbon reactions with hydrogen and oxygen-containing gases (non-catalysed and catalysed). The problems yet to solve and possible promising directions are discussed. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Zr-Laponite pillared clays were prepared and used as supports of nickel catalysts for the methane reforming reaction with carbon dioxide to synthesis gas. The structural and textural characteristics of supports and catalysts were systematically examined by N-2 adsorption/desorption and X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), and transmission electron spectroscopy (TEM) techniques. The catalytic performance and carbon deposition were investigated. It is found that Zr-Laponite pillared clays are promising catalyst supports for carbon dioxide reforming of methane. The pore structure and surface properties of such supports greatly affect the catalytic behaviors of catalysts derived. Carbon deposition on catalysts was also affected by the property and structure of supports. The sintering of nickel metal and zirconia was another factor responsible for catalyst deactivation. This new-type nickel supported catalyst Ni/Zr-Laponite(8), with well-developed porosity, gave a higher initial conversion and a relatively long-term stability, and is therefore a promising catalyst for potential application to carbon dioxide reforming of methane to synthesis gas. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V All rights reserved.