994 resultados para Pedagogical psychology


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This chapter presents an inquiry learning framework that can be used as a pathway for the development of information literacy in both K-12 and higher education. Inquiry learning is advocated as an authentic and active approach that draws upon students’ natural curiosity. The pedagogical and curriculum framework incorporates three major elements: questioning frameworks, information literacy and an iterative research cycle. Models and strategies for the elements of the framework are presented and discussed. The chapter ends with an acknowledgement of the challenges associated with implementing inquiry learning.


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In this short essay I offer some “business researcher” advice on how to leverage a strong background in psychology when attempting to contribute to the maturing field of “entrepreneurship research”. Psychologists can benefit from within-discipline research, e.g. on emergence, small groups, fit, and expertise as well as method strengths in, e.g. experimentation, operationalisation of constructs, and multi-level modelling. However, achieving full leverage of these strengths requires a clear conceptualisation of “entrepreneurship” as well as insights into the challenges posed by the nature of this class of phenomena.


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The main aim of this work is to study the possibility of applying the cooperative learning approach to develop academic learning and teaching culture. In this work cooperative learning refers to a pedagogical approach that applies social psychological knowledge of group dynamics and small group teaching. Furthermore, theories of collaborative learning and organization development have been applied. Based on these theories a model of developing learning and teaching culture was developed. The model was tested in the development project that was carried out in the Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry of Helsinki University. The research questions were: How were the theories of cooperative and collaborative learning and organization development applied in the project? What kind of effects did the development project have on the learning and teaching culture? Through which kind of mechanisms did the project influence this culture? How should the development model be revised after the empirical test? The project lasted five years and the major part of the project consisted of a one-year pedagogical training course. Altogether 145 people (teachers, researchers, library staff, and students) participated in the training, two to three departments at a time. In the pedagogical training cooperative learning methods were widely used. A questionnaire was used to study effects of the development project. The questionnaire was sent to 87 people and 65.5 % answered it. Both the answers to the questionnaire and a sample of learning diaries (n=61) were used to study the mechanism of the project. A sample of the learning diaries consisted of two pedagogical training group members diaries. The frequency distributions were calculated as extrapolations from the answers to the structured questions. Furthermore the answers were classified by the main background variables. The analysis of the open answers to the questionnaire and the learning diaries were data-based. According to the answers to the questionnaire, the effects of the pedagogical training were as follows: The participants consider learning more as an active process of constructing knowledge. Furthermore they considered the individual learning styles and strategies, cooperation and motivation as more important part of the learning process than before the pedagogical training. The role of the teacher was viewed more challenging than before. Additionally the cooperation between teachers, other staff members and students had projected to increase. After the project had ended the teaching methods in the whole faculty were viewed to become varied and the teaching was considered to be more valued than before. According to the answers to the questionnaire, the project influenced through the following ways: the project stimulated the change process, provided new methods for learning and teaching, had an effect on conceptions of learning and teaching and facilitated meaningful communication with others (staff and students). The analysis of the learning diaries supported these findings. In addition, the analysis of the learning diaries deepened the understanding of how the cooperative learning methods supported positive learning atmosphere and reduced the negative effect of the status differences between the members of the group. The critical comments in the learning diaries could be interpreted as collision between cooperative and traditional teaching culture. Cooperative learning gives theory-based methods to develop academic learning and teaching culture. The approach helps the developer to create positive collaborative learning environment and gives ways to support learning in small groups, which can promote cultural change. On the other hand, to understand the whole process of organization development and promote change the theories of organizations and more sosioconstructivist theory of learning are needed. Cooperative learning, collaborative learning, higher education, group dynamics, social constructionism, organisational culture, organisation development


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Higher education is faced with the challenge of strengthening students competencies for the constantly evolving technology-mediated practices of knowledge work. The knowledge creation approach to learning (Paavola et al., 2004; Hakkarainen et al., 2004) provides a theoretical tool to address learning and teaching organized around complex problems and the development of shared knowledge objects, such as reports, products, and new practices. As in professional work practices, it appears necessary to design sufficient open-endedness and complexity for students teamwork in order to generate unpredictable and both practically and epistemologically challenging situations. The studies of the thesis examine what kinds of practices are observed when student teams engage in knowledge creating inquiry processes, how the students themselves perceive the process, and how to facilitate inquiry with technology-mediation, tutoring, and pedagogical models. Overall, 20 student teams collaboration processes and productions were investigated in detail. This collaboration took place in teams or small groups of 3-6 students from multiple domain backgrounds. Two pedagogical models were employed to provide heuristic guidance for the inquiry processes: the progressive inquiry model and the distributed project model. Design-based research methodology was employed in combination with case study as the research design. Database materials from the courses virtual learning environment constituted the main body of data, with additional data from students self-reflections and student and teacher interviews. Study I examined the role of technology mediation and tutoring in directing students knowledge production in a progressive inquiry process. The research investigated how the scale of scaffolding related to the nature of knowledge produced and the deepening of the question explanation process. In Study II, the metaskills of knowledge-creating inquiry were explored as a challenge for higher education: metaskills refers to the individual, collective, and object-centered aspects of monitoring collaborative inquiry. Study III examined the design of two courses and how the elaboration of shared objects unfolded based on the two pedagogical models. Study IV examined how the arranged concept-development project for external customers promoted practices of distributed, partially virtual, project work, and how the students coped with the knowledge creation challenge. Overall, important indicators of knowledge creating inquiry were the following: new versions of knowledge objects and artifacts demonstrated a deepening inquiry process; and the various productions were co-created through iterations of negotiations, drafting, and versioning by the team members. Students faced challenges of establishing a collective commitment, devising practices to co-author and advance their reports, dealing with confusion, and managing culturally diverse teams. The progressive inquiry model, together with tutoring and technology, facilitated asking questions, generating explanations, and refocusing lines of inquiry. The involvement of the customers was observed to provide a strong motivation for the teams. On the evidence, providing team-specific guidance, exposing students to models of scientific argumentation and expert work practices, and furnishing templates for the intended products appear to be fruitful ways to enhance inquiry processes. At the institutional level, educators do well to explore ways of developing collaboration with external customers, public organizations or companies, and between educational units in order to enhance educational practices of knowledge creating inquiry.


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"Fifty-six teachers, from four European countries, were interviewed to ascertain their attitudes to and beliefs about the Collaborative Learning Environments (CLEs) which were designed under the Innovative Technologies for Collaborative Learning Project. Their responses were analysed using categories based on a model from cultural-historical activity theory [Engestrom, Y. (1987). Learning by expanding.- An activity-theoretical approach to developmental research. Helsinki: Orienta-Konsultit; Engestrom, Y., Engestrom, R., & Suntio, A. (2002). Can a school community learn to master its own future? An activity-theoretical study of expansive learning among middle school teachers. In G. Wells & G. Claxton (Eds.), Learning for life in the 21st century. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers]. The teachers were positive about CLEs and their possible role in initiating pedagogical innovation and enhancing personal professional development. This positive perception held across cultures and national boundaries. Teachers were aware of the fact that demanding planning was needed for successful implementations of CLEs. However, the specific strategies through which the teachers can guide students' inquiries in CLEs and the assessment of new competencies that may characterize student performance in the CLEs were poorly represented in the teachers' reflections on CLEs. The attitudes and beliefs of the teachers from separate countries had many similarities, but there were also some clear differences, which are discussed in the article. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved."


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The aim of the present study was to investigate the challenges that relate to the implementation of virtual inquiry practises in middle school. The case was a school course in which a group of Finnish students (N = 14) and teachers (N = 7) completed group inquiries through virtual collaboration, using a web-based learning environment. The task was to accomplish a cross-disciplinary inquiry into cultural issues. The students worked mainly at home and took much responsibility for their course achievements. The investigators analysed the pedagogical design of the course and the content of the participants' interaction patterns in the web-based environment, using qualitative content analysis and social network analysis. The findings suggest that the students succeeded in producing distinctive cultural products, and both the students and the teachers adopted novel roles during the inquiry. The web-based learning environment was used more as a coordination tool for organizing the collaborative work than as a forum for epistemic inquiry. The tension between the school curriculum and the inquiry practises was manifest in the participants' discussions of the assessment criteria of the course.


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At the the heart of this study can be seen the dual concern of how the nation is represented as a categorical entity and how this is put to use in everyday social interactions.This can be seen as a reaction to the general approach to categorisation and identity functions that tend to be reified and essentialized within the social sciences. The empirical focus of this study is the Isle of Man, a crown dependency situated geographically central within the British Isles while remaining political outside the United Kingdom. The choice of this site was chosen explicitly as ‘notions of nation’ expressed on the island can be seen as being contested and ephemerally unstable. To get at these ‘notions of nation’ is was necessary to choose specific theoretical tools that were able to capture the wider cultural and representational domain while being capable of addressing the nuanced and functional aspects of interaction. As such, the main theoretical perspective used within this study was that of critical discursive psychology which incorporates the specific theoretical tools interpretative repertoires, ideological dilemmas and subject positions. To supplement these tools, a discursive approach to place was taken in tandem to address the form and function of place attached to nationhood. Two methods of data collection were utilized, that of computer mediated communication and acquaintance interviews. From the data a number of interpretative repertoires were proposed, namely being, essential rights, economic worth, heritage claims, conflict orientation, people-as-nation and place-as-nation. Attached to such interpretative repertoires were the ideological dilemmas region vs. country, people vs. place and individualism vs. collectivism. The subject positions found are much more difficult to condense, but the most significant ones were gender, age and parentage. The final focus of the study, that of place, was shown to be more than just an unreflected on ‘container’ of people but was significant in terms of the rhetorical construction of such places for how people saw themselves and the discursive function of the particular interaction. As such, certain forms of place construction included size, community, temporal, economic, safety, political and recognition. A number of conclusions were drawn from the above which included, that when looking at nation categories we should take into account the specific meanings that people attach to such concepts and to be aware of the particular uses they are put to in interaction. Also, that it is impossible to separate concepts neatly, but it is necessary to be aware of the intersection where concepts cross, and clash, when looking at nationhood.


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Esta tese teve o objetivo de investigar o processo de apropriação do espaço por educadores que atuam nos berçários da Creche Institucional Doutor Paulo Niemeyer. Trata-se de um estudo de caso/intervenção o qual busca entender os significados e sentidos produzidos por esses sujeitos e as transformações dos arranjos espaciais provocadas pelas intervenções ocorridas em 2008, que enfocaram a formação em serviço através da participação dos mesmos como co-pesquisadores. Partimos do pressuposto de que o espaço/ambiente é um mediador das práticas pedagógicas e do desenvolvimento infantil. Discutimos a concepção de espaço e de outras categorias espaciais (ambiente, território e lugar) a partir da abordagem interdisciplinar (Filosofia, Geografia, Arquitetura, Psicologia e Educação), e histórico-cultural, destacando o caráter relacional do mesmo. Participaram da pesquisa 22 educadores e 37 crianças dos 3 agrupamentos de berçários, além da diretora. Para a produção dos dados, foram realizados os seguintes procedimentos metodológicos: entrevista com a diretora, observação e registro em diário de bordo e fotográfico dos arranjos espaciais e suas transformações, sessões reflexivas com os educadores e aplicação de um questionário nos educadores. Os resultados indicam que as intervenções, via ações colaborativas, propiciaram mudanças significativas nos arranjos espaciais, aumentando a quantidade e a qualidade da estruturação espacial. Igualmente, esta pesquisa possibilitou a reflexão da prática pedagógica e a ressignificação do papel do ambiente no fazer pedagógico. Esperamos que esta pesquisa contribua para a melhoria da qualidade da educação de crianças pequenas e que o uso desta metodologia, da qual os educadores participaram como co-pesquisadores, possa auxiliar no processo de formação em serviço desses profissionais e também em outras pesquisas que privilegiem o víeis interventivo no contexto de investigação.


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Este trabalho de pesquisa situa-se na interface Psicologia/Educação e tem como principal proposta a investigação da produção de verdades implícitas no processo de aprendizagem e nas práticas cotidianas das escolas. Temos como marco, especificamente, a inserção do construtivismo no Estado do Rio de Janeiro no final da década de 70 e início dos anos 80 do século XX. Procuramos a partir deste marco, compreender o deslocamento que há entre uma prática centrada no ensino para os processos de aprendizagem, sendo este nosso foco de inquietação e busca. Assim, percorremos a história da educação com sua produção de verdades e práticas cotidianas, tentando construir outras possibilidades de concebermos a aprendizagem. Para isso, partiremos das contribuições de Piaget para a educação, buscando a inserção e os desdobramentos do construtivismo nas práticas escolares. Temos como questionamento a incessante padronização da aprendizagem. Procuramos encontrar outro paradigma para refletirmos sobre esse processo, voltados para uma compreensão do cotidiano na sua complexidade e potência de afecção. Ao dialogarmos com autores cujos trabalhos se articulam com a perspectiva pós-estruturalista, esperamos contribuir para a construção de novos sentidos imbricados no cotidiano escolar, rompendo com a lógica do modelo e concebendo uma aprendizagem que afirme a tensão como base das práticas pedagógicas.


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A análise em tela investiga a construção do projeto político pedagógico do Departamento de Psicologia da Universidade Estadual da Paraíba (2011), tendo como parâmetros o projeto político pedagógico inicial do curso (1999) e a produção de textos, discursos e documentos no cenário nacional que versam sobre a reforma curricular da graduação em Psicologia no Brasil. A abordagem do ciclo contínuo de políticas, proposta por Stephen Ball e a vertente analítica das comunidades epistêmicas são a base teórico-metodológica escolhida. Também há uma interlocução com o campo da Psicologia da Educação, em uma perspectiva multidisciplinar, apoiada nas contribuições de Michel Foucault sobre discurso e poder. Compreendemos, a partir desta perspectiva, que as políticas curriculares são pensadas e produzidas num processo complexo que envolve diversas ações nos contextos da influência, produção e da prática (BALL e BOWE, 1992). Ainda que o foco de nossa pesquisa seja no contexto da prática (reforma curricular do curso de Psicologia), a análise considera os outros contextos pelas relações de interdependência que há entre eles. O intervalo cronológico definido para compreensão das políticas curriculares para a formação em Psicologia (1999-2011) foi atento às definições ocorridas, neste período, as quais permitem a análise mais precisa do nosso objeto: as recontextualizações institucionais na reforma curricular da Psicologia da UEPB. Elas são analisadas a partir da identificação de dois projetos de formação em disputa no cenário nacional: um projeto generalista e outro especialista. O primeiro tem como características principais a defesa de um curso com denominação única (Curso de Psicologia), formação focada na profissionalização, substituição das antigas áreas de habilitação para ênfases curriculares, dissociação entre formação profissional e formação do professor e, por fim, extinção da terminologia de bacharel. Já o segundo defende dois aspectos que dizem respeito a reivindicação da formação do bacharel e a formação do professor. Identificamos que o projeto de formação generalista que tem como maior representante o CFP, tornou-se vencedor, no cenário nacional, tendo repercussões no contexto da prática na UEPB. Há algumas sintonias entre as diretrizes curriculares construídas para a Psicologia na universidade e as diretrizes do CFP que defendem a inclusão das práticas emergentes ao currículo da graduação em Psicologia no país. Esta constatação atesta a ação de uma comunidade epistêmica que defendeu um projeto de formação focado na profissionalização na área clínica. Assim, concluímos que, ainda que haja a definição da profissionalização como meta do curso de Psicologia da UEPB, é a área/ênfase de Psicologia Organizacional e do Trabalho que aparece como dominante; a área/ênfase de Psicologia Clínica tem suas horas diminuídas; as ênfases curriculares são correlatas das áreas de formação do PPPI (1999) e a formação do professor de Psicologia é excluída do NPPP (2011), ficando para o futuro a construção de um projeto específico para esta formação. Portanto, a reforma curricular de Psicologia da Universidade Estadual da Paraíba, apesar de pretender uma formação generalista, reproduz uma lógica especialista e o perfil do curso foca na profissionalização, mas com uma ascensão da área/ênfase Psicologia Organizacional e do Trabalho.


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A presente tese se propõe descrever e analisar as relações interpessoais entre mulheres, homens e profissionais das áreas do direito, psicologia e serviço social envolvidos na institucionalização da Lei 11.340/06, conhecida como Lei Maria da Penha (LMP), que rege hoje no Brasil os crimes de violência doméstica e familiar contra a mulher. Inicialmente é apresentada uma concisa contextualização da LMP e do campo de debate em que se insere, além das principais mudanças introduzidas por ela em relação às antigas políticas. As controvérsias que a lei vem levantando e as modificações sofridas em pouco tempo de existência, apontam para as dificuldades em se estabelecer um consenso por parte dos operadores e formuladores da lei quanto à percepção da violência doméstica e familiar contra a mulher como um crime e quanto a sua justa punição. Não só os operadores, mas as feministas também se envolveram em controvérsias teóricas em torno da distinção entre as definições de violência contra a mulher e de crime de violência contra a mulher. O esforço de se avançar na análise dessas categorias se justifica pelas dificuldades e impasses que se observam nas práticas institucionais na implementação da LMP. Essas práticas são descritas e analisadas a partir da incursão etnográfica em dois campos. No Juizado de Violência Doméstica e Familiar contra a Mulher participei de encontros de um grupo de reflexão para homens autores de violência, assisti audiências, entrevistei profissionais e dezoito homens envolvidos com a LMP. Os sentidos em disputa que os vários atores sociais constroem relativos aos conflitos violentos da intimidade ali julgados e suas relações com o exercício da(s) masculinidade(s) são discutidos. As informações do outro campo, um Centro de Referência da Mulher, provêm das observações de cenas do cotidiano institucional, do acompanhamento de atendimentos às usuárias, da participação em grupos de reflexão para as mulheres vítimas de violência e de entrevistas com duas profissionais e dezessete mulheres. É enfatizado o caráter de intervenção pedagógica das instituições que objetivam promover mudanças em caracteres considerados como de gênero de homens (a agressividade) e mulheres (a passividade) que estariam influenciando o engendramento e manutenção das violências. Nas entrevistas é ressaltado o que ecoa, corrobora, complementa, destoa ou mesmo mostra novos ângulos do que é apreendido nos grupos (confronto entre os sentidos da violência e suas relações com o que é ser homem e o que é ser mulher) e nas audiências (tendência à vitimização e à relativização dos papéis de vítima e acusado). Independente dos embates e controvérsias suscitadas, pode-se afirmar que a violência contra a mulher ingressou no mundo da lei nacional trazendo com sua institucionalização uma intensa circulação de diferentes sentidos, lógicas e moralidades que (re)modelam convenções sobre as relações de gêneros e sua influência sobre a citada violência.


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World Conference on Psychology and Sociology 2012


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Ratcliffe, M. Thomas, L. Ellis, W. Thomasson, B. Capturing Collaborative Designs to Assist the Pedagogical Process.ACM SIGCSE Bulletin Volume 35 , Issue 3 (September 2003)


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Background: Research has shown that counselling skills training in undergraduate programmes is effective. However, there is potential that premature intimacy and disclosures during triad work may impact on relationships which must be maintained out-with the counselling component of the course. Little research has examined individual pedagogical practices within training. Aim: The aim of this research was to explore the experience of the practical skills training component of a counselling course for a cohort of undergraduate students, and the impact of this learning experience. The objective being an evaluation of the use of this approach for this group and of the impact of personal sharing within cohorts of undergraduates. Method: Semi-structured interviews focusing on the experience of skills training and self-disclosure during training were carried out on 12 undergraduates taking counselling skills modules as part of their BSc Psychology and Counselling degree. Thematic analysis was carried out on the interview transcripts. Results: As a result of engagement in skills training and acting as ‘clients’ for one another, individuals perceived the formation of a positive group identity with implicit ‘rules’, but also an impact of training on relationships within the group which relied on the ability to maintain boundaries and personal identities with peers, and this influenced the learning experience. The ability to manage their engagement on the programme was dependent on ongoing support and guidance from tutors. Discussion: While this pedagogical approach appears appropriate for facilitating learning and potentially provides a rich learning journey for undergraduate students, tutors must act proactively to ensure a safe learning environment.