741 resultados para Patient care team


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Aims & Objectives - identify and diagnose the current problems associated with patient care with regard to the nursing management of patients with Sengstaken-Blakemore tubes insitu; - Identify current nursing practice currently in place within the ICU and the hospital; identify the method by which the assessment and provision of nursing care is delivered in the ICU


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This research examined the implementation of clinical information system technology in a large Saudi Arabian health care organisation. The research was underpinned by symbolic interactionism and grounded theory methods informed data collection and analysis. Observations, a review of policy documents and 38 interviews with registered nurses produced in-depth data. Analysis generated three abstracted concepts that explained how imported technology increased practice and health care complexity rather than enhance quality patient care. The core category, Disseminating Change, also depicted a hierarchical and patriarchal culture that shaped the implementation process at the levels of government, organisation and the individual.


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A Estratégia de Saúde da Família é um dos movimentos adotados pelo Brasil para o alcance da universalidade de acesso aos serviços de saúde em todos os níveis de assistência, integralidade da atenção, preservação da autonomia, igualdade da assistência, direito à informação e participação da comunidade. Com a reorganização da prática assistencial, são esperados maior resolubilidade, vínculo, acesso e continuidade da atenção, através de equipe multidisciplinar. Diversos autores vêm-se debruçando na análise da adequação desse modelo com o cuidado em saúde e sua contribuição para o bom êxito do atendimento aos indivíduos, aliviando seus sofrimentos. O município de Piraí adotou esse modelo para 100% de sua população, em 2002. Este estudo tem por objetivo analisar o cuidado oferecido no município, na perspectiva teórica da integralidade, utilizando como condição traçadora o diabetes mellitus, descrevendo o desenvolvimento do atendimento e analisando o processo de trabalho à luz dos protocolos e normas recomendadas, assim como o cuidado na perspectiva do usuário. Foram realizadas entrevistas com profissionais que atuam há pelo menos três anos na mesma unidade e com usuários cadastrados minimamente por um ano, excluindo-se aqueles com quadros mais graves. Foi utilizado instrumento padronizado e elaborado com intenção de promover relatos sobre acesso, acolhimento, vínculo-responsabilização, coordenação de cuidado, uso de protocolos, resolubilidade, autonomia e percepção de cuidado pelo paciente em três unidades da estratégia de Piraí. A partir da análise dos resultados, observamos que o acesso aos serviços de saúde qualifica a atenção, por meio do atendimento personalizado e acolhedor, percebido a partir de relatos sobre o agendamento de 1 consulta, consulta subsequente, atendimento de emergência, acesso via telefone e priorização da população que reside em locais mais distantes da unidade. Com relação ao vínculo, os usuários reconhecem as profissionais que trabalham nas unidades, o que aproxima a equipe dos usuários e contribui para o estabelecimento de relações de longa duração e efetividade da atenção. Percebe-se a responsabilidade com a vida do paciente e o foco do trabalho no indivíduo. Os usuários mantêm uma relação de confiança. Buscar autonomia destes através da promoção de trabalhos em grupos e visitas domiciliares é uma realidade, muito embora nos pareça que existe uma dificuldade de superar a transmissão de informações, pela troca de experiências, ou mesmo de entender a forma de pensar do paciente em relação a sua condição de saúde, buscando habilidades para lidar com a situação. Isso faz com que o desenvolvimento de uma organização rotineira de grupos seja algo em que a equipe encontra dificuldades. À luz dos protocolos, são constatadas a busca ativa e a realização adequada com relação ao número e aprazamento das consultas médicas. No entanto, o registro no prontuário foi um problema detectado. O cuidado ao paciente, a partir dos registros, é desenvolvido principalmente pelo profissional médico. A avaliação por parte de outras categorias profissionais de nível superior é pouco expressa. Do ponto de vista biológico, as metas estabelecidas em protocolo para os usuários são atingidas por um número restrito de usuários. Essas situações demonstram a necessidade de investimentos que favoreçam a superação desses desafios.


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Estudo descritivo retrospectivo realizado no Instituto Nacional do Câncer José Alencar Gomes da Silva, INCA/HCI-Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, (INCA- HCI-RJ), avaliou infecções por Corynebacterium sp. com ênfase nos pacientes pediátricos em tratamento nos setores onco-hematológico pediátrico e seus acessos venosos. Os resultados permitiram a elaboração de dois artigos. No Artigo 1 - Foram analisadas as bacteremias causadas por espécies de corinebactérias não produtoras de toxina diftérica, observadas em dois períodos, com intervalo de sete anos (2003/2004 e 2012/2013), totalizando 62 pacientes. No Artigo 2 - Foi realizada investigação clínica e epidemiológica de 24 casos de infecção por Corynebacterium sp. em amostras de sangue de cateter e/ou periférica, em menores de 18 anos em tratamento onco-hematopediátrico, em dois períodos, com intervalo de oito anos (2003/2004 e 2013/2014). Nos dois artigos foram avaliados aspectos clínico-epidemiológicos, tratamentos realizados, conduta em cada paciente e avaliação da susceptibilidade aos antimicrobianos das cepas isoladas. Os tumores sólidos tiveram maior prevalência em ambas análises. No primeiro artigo, as infecções por corinebactérias tiveram relação com os pacientes usuários de cateter venoso central. Após estes primeiros resultados, foi desenhado um segundo estudo retrospectivo com abordagem em pacientes pediátricos em tratamento. Cerca de 83,3% destes pacientes eram portadores de cateter venoso central de longa permanência (CVCLP). A análise microbiológica permitiu a observação da incidência de novas espécies de corinebactérias, algumas multirresistentes, além da evolução dos padrões de susceptibilidade aos antimicrobianos, com aumento da resistência a alguns dos agentes utilizados na rotina de tratamento para infecções por este grupo. Em ambos estudos C. amycolatum foi a espécie predominante. Apesar de terem sido identificadas cepas multirresistentes, todas as cepas isoladas apresentaram susceptibilidade a vancomicina (artigos 1 e 2). O uso de vancomicina permitiu preservação dos dispositivos venosos com estabilização do quadro clínico, na maioria dos casos. Na avaliação retrospectiva do segundo estudo proposto 40% dos CVCLP foram preservados, a análise comparativa dos períodos estudados revelou uma evolução na preservação de dispositivos venosos mediante o tratamento antimicrobiano orientado nos casos de infecção por Corynebacterium. A integração da equipe multidisciplinar, desde a identificação dos casos clínicos, manuseio das amostras, identificação laboratorial e os resultados, bem como na proposta de tratamento promoveu uma melhoria significativa na assistência aos pacientes e contribuiu para o sucesso terapêutico observado neste trabalho. O reconhecimento das corinebactérias como importantes agentes associados a infecções em pacientes oncológicos pediátricos pelos profissionais de saúde contribuiu para a elaboração de estratégias específicas e, conseqüentemente, para melhorias nas condutas e protocolos, bem como na terapêutica aplicada às infecções por estes agentes.


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Urquhart, C., Durbin, J. & Turner, J. (2005). North Wales Clinical Librarian project. Final project report. Aberystwyth: Department of Information Studies. Summary report, plus individual site summary reports also available from http://users.aber.ac.uk/cju/ Sponsorship: NHS Trusts in North Wales


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Durbin, J. & Urquhart, C. (2003). Qualitative evaluation of KA24 (Knowledge Access 24). Aberystwyth: Department of Information Studies, University of Wales Aberystwyth. Sponsorship: Knowledge Access 24 (NHS)


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Background: Hospital clinicians are increasingly expected to practice evidence-based medicine (EBM) in order to minimize medical errors and ensure quality patient care, but experience obstacles to information-seeking. The introduction of a Clinical Informationist (CI) is explored as a possible solution. Aims:  This paper investigates the self-perceived information needs, behaviour and skill levels of clinicians in two Irish public hospitals. It also explores clinicians perceptions and attitudes to the introduction of a CI into their clinical teams. Methods: A questionnaire survey approach was utilised for this study, with 22 clinicians in two hospitals. Data analysis was conducted using descriptive statistics. Results: Analysis showed that clinicians experience diverse information needs for patient care, and that barriers such as time constraints and insufficient access to resources hinder their information-seeking. Findings also showed that clinicians struggle to fit information-seeking into their working day, regularly seeking to answer patient-related queries outside of working hours. Attitudes towards the concept of a CI were predominantly positive. Conclusion: This paper highlights the factors that characterise and limit hospital clinicians information-seeking, and suggests the CI as a potentially useful addition to the clinical team, to help them to resolve their information needs for patient care.


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According to EUSOMA position paper 'The requirements of a specialist breast unit', each breast unit should have a core team made up of health professionals who have undergone specialist training in breast cancer. In this paper, on behalf of EUSOMA, authors have identified the standards of training in breast cancer, to harmonise and foster breast care training in Europe. The aim of this paper is to contribute to the increase in the level of care in a breast unit, as the input of qualified health professionals increases the quality of breast cancer patient care.


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BACKGROUND: Outpatient palliative care, an evolving delivery model, seeks to improve continuity of care across settings and to increase access to services in hospice and palliative medicine (HPM). It can provide a critical bridge between inpatient palliative care and hospice, filling the gap in community-based supportive care for patients with advanced life-limiting illness. Low capacities for data collection and quantitative research in HPM have impeded assessment of the impact of outpatient palliative care. APPROACH: In North Carolina, a regional database for community-based palliative care has been created through a unique partnership between a HPM organization and academic medical center. This database flexibly uses information technology to collect patient data, entered at the point of care (e.g., home, inpatient hospice, assisted living facility, nursing home). HPM physicians and nurse practitioners collect data; data are transferred to an academic site that assists with analyses and data management. Reports to community-based sites, based on data they provide, create a better understanding of local care quality. CURRENT STATUS: The data system was developed and implemented over a 2-year period, starting with one community-based HPM site and expanding to four. Data collection methods were collaboratively created and refined. The database continues to grow. Analyses presented herein examine data from one site and encompass 2572 visits from 970 new patients, characterizing the population, symptom profiles, and change in symptoms after intervention. CONCLUSION: A collaborative regional approach to HPM data can support evaluation and improvement of palliative care quality at the local, aggregated, and statewide levels.


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Systematic reviews comparing the effectiveness of strategies to prevent, detect, and treat chronic kidney disease are needed to inform patient care. We engaged stakeholders in the chronic kidney disease community to prioritize topics for future comparative effectiveness research systematic reviews. We developed a preliminary list of suggested topics and stakeholders refined and ranked topics based on their importance. Among 46 topics identified, stakeholders nominated 18 as 'high' priority. Most pertained to strategies to slow disease progression, including: (a) treat proteinuria, (b) improve access to care, (c) treat hypertension, (d) use health information technology, and (e) implement dietary strategies. Most (15 of 18) topics had been previously studied with two or more randomized controlled trials, indicating feasibility of rigorous systematic reviews. Chronic kidney disease topics rated by stakeholders as 'high priority' are varied in scope and may lead to quality systematic reviews impacting practice and policy.


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UNLABELLED: BACKGROUND: Primary care, an essential determinant of health system equity, efficiency, and effectiveness, is threatened by inadequate supply and distribution of the provider workforce. The Veterans Health Administration (VHA) has been a frontrunner in the use of nurse practitioners (NPs) and physician assistants (PAs). Evaluation of the roles and impact of NPs and PAs in the VHA is critical to ensuring optimal care for veterans and may inform best practices for use of PAs and NPs in other settings around the world. The purpose of this study was to characterize the use of NPs and PAs in VHA primary care and to examine whether their patients and patient care activities were, on average, less medically complex than those of physicians. METHODS: This is a retrospective cross-sectional analysis of administrative data from VHA primary care encounters between 2005 and 2010. Patient and patient encounter characteristics were compared across provider types (PA, NP, and physician). RESULTS: NPs and PAs attend about 30% of all VHA primary care encounters. NPs, PAs, and physicians fill similar roles in VHA primary care, but patients of PAs and NPs are slightly less complex than those of physicians, and PAs attend a higher proportion of visits for the purpose of determining eligibility for benefits. CONCLUSIONS: This study demonstrates that a highly successful nationwide primary care system relies on NPs and PAs to provide over one quarter of primary care visits, and that these visits are similar to those of physicians with regard to patient and encounter characteristics. These findings can inform health workforce solutions to physician shortages in the USA and around the world. Future research should compare the quality and costs associated with various combinations of providers and allocations of patient care work, and should elucidate the approaches that maximize quality and efficiency.


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BACKGROUND: Little is known about the constraints of optimizing health care for prostate cancer survivors in Alaska primary care. OBJECTIVE: To describe the experiences and attitudes of primary care providers within the Alaska Tribal Health System (ATHS) regarding the care of prostate cancer survivors. DESIGN: In late October 2011, we emailed a 22-item electronic survey to 268 ATHS primary care providers regarding the frequency of Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) monitoring for a hypothetical prostate cancer survivor; who should be responsible for the patient's life-long prostate cancer surveillance; who should support the patient's emotional and medical needs as a survivor; and providers' level of comfort addressing recurrence monitoring, erectile dysfunction, urinary incontinence, androgen deprivation therapy, and emotional needs. We used simple logistic regression to examine the association between provider characteristics and their responses to the survivorship survey items. RESULTS: Of 221 individuals who were successfully contacted, a total of 114 responded (52% response rate). Most ATHS providers indicated they would order a PSA test every 12 months (69%) and believed that, ideally, the hypothetical patient's primary care provider should be responsible for his life-long prostate cancer surveillance (60%). Most providers reported feeling either "moderately" or "very" comfortable addressing topics such as prostate cancer recurrence (59%), erectile dysfunction (64%), urinary incontinence (63%), and emotional needs (61%) with prostate cancer survivors. These results varied somewhat by provider characteristics including female sex, years in practice, and the number of prostate cancer survivors seen in their practice. CONCLUSIONS: These data suggest that most primary care providers in Alaska are poised to assume the care of prostate cancer survivors locally. However, we also found that large minorities of providers do not feel confident in their ability to manage common issues in prostate cancer survivorship, implying that continued access to specialists with more expert knowledge would be beneficial.


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A fundamental aspect of health care management is the effective allocation of resources. This is of particular importance in geriatric hospitals where elderly patients tend to have more complex needs. Hospital managers would benefit immensely if they had advance knowledge of patient duration of stay in hospital. Managers could assess the costs of patient care and make allowances for these in their budget. In this paper, we tackle this important problem via a model which predicts the duration of stay distribution of patients in hospital. The approach uses phase-type distributions conditioned on a Bayesian belief network.


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Objective: This Student Selected Component (SSC) was designed to equip United Kingdom (UK) medical students to engage in whole-person care. The aim was to explore students' reactions to experiences provided, and consider potential benefits for future clinical practice.

Methods: The SSC was delivered in the workplace. Active learning was encouraged through facilitated discussion with and observation of clinicians, the palliative team, counselling services, hospital chaplaincy and healing ministries; sharing of medical histories by patients; and training in therapeutic communication. Assessment involved reflective journals, literature appraisal, and role-play simulation of the doctor-patient consultation. Module impact was evaluated by analysis of student coursework and a questionnaire.

Results: Students agreed that the content was stimulating, relevant, and enjoyable and that learning outcomes were achieved. They reported greater awareness of the benefit of clinicians engaging in care of the "whole person" rather than "the disease." Contributions of other professions to the healing process were acknowledged, and students felt better equipped for discussion of spiritual issues with patients. Many identified examples of activities which could be incorporated into core teaching to benefit all medical students.

Conclusion: The SSC provided relevant active learning opportunities for medical students to receive training in a whole-person approach to patient care.


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Objectives: The Secondary Prevention of Heart disEase in geneRal practicE (SPHERE) trial has recently reported. This study examines the cost-effectiveness of the SPHERE intervention in both healthcare systems on the island of Ireland. Methods: Incremental cost-effectiveness analysis. A probabilistic model was developed to combine within-trial and beyond-trial impacts of treatment to estimate the lifetime costs and benefits of two secondary prevention strategies: Intervention - tailored practice and patient care plans; and Control - standardized usual care. Results: The intervention strategy resulted in mean cost savings per patient of 512.77 (95 percent confidence interval [CI], 1086.46-91.98) and an increase in mean quality-adjusted life-years (QALYs) per patient of 0.0051 (95 percent CI, 0.0101-0.0200), when compared with the control strategy. The probability of the intervention being cost-effective was 94 percent if decision makers are willing to pay €45,000 per additional QALY. Conclusions: Decision makers in both settings must determine whether the level of evidence presented is sufficient to justify the adoption of the SPHERE intervention in clinical practice. Copyright © Cambridge University Press 2010.