244 resultados para PPD-maleina
The process of product development (PPD) is a strategic factor in which companies seek to identify consumer needs. The relationship of the practices adopted, tools, techniques, among others, can determinate the maturity level of the company in this process. The purpose of this paper is to understand and diagnose the level of maturity of the PDP in footwear segment industry. For the case study, a company inserted into one of the largest poles of women’s footwear in Brazil, located in Jaú, São Paulo State, was researched. The diagnosis is based on the maturity levels of the unified model, reference in the process of product development, proposed by Rozenfeld et al. (2006). The application of the model assisted to diagnose the current maturity level of the company in this process, providing useful information to achieve higher levels of maturity in the PDP.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
This study aims to analyze the thermal comfort in urban areas for different land uses. The ENVImet microclimatic model has been used for urban boundary layer simulation, providing the following thermal comfort indexes: PMV (Predicted Mean Vote) and PPD (Predicted Percentage of Dissatisfaction). The chosen area covers the central area in the city of Ourinhos, located in southeastern Brazilian city, with subtropical climate. Four simulations were accomplished: an area with real buildings and vegetation on site, a “grassy” area where buildings have been replaced by grass in the central area, another grassy area, known as “grass/tree”, with additional trees in, and a final area called “Park” also grassy, where trees were added all over the area. The structures which showed thermal comfort within the ISO 7730 standards were the grassy area with no trees at 9 a.m., and a paved area, as well as the park area at 3 p.m. Other situations have presented values of PMV and PPD off the limits required by the rules; they were very close to those values. The only point that presented a far cry from the comfort required was the spot in the asphalt at 9 a.m. The other situations showed PMV and PPD values not far from the limits of comfort. Only the point on the asphalt showed values far from the limit of comfort at 9 a.m.
Pós-graduação em Ciências da Motricidade - IBRC
White-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) have recently emerged as a source of Mycobacterium bovis infection for cattle within North America. The objective of this study was to evaluate the antibody response of M. bovis–infected deer to crude mycobacterial antigens. Deer were experimentally inoculated with M. bovis strain 1315 either by intratonsilar instillation or by exposure to M. bovis–infected (i.e., in contact) deer. To determine the time course of the response, including the effects of antigen administration for comparative cervical skin testing, serum was collected periodically and evaluated by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for immunoglobulin (i.e., IgG heavy and light chains) reactivity to mycobacterial antigens. The reactivity to M. bovis purified protein derivative (PPDb) exceeded (P < 0.05) the reactivity to M. avium PPD (PPDa) only after in vivo administration of PPDa and PPDb for comparative cervical testing of the infected deer. The mean immunoglobulin response, as measured by ELISA, of intratonsilar-inoculated deer to a proteinase K–digested whole-cell sonicate (WCS-PK) of M. bovis strain 1315 exceeded (P < 0.05) the mean of the prechallenge responses to this antigen at approximately 1 month after inoculation and throughout the remainder of the study (i.e., ~11 months). This response also exceeded (P < 0.05) that of the uninfected deer. Although this is encouraging, further studies are necessary to validate the use of the proteinase K–digested M. bovis antigens in the antibody-based assays of tuberculosis.
Pós-graduação em Ciências da Motricidade - IBRC
OBJECTIVE: To estimate the prevalences of tuberculosis and latent tuberculosis ill inmates. METHODS: Observational study was carried out with inmates of a prison and a jail in the State of Sao Paulo, Southeastern Brazil, between March and December of 2008. Questionnaires were used to collect sociodemographic and epidemiological data. Tuberculin skin testing was administered (PPD-RT23-2TU/0.1 mL), and the following laboratory tests were also performed: sputum smear examination, sputum culture, identification of strains isolated and drug susceptibility testing. The variables were compared using Pearson's chi-square (chi(2)) association test, Fisher's exact test and the proportion test. RESULTS: Of the 2,435 inmates interviewed, 2,237(91.9%) agreed to submit to tuberculin skin testing and of these, 73.0% had positive reactions. The prevalence of tuberculosis was 830.6 per 100,000 inmates. The coefficients of prevalence were 1,029.5/100,000 for inmates of the prison and 525.7/100,000 for inmates of the jail. The sociodemographic characteristics of the inmates in the two groups studied were similar; most of the inmates were young and single with little schooling. The epidemiological characteristics differed between the prison units, with the number of cases of previous tuberculosis and of previous contact with the disease greater in the prison and coughing, expectoration and smoking more common in the jail. Among the 20 Mycobacterium tuberculosis strains identified, 95.0% were sensitive to anti-tuberculosis drugs, and 5.0% were resistant to streptomycin. CONCLUSIONS: The prevalences of tuberculosis and latent tuberculosis were higher in the incarcerated population than in the general population, and they were also higher in the prison than in the jail.
Aims: Guided tissue regeneration (GTR) and enamel matrix derivatives (EMD) are two popular regenerative treatments for periodontal infrabony lesions. Both have been used in conjunction with other regenerative materials. We conducted a Bayesian network meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials on treatment effects of GTR, EMD and their combination therapies. Material and Methods: A systematic literature search was conducted using the Medline, EMBASE, LILACS and CENTRAL databases up to and including June 2011. Treatment outcomes were changes in probing pocket depth (PPD), clinical attachment level (CAL) and infrabony defect depth. Different types of bone grafts were treated as one group and so were barrier membranes. Results: A total of 53 studies were included in this review, and we found small differences between regenerative therapies which were non-significant statistically and clinically. GTR and GTR-related combination therapies achieved greater PPD reduction than EMD and EMD-related combination therapies. Combination therapies achieved slightly greater CAL gain than the use of EMD or GTR alone. GTR with BG achieved greatest defect fill. Conclusion: Combination therapies performed better than single therapies, but the additional benefits were small. Bayesian network meta-analysis is a promising technique to compare multiple treatments. Further analysis of methodological characteristics will be required prior to clinical recommendations.
INTRODUCTION: Depressive disorders (DDs) are very prevalent disorders particularly in women, a high-risk gender group. Determining the risk and protective factors associated with the development of DDs is fundamental to planning preventive and therapeutic strategies. In this study, we evaluated the correlations between healthy maternal attachment and the development of DDs in adulthood. METHODS: We evaluated 52 women at 6 months to 1 year after premature childbirth at Maternidade Vila Nova Cachoeirinha. They were evaluated using the following instruments: Brazilian Criteria of Economic Classification,Parental Bonding Inventory (PBI),Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale (CES-D), and Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS). Cut-off scores on the CES-D and EPDS were used to classifythe subjects as currently having a DD or having probable postpartum disorder (PPD) after childbirth. Multiple logistic regression was used to evaluate the risk factors associated with DDs. RESULTS: We found that 49.1% of the sample had a current depressive episode, and 73.6% had probable PPD. Based on logistic regression, current depression (odds ratio = 1.092 [confidence interval: 1.005; 1.186]), and a PPD (odds ratio = 1.108 [confidence interval: 1.011; 1.21]) were negatively correlated with affective maternal relationships. CONCLUSIONS: Women who reported healthy attachment with their mothers did not develop DDs when faced with stressful situations such as premature childbirth.
Att bli förälder är en viktig händelse för alla kvinnor liksom deras män. Men några kan känna sig oförberedda, känslomässigt labil, oroliga och osäkra under den första tiden efter förlossningen. Nya åtaganden och ansvar som medföljer föräldraskapet kan påverka det psykiska välbefinnandet och kan utvecklas till en postpartum depression (PPD). PPD drabbar cirka 13 procent av alla kvinnor som har fött barn. Det som kännetecknar PPD är nedstämdhet, irritabilitet, känsla av hopplöshet, orkeslöshet, sömnproblem, koncentrationssvårigheter, ångest attacker, osäkerhet, likgiltighet och suicidtankar. Litteraturstudiens syfte var att undersöka vikten av en tidig upptäckt av PPD hos kvinnor och skapa kunskap i syfte att förbättra omvårdnaden. Blivande föräldrar behöver inte bara information om själva förlossningen utan också de förändringar som sker tiden efter partus. Databassökningen gjordes i Cinahl, PubMed, och PsycInfo. Sjutton vetenskapliga artiklar inkluderades och granskades med hjälp av SBU-granskningsmall. Analysen resulterade i tre kategorier, vikten av tidig upptäckt, hur familjens hälsa påverkas och hur vårdpersonal kan hjälpa. PPD har negativa effekter, inte bara på kvinnan själv, utan även på hela familjen. Det framkom tydligt hur viktigt kunskapsutvecklingen hos vårdpersonalen är för att kunna bryta PPD i ett tidigt skede. PPD är fortfarande ett relativt ”bortglömt tillstånd” då den nyförlösta kvinnan behöver kunnig vårdpersonal för att identifiera och förstå svårigheterna vid PPD.
La ricerca si è focalizzata su due degli aspetti di interesse odontoiatrico più diffusi: la carie dentaria e la parodontite cronica. Il problema della carie dentaria è stato studiato in una popolazione di 39 soggetti affetti da cardiopatia congenita in cui la scarsa igiene orale è fattore di rischio per problematiche di salute generale e soprattutto per lo sviluppo di endocardite infettiva. I dati osservati e confrontati con quelli di un omogeneo gruppo di controllo dimostrano che nella dentatura decidua questi bambini hanno più denti cariati, come dimostrato dalla significativa differenza dell'indice dmft. Nella dentatura permanente non si osservano differenze tra i due gruppi. La carica microbica totale rilevata nella saliva e la presenza di Streptococcus mutans non mostrano differenze tra i due gruppi. I problemi di parodontite cronica sono stati studiati in un gruppo di 352 soggetti italiani adulti in cui si è definita la prevalenza dei 6 più importanti patogeni parodontali e la possibile correlazione con parametri clinici (pus, sanguinamento al sondaggio - BOP, profondità di sondaggio della tasca parodontale – PPD). Tra le 6 specie batteriche ricercate, quello di più frequente riscontro è stato Fusobacterium nucleatum (95%), mentre quello con carica batterica più alta è stato Tannerella forsythia. La carica batterica di Porphyromonas gingivalis, Treponema denticola, Tannerella forsythia e Fusobacterium nucleatum ha mostrato una correlazione diretta con il BOP e la presenza di pus. Inoltre, si è riscontrato che la carica batterica di tutte le specie (tranne Aggregatibacterium actinomycetemcomitans) aumenta all'aumentare del PPD. Tra le variabili studiate, PPD rappresenta il più importante fattore di rischio per la presenza di parodontopatogeni, mentre BOP è un indicatore di rischio per la ricerca del complesso rosso.
Sono stati sintetizzati diversi copolimeri con struttura a blocchi o di tipo statistico aventi struttura e pesi medi molecolari controllati utilizzando polimerizzazioni radicaliche viventi (ATRP). Questi polimeri solitamente esibiscono proprietà superiori rispetto a polimeri con struttura non controllata e alta polidispersità. Alcuni dei polimeri sono stati ottenuti polimerizzando un monomero metacrilico sintetizzato tramite esterificazione di una miscela commerciale costituita da alcoli alifatici a diversa lunghezza di catena. Per fare ciò è stata studiata la polimerizzazione controllata di monomeri metacrilici a diverso peso molecolare, dimostrando che la reattività dipende dalla lunghezza della catena laterale. I nuovi copolimeri ottenuti sono stati caratterizzati tramite 1H-NMR, DSC, TGA, GPC ed IR.
La nostra tesi propone un progetto di riqualificazione funzionale ed energetica di una porzione dell’area dismessa delle Ex Officine Reggiane a Reggio Emilia che comprende uno spazio scoperto di circa 42.500 m2 e un fabbricato, nel quale proponiamo di realizzare il museo delle officine, spazi per esposizioni temporanee e il nuovo polo archivistico di Reggio Emilia. Le Officine Meccaniche Reggiane sono state un polo industriale di particolare rilevanza a livello nazionale ed internazionale, diventando negli anni ’40 la quarta potenza industriale italiana dopo Fiat,Ansaldo e Breda. Dismesse dal 2009, si presentano oggi come un’area abbandonata di ben 260.000 m2 nella quale convivono la memoria e la speranza futura di rilancio della città di Reggio Emilia nel panorama europeo. Sulle tracce dei progetti già messi in atto dall’Amministrazione comunale, abbiamo fornito una proposta progettuale che consideri le vocazioni funzionali dell’area e le strategie energetiche possibili per rendere il progetto sostenibile sia dal punto di vista ambientale che dal punto di vista economico. Il lavoro è partito dalla definizione di un quadro conoscitivo dell’area attraverso una prima fase di analisi a livello territoriale e microclimatico servendosi per queste ultime del software di simulazione in regime dinamico ENVI-met. Questa prima fase si è conclusa con l’elaborazione di un masterplan, in seguito al quale ci siamo soffermate sul progetto di riqualificazione del capannone 15 e del grande spazio vuoto antistante ad esso. L’intervento sul costruito si può riassumere in tre parole chiave: conservare, aggiornare, integrare. Abbiamo scelto infatti di mantenere la robusta e ritmata struttura in acciaio, ripensare l’involucro edilizio in termini di una maggiore efficienza energetica e confinare i locali climatizzati in volumi autoportanti, garantendo, nell’atrio, condizioni di comfort termico accettabili unicamente attraverso strategie energetiche passive. Per verificare l’effettiva opportunità della soluzione ipotizzata ci siamo servite del software di simulazione fluidodinamica IES VE, il quale, attraverso la simulazione oraria del cambiamento dei parametri ambientali più rilevanti e degli indicatori di benessere (PMV, Comfort index, PPD..), ha confermato le nostre aspettative verificando che non è necessario intervenire con l’introduzione di sistemi di climatizzazione convenzionale. Per quanto riguarda i padiglioni entro i quali sono pensate le attività di servizio e supporto al museo e l’archivio, è stata verificata la soddisfacente prestazione energetica raggiunta attraverso l’utilizzo del software Termolog Epix5, il quale ha attestato che essi rientrano nella classe A con un consumo energetico di 4,55 kWh/m3annuo.
BACKGROUND: There are still limited data on the outcomes of regenerative periodontal surgery using a combination of an enamel matrix protein derivative (EMD) and autogenous bone (AB). AIM: To evaluate the healing of deep intrabony defects treated with either a combination EMD+AB or EMD alone. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Forty patients with advanced chronic periodontitis, with one deep intrabony defect, were randomly treated with either EMD+AB (test) or EMD (control). Clinical assessments were performed at baseline and at 1 year after treatment. The primary outcome variable was relative attachment level (RAL). RESULTS: Healing was uneventful in all patients. The test sites showed a reduction in the mean probing pocket depth (PPD) of 5.6 +/- 0.9 mm (p<0.001), a gain in the mean RAL of 4.2 +/- 1.1 mm (p<0.001) and a gain in the mean probing bone level (PBL) of 3.9 +/- 1.0 mm (p<0.001). The control group displayed a mean PPD reduction of 4.6 +/- 0.4 mm (p<0.001), a mean RAL gain of 3.4 +/- 0.8 mm (p<0.001) and a mean PBL gain of 2.8 +/- 0.8 mm (p<0.001). RAL gains of > or =4 mm were measured in 90% of the test defects and in 55% of the controls. PBL gains of > or =4 mm were obtained in 85% of the test defects and in 25% of the control ones. The test treatment resulted in statistically higher PPD reductions, RAL gains and PBL gains compared with the control (p<0.01). CONCLUSIONS: Within their limits, the present results indicate that: (i) at 1 year after surgery, both therapies resulted in statistically significant clinical improvements compared with baseline and (ii) although the combination of EMD+AB resulted in statistically significant higher soft and hard tissue improvements compared with treatment with EMD, the clinical relevance of this finding is unclear.
BACKGROUND: Chlorhexidine (CHX) rinsing after periodontal surgery is common. We assessed the clinical and microbiological effects of two CHX concentrations following periodontal surgery. MATERIALS AND METHODS: In a randomized, controlled clinical trial, 45 subjects were assigned to 4 weeks rinsing with a 0.05 CHX/herbal extract combination (test) or a 0.1% CHX solution. Clinical and staining effects were studied. Subgingival bacteria were assessed using the DNA-DNA checkerboard. Statistics included parametric and non-parametric tests (p<0001 to declare significance at 80% power). RESULTS: At weeks 4 and 12, more staining was found in the control group (p<0.05 and p<0.001, respectively). A higher risk for staining was found in the control group (crude OR: 2.3:1, 95% CI: 1.3 to 4.4, p<0.01). The absolute staining reduction in the test group was 21.1% (9 5% CI: 9.4-32.8%). Probing pocket depth (PPD) decreases were significant (p<0.001) in both groups and similar (p=0.92). No rinse group differences in changes of bacterial counts for any species were found between baseline and week 12. CONCLUSIONS: The test CHX rinse resulted in less tooth staining. At the study endpoint, similar and high counts of periodontal pathogens were found.