144 resultados para PECTINA


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Microparticelle a base di complessi polielettrolitici di Chitosano/Pectina per il rilascio nasale di Tacrina cloridrato. Lo scopo di questo studio è stata la ricerca di nuove formulazioni solide per la somministrazione nasale di Tacrina cloridrato allo scopo di ridurre l’eccessivo effetto di primo passaggio epatico ed aumentarne la biodisponibilità a livello del Sistema Nervoso Centrale. La Tacrina è stata incapsulata in microparticelle mucoadesive a base di complessi elettrolitici di chitosano e pectina. Le microparticelle sono state preparate mediante due diversi approcci tecnologici (spray-drying e spray-drying/liofilizzazione) e analizzate in termini di caratteristiche dimensionali, morfologiche e chimico-fisiche. Nanoparticelle di Chitosano reticolate con Sodio Cromoglicato per il trattamento della rinite allergica. Il Sodio Cromoglicato è uno dei farmaci utilizzati per il trattamento della rinite allergica. Come noto, la clearance mucociliare provoca una rapida rimozione dei farmaci in soluzione dalla cavità nasale, aumentando così il numero di somministrazioni giornaliere e, di conseguenza, riducendo la compliance del paziente. Per ovviare a tale problema, si è pensato di includere il sodio cromoglicato in nanoparticelle di chitosano, un polimero capace di aderire alla mucosa nasale, prolungare il contatto della formulazione con il sito di applicazione e ridurre il numero di somministrazioni giornaliere. Le nanoparticelle ottenute sono state caratterizzate in termini di dimensioni, resa, efficienza di incapsulazione e caricamento del farmaco, potenziale zeta e caratteristiche mucoadesive. Analisi quantitativa di Budesonide amorfa tramite calorimetria a scansione differenziale. È stato sviluppato un nuovo metodo quantitativo allo stato solido basato sulla Calorimetria a Scansione Differenziale (DSC) in grado di quantificare in modo selettivo e accurato la quantità di Budesonide amorfa presente in una miscela solida. Durante lo sviluppo del metodo sono stati affrontati problemi relativi alla convalida di metodi analitici su campioni solidi quali la miscelazione di polveri solide per la preparazione di miscele standard e il calcolo della precisione.


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La presente tesi di laurea tratta la valorizzazione degli scarti della lavorazione degli agrumi. Tutti i processi di trasformazione utilizzati nell’industria agrumaria danno origine a tre prodotti principali: succo, olio essenziale e pastazzo; il terzo, sottoprodotto a basso valore o scarto di lavorazione, è una biomassa vegetale costituita da scorze, detriti di polpa, semi e frutti di scarto. Questo lavoro si è concentrato su due aspetti fondamentali: lo studio dei possibili utilizzi del pastazzo di agrumi, che si può considerare una fonte di sostanze ad alto valore aggiunto, e la valorizzazione di tale sottoprodotto mediante digestione anaerobica per la produzione di biogas. La composizione chimica degli scarti della lavorazione degli agrumi offre ampie possibilità di utilizzazione: come alimento zootecnico, per la produzione di compost, per l’estrazione di pectina, fibre alimentari e oli essenziali, per il recupero di limonene e per produrre bioetanolo. Infine di recente il pastazzo è stato individuato come componente nella produzione di biogas, attraverso la digestione anaerobica; ciò risulta coerente con il quadro normativo riguardante gli incentivi per la produzione di biogas. E' stato analizzato un caso pratico, l’impianto di produzione di biogas alimentato a biomasse, situato in Sicilia, in contrada Nuova Scala a Mussomeli (CL); l’impianto ha una potenza di 999 KW ed è attivo dal 31 Dicembre 2012. In generale, affinchè si realizzi un corretto dimensionamento di un impianto di produzione di biogas, è necessario conoscere il potenziale metanigeno, che esprime la quantità di biogas metano massimo potenzialmente ottenibile da una biomassa, e la quantità di biomasse disponibili. In particolare, per l’impianto in questione, sono stati elaborati dati relativi alle analisi chimiche condotte sulle singole matrici in input all’impianto, sulla base delle quali è possibile dare un primo giudizio di fermentescibilità dei vari substrati e della rispettiva resa in biogas.


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El arándano (Vacinium corymbosum) es un fruto muy apreciado debido a sus propiedades nutricionales, bajo valor energético y alto contenido de antioxidantes. Su remanente no exportable es destinado a la industria local para la elaboración de zumos, siendo una fuente potencial de pectinas. El presente estudio tuvo como objetivos: medir la influencia del pH 2,0; 2,75 y 3,36 natural y el tiempo de calentamiento entre 60 y 90 minutos a 90°C, sobre la extracción de pectina de arándano por medio de una hidrólisis ácida; evaluar la calidad de la pectina mediante el grado de esterificación; elaborar y evaluar desde el aspecto sensorial las gelatinas provenientes de pectinas extraídas a 35°, 50° y 65°Brix. El mayor rendimiento de pectina, 0,93% (p/p), se obtuvo a pH 2,0 y en 90 minutos. El grado de esterificación no superó el 50% en la mayoría de los tratamientos, clasificando las pectinas como de "bajo metoxilo". Los geles elaborados a 50°Brix tuvieron un mayor nivel de aceptabilidad por los panelistas, clasificándolos como "me gusta levemente". En relación con el atributo sensorial color de los geles elaborados, fue evaluado por los panelistas como "pálido", dado el leve color de las pectinas utilizadas.


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La presente tesis constituye un avance en el estudio de los métodos para cuantificar la fibra soluble y los efectos de las fracciones de fibra y las fuentes de fibra sobre la digestión de las diferentes fracciones de fibra (soluble e insoluble) en el conejo. Hay un efecto positivo de la fibra soluble sobre la salud intestinal de los conejos y, por ende, una reducción de la mortalidad en animales destetados. Pese a esto, no está claro si estos efectos se deben específicamente a la fracción soluble. Por lo que los objetivos generales de esta tesis fueron: 1) comparar diferentes metodologías químicas e in vitro para cuantificar la fibra soluble y estudiar las posibles interferencias en la cuantificación de la fibra soluble por las mucinas, y viceversa, 2) determinar los efectos de la fibra, el lugar de fermentación, el método para valorar la fibra soluble e insoluble, y la corrección de la fibra soluble por el contenido intestinal de mucinas sobre la digestibilidad de las distintas fracciones de la fibra y 3) evaluar los efectos individuales de las fracciones soluble e insoluble de la fibra de pulpa de remolacha y de manzana, sobre la digestibilidad de la fibra soluble e insoluble y los parámetros digestivos. Para ello se llevaron a cabo 4 estudios. En el primer estudio se compararon diferentes metodologías químicas e in vitro para valorar la fibra soluble de diferentes alimentos y se estudió la posible interferencia en la determinación de la fibra soluble y mucinas. Para ello se utilizaron seis ingredientes (pulpa de remolacha, pectinas de pulpa de remolacha, pulpa de remolacha lavada, paja de cereal, cascarilla de girasol y lignocelulosa) y siete piensos de conejos con diferentes niveles de fibra soluble. En un primer experimento se analizó la fibra dietética total (FDT), la fibra dietética insoluble (FDI), la fibra dietética soluble (FDS), la fibra neutro detergente corregida por cenizas y proteínas (aFNDmo-pb), y la digestibilidad in vitro 2 pasos pepsina/pancreatina (residuo corregido por cenizas y proteína, ivMSi2) de los ingredientes y piensos. Además la fibra soluble se calculó mediante la diferencia entre FDT-FDI (FDSFDI), FDT- ivMSi2 (FDSivMSi2), y FDT - aFNDmo-pb (FDSaFNDmo-pb). Cuando la fibra soluble se determinó directamente como FDS o se calculó como FDT-FDI no se observaron diferencias (109 g/kg MS, en promedio). Sin embargo, cuando la fibra soluble se calculó como FDT - aFNDmo-pb su valor fue un 40% menor (153 g/kg MS. P < 0,05), mientras que la FDSFDI (124 g/kg MS) no fue diferente a ninguna de las otras metodologías. La correlación entre los tres métodos fue elevada (r > 0,96. P < 0,001. n = 13), pero disminuyó o incluso desapareció cuando la pulpa o las pectinas de la remolacha fueron excluidas del análisis. En un segundo experimento, se comparó el método ivDMi2 usando crisoles (método de referencia) con una modificación del mismo usando bolsas ANKOM digeridas individualmente o en colectivo para simplificar la determinación de la FDSivMSi2. La FDSivMSi2 no difirió entre los métodos comparados. En un tercer experimento, se analizó la posible interferencia entre la determinación de la fibra soluble y las mucinas intestinales. Se observó un contenido de FDT y de mucinas elevado en las muestras de pectinas de remolacha (994 y 709 g/kg MS), así como en el moco intestinal de conejo (571 y 739 g/kg MS) cuando se aplicó el método de mucinas por precipitación con etanol. Sin embargo, después de aplicar una pectinasa en el material precipitado, la cantidad de mucinas recuperadas en las muestras de pectinas de remolacha fue cercana a cero, mientras que en el moco intestinal fue similar a los resultados previos al uso de la enzima. Con los resultados de este ensayo se estimaron los carbohidratos de mucinas retenidos en los contenidos digestivos y se propuso una corrección para la determinación de la digestibilidad de la FDT y fibra soluble. En conclusión, la contaminación de las mucinas de la digesta con fibra soluble se soluciona usando pectinasas. El segundo estudio se centró en estudiar: 1) el efecto del tipo de fibra, 2) el sitio de fermentación, 3) el método para cuantificar fibra y 4) la corrección por mucinas sobre la digestibilidad de la fibra. Para ello se formularon tres piensos con diferentes niveles de fibra soluble (FDT-aFNDmo-pb). Un pienso bajo en fibra soluble (LSF. 85 g/kg DM), un pienso medio en fibra soluble (MSF. 102 g/kg DM), y un pienso alto en fibra soluble (HSF. 145 g/kg DM). Estos piensos se obtuvieron reemplazando un 50% del heno del alfalfa en el pienso MSF por una mezcla de pulpa de manzana y remolacha (HSF) o por una mezcla de cascarilla de avena y proteína de soja (LSF). Se utilizaron 30 conejas canuladas para determinar la digestibilidad ileal y fecal. La digestibilidad cecal se calculó mediante diferencia entre la digestibilidad fecal e ileal. La fibra insoluble se determinó como aFNDmo-pb, IDF, e ivMSi2, mientras que la fibra soluble se calculó como FDSFDI, FDSaFNDmo-pb, y FDSivMSi2. La digestibilidad de la FDT y la fibra soluble se corrigieron por las mucinas. La concentración de mucinas en la digesta ileal y fecal, aumento desde el grupo LSF hasta el grupo con el pienso HSF (P < 0,01). La corrección por mucinas aumentó las digestibilidades de la FDT y la fibra soluble a nivel ileal, mientras que a nivel cecal las redujo. (P < 0.01). El coeficiente de digestibilidad ileal de FDT aumentó desde el grupo LSF al grupo HSF (0,12 vs. 0,281. P < 0,01), sin diferencias en el coeficiente de digestibilidad cecal (0,264), por lo que la tendencia a nivel fecal entre los grupos se mantuvo. El coeficiente de digestibilidad ileal de la fibra insoluble aumento desde el grupo con el pienso LSF al grupo con el pienso HSF (0,113 vs. 0,210. P < 0,01), sin diferencias a nivel cecal (0,139) y sin efecto del método usado, resultando en una digestibilidad elevada a nivel fecal, con tendencias similares a las observadas a nivel ileal. El coeficiente de digestibilidad de la FND fue elevada en comparación con la FDI o la ivMSi2 (P > 0.01). El coeficiente de la digestibilidad ileal de la fibra soluble fue mayor en el grupo LSF respecto al grupo LSF (0,436 vs. 0,145. P < 0,01) y el método no afectó a esta determinación. El coeficiente de la digestibilidad cecal de la fibra soluble se redujo desde el grupo LSF hasta el grupo HSF (0,721 vs. 0,492. P < 0,05). El valor más bajo de digestibilidad cecal y fecal de fibra soluble fue medido con el método FDSaFNDmo-pb (P < 0,01). Se observó una alta correlación entre las digestibilidades de la fibra soluble determinada como FDSFDI, FDSaFNDmo-pb, y FDSivMSi2, por lo tanto la información proporcionada por una u otra metodología fueron similares. Sin embargo, cuando se compararon con efectos fisiológicos (producción de mucinas y peso del ciego y pH del ciego de un trabajo previo), la FDSaFNDmo-pb globalmente mostró estar mejor correlacionado con estos parámetros fisiológicos. En conclusión, la corrección por mucinas es necesaria para determinar la digestibilidad ileal de la FDT y fibra soluble, mientras que la elección de uno u otro método es menos relevante. La inclusión de pulpa de manzana y remolacha incrementa la cantidad de FDT que desaparece antes de llegar al ciego. En el tercer estudio se estudió el efecto de la fracción fibrosa soluble e insoluble de la pulpa de remolacha y el método de cuantificación de la fibra soluble e insoluble sobre la digestibilidad de la fibra y algunos parámetros digestivos. Para ello se formularon cuatro piensos con niveles similares de fibra insoluble (315g aFNDmo-pb/kg MS) y proteína (167 g/kg MS). El pienso control contuvo el nivel más bajo de fibra soluble (30,3 g/kg, con cascarilla de girasol y paja como fuente de fibra). Un segundo pienso se obtuvo mediante la sustitución de 60 g de almidón/kg del pienso control por pectinas de remolacha (82,9 g fibra soluble/kg MS). Los otras dos piensos resultaron de la sustitución parcial de las fuentes de fibra del pienso control por la fracción insoluble de la pulpa de remolacha y la pulpa de remolacha entera (42.2 y 82.3 g fibra soluble/kg MS, respectivamente). Cincuenta y seis conejos en cebo (14/pienso), de 2,4  0.21 kg de peso, fueron usados para determinar la digestibilidad ileal y fecal de la FDT, FDI, aFNDmo-pb, FDSFDI, y FDSaFNDmo-pb. La concentración de mucinas en el íleon y heces se utilizaron para corregir la digestibilidad de la FDT y fibra soluble. También se midió el peso de diferentes segmentos del tracto digestivo y el pH del contenido digestivo. Los conejos alimentados con el pienso de fibra insoluble de pulpa de remolacha mostraron los consumos más bajos con respecto a los demás grupos (124 vs. 139 g/d, respectivamente. P < 0,05). El flujo de mucinas ileales fue más alto (P < 0.05) en el grupo alimentado con el pienso de pectinas de remolacha (9,0 g/d en promedio) que los del grupo control (4,79 g/d), mostrando los otros dos grupos valores intermedios, sin detectarse diferencias a nivel fecal. La digestibilidad ileal de la FDT (corregida por mucinas) y la fibra insoluble no se vieron afectadas por el tipo de pienso. El método usado para determinar la fibra insoluble afectó su digestibilidad ileal (0,123 para FDI vs. 0,108 para aFNDmo-pb. P < 0.01). De todas formas, los métodos no afectaron al cálculo de la fibra fermentada antes del ciego (4,9 g/d en promedio). Los conejos alimentados con el pienso de pulpa de remolacha y con el pienso con la fracción insoluble de la pulpa de remolacha mostraron las digestibilidades fecales más altas de la fibra insoluble (0,266 en promedio vs. 0,106 del grupo control), mientras que en los animales del pienso con pectinas esta digestibilidad fue un 47% mayor respecto al pienso control (P < 0,001). La digestibilidad fecal de la fibra insoluble fue un 20% más alta cuando se usó la FND en lugar de FDI para determinarla (P < 0.001). Esto hizo variar la cantidad de fibra insoluble fermentada a lo largo del tracto digestivo (9,5 ó 7,5 g/d cuando fue calculada como FDI o aFNDmo-pb, respectivamente. P < 0,001). Las digestibilidades ileales de la fibra soluble fueron positivas cuando los análisis de fibra soluble de los contenidos ileales fueron corregidos por mucinas, (P < 0,001) excepto para la digestibilidad ileal de la FDSIDF del grupo control. Una vez corregidas por mucinas, los conejos alimentados con los piensos que contuvieron la fracción soluble de la pulpa de remolacha (pienso de pectina y pulpa de remolacha) mostraron una mayor digestibilidad ileal de la fibra soluble, respecto al grupo control (0,483 vs. -0,010. P = 0.002), mientras que el grupo del pienso de fibra insoluble de pulpa de remolacha mostró un valor intermedio (0,274). La digestibilidad total de la fibra soluble fue similar entre todos los grupos (0.93). Los conejos alimentados con pulpa de remolacha y su fracción insoluble mostraron los pesos relativos más altos del estómago respecto a los del pienso control y de pectinas (11 y 56 % respectivamente; P < 0,05). Por otra parte, el peso relativo del ciego aumentó en los animales que consumieron tanto la fracción soluble como insoluble de la pulpa de remolacha, siendo un 16% más pesados (P < 0,001) que el grupo control. El pH del contenido cecal fue más bajo en los animales del grupo de pulpa de remolacha que en los del grupo control (5,64 vs. 6,03; P < 0,001), mientras que los del grupo de pectinas y de fibra insoluble de pulpa de remolacha mostraron valores intermedios. En conclusión, el efecto positivo de la pulpa de remolacha en el flujo de mucinas a nivel ileal se debe a la fracción soluble e insoluble de la pulpa de remolacha. La mitad de la fibra soluble de la pulpa de remolacha desaparece antes de llegar al ciego, independientemente si esta proviene de pectinas puras o de la pulpa de remolacha. El pH cecal esta mejor correlacionado con la cantidad de FDT que desaparece antes del ciego más que con la que se degrada en el ciego. En el último estudio se estudiaron los efectos de la fibra soluble e insoluble de la pulpa de manzana sobre la digestibilidad de la fibra y algunos parámetros digestivos. Cuatro dietas fueron formuladas con niveles similares de fibra insoluble (aFNDmo-pb 32,4%) y proteína (18,6% ambos en base seca). El pienso control contuvo el nivel más bajo de fibra soluble (46 g de fibra soluble/kg, con cascarilla de girasol y paja de cereales como la fuentes de fibra). Un segundo pienso fue obtenido mediante la sustitución de 60 g de almidón/kg del pienso control por pectinas de manzana (105 g fibra soluble/kg). Los otros dos piensos se obtuvieron por la substitución de parte de las fuentes de fibra del pienso control por pulpa de manzana o pulpa de manzana despectinizada (93 y 71 g de fibra soluble/kg, respectivamente). La digestibilidad fecal fue determinada en 23 conejos/pienso con 1.68 ± 0.23 kg de peso vivo, los cuales fueron sacrificados a los 60 d edad para recolectar su contenido digestivo para determinar digestibilidad ileal y otros parámetros digestivos. La fibra soluble de manzana (pectinas y pulpa entera) estimuló el flujo ileal de mucinas (P = 0,002), pero no asi la pulpa despectinizada. La corrección por mucinas incrementó la digestibilidad de la FDT y la fibra soluble a nivel fecal, y especialmente a nivel ileal. Cerca de la mitad de la fibra soluble proveniente de los piensos con cualquiera de las fracciones de la pulpa de manzana fue degradada a nivel ileal, sin mostrar diferencias entre los grupos (46 y 86% en promedio a nivel ileal y fecal respectivamente). La inclusión de pulpa despectinizada de manzana mejoró la digestibilidad de la FND a nivel fecal (P < 0,05) pero no a nivel ileal. El contenido cecal de los conejos alimentados con la pulpa de manzana tuvieron el pH cecal más ácido que los del pienso control (5,55 vs. 5,95. P < 0,001), mientras que los animales con el pienso de pectinas de manzana y de pulpa de manzana despectinizada mostraron valores intermedios. En conclusión los efectos positivo de la pulpa de manzana en el flujo de mucinas se debió principalmente a la fracción soluble de la pulpa de manzana. La mitad de la fibra soluble fue degradada antes del ciego independientemente de si esta provino de las pectinas o de la pulpa de manzana. El pH cecal estuvo mejor correlacionado con la cantidad de FDT fermentada en todo el tracto digestivo y antes de llegar al ciego que con la que se degradó en el ciego. Al integrar los resultados de los estudio 2, 3 y 4 se concluyó que la corrección de mucinas de los contenidos digestivos al determinar FDT y fibra soluble es necesaria para ajustar los cálculos de su digestibilidad. Esta corrección es mucho más importante a nivel ileal y en dietas bajas en fibra soluble. Por otra parte, la FDT desapareció en proporciones importantes antes de llegar al ciego, especialmente en piensos que contienen pulpa de remolacha o de manzana o alguna fracción soluble o insoluble de las mismas y estas diferencias observadas entre los piensos a nivel ileal se correlacionaron mejor con el pH cecal, lo que indicaría que la FDT se solubilizó antes de llegar al ciego y una vez en esté fermentó. Estos resultados implican que determinar la fibra soluble como FDSaFNDmo-pb es la mejor opción y que en la determinación de la digestibilidad de la FDT y fibra soluble se debe considerar la corrección por mucinas especialmente a nivel ileal y en piensos bajos en fibra soluble. ABSTRACT The present thesis constitutes a step forward in advancing the knowledge of the methods to quantify soluble fibre and the effects of the fibre fractions and source of fibre on the site the digestion of different fractions of fibre (soluble and insoluble) in the rabbit. There is a positive effect of soluble fibre on rabbit digestive health and therefore on the reduction of mortality in weaning rabbits. Nevertheless, it is no so clear that the effects of soluble fibre on rabbits are due particularly to this fraction. This thesis aims: 1) to compare the quantification of soluble fibre in feeds using different chemical and in vitro approaches, and to study the potential interference between soluble fibre and mucin determinations, 2) to identify the effects of type of fibre, site of fermentation, method to quantify insoluble and soluble fibre, and correction of the intestinal soluble fibre content for intestinal mucin on the digestibility of fibre fractions and 3) to evaluate the individual effect of soluble and insoluble fibre from sugar beet pulp and apple pulp on ileal and faecal soluble and insoluble digestibility and digestive traits. These objectives were developed in four studies: The first study compared the quantification of soluble fibre in feeds using different chemical and in vitro approaches, and studied the potential interference between soluble fibre and mucin determinations. Six ingredients, sugar beet pulp (SBP), SBP pectins, insoluble SBP, wheat straw, sunflower hulls and lignocellulose, and seven rabbit diets, differing in soluble fibre content, were evaluated. In experiment 1, ingredients and diets were analysed for total dietary fibre (TDF), insoluble dietary fibre (IDF), soluble dietary fibre (SDF), aNDFom (corrected for protein, aNDFom-cp) and 2-step pepsin/pancreatin in vitro DM indigestibility (corrected for ash and protein, ivDMi2). Soluble fibre was estimated by difference using three procedures: TDF - IDF (SDFIDF), TDF - ivDMi2 (SDFivDMi2), and TDF - aNDFom-cp (SDFaNDFom-cp). Soluble fibre determined directly (SDF) or by difference, as SDFivDMi2 were not different (109 g/kg DM, on average). However, when it was calculated as SDFaNDFom-cp the value was 40% higher (153 g/kg DM, P < 0.05), whereas SDFIDF (124 g/kg DM) did not differ from any of the other methods. The correlation between the four methods was high (r ≥ 0.96. P ≤ 0.001. n = 13), but it decreased or even disappeared when SBP pectins and SBP were excluded and a lower and more narrow range of variation of soluble fibre was used. In experiment 2, the ivDMi2 using crucibles (reference method) were compared to those made using individual or collective ankom bags in order to simplify the determination of SDFivDMi2. The ivDMi2 was not different when using crucibles or individual or collective ankom bags. In experiment 3, the potential interference between soluble fibre and intestinal mucin determinations was studied using rabbit intestinal raw mucus, digesta and SBP pectins, lignocelluloses and a rabbit diet. An interference was observed between the determinations of soluble fibre and crude mucin, as the content of TDF and apparent crude mucin were high in SBP pectins (994 and 709 g/kg DM) and rabbit intestinal raw mucus (571 and 739 g/kg DM). After a pectinase treatment, the coefficient of apparent mucin recovery of SBP pectins was close to zero, whereas that of rabbit mucus was not modified. An estimation of the crude mucin carbohydrates retained in digesta TDF is proposed to correct TDF and soluble fibre digestibility. In conclusion, the values of soluble fibre depend on the methodology used. The contamination of crude mucin with soluble fibre is avoided using pectinase. The second study focused on the effect of type of fibre, site of fermentation, method for quantifying insoluble and soluble dietary fibre, and their correction for intestinal mucin on fibre digestibility. Three diets differing in soluble fibre were formulated (85 g/kg DM soluble fibre, in the low soluble fibre [LSF] diet; 102 g/kg DM in the medium soluble fibre [MSF] diet; and 145 g/kg DM in the high soluble fibre [HSF] diet). They were obtained by replacing half of the dehydrated alfalfa in the MSF diet with a mixture of beet and apple pulp (HSF diet) or with a mix of oat hulls and soybean protein (LSF diet). Thirty rabbits with ileal T-cannulas were used to determine total tract apparent digestibility (CTTAD) and ileal apparent digestibility (CIAD). Caecal digestibility was determined by difference between CTTAD and CIAD. Insoluble fibre was measured as aNDFom-cp, IDF, and ivDMi2, whereas soluble fibre was calculated as SDFaNDFom-cp, SDFIDF, SDFivDMi2. The intestinal mucin content was used to correct the TDF and soluble fibre digestibility. Ileal and faecal concentration of mucin increased from the LSF to the HSF diet group (P < 0.01). Once corrected for intestinal mucin, The CTTAD and CIAD of TDF and soluble fibre increased whereas caecal digestibility decreased (P < 0.01). The CIAD of TDF increased from the LSF to the HSF diet group (0.12 vs. 0.281. P < 0.01), with no difference in the caecal digestibility (0.264), resulting in a higher CTTAD from the LSF to the HSF diet group (P < 0.01). The CIAD of insoluble fibre increased from the LSF to the HSF diet group (0.113 vs. 0.21. P < 0.01), with no difference in the caecal digestibility (0.139) and no effect of fibre method, resulting in a higher CTTAD for rabbits fed the HSF diet compared with the MSF and LSF diets groups (P < 0.01). The CTTAD of aNDFom-cp was higher compared with IDF or ivDMi2 (P < 0.01). The CIAD of soluble fibre was higher for the HSF than for the LSF diet group (0.436 vs. 0.145. P < 0.01) and fibre method did not affect it. Caecal soluble fibre digestibility decreased from the LSF to the HSF diet group (0.721 vs. 0.492. P < 0.05). The lowest caecal and faecal soluble fibre digestibility was measured using SDFaNDFom-cp (P < 0.01). There was a high correlation among the digestibilities of soluble fibre measured as SDFaNDFom-cp, SDFIDF, and SDFivDMi2. Therefore, these methodologies provide similar information. However, the method that seems to be globally better related to the physiological traits (ileal flow of mucins, and relative weight of the caecum and caecal pH from previous work) was the SDFaNDFom-cp. In conclusion, a correction for intestinal mucin is necessary for ileal TDF and soluble fibre digestibility whereas the selection of the fibre method has a minor relevance. The inclusion of sugar beet and apple pulp increased the amount of TDF fermented in the small intestine. The third study examined the effect of fibre fractions of sugar beet pulp (SBP) and the method for quantifying soluble and insoluble fibre on soluble and insoluble fibre digestibility and digestive traits. Four diets were formulated with similar level of insoluble fibre (aNDFom-cp: 315 g/kg DM) and protein (167 g/kg DM). Control diet contained the lowest level of soluble fibre (30.3 g/kg DM, including sunflower hulls and straw as sole sources of fibre). A second diet was obtained by replacing 60 g starch/kg of control diet with SBP pectins (82.9 g soluble fibre/kg DM). Two more diets were obtained by replacing part of the fibrous sources of the control diet with either insoluble SBP fibre or SBP (42.2 and 82.3 g soluble fibre/kg DM, respectively). Fifty six (14/diet) rabbits weighing 2.40  0.213 kg were used to determine faecal and ileal digestibility of total dietary fibre (TDF), insoluble dietary fibre (IDF), neutral detergent fibre corrected for ash and CP (aNDFom-cp) and soluble fibre estimated as SDFaNDFom-cp and SDFIDF. Faecal and ileal mucin content was used to correct TDF and soluble fibre digestibility. It was also recorded weight of digestive segments and digesta pH. Rabbits fed insoluble SBP showed the lowest feed intake with respect to the other 3 diets (124 vs. 139 g/d, respectively. P < 0.05). Ileal mucin flow was higher (P < 0.05) in animals fed pectin and SBP diets (9.0 g/d, as average) than those fed control diet (4.79 g/d), showing InsSBP group an intermediate value. No differences on mucin content were detected at faecal level. There was no diet effect on the CIAD of TDF (corrected for mucin) and insoluble fibre. Fibre methodology influenced the CIAD of insoluble fibre (0.123 for IDF vs. 0.108 for aNDFom-cp. P < 0.01). Anyway, the amount of insoluble fibre fermented before the caecum did not differ between both methods (4.9 g/d, on average). Rabbits fed insoluble SBP and SBP diets showed the highest CTTAD of insoluble fibre (0.266 on average vs. 0.106 for control group), whereas those fed pectin diet had an intermediate value (0.106. P < 0.001). The CTTAD of insoluble fibre measured with IDF was higher than that measured with aNDFom-cp (by 20%. P < 0.001). It led that the amount of insoluble fibre fermented along the digestive tract were different (9.5 or 7.5 g/d when calculated as IDF or aNDFom-cp, respectively; P < 0.001). When the CIAD of soluble fibre was corrected for mucin they became positive (P < 0.001) except for control group measured as SDFIDF. Once corrected for mucin content, rabbits fed soluble fibre from SBP (pectin and SBP groups) showed higher CIAD of soluble fibre than control group (0.483 vs. -0.019. respectively), whereas the value for insoluble SBP group was intermediate 0.274. The CTTAD of soluble fibre (mucin corrected) was similar among diets 0.93. Rabbits fed with SBP and insoluble SBP diets showed higher total digestive tract and stomach relative weight than those fed pectin and control diets (by 11 and 56 %. respectively, P < 0.05). The caecal relative weight did not differ in rabbits fed pectin, insoluble SBP, and SBP diets (62 g/kg BW, as average) and they were on average 16% higher (P < 0.001) than in control group. Caecal content of rabbits fed SBP diet was more acid than those fed control diet (5.64 vs. 6.03. P < 0.001), whereas those from pectin and insoluble SBP diets showed intermediate values. In conclusion, the positive effect of SBP fibre on ileal mucin flow was due to both its soluble and insoluble fibre fraction. Half of the soluble SBP fibre was degraded before the caecum independently it came from pectin or SBP. The caecal pH correlated better with the ileal amount of fermented TDF in the digestive tract rather than with that fermented in the caecum. The last study examined the effect of soluble and insoluble fibre of apple pulp on fibre digestibility and digestive traits. Four diets were formulated with similar level of insoluble fibre (aNDFom-cp: 324 g/kg DM) and protein (18.6 g/kg DM). Control diet contained the lowest level of soluble fibre (46 g soluble fibre/kg DM, including oat hulls and straw as sole sources of fibre). A second diet was obtained by replacing 60 g starch/kg of control diet with apple pectins (105 g soluble fibre/kg DM). Two more diets were obtained by substituting part of the fibrous sources of the control diet by either apple pulp or depectinized apple pulp (93 and 71 g soluble fibre/kg, respectively). The CTTAD was determined in 23 rabbits/diet weighing 1.68  0.23 kg BW, and 23 rabbits/diet were slaughtered at 60 d of age to collect ileal digesta to determine CIAD and record other digestive traits. Soluble fibre from apple stimulated ileal flow of mucin (P = 0.002), but depectinized apple pulp did not. The correction for mucin increased the digestibility of crude protein, total dietary fibre, and soluble fibre at faecal, but especially at ileal level, depending in this case on the diet. Around half of the soluble fibre in diets containing any fibre fraction from apple was degraded at ileal level, with no differences among these diets (0.46 vs. 0.066 for control group, P=0.046). Faecal soluble fibre digestibility was 0.86 on average for all groups). Inclusion of the apple insoluble fibre improved NDF digestibility at faecal (0.222 vs. 0.069. P < 0.05) but not at ileal level. Caecal content of rabbits fed apple pulp diet was more acid than those fed control diet (5.55 vs. 5.95. P < 0.001), whereas those from pectin and depectinised apple pulp diets showed intermediate values. In conclusion, the positive effect of apple fibre on ileal mucin flow was mainly due to its soluble fibre fraction. Half of the soluble apple fibre was degraded before the caecum independently it came from pectin or apple pulp. The caecal pH correlated better with the total and ileal amount of fermented TDF in the digestive tract rather than with that fermented in the caecum. The results obtained in the studies 2, 3 and 4 were considered together. These results showed that the mucin correction is necessary when the TDF and soluble fibre digestibility is determined, and it correction is more important at ileal level and in diets with low level of soluble fibre. On another hand, incrementing the soluble fibre using sugar beet and apple pulp increased the amount of TDF disappear before the caecum. Moreover, the caecal pH correlated better with the ileal amount of fermented TDF in the digestive tract rather than with that fermented in the caecum. This suggests that an ileal fibre solubilisation may occur rather than ileal fermentation. Therefore the implications of this work were that: the estimation of soluble fibre as SDFaNDFom-cp is an adequate method considering its correlation with the physiological effects; and the TDF and soluble fibre digestibility must be corrected with intestinal mucins, especially when the ileal digestibility is determined.


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Tomatoes are among the most cultivated and used vegetables in the world. They are very succeptible to post harvest losses due to high perishability, therefore the use of postharvest treatments may contribute to conservation of this fruit, however the treatments might affect significantly physico-chemical, sensory and nutritional characteristics of tomatoes. Given the perishability of tomato and the economic importance of small tomato fruits, the purpose of the present study was to determine the effect of gamma radiation, carnauba coating and 1-MCP treatments on tomato fruit quality during storage. The study may be divided into two parts. In the first, mini tomatoes cv. Sweet Grape were harvested at breaker stage, divided into 4 grous and treated with gamma radiation (0.6 kGy), carnauba coating (1 L 1000 kg-1) and 1-MCP (500 nL L-1) and then stored at 25±2°C for 30 days with a control group of tomatoes. In the seconnd part, tomatoes harvested at light-red stage were submitted to the same treatments and storage period. Every 6 days tomatoes were evaluated for color modifications, fruit firmness, souble and total pectin (only for light-red tomatoes), mass loss, titratable acidity (TA), soluble solids (SS), SS/TA ratio, carotenoids profile, formation of lycopene isomers, total phenolic compounds, ascorbic acid and antioxidant capacity. For tomatoes harvested at breaker stage and submitted to the treatments the results showed mass loss was delaying mainly by carnauba wax, and to a lesser extend by 1-MCP. Fruit firmness were better retained for 1-MCP treated fruits and carnauba treatment showed a transient effect in preserving fruit firmness. SS/TA of tomatoes treated with gamma radiation and carnauba presented no differences from control values, and were lower with the application of 1-MCP. Color was negatively affected by 1-MCP and earlier changed (6th day) when gamma radiation was applied. In relation to bioactive compounds of tomatoes harvest at breaker stage, results indicated gamma radiation and 1-MCP decreased the final content of lycopene and produced more (Z)-isomers of lycopene. Gamma radiation also induced a decreased in ?-carotene and an increased in phenolic compounds by the end of storage period. 1-MCP treatment promoted a slow down increase in ascorbic acid content during storage. Antioxidant capacity of the hydrophilic fraction was not dramatically affected by treatments and the lipophilic fraction was lower, especially for 1-MCP fruits. In addition, contents of ?-carotene, lycopene, (Z)-isomers of lycopene, ascorbic acid and antioxidant capacity increased during the period of storage while contents of lutein and phenolic compounds tended to decrease. Regarding tomatoes harvest at light-red stage, the most effective treatments for delaying fruit firmness and mass loss was carnauba and 1-MCP, while gamma radiation was the treatment with higher mass loss and the less fruit firmness, which could be associated with the higher solubilization of pectins promoted by radiation treatment. Color (L* and Hue) was mainly affected by 1-MCP treatment which delayed color development, however, by the end of storage, the values were not different from the other treatments. SS/TA ratio was lower for fruits treated with 1-MCP and TA was not so dramatically affected by treatments. Furthermore, mini tomatoes harvested at light-red stage, demonstrated irradiation induced changes in the final content of lycopene, increasing it, and formed less (13Z)-lycopene, while 1-MCP and carnauba coating slow down the increase in lycopene and slown down the decrease of ascorbic acid and phenolic compounds. Antioxidant capacity of lipophilic fraction was not affected by treatments and the hydrophilic fraction was lower for irradiated fruits only on day 0 as well as phenolic compounds. In the other days, no differences among treatments were observed for hydrophilic antioxidant capacity. Considering the results, the best combination of SS and TA and fruit preservation for mini tomatoes harvest at breaker stage was promoted by carnauba coating, which seems to be the treatment that causes fewer changes in bioactive compounds of breaker tomatoes. However, when mini tomatoes were harvested at light-red stage, SS/TA ratio and color were better and, to preserve the quality of these fruits, besides carnauba coating, 1-MCP also could be indicated


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This research deals with the production of pectic oligosaccharides (POS) from agro-industrial residues, with specific focus on development of continuous cross flow enzyme membrane reactor. Pectic oligosaccharides have recently gained attention due to their prebiotic activity. Lack of information on the continuous production of POS from agro-industrial residues formed the basis for the present study. Four residues i.e sugar beet pulp, onion hulls, pressed pumpkin cake and berry pomace were taken to study their pectin content. Based on the presence of higher galacturonic acid and arabinose (both homogalacturonan and rhamnogalacturonan) in sugar beet pulp and galacturonic acid (only homogalacturonan) in onion hulls, further optimization of different extraction methods of pectin (causing minimum damage to pectic chain) from these residues were done. The most suitable extractant for sugar beet pulp and onion hulls were nitric acid and sodium hexametaphosphate respectively. Further the experiments on the continuous production of POS from sugar beet pulp in an enzyme membrane reactor was initiated. Several optimization experiments indicated the optimum enzyme (Viscozyme) as well as feed concentration (25 g/L) to be used for producing POS from sugar beet pulp in an enzyme membrane reactor. The results highlighted that steady state POS production with volumetric and specific productivity of 22g/L/h and 11 g/gE/h respectively could be achieved by continuous cross flow filtration of sugar beet pulp pectic extract over 10 kDa membrane at residence time of 20 min. The POS yield of about 80% could be achieved using above conditions. Also, in this thesis preliminary experiments on the production and characterization of POS from onion hulls were conducted. The results revelaed that the most suitable enzyme for POS production from onion hulls is endo-polygalacturonase M2. The POS produced from onion hulls were present in the form of DP1 -DP10 in substituted as well as unsubstituted forms. This study clearly demonstrates that continuous production of POS from pectin rich sources can be achieved by using cross flow continuous enzyme membrane reactor.


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Ahora hay una tendencia de utilizar residuos orgánicos como materia prima para la generación de nuevos productos. Los hongo filamentosos pueden aprovechar los azúcares residuales de las cascaras de fruta y la presencia de pectina en estos residuos , estimula la formación de pectinasas. Estudia la factibilidad de extracción de pectinasas microbianas, luego se encontró la concentración óptima de fuente de corbono y las condiciones operacionales para obtener mejores rendimientos


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Apresenta-se em forma de placa ou cordão estéreis. As placas são compostas por fibras de ácido algínico extraído das algas marinhas marrons. Contém também íons de cálcio e sódio. Camada externa de poliuretano e camada interna composta de gelatina, pectina e carboximetilcelulose sódica. São indicadas para feridas com ou sem infecção, com moderada a intensa exudação, com ou sem tecido necrótico, exceto, em caso de necrose seca e com ou sem sangramento.