997 resultados para Orvis Brothers


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Verso: Standing l-r: Sigmund (Malka's husband), Sima, Friedka, Zosia, Bernard, Siko (Yehoshua); Sitting l-r: Malka, Esther (Tinka), Pinchas, Sara (Bernard's wife); Inset: Hedva and Tziza, Bernard and Sara's children circa 1931 ages 4 and 5


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The pathogenicity of three isolates of Alternaria alternata from Backhousia myrtifolia leaves was characterised and compared. Isolate BRIP 52222 was virulent compared to isolates BRIP 52223 and BRIP 52221. A comparison of inoculation methods showed that abrasion was more effective at establishing an infection than puncture wounding. Koch's postulates were assessed to confirm the pathogenicity of A. alternata on B. myrtifolia foliage and floral tissues using a conidial suspension of the most virulent isolate. Sporulation was triggered by incubating A. alternata (BRIP 52222) at 28 degrees C for 10 d under alternating 12 h black-light/12 h dark conditions on half-strength potato dextrose agar (PDA). In contrast, incubation of A. alternata under continuous black-light on either half- or full-strength PDA did not yield conidia. Host symptoms caused by inoculation with the pathogen included a brown-black discolouration of both foliage and floral tissues. Microscopic examination of cellular structures suggested that perturbation of oil glands may contribute to the tissue discolouration in B. myrtifolia caused by A. alternata infection. Oil gland structures can be disrupted during an active A. alternata infection, causing the leakage of essential oil followed by discolouration.


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Genealogy; childhood in Tuebingen as the youngest of 14 brothers; student life in Tuebingen; professional career; because of his being Jewish no possibility to enter career as public prosecutor; active membership in National Liberal Party and in Free Mason Lodge; World War I; closing of his law office in 1933. Contains transcriptions of numerous congratulations for his golden wedding and his 80th birthday in 1937.


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This is the first of three books about the history of Geoffrey Lynfield's family. It is about four Lilienfeld brothers--Geoffrey Lynfield's grandfather and his brothers. They were born in the Jewish enclave of Marburg and ended up in South Africa when and where the first diamonds were discovered. The manuscript also includes photographs and documents.


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Obverse: In the center, an ancient shield and on its raised center, an inscription. Reverse: Design of Masada. At the mountain base, the signs of the Roman legions siege.


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The collection consists of 25 letters written by Benjamin between 1838 and 1881 on a variety of subjects, four Confederate notes and two bonds bearing his picture, miscellaneous items about Benjamin (1893-1942), nine issues of the Congressional globe with speeches by Benjamin, as well as separate copies of his printed speeches, and a photostatic copy of the "Diary of Events" (400 pp.) kept by Benjamin, the original of which is in the Library of Congress (1862-1864).


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Rachel Diane Landy Papers consist of correspondence, reminiscences, legal documents, journal, newspaper and magazine articles and color Xerox copies of photographs as well as original photographs. This collection is of value to researchers studying the history of Hadassah and the living conditions and state of medical care in Palestine during the second decade of the 20th century. It is also of interest to researchers studying women in America during the first half of the 20th century who were able to pursue a challenging and productive career and become a leader and innovator in their chosen field. In addition it will be of interest to those researching the graduates of the Cleveland public and professional schools at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries, and the Cleveland Jewish community and the George Crile U.S. Army Hospital in Cleveland during the 1940's.


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The bulk of the collection consists of correspondence to Hendricks & Brothers, 1833[?]-1851. Also included are business cards from various Hendricks-Tobias family enterprises, correspondence to Harmon Hendricks, and correspondence to several members of the Tobias family. The collection is arranged in four series. See finding aid for more information.


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Myer Starr was born in Dmitrovka in the Ukraine, which was then part of Russia. As a child he was apprenticed to a tailor and later a bakery before he began work at a dry goods store at the age of 11. After his mother died, Starr and his younger brother crossed the border into Germany and then immigrated to the United States. Starr and his brother sailed on the "Kleist" into New York in February 1913. From there, they traveled to a sister's house in Malden, Massachusetts. Myer later married and had two sons, graduates of Harvard College and Tufts University.


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The purpose of this study is to examine the reception of Matthew 5 in Martin Luther s sermons; in other words to investigate how Luther interprets and applies Jesus teaching of the better righteousness and the law in Mt 5. The study applies the reception-historical approach and contributes to the history of effects and the history of interpretation in New Testament exegesis. The study shows that Luther understands the better righteousness of Mt 5 as good works and fulfillment of the law. Luther s interpretation coheres with the intention of the Evangelist, even if Luther s overall concept of righteousness is foreign to Matthew. In Luther s view righteousness is twofold: The greater righteousness of Mt 5 is the second and the actual righteousness (iustitia activa), which follows the first and the foreign righteousness (iustitia passiva). The first righteousness (faith) is for Luther the work of God, while the second righteousness (good works) is co-operation between a Christian and God. In this co-operation the law, as it is taught by Jesus, is not the opposite of the gospel, but the gospel itself in the sense of Christ as an example . The task of the law is to show the dependence of a Christian on God and to help one to love and to serve one s neighbour (brothers as well as enemies) properly. The study underlines a feature in Luther s thinking that has received little attention in Lutheran theology: Luther insists on preaching the law to Christians. In his view Mt 5 is directed to all Christians and particularly to pastors, for whom Jesus here gives an example of how to preach the law. Luther believes similarly to Matthew that Jesus reveals the real meaning of Mosaic Law and confirms its validity for Christians in Mt 5. Like Matthew, Luther insists on the practicability of the commandments of Mt 5 in his view Christians fulfil the law also with joy yet his interpretation of Mt 5 attenuates the radical nature of its commandments. Luther s reception of the individual pericopes of Mt 5 is considerably generative and occasionally contradictory, which is explained by the following factors, among others: Luther receives many ideas from tradition and reads them and his own theological concepts into Matthew s Gospel. He interprets Mt 5 through his understanding of some Old Testament passages as well as Paul. Most of all, Luther s reception of Mt 5 is shaped by his own experience as a preacher, by his relation to his religious enemies, rulers and to the congregation of Wittenberg. Here Luther shares with Matthew the experience of being opposed and concern about the upright living of the believers, which in both cases also explains the polemical tone of the paraenesis.


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It has been only recently realized that sexual selection does not end at copulation but that post-copulatory processes are often important in determining the fitness of individuals. In this thesis, I experimentally studied both pre- and post-copulatory sexual selection in the least killifish, Heterandria formosa. I found that this species suffers from severe inbreeding depression in male reproductive behaviour, offspring viability and offspring maturation times. Neither sex showed pre-copulatory inbreeding avoidance but when females mated with their brothers, less sperm were retrieved from their reproductive system compared to the situation when females mated with unrelated males. Whether the difference in sperm numbers is due to female or male effect could not be resolved. Based on theory, females should be more eager to avoid inbreeding than males in this species, because females invest more in their offspring than males do. Inbreeding seems to be an important part of this species biology and the severe inbreeding depression has most likely selected for the evolution of the post-copulatory inbreeding avoidance mechanism that I found. In addition, I studied the effects of polyandry on female reproductive success. When females mated with more than one male, they were more likely to get pregnant. However, I also found a cost of polyandry. The offspring of females mated to four males took longer to reach sexual maturity compared to the offspring of monandrous females. This cost may be explained by parent-offspring conflict over maternal resource allocation. In another experiment, in which within-brood relatedness was manipulated, offspring sizes decreased over time when within-brood relatedness was low. This result is partly in accordance with the kinship theory of genomic imprinting. When relatedness decreases, offspring are expected to be less co-operative and demand fewer resources from their mother, which leads to impaired development. In the last chapter of my thesis, I show that H. formosa males do not prefer large females as in other Poeciliidae species. I suggest that males view smaller females as more profitable mates because those are more likely virgin. In conclusion, I found both pre- and post-copulatory sexual selection to be important factors in determining reproductive success in H. formosa.


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Segmentation defects of the vertebrae (SDV) are caused by aberrant somite formation during embryogenesis and result in irregular formation of the vertebrae and ribs. The Notch signal transduction pathway plays a critical role in somite formation and patterning in model vertebrates. In humans, mutations in several genes involved in the Notch pathway are associated with SDV, with both autosomal recessive (MESP2, DLL3, LFNG, HES7) and autosomal dominant (TBX6) inheritance. However, many individuals with SDV do not carry mutations in these genes. Using whole-exome capture and massive parallel sequencing, we identified compound heterozygous mutations in RIPPLY2 in two brothers with multiple regional SDV, with appropriate familial segregation. One novel mutation (c.A238T:p.Arg80*) introduces a premature stop codon. In transiently transfected C2C12 mouse myoblasts, the RIPPLY2 mutant protein demonstrated impaired transcriptional repression activity compared with wild-type RIPPLY2 despite similar levels of expression. The other mutation (c.240-4T>G), with minor allele frequency <0.002, lies in the highly conserved splice site consensus sequence 5' to the terminal exon. Ripply2 has a well-established role in somitogenesis and vertebral column formation, interacting at both gene and protein levels with SDV-associated Mesp2 and Tbx6. We conclude that compound heterozygous mutations in RIPPLY2 are associated with SDV, a new gene for this condition. The Author 2014.


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The financial crisis set off by the default of Lehman Brothers in 2008 leading to disastrous consequences for the global economy has focused attention on regulation and pricing issues related to credit derivatives. Credit risk refers to the potential losses that can arise due to the changes in the credit quality of financial instruments. These changes could be due to changes in the ratings, market price (spread) or default on contractual obligations. Credit derivatives are financial instruments designed to mitigate the adverse impact that may arise due to credit risks. However, they also allow the investors to take up purely speculative positions. In this article we provide a succinct introduction to the notions of credit risk, the credit derivatives market and describe some of the important credit derivative products. There are two approaches to pricing credit derivatives, namely the structural and the reduced form or intensity-based models. A crucial aspect of the modelling that we touch upon briefly in this article is the problem of calibration of these models. We hope to convey through this article the challenges that are inherent in credit risk modelling, the elegant mathematics and concepts that underlie some of the models and the importance of understanding the limitations of the models.


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Resumen: A partir de la primera versin literaria en lengua verncula del Cuento de la doncella sin manos, escrita por Philippe de Remi en el siglo XIII, la literatura medieval no dej de reelaborar el relato a lo largo y a lo ancho del Occidente europeo. Del periodo que abarca desde el siglo XIII hasta el XVII nos llegan, por lo menos, unas treinta y cuatro versiones escritas solo en los mbitos romnico y germnico. Existe asimismo una tradicin arbiga del cuento, probablemente de origen semtico, que constituira, segn algunos autores, una rama narrativa independiente. En la tradicin oral el relato ha pervivido hasta nuestros das, en diversos pases del mundo, incluida Amrica del Sur, particularmente Brasil, Chile y la Argentina. El legado folclrico en Europa, inicialmente recopilado y puesto por escrito por los hermanos Grimm en 1812, presenta, ciertamente, numerosos puntos de contacto con las versiones americanas. Sin embargo, se ha establecido un vnculo an ms estrecho entre estas y los Cuentos populares espaoles recogidos por Aurelio Espinosa en 1923, por un lado, as como tambin con una de las tres versiones provenientes del mbito rabe. Luego de trazar un panorama histrico del corpus y estudiar los puntos de contacto entre la tradicin europea y la americana, nos centraremos en el anlisis de las versiones sudamericanas, particularmente las recogidas en la Argentina