942 resultados para Operating costs.
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Proteção de Plantas) - FCA
Low liquid-solid ratio (LSR) can be used to obtain high-content xylo-oligosaccharide (XOS) spend liquor by hot water pretreatment. Developing a technology based on low LSR results in more efficient water usage in the system and thus in lower capital and operating costs. Xylans from xylan rich agro-industrial waste are abundant hemicellulosic polymers with enormous potential for industrial applications. Currently, freeze-dried xylo-oligosaccharides are used as bio-based polymers and hydrolysates containing high xylose contents are converted to several chemical products. In this study, sugarcane bagasse was treated with water at low LSRs and mild temperatures in order to assess the effects of varying the pretreatment conditions on the xylo-oligosaccharide and xylose concentrations, and use a central composite experimental design to optimize the process parameters. The pretreatments were performed in the ranges temperature: 143.3-176.7 degrees C, time: 20-70 min and LSR: 1 : 1 to 11 : 1 (g g(-1)). The maximum concentrations of xylose and xylan were 13.76 and 36.18 g L-1 (equivalent to 48.29 g L-1 of xylan), respectively, which were achieved by treating bagasse at 170 degrees C for 60 min, with LSR of 3 g g(-1). The amount of xylan removed under these conditions was almost 57%. The soluble xylan consisted mainly of xylo-oligosaccharides (74 wt% of the identified compound in the spent liquor).
Introduction: The implementation of hearing screening programs can be facilitated by reducing operating costs, including the cost of equipment. The Telessaúde (TS) audiometer is a low-cost, software-based, and easy-to-use piece of equipment for conducting audiometric screening. Aim: To evaluate the TS audiometer for conducting audiometric screening. Methods: A prospective randomized study was performed. Sixty subjects, divided into those who did not have (group A, n = 30) and those who had otologic complaints (group B, n = 30), underwent audiometric screening with conventional and TS audiometers in a randomized order. Pure tones at 25 dB HL were presented at frequencies of 500, 1000, 2000, and 4000 Hz. A "fail" result was considered when the individual failed to respond to at least one of the stimuli. Pure-tone audiometry was also performed on all participants. The concordance of the results of screening with both audiometers was evaluated. The sensitivity, specificity, and positive and negative predictive values of screening with the TS audiometer were calculated. Results: For group A, 100% of the ears tested passed the screening. For group B, "pass" results were obtained in 34.2% (TS) and 38.3% (conventional) of the ears tested. The agreement between procedures (TS vs. conventional) ranged from 93% to 98%. For group B, screening with the TS audiometer showed 95.5% sensitivity, 90.4% sensitivity, and positive and negative predictive values equal to 94.9% and 91.5%, respectively. Conclusions: The results of the TS audiometer were similar to those obtained with the conventional audiometer, indicating that the TS audiometer can be used for audiometric screening.
Interpretación realizada por las alumnas en prácticas de la Facultad de Traducción e Interpretación, Estíbaliz López-Leiton Trujillo, Danaide Rodríguez Hernández, Esther Ramírez Millares.
Over the last three decades, sensors based on the phenomenon of surface plasmon resonance have proven particularly suitable for real time thin film characterization, gas detection, biomolecular interaction examination and to supplement electrochemical methods. Systems based on prism coupling have been combined with fluorescence detection under the name of surface plasmon fluorescence spectroscopy to increase sensitivity even further. Alternatively, metal gratings can be employed to match photons for plasmon resonance. The real time monitoring of binding reactions not yet been reported in the combination of fluorescence detection and grating coupling. Grating-based systems promise more competitive products, because of reduced operating costs, and offer benefits for device engineering. This thesis is comprised of a comprehensive study of the suitability of grating coupling for fluorescence based analyte detection. Fundamental properties of grating coupled surface plasmon fluorescence spectroscopy are described, as well as issues related to the commercial realization of the method. Several new experimental techniques are introduced and demonstrated in order to optimize performance in certain areas and improve upon capabilities in respect to prism-based systems. Holographically fabricated gratings are characterized by atomic force microscopy and optical methods, aided by simulations and profile parameters responsible for efficient coupling are analyzed. The directional emission of fluorophores immobilized on a grating surface is studied in detail, including the magnitude and geometry of the fluorescence emission pattern for different grating constants and polarizations. Additionally, the separation between the minimum of the reflected intensity and the maximum fluorescence excitation position is examined. One of the key requirements for the commercial feasibility of grating coupling is the cheap and faithful mass production of disposable samples from a given master grating. The replication of gratings is demonstrated by a simple hot embossing method with good reproducibility to address this matter. The in-situ fluorescence detection of analyte immobilization and affinity measurements using grating coupling are described for the first time. The physical factors related to the sensitivity of the technique are assessed and the lower limit of detection of the technique is determined for an exemplary assay. Particular attention is paid to the contribution of bulk fluorophores to the total signal in terms of magnitude and polarization of incident and emitted light. Emission from the bulk can be a limiting factor for experiments with certain assay formats. For that reason, a novel optical method, based on the modulation of both polarization and intensity of the incident beam, is introduced and demonstrated to be capable of eliminating this contribution.
Financial, economic, and biological data collected from cow-calf producers who participated in the Illinois and Iowa Standardized Performance Analysis (SPA) programs were used in this study. Data used were collected for the 1996 through 1999 calendar years, with each herd within year representing one observation. This resulted in a final database of 225 observations (117 from Iowa and 108 from Illinois) from commercial herds with a range in size from 20 to 373 cows. Two analyses were conducted, one utilizing financial cost of production data, the other economic cost of production data. Each observation was analyzed as the difference from the mean for that given year. The independent variable utilized in both the financial and economic models as an indicator of profit was return to unpaid labor and management per cow (RLM). Used as dependent variables were the five factors that make up total annual cow cost: feed cost, operating cost, depreciation cost, capital charge, and hired labor, all on an annual cost per cow basis. In the economic analysis, family labor was also included. Production factors evaluated as dependent variables in both models were calf weight, calf price, cull weight, cull price, weaning percentage, and calving distribution. Herd size and investment were also analyzed. All financial factors analyzed were significantly correlated to RLM (P < .10) except cull weight, and cull price. All economic factors analyzed were significantly correlated to RLM (P < .10) except calf weight, cull weight and cull price. Results of the financial prediction equation indicate that there are eight measurements capable of explaining over 82 percent of the farm-to-farm variation in RLM. Feed cost is the overriding factor driving RLM in both the financial and economic stepwise regression analyses. In both analyses over 50 percent of the herd-to-herd variation in RLM could be explained by feed cost. Financial feed cost is correlated (P < .001) to operating cost, depreciation cost, and investment. Economic feed cost is correlated (P < .001) with investment and operating cost, as well as capital charge. Operating cost, depreciation, and capital charge were all negatively correlated (P < .10) to herd size, and positively correlated (P < .01) to feed cost in both analyses. Operating costs were positively correlated with capital charge and investment (P < .01) in both analyses. In the financial regression model, depreciation cost was the second critical factor explaining almost 9 percent of the herd-to-herd variation in RLM followed by operating cost (5 percent). Calf weight had a greater impact than calf price on RLM in both the financial and economic regression models. Calf weight was the fourth indicator of RLM in the financial model and was similar in magnitude to operating cost. Investment was not a significant variable in either regression model; however, it was highly correlated to a number of the significant cost variables including feed cost, depreciation cost, and operating cost (P < .001, financial; P < .10, economic). Cost factors were far more influential in driving RLM than production, reproduction, or producer controlled marketing factors. Of these cost factors, feed cost had by far the largest impact. As producers focus attention on factors that affect the profitability of the operation, feed cost is the most critical control point because it was responsible for over 50 percent of the herd-to-herd variation in profit.
Se determinó la rentabilidad del feedlot bajo distintos escenarios productivos y económicos para la situación de precios del ganado vigentes en 2009 y 2010. La información básica provino de encuestas en feedlots, entrevistas con informantes clave y consulta bibliográfica. La tasa interna de retorno y el valor actual neto se estimaron considerando un costo de oportunidad del capital del 12% anual. El capital total varió en función de la adquisición total o producción parcial de alimentos para el ganado. Los ingresos para 3.000 animales año-1 se incrementaron 50% en 2010 respecto de 2009. Durante 2009, sin compensaciones, no existió rentabilidad al adquirir los alimentos. Se obtuvo rentabilidad sin compensaciones con aumentos del 5, 10 y 15% en inversiones y gastos operativos con producciones de 4.466, 6.214 y 9.670 animales año-1, respectivamente, al adquirir el alimento y con 2.110, 2.430 y 2.880 animales año-1 con producción del mismo. Los precios de la hacienda de 2010 con respecto a los de 2009 aumentaron la rentabilidad tanto al adquirir como al producir alimentos sin dependencia del cobro de compensaciones. Con 2.300 y 1.500 animales año-1 para las situaciones de alimento adquirido y producido, respectivamente, se alcanza rentabilidad con los precios del ganado de 2010. Se comprobó la hipótesis que la rentabilidad depende de la escala productiva y su interrelación con los escenarios contemplados.
Se determinó la factibilidad económica de la actividad conjunta de recría y engorde a corral de bovinos para carne en la provincia de Mendoza, postulando la hipótesis que la rentabilidad del engorde a corral puede mejorar al integrarse con la recría. Las alternativas analizadas fueron: a) riego superficial y confección de rollos de alfalfa con contratista (alternativa 1.1) o con maquinaria propia (alternativa 1.2) y b) riego por aspersión con cañón regador y confección de rollos de alfalfa con contratista (alternativa 2.1) o con maquinaria propia (alternativa 2.2). Los precios usados para valorizar inversiones, gastos operativos e ingresos fueron los vigentes en abril de 2011. Fue determinada la cantidad de animales por año necesarios para alcanzar rentabilidad en dichas alternativas, con y sin la percepción de la compensación provincial. Se estimó la tasa interna de retorno, considerándose una tasa de interés anual del 12% como costo de oportunidad del capital. La rentabilidad del engorde a corral mejoró al integrarse con la recría. La unidad económica en la actividad conjunta varió entre 446 (alternativa 1.1, con compensación) y 708 animales por año (alternativa 2.2, sin compensación). Los equipos para confección de rollos de alfalfa y riego proporcionan beneficios directos: autonomía en la confección de rollos y mayor eficiencia de riego, e indirectos: ingresos adicionales por la prestación del servicio de confección de rollos a terceros.
Se determinó la rentabilidad de la recría bovina en la provincia de Mendoza para distintos escenarios productivos y económicos, postulando la hipótesis que aquélla depende de la escala productiva y su interrelación con los escenarios contemplados. La información de base provino de entrevistas a emprendimientos y a referentes clave, y de publicaciones especializadas. Se estimaron la tasa interna de retorno (TIR) y el valor actual neto (VAN) para el análisis de los distintos escenarios productivos. La cantidad de animales año-1 para alcanzar una TIR mayor al 12% fue siempre menor en la recría con tierra alquilada que con tierra propia. La recría en la provincia de Mendoza sería factible desde el punto de vista técnico y económico. De los escenarios productivos considerados influyeron en grado de importancia decreciente sobre la cantidad de animales necesarios para alcanzar rentabilidad, el rango de peso vivo de ingreso - egreso de los animales; aumento de las inversiones y gastos operativos; precio de compra - venta de los animales y la ganancia diaria de peso vivo. Con los precios de la hacienda a marzo de 2010 la unidad económica en la recría sin usufructo de compensación sería 674 y 772 animales al año en tierra alquilada y propia, respectivamente.
La cadena de valor de los productos oleaginosos de la Provincia de San Luis cuenta en la actualidad con tres ventajas principales. La primera de ellas es que la provincia se encuentra estratégicamente ubicada en un corredor bioceánico de la República Agentina; la segunda es la implantación de la Zona de Actividades Logísticas (ZAL) en Villa Mercedes; y la tercera es el desarrollo empresarial motivado por las inversiones de empresas multinacionales en el sector. Para el intercambio comercial de países del Atlántico, como la Argentina, con los de Asia y Costa Oeste de los Estados Unidos es necesaria la integración entre la Argentina y Chile fortaleciendo lazos comerciales, culturales y sociales. La implantación de la Zona de Actividades Logísticas adquiere relevancia teniendo en cuenta que el principal efecto de este emprendimiento es la reducción sustancial de los costos operativos. Por otro lado, la fusión de empresas multinacionales con empresas del medio en industrias agroalimentarias provocará un aumento de la capacidad de procesamiento de granos (en particular maíz) en un 50, con lo que se estaría en condiciones de absorber más de la mitad de la cosecha de la provincia. Para los agricultores será un gran desafío aumentar la superficie cultivada para comercializar con un comprador local y ampliar el margen de rentabilidad al eliminarse los elevados costos por flete. El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar e interrelacionar los factores, los actores y el impacto de estas tres ventajas en el final de la cadena de valor de productos oleaginosos en la Provincia de San Luis
La cadena de valor de los productos oleaginosos de la Provincia de San Luis cuenta en la actualidad con tres ventajas principales. La primera de ellas es que la provincia se encuentra estratégicamente ubicada en un corredor bioceánico de la República Agentina; la segunda es la implantación de la Zona de Actividades Logísticas (ZAL) en Villa Mercedes; y la tercera es el desarrollo empresarial motivado por las inversiones de empresas multinacionales en el sector. Para el intercambio comercial de países del Atlántico, como la Argentina, con los de Asia y Costa Oeste de los Estados Unidos es necesaria la integración entre la Argentina y Chile fortaleciendo lazos comerciales, culturales y sociales. La implantación de la Zona de Actividades Logísticas adquiere relevancia teniendo en cuenta que el principal efecto de este emprendimiento es la reducción sustancial de los costos operativos. Por otro lado, la fusión de empresas multinacionales con empresas del medio en industrias agroalimentarias provocará un aumento de la capacidad de procesamiento de granos (en particular maíz) en un 50, con lo que se estaría en condiciones de absorber más de la mitad de la cosecha de la provincia. Para los agricultores será un gran desafío aumentar la superficie cultivada para comercializar con un comprador local y ampliar el margen de rentabilidad al eliminarse los elevados costos por flete. El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar e interrelacionar los factores, los actores y el impacto de estas tres ventajas en el final de la cadena de valor de productos oleaginosos en la Provincia de San Luis
La cadena de valor de los productos oleaginosos de la Provincia de San Luis cuenta en la actualidad con tres ventajas principales. La primera de ellas es que la provincia se encuentra estratégicamente ubicada en un corredor bioceánico de la República Agentina; la segunda es la implantación de la Zona de Actividades Logísticas (ZAL) en Villa Mercedes; y la tercera es el desarrollo empresarial motivado por las inversiones de empresas multinacionales en el sector. Para el intercambio comercial de países del Atlántico, como la Argentina, con los de Asia y Costa Oeste de los Estados Unidos es necesaria la integración entre la Argentina y Chile fortaleciendo lazos comerciales, culturales y sociales. La implantación de la Zona de Actividades Logísticas adquiere relevancia teniendo en cuenta que el principal efecto de este emprendimiento es la reducción sustancial de los costos operativos. Por otro lado, la fusión de empresas multinacionales con empresas del medio en industrias agroalimentarias provocará un aumento de la capacidad de procesamiento de granos (en particular maíz) en un 50, con lo que se estaría en condiciones de absorber más de la mitad de la cosecha de la provincia. Para los agricultores será un gran desafío aumentar la superficie cultivada para comercializar con un comprador local y ampliar el margen de rentabilidad al eliminarse los elevados costos por flete. El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar e interrelacionar los factores, los actores y el impacto de estas tres ventajas en el final de la cadena de valor de productos oleaginosos en la Provincia de San Luis
The improvement of energy efficiency in existing buildings is always a challenge due to their particular, and sometimes protected, constructive solutions. New constructive regulations in Spain leave a big undefined gap when a restoration is considered because they were developed for new buildings. However, rehabilitation is considered as an opportunity for many properties because it allows owners to obtain benefits from the use of the buildings. The current financial and housing crisis has turned society point of view to existing buildings and making them more efficient is one of the Spanish government’s aims. The economic viability of a rehabilitation action should take all factors into account: both construction costs and the future operative costs of the building must be considered. Nevertheless, the application of these regulations in Spain is left to the designer’s opinion and always under a subjective point of view. With the research work described in this paper and with the help of some case-studies, the cost of adapting an existing building to the new constructive regulations will be studied and Energetic Efficiency will be evaluated depending on how the investment is recovered. The interest of the research is based on showing how new constructive solutions can achieve higher levels of efficiency in terms of energy, construction and economy and it will demonstrate that Life Cycle Costing analysis can be a mechanism to find the advantages and disadvantages of using these new constructive solutions. Therefore, this paper has the following objectives: analysing constructive solutions in existing buildings - to establish a process for assessing total life cycle costs (LCC) during the planning stages with consideration of future operating costs - to select the most advantageous operating system – To determine the return on investment in terms of construction costs based on new techniques, the achieved energy savings and investment payback periods.
Overhead rail current collector systems for railway traction offer certain features, such as low installation height and reduced maintenance, which make them predominantly suitable for use in underground train infrastructures. Due to the increased demands of modern catenary systems and higher running speeds of new vehicles, a more capable design of the conductor rail is needed. A new overhead conductor rail has been developed and its design has been patented [13]. Modern simulation and modelling techniques were used in the development approach. The new conductor rail profile has a dynamic behaviour superior to that of the system currently in use. Its innovative design permits either an increase of catenary support spacing or a higher vehicle running speed. Both options ensure savings in installation or operating costs. The simulation model used to optimise the existing conductor rail profile included both a finite element model of the catenary and a three-dimensional multi-body system model of the pantograph. The contact force that appears between pantograph and catenary was obtained in simulation. A sensitivity analysis of the key parameters that influence in catenary dynamics was carried out, finally leading to the improved design.