936 resultados para On-road accidents


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Objetivo. Para fortalecer las estrategias preventivas de forma integral, se pretende caracterizar la accidentalidad ocurrida en una empresa del sector de hidrocarburos e identificar los posibles factores de riesgo relacionados con estos eventos. Metodología: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo retrospectivo, utilizando las bases de datos SIGA y AUDICOMP del periodo Julio-2010 a Junio-2013, que almacenan información sobre accidentes laborales en trabajadores vinculados a Petrobras, Colombia. Nuestra variable resultado fue el número de accidentes laborales en función de la experiencia laboral y tiempo de contratación en la empresa, estratificada por características demográficas, propias del cargo ocupado y área anatómica lesionada. A las variables continuas se les calculo las medidas de tendencia central y dispersión y a las categóricas la proporción; se estimó el Odds Ratio (OR) de presentar un accidente en < 1 o entre 1-5 años de contratación. Resultados: se presentaron 457 accidentes, 96% (IC95% 94.2-97.8) fueron hombres, la década entre 25-34 años (36.8; IC95% 32.4-41.2) y el tipo de cargo obrero fueron los más frecuentes (35.3%; IC95% 30.9-39.6). Ser obrero (IC95% 2,11-2,65) y contar con experiencia laboral menor a un año (IC95% 1,78-2,33) fueron los principales factores relacionados con un accidente en < 1 año de contratación; el modelo con mayor AUC fue el de hombres entre 18-24 años de edad, contratados para laborar como obrero y con menos de un año de experiencia laboral (AUC 0,973; IC95% 0,865-0,995). Conclusiones. Los hombres entre 18-24 años de edad, contratados para laborar como obrero y con menos de un año de experiencia laboral, tenían mayor riesgo de presentar un accidente en menos de un año desde la contratación. El modelo propuesto ayudó a identificar a trabajadores con alta probabilidad de presentar un accidente en < 1 año desde la contratación.


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Las lesiones causadas por el tráfico automotor cada día han tomado mayor importancia en salud pública dado a sus efectos nocivos sobre la salud. La mortalidad y morbilidad por lesiones de tráfico siguen siendo un 13 problema grave en muchos países con subestimaciones importantes por las deficiencias en los registros y notificación. A nivel mundial las estimaciones de mortalidad anual por lesiones de tráfico arrojan cifras cada vez mayores; para 1980 el cuarto de millón de defunciones calculado ascendió a 856000 para el año 1990 y a 885000 para 1993i.


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Introducción Debido a que los accidentes de origen ocupacional ocupan un lugar importante dentro de las causas de ausentismo, discapacidades y hasta las muertes se realizó la descripción de la accidentalidad, teniendo en cuenta factores como la severidad y tipo de lesión, el tipo de actividad laboral y re accidentalidad ocurrida en una empresa manufacturera en un periodo de 2010 al 2014. Objetivos Establecer la distribución de los accidentes laborales ocurridos en una empresa manufacturera en el periodo de 2010 al 2014 según edad, género, área laboral y tipo de lesión. Materiales y métodos Se realizó un estudio de corte transversal en donde se analizaron las características según los trabajadores y la empresa y se realizaron asociaciones para establecer cuáles eran los factores de riesgo para presentar re accidentalidad. Se tomó una empresa manufacturera del sector de producción de alimentos que cuenta con un total de 950 empleados, en riesgo de presentar accidentes laborales. Se seleccionaron 338 accidentes ocurridos en el periodo de 2010 y 2014.Se realizaron análisis de los accidentes según las variables de: género, área de trabajo y tipo de herida para determinar su distribución según dichos factores. Posteriormente se realizaron análisis bivariado por medio de asociaciones estadísticas usando el estadístico Chi cuadrado y pruebas no paramétricas o paramétricas según la distribución de normalidad de las variables cuantitativas. El programa que se usó para el análisis fue el de SPSS versión 22. Resultados El estudio identificó que la proporción de accidentes durante el periodo estudiado con respecto al número de trabajadores fue de 35,6% y de los 950 trabajadores el 28,8% presentaron accidentes que corresponde a los 274 trabajadores. La mediana de edad fue de 35 años y se presentó más frecuente en mujeres (55,6%). El área laboral en la que se presentaron mayor número de accidentes fue el área de manufactura (75,7%). La proporción de mujeres que presentaban mayor accidentes en el área de manufactura si representó una diferencia de 23,4% con respecto a la proporción de hombres que presentaron mayor accidentes en la misma área. Con respecto al tipo de lesión, se presentaron accidentes frecuentemente en miembros superiores y según el género, las mujeres presentaron 2,02% más accidentes en miembros superiores comparado con los hombres. Los análisis en cuanto a re accidentalidad determinaron que el 16,8% de los trabajadores presentaron más de un accidente y un trabajador presentó 5 accidentes en el periodo de tiempo estudiado en la empresa, la edad se relacionó significativamente con el hecho de presentar re accidentalidad.


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O presente artigo teve como base um trabalho do Mestrado em Gestão da Prevenção de Riscos Laborais, que consistiu na conceção um artigo científico, em grupo, em 4 horas. O estudo efetuado teve como objetivo evidenciar a relação dos acidentes de trabalho com o efetivo laboral e com as horas trabalhadas. A metodologia consistiu em aplicar tratamento estatístico descritivo sobre os dados dos acidentes de trabalho com baixa médica, do efetivo médio laboral e das horas trabalhadas, de uma empresa nacional de grande dimensão, entre 1993 e 2011. Os resultados revelaram uma tendência de redução dos acidentes de trabalho coincidente com a diminuição do efetivo laboral, assim como uma tendência de redução dos acidentes de trabalho coincidente com a diminuição das horas trabalhadas. Verificou-se ainda que, durante esse período de dezanove anos, os acidentes de trabalho decresceram mais rapidamente que o efetivo médio e especulou-se que esse resultado fosse devido a uma tendência de fundo de redução dos acidentes com duas décadas de aplicação do Direito Comunitário transposto. Mesmo sem tratamento estatístico inferencial, os resultados obtidos sugeriram associações diretas do número de acidentes de trabalho com o efetivo laboral e com as horas trabalhadas. - This article was based on an class exercise of Master in Management of Occupational Risk Prevention, which consisted in the making of a scientific paper, in 4 hours. The study aimed to point out the associations between occupational accidents and number of employees, as well as between occupational accidents and hours worked. The methodology consisted of applying descriptive statistics to analyze data on occupational accidents with sick leave, the average workforce and hours worked, in a large national enterprise, between 1993 and 2011. The results showed a decreasing trend regarding occupational accidents coincident with the reduction of workforce, as well as a decreasing trend regarding occupational accidents coincident with the reduction of hours worked. It was also found that, during this period of nineteen years, occupational accidents have decreased faster than the average workforce, which led to speculate that this result was due to a tendency to reduce accidents thanks to the national application of European Community law, during the past two decades. Even without using inferential statistics, the results suggest a direct association between the number of occupational accidents and number of employees, and also a direct association of number of occupational accidents with hours worked.


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The White-headed Vulture Trigonoceps occipitalis (WhV) is uncommon and largely restricted to protected areas across its range in sub-Saharan Africa. We used the World Database on Protected Areas to identify protected areas (PAs) likely to contain White-headed Vultures. Vulture occurrence on road transects in Southern, East, and West Africa was adjusted to nests per km2 using data from areas with known numbers of nests and corresponding road transect data. Nest density was used to calculate the number of WhV nests within identified PAs and from there extrapolated to estimate the global population. Across a fragmented range, 400 PAs are estimated to contain 1893 WhV nests. Eastern Africa is estimated to contain 721 nests, Central Africa 548 nests, Southern Africa 468 nests, and West Africa 156 nests. Including immature and nonbreeding birds, and accounting for data deficient PAs, the estimated global population is 5475 - 5493 birds. The identified distribution highlights are alarming: over 78% (n = 313) of identified PAs contain fewer than five nests. A further 17% (n = 68) of PAs contain 5 - 20 nests and 4% (n = 14) of identified PAs are estimated to contain >20 nests. Just 1% (n = 5) of PAs are estimated to contain >40 nests; none is located in West Africa. Whilst ranging behavior of WhVs is currently unknown, 35% of PAs large enough to hold >20 nests are isolated by more than 100 km from other PAs. Spatially discrete and unpredictable mortality events such as poisoning pose major threats to small localized vulture populations and will accelerate ongoing local extinctions. Apart from reducing the threat of poisoning events, conservation actions promoting linkages between protected areas should be pursued. Identifying potential areas for assisted re-establishment via translocation offers the potential to expand the range of this species and alleviate risk.


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Moose (Alces alces) are a keystone herbivore in Maine. Because of the large number of rural roads in Maine, there is a high rate of moose-vehicle collisions (MVCs), which is increasing. On-road encounters with animals resulted in 231 fatalities in the United States in 1999. Because of the fatality of MVCs, it is important to know where they are most likely to occur. I used GIS analysis to estimate where future MVCs would occur, factoring in the variables of land cover suitability for moose, distance from water bodies, locations of past MVCs, and speed limits on the roads. I ran four different analyses, each one weighting the variables equally. I also ran a regression to determine if increasing road speed was associated with the increase in the number of MVCs per length of road. There was not a strong positive relationship between the number of MVCs per length of road and the speed limit, but it was interesting to note that there were more MVCs per length of road on 35mph and 40mph roads than on 45, 50, 55 or 65mph roads. Future research on MVCs would benefit from the inclusion of include moose population density and road traffic data.


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Flex-fuel vehicles are equipped with Otto Cycle internal combustion engines and have the capability of functioning with more than one type of fuel, mixed at the same tank and burned in the combustion chamber simultaneously. This sort of motorization is a world pattern due to the scarcity of petroleum, the trade of several types of fuels, technology advances and the restriction imposed to gas emissions to the atmosphere. In Brazil, the Flexfuel vehicles are a reality, specially the ones using fuel with 20 to 25% anhydrous alcohol mixed with gasoline and those that use natural gas or original liquid fuel (gasoline or hydrated ethanol). The Brazilian model Fiat Siena, the object of this present scientific investigation, is equipped with a unique electronic central capable of managing the liquid or gaseous fuels. The purpose of this research was to perform a comparative analysis in terms of performance (in terms of both potency and consumption) of a tetra-fuel vehicle - using a chassis dynamometer, operating with different fuels: common gasoline, premium gasoline, Podium gasoline, ethanol or natural gas. It became necessary to develop a bench of tests and trials procedures, as well as to know the functioning of the electronic management of the vehicle under analysis. The experiments were performed at the automotive laboratory in CTGAS-ER (Center of Gas Technologies and Renewable energies) at the light of Brazilian standard ABNT, NBR 7024: Light on-road vehicles - measurement of fuel consumption. The essay results on specific fuel consumption using common gasoline, premium gasoline and Podium gasoline have shown similar results, both for urban and road driving cycles


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In this thesis we investigate physical problems which present a high degree of complexity using tools and models of Statistical Mechanics. We give a special attention to systems with long-range interactions, such as one-dimensional long-range bondpercolation, complex networks without metric and vehicular traffic. The flux in linear chain (percolation) with bond between first neighbor only happens if pc = 1, but when we consider long-range interactions , the situation is completely different, i.e., the transitions between the percolating phase and non-percolating phase happens for pc < 1. This kind of transition happens even when the system is diluted ( dilution of sites ). Some of these effects are investigated in this work, for example, the extensivity of the system, the relation between critical properties and the dilution, etc. In particular we show that the dilution does not change the universality of the system. In another work, we analyze the implications of using a power law quality distribution for vertices in the growth dynamics of a network studied by Bianconi and Barabási. It incorporates in the preferential attachment the different ability (fitness) of the nodes to compete for links. Finally, we study the vehicular traffic on road networks when it is submitted to an increasing flux of cars. In this way, we develop two models which enable the analysis of the total flux on each road as well as the flux leaving the system and the behavior of the total number of congested roads


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OBJETIVO: Estimar o número de acidentes do trabalho ocorridos em determinada localidade e intervalo de tempo e a extensão do sub-registro de casos. MÉTODOS: Amostraram-se 4.782 domicílios residenciais do município de Botucatu, SP, contendo 17.219 moradores, em primeiro de julho de 1997. em cada um dos domicílios, um morador adulto era entrevistado para identificar ocorrência de acidentes do trabalho nos três meses precedentes à entrevista. Nos casos positivos, os acidentados foram entrevistados. Para cálculo do intervalo de confiança utilizou-se a formula de Cochran. RESULTADOS: Confirmaram ter sofrido acidente do trabalho 76 indivíduos, estimando-se em 1.810 o número desses eventos em Botucatu no ano de 1997 e a proporção de incidência em 4,1% (IC95% 3,0%-5,3%). Dos 76 acidentados, 39 não eram cobertos pelo seguro acidente previdenciário (51,3% IC95% 41,1%-61,6%), não se enquadrando na obrigatoriedade de emissão de Comunicação de Acidente do Trabalho (funcionários públicos estatutários, autônomos, assalariados sem registro em carteira, proprietários e outros). Dentre os 37 casos com obrigatoriedade de emissão desse documento, 20 casos não possuíam (54,1% IC39,4%-68,7%). Houve maior proporção de sub-registro de casos em trabalhadores de micro, pequenas e médias empresas, do que entre grandes empresas. Apenas 22,4% (IC13,8%, 30,9%) dos acidentes do trabalho informados nas entrevistas domiciliares foram captados pelos registros previdenciários CONCLUSÕES: Os achados indicam a necessidade de melhoria de utilização de outras fontes de informação, além das Comunicações de Acidentes do Trabalho, para elaboração das estatísticas oficiais sobre acidentes do trabalho.


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This report describes the consequences and some aspects of the origin and development of victim blaming in accident analysis, and some methods for investigating such events, with particular emphasis on the situation in Brazil. In Brazil, the spread of this practice seems to have been helped by several factors. (1) the idea that occupational accidents are simple phenomena with a limited number of causal factors linked to unsafe actions and/or conditions. In the past, the theory of accident proneness had less influence than in other countries. (2) Government regulations that stipulate the hiring of health and safety officers, production of educational material, and preventive campaigns that emphasize the role of the victim's faulty behavior in the origin of an accident. (3) Mandatory implementation of standardized models for accident investigation directed toward searching for a single cause. Usually one conclusion, expressed in terms of unsafe acts or conditions, is formulated so that whoever performs an unsafe act is responsible for the accident. (4) Lack of knowledge, as shown in Brazilian publications on occupational accidents and in the evolution of studies on the nature of accident phenomena and of strategies adopted for their prevention.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Cartográficas - FCT


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Burns are frequent accidents, and they are among the major causes of morbidity and mortality in our society. In Brazil, statistical data on such lesions are relatively scarce, and they are concentrated in a few treatment centers. Data on such accidents allow for specific care to be timely and properly taken in order to provide patients with a better prognosis, in addition to enabling the development of prevention programs as well as fire-prevention safety laws. To characterize the epidemiological profile of users at the Burn Treatment Unit of Bauru State Hospital. Collection of epidemiological data through the e-pront system and from charts of burned inpatients from April 2005 to April 2010. During the studied period, 906 hospitalizations of burned patients occurred, with an annual average of 181.2 individuals. Their mean age was 28.4 years, with a predominance of males. The mean hospitalization period was of 27.6 days, with a median of 16 days and a maximum of 216 days; 14.7% developed to death, with the highest mortality rate in the first two weeks of hospitalization. Second-degree burns were the most frequent; 36.8% of the patients burned less than 10% of their body surface, and there was a gradual frequency reduction when a larger burned surface was taken into account; the greater the affected areas, the higher the number of deaths; 91% resulted from thermal agents, 6% from electric and 2% from chemical agents; scalding was the major cause among all agents, followed by alcohol associated with fire and direct flame. The major area affected areas were the upper limbs. The study shows the need for educational and preventive measures, particularly for the young adult population, by means of educational programs and prevention campaigns