942 resultados para OPEN-CIRCUIT VOLTAGE


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The output characteristics of micro-solar cell arrays are analyzed on the basis of a modified model in which the shunt resistance between cell lines results in current leakage. The modification mainly consists of adding a shunt resistor network to the traditional model. The obtained results agree well with the reported experimental results. The calculation results demonstrate that leakage current in substrate affects seriously the performance of GaAs micro- solar cell arrays. The performance of arrays can be improved by reducing the number of cells per line. In addition, at a certain level of integration, an appropriate space occupancy rate of the single cell is recommended for ensuring high open circuit voltages, and it is more appropriate to set the rates at 80%-90% through the calculation.


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In this paper, gain-bandwidth (GB) trade-off associated with analog device/circuit design due to conflicting requirements for enhancing gain and cutoff frequency is examined. It is demonstrated that the use of a nonclassical source/drain (S/D) profile (also known as underlap channel) can alleviate the GB trade-off associated with analog design. Operational transconductance amplifier (OTA) with 60 nm underlap S/D MOSFETs achieve 15 dB higher open loop voltage gain along with three times higher cutoff frequency as compared to OTA with classical nonunderlap S/D regions. Underlap design provides a methodology for scaling analog devices into the sub-100 nm regime and is advantageous for high temperature applications with OTA, preserving functionality up to 540 K. Advantages of underlap architecture over graded channel (GC) or laterally asymmetric channel (LAC) design in terms of GB behavior are demonstrated. Impact of transistor structural parameters on the performance of OTA is also analyzed. Results show that underlap OTAs designed with spacer-to-straggle ratio of 3.2 and operated below a bias current of 80 microamps demonstrate optimum performance. The present work provides new opportunities for realizing future ultra wide band OTA design with underlap DG MOSFETs in silicon-on-insulator (SOI) technology. Index Terms—Analog/RF, double gate, gain-bandwidth product, .


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The recently introduced Class-EF power amplifier (PA) has a peak switch voltage lower than that of the Class-E PA. However, the value of the transistor output capacitance at high frequencies is typically larger than the required Class-EF optimum shunt capacitance. Consequently, soft-switching operation that minimizes power dissipation during off-to-on transition cannot be achieved at high frequencies. Two new Class-EF PA variants with transmission-line load networks, namely, third-harmonic-peaking (THP) and fifth-harmonic-peaking (FHP) Class-EF PAs are proposed in this paper. These permit operation at higher frequencies at no expense to other PA figures of merit. Analytical expressions are derived in order to obtain circuit component values, which satisfy the required Class-EF impedances at fundamental frequency, all even harmonics, and the first few odd harmonics as well as simultaneously providing impedance matching to a 50- Ω load. Furthermore, a novel open-circuit and shorted stub arrangement, which has substantial practical benefits, is proposed to replace the normal quarter-wave line connected at the transistor's drain. Using GaN HEMTs, two PA prototypes were built. Measured peak drain efficiency of 91% and output power of 39.5 dBm were obtained at 2.22 GHz for the THP Class-EF PA. The FHP Class-EF PA delivered output power of 41.9 dBm with 85% drain efficiency at 1.52 GHz.


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Multiple breath wash-out (MBW) testing requires prior wash-in of inert tracer gas. Wash-in efficiency can be enhanced by a rebreathing tracer in a closed circuit. Previous attempts to deploy this did not account for the impact of CO2 accumulation on patients and were unsuccessful. We hypothesised that an effective rebreathe wash-in could be delivered and it would not alter wash-out parameters. Computer modelling was used to assess the impact of the rebreathe method on wash-in efficiency. Clinical testing of open and closed circuit wash-in–wash-out was performed in healthy controls and adult patients with cystic fibrosis (CF) using a circuit with an effective CO2 scrubber and a refined wash-in protocol. Wash-in efficiency was enhanced by rebreathing. There was no difference in mean lung clearance index between the two wash-in methods for controls (6.5 versus 6.4; p=0.2, n=12) or patients with CF (10.9 versus 10.8; p=0.2, n=19). Test time was reduced by rebreathe wash-in (156 versus 230 s for CF patients, p<0.001) and both methods were well tolerated. End wash-in CO2 was maintained below 2% in most cases. Rebreathe–wash-in is a promising development that, when correctly deployed, reduces wash-in time and facilitates portable MBW testing. For mild CF, wash-out outcomes are equivalent to an open circuit.


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Les canaux potassiques dépendants du voltage sont formés de quatre sous-unités, chacune possédant six segments transmembranaires (S1-S6) et une boucle (p-loop) qui se trouve entre le cinquième et le sixième segment au niveau du pore. Il est connu que le segment senseur du voltage (S1-S4) subit un mouvement lorsque le potentiel membranaire change. Pour ouvrir le canal, il est nécessaire de transférer l'énergie du senseur du voltage (généré par le mouvement des charges positives de S4) au pore. Le mécanisme exact de ce couplage électromécanique est encore sous étude. Un des points de liaison entre le senseur de voltage et le pore est le lien physique fait par le segment S4-S5 (S45L). Le but de cette étude est de déterminer l'influence de la flexibilité du segment S45L sur le processus de couplage. Dans le S45L, trois glycines sont distribuées dans des positions différentes. Elles sont responsables de la flexibilité des hélices-alpha. Ces glycines (mais pas leurs positions exactes) sont conservées pour tous les canaux potassiques dépendants de potentiel. En utilisant la technique de mutagènes dirigé, la glycine a été remplacée dans chacune de ces différentes positions par une alanine et dans une deuxième étape, par une proline (pour introduire un angle dans l'hélice). Pour étudier le comportement des canaux dans cette nouvelle conformation, on a appliqué la technique de « patch clamp » pour déterminer les effets lors de l'ouverture du pore (courant ionique). Avec le « cut-open oocyte voltage-clamp », nous avons étudié les effets sur le mouvement du senseur de voltage (courant “gating”) et la coordination temporelle avec l'ouverture du pore (courant ionique). Les données ont montré qu’en réduisant la flexibilité dans le S45L, il faut avoir plus d'énergie pour faire ouvrir le canal. Le changement pour une proline suggère que le mouvement du senseur est indépendant du pore pendant l'ouverture du canal.


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This work presents contributions in the detection and identication of faults in multilevel inverters through the study of the converters behavior under these operation conditions. Basically, the approached fault consists of an open-circuit in any switch of a three-level clamped diode inverter. The converter operation is characterized in the pre and post-fault states. A wave form behavior analysis of the pole voltage, phase current and dc-bus current is also done, which highlights characteristics that allow the detection of failure and, even, under favorable conditions, the identication of the faulty device. A compensation strategy of the approached fault (open-switch) is also investigated with the purpose of maintaining the driving system operational when a failure occurs. The proposed topology uses SCRs in parallel with the internal switches of the inverter, which allows, in some occasions, the full utilization of the dc-bus


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Thermoelektrizität beschreibt die reversible Beeinflussung und Wechselwirkung von Elektrizität und Temperatur T in Systemen abseits des thermischen Gleichgewichtes. In diesen führt ein Temperaturgradient entlang eines thermoelektrischen Materials zu einem kontinuierlichen Ungleichgewicht in der Energieverteilung der Ladungsträger. Dies hat einen Diffusionsstrom der energiereichen Ladungsträger zum kalten Ende und der energiearmen Ladungsträger zum heißen Ende zur Folge. Da in offenen Stromkreisen kein Strom fließt, wird ein Ungleichgewicht der Ströme über das Ausbilden eines elektrischen Feldes kompensiert. Die dadurch entstehende Spannung wird als Seebeck Spannung bezeichnet. Über einen geeigneten Verbraucher, folgend aus dem Ohm'schen Gesetz, kann nun ein Strom fließen und elektrische Energie gewonnen werden. Den umgekehrten Fall beschreibt der sogenannte Peltier Effekt, bei dem ein Stromfluss durch zwei unterschiedliche miteinander verbundene Materialien ein Erwärmen oder Abkühlen der Kontaktstelle zur Folge hat. Die Effizienz eines thermoelektrischen Materials kann über die dimensionslose Größe ZT=S^2*sigma/kappa*T charakterisiert werden. Diese setzt sich zusammen aus den materialspezifischen Größen der elektrischen Leitfähigkeit sigma, der thermischen Leitfähigkeit kappa und dem Seebeck Koeffizienten S als Maß der erzeugten Spannung bei gegebener Temperaturdifferenz. Diese Arbeit verfolgt den Ansatz glaskeramische Materialien mit thermoelektrischen Kristallphasen zu synthetisieren, sie strukturell zu charakterisieren und ihre thermoelektrischen Eigenschaften zu messen, um eine Struktur-Eigenschaft Korrelation zu erarbeiten. Hierbei werden im Detail eine elektronenleitende (Hauptphase SrTi_xNb_{1-x}O_3) sowie eine löcherleitende Glaskeramik (Hauptphase Bi_2Sr_2Co_2O_y) untersucht. Unter dem Begriff Glaskeramiken sind teilkristalline Materialien zu verstehen, die aus Glasschmelzen durch gesteuerte Kristallisation hergestellt werden können. Über den Grad der Kristallisation und die Art der ausgeschiedenen Spezies an Kristallen lassen sich die physikalischen Eigenschaften dieser Systeme gezielt beeinflussen. Glaskeramiken bieten, verursacht durch ihre Restglasphase, eine niedrige thermische Leitfähigkeit und die Fermi Energie lässt sich durch Dotierungen in Richtung des Leitungs- oder Valenzbands verschieben. Ebenso besitzen glaskeramische Materialien durch ihre Porenfreiheit verbesserte mechanische Eigenschaften gegenüber Keramiken und sind weniger anfällig für den Einfluss des Sauerstoffpartialdruckes p_{O_2} auf die Parameter. Ein glaskeramisches und ein gemischt keramisch/glaskeramisches thermoelektrisches Modul aus den entwickelten Materialien werden konzipiert, präpariert, kontaktiert und bezüglich ihrer Leistung vermessen.


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We introduce one trivial but puzzling solar cell structure. It consists of a high bandgap pn junction (top cell) grown on a substrate of lower bandgap. Let us assume, for example, that the bandgap of the top cell is 1.85 eV (Al 0.3Ga 0.7As) and the bandgap of the substrate is 1.42 eV (GaAs). Is the open-circuit of the top cell limited to 1.42 V or to 1.85 V? If the answer is ldquo1.85 Vrdquo we could then make the mind experiment in which we illuminate the cell with 1.5 eV photons (notice these photons would only be absorbed in the substrate). If we admit that these photons can generate photocurrent, then because we have also admitted that the voltage is limited to 1.85 V, it might be possible that the electron-hole pairs generated by these photons were extracted at 1.6 V for example. However, if we do so, the principles of thermodynamics could be violated because we would be extracting more energy from the photon than the energy it initially had. How can we then solve this puzzle?


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In this paper a novel bidirectional multiple port dc/dc transformer topology is presented. The novel concept for dc/dc transformer is based on the Series Resonant Converter (SRC)topology operated at its resonant frequency point. This allows for higher switching frequency to be adopted and enables high efficiency/high power density operation. The feasibility of the proposed concept is verified on a 300W, 700 kHz three port prototype with 390V input voltage and 48V and 12V output voltages. A peak overall efficiency of 93% is measured at full load. A very good load and cross regulation characteristic of the converter is observed in the whole load range, from full load to open circuit. The sensitivity analysis of the resonant capacitance is also performed showing very slight deterioration in the converter performances when a resonant capacitor is changed ±30% of its nominal value.


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In this paper a novel bidirectional multiple port dc/dc transformer topology is presented. The novel concept for dc/dc transformer is based on the Series Resonant Converter (SRC) topology operated at its resonant frequency point. This allows for higher switching frequency to be adopted and enables high efficiency/high power density operation. The feasibility of the proposed concept is verified on a 300W, 700 kHz three port prototype with 390V input voltage and 48V and 12V output voltages. A peak overall efficiency of 93% is measured at full load. A very good load and cross regulation characteristic of the converter is observed in the whole load range, from full load to open circuit. The sensitivity analysis of the resonant capacitance is also performed showing very slight deterioration in the converter performances when a resonant capacitor is changed ±30% of its nominal value.


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O uso de materiais inteligentes em problemas de controle de vibração tem sido investigado em diversas pesquisas ao longo dos últimos anos. Apesar de que diferentes materiais inteligentes estão disponíveis, o piezelétrico tem recebido grande atenção devido à facilidade de uso como sensores, atuadores, ou ambos simultaneamente. As principais técnicas de controle usando materiais piezoelétricos são os ativos e passivos. Circuitos piezelétricos passivos são ajustados para uma frequência específica e, portanto, a largura de banda efetiva é pequena. Embora os sistemas ativos possam apresentar um bom desempenho no controle de vibração, a quantidade de energia externa e hardware adicionado são questões importantes. As técnicas SSD (Synchronized Switch Damping) foram desenvolvidas como uma alternativa aos controladores passivos e controladores ativos de vibração. Elas podem ser técnicas semi-ativas ou semi-passivas que introduzem um tratamento não linear na tensão elétrica proveniente do material piezelétrico e induz um aumento na conversão de energia mecânica para energia elétrica e, consequentemente, um aumento no efeito de amortecimento. Neste trabalho, o controle piezoelétrico semi-passivo de uma pá piezelétrica engastada é apresentado e comparado com outros controladores. O modelo não linear electromecânico de uma pá com piezocerâmicas incorporados é determinado com base no método variacional-assintótico (VAM). O sistema rotativo acoplado não linear é resolvido no domínio do tempo, utilizando um método de integração alfa-generalizado afim de garantir a estabilidade numérica. As simulações são realizadas para uma vasta gama de velocidades de rotação. Em primeiro lugar, um conjunto de resistências (variando desde a condição de curto-circuito para a condição de circuito aberto) é considerada. O efeito da resistência ótima (que resulta em máximo amortecimento) sobre o comportamento do sistema é investigado para o aumento da velocidade de rotação. Mais tarde, a técnica SSDS é utilizada para amortecer as oscilações da pá com o aumento da velocidade de rotação. Os resultados mostram que a técnica SSDS pode ser um método útil para o controle de vibrações de vigas rotativas não lineares, tais como pás de helicóptero.


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A solid state lithium metal battery based on a lithium garnet material was developed, constructed and tested. Specifically, a porous-dense-porous trilayer structure was fabricated by tape casting, a roll-to-roll technique conducive to high volume manufacturing. The high density and thin center layer (< 20 μm) effectively blocks dendrites even over hundreds of cycles. The microstructured porous layers, serving as electrode supports, are demonstrated to increase the interfacial surface area available to the electrodes and increase cathode loading. Reproducibility of flat, well sintered ceramics was achieved with consistent powderbed lattice parameter and ball milling of powderbed. Together, the resistance of the LLCZN trilayer was measured at an average of 7.6 ohm-cm2 in a symmetric lithium cell, significantly lower than any other reported literature results. Building on these results, a full cell with a lithium metal anode, LLCZN trilayer electrolyte, and LiCoO2 cathode was cycled 100 cycles without decay and an average ASR of 117 ohm-cm2. After cycling, the cell was held at open circuit for 24 hours without any voltage fade, demonstrating the absence of a dendrite or short-circuit of any type. Cost calculations guided the optimization of a trilayer structure predicted that resulting cells will be highly competitive in the marketplace as intrinsically safe lithium batteries with energy densities greater than 300 Wh/kg and 1000 Wh/L for under $100/kWh. Also in the pursuit of solid state batteries, an improved Na+ superionic conductor (NASICON) composition, Na3Zr2Si2PO12, was developed with a conductivity of 1.9x10-3 S/cm. New super-lithiated lithium garnet compositions, Li7.06La3Zr1.94Y0.06O12 and Li7.16La3Zr1.84Y0.16O12, were developed and studied revealing insights about the mechanisms of conductivity in lithium garnets.


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New composite doped poly (ethylene oxide) polymer electrolyte was developed using 2-mercapto benzimidazole as plasticizer and iodide/triiodide as redox couple. The fabrication of the cell involves Poly(ethylene oxide)/ 2-mercapto benzimidazole / iodide/triiodide as polymer electrolyte in dye-sensitized solar cell fabricated with N3 dye and TiO2 nanoparticles as the photoanode and Platinum coated FTO (fluorine doped SnO2) as counter electrode. The current-volatage characteristics under simulated sunlight AM1.5 shows a short circuit current Isc of 8.7mA and open circuit photovoltage 508 mV. The conductivity measurements for the new polymer electrolyte and the photoelectrochemical measurments were carried out systematically. In 2-mercapto benzimidazole the electron rich sulphur and nitrogen atoms, act as pi-electron donors that form good interaction with iodine which plays a vital role in the performance of the fabricated dye-sensitized solar cells. The resonance effect increases the stability of the cell to a considerable extent. These results suggest that the new composite polymer electrolyte performs as a promising new doped polymer-electrolyte.


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In situ near-IR transmittance measurements have been used to characterize the density of trapped electrons in dye-sensitized solar cells (DSCs). Measurements have been made under a range experimental conditions including during open circuit photovoltage decay and during recording of the IV characteristic. The optical cross section of electrons at 940 nm was determined by relating the IR absorbance to the density of trapped electrons measured by charge extraction. The value, σn = 5.4 × 10-18 cm2, was used to compare the trapped electron densities in illuminated DSCs under open and short circuit conditions in order to quantify the difference in the quasi Fermi level, nEF. It was found that nEF for the cells studied was 250 meV over wide range of illuminat on intensities. IR transmittance measurements have also been used to quantify shifts in conduction band energy associated with dye adsorption.


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A new steady state method for determination of the electron diffusion length in dye-sensitized solar cells (DSCs) is described and illustrated with data obtained using cells containing three different types of electrolyte. The method is based on using near-IR absorbance methods to establish pairs of illumination intensity for which the total number of trapped electrons is the same at open circuit (where all electrons are lost by interfacial electron transfer) as at short circuit (where the majority of electrons are collected at the contact). Electron diffusion length values obtained by this method are compared with values derived by intensity modulated methods and by impedance measurements under illumination. The results indicate that the values of electron diffusion length derived from the steady state measurements are consistently lower than the values obtained by the non steady-state methods. For all three electrolytes used in the study, the electron diffusion length was sufficiently high to guarantee electron collection efficiencies greater than 90%. Measurement of the trap distributions by near-IR absorption confirmed earlier observations of much higher electron trap densities for electrolytes containing Li+ ions. It is suggested that the electron trap distributions may not be intrinsic properties of the TiO2 nanoparticles, but may be associated with electron-ion interactions.