956 resultados para Nursing-home Placement
O papel de cuidador formal é, habitualmente, exercido por profissionais devidamente qualificados, designadamente, médicos, enfermeiros psicólogos, assistentes sociais, terapeutas ocupacionais, fisioterapeutas e auxiliares. A sua formação académica, profissional é específica para o desempenho deste papel, integrada no contexto de uma actividade profissional onde são exercidas competências, no âmbito da saúde. Nos lares, hospitais, instituições comunitárias, entre outros, existem indivíduos que se enquadram no perfil traçado, a actividade é desgastante, quer física, quer psicologicamente, o que muitas vezes facilita o aparecimento da ansiedade e a percepção do stress. O relaxamento enquanto técnica terapêutica poderá atenuar o seu surgimento. Este trabalho teve como objectivo avaliar o impacto de um programa de relaxamento, na percepção de stress, nos cuidadores formais do lar da Liga de Amigos de Aguada de Cima. Para este fim, consideramos adequado um estudo do tipo experimental. Assim aplicámos á nossa amostra, dezasseis funcionárias, antes e depois da aplicação do programa de relaxamento progressivo de Jacobson, questionários de auto-preenchimento, adaptados à população portuguesa. Para além disso, nas dezasseis sessões que efectuámos, medimos a tensão arterial e a frequência cardíaca com um esfigmomanómetro digital de pulso, no período antes e depois da implementação do programa. Pela análise dos resultados que obtivemos, constatámos que não houve diferenças significativas do ponto de vista estatístico, entre a ansiedade e a percepção do stress, após o programa de relaxamento Jacobson. Confirmámos porém, que existiram diferenças em alguns itens dos questionários após a implementação do programa de relaxamento, assim como uma diminuição da pressão arterial diastólica e da correlação positiva entre a ansiedade e a percepção de stress. Desta forma, parece existir uma indicação de que o programa de relaxamento progressivo de Jacobson talvez tenha contribuído para minimizar o nível de stress das funcionárias do lar da Liga de Amigos de Aguada de Cima
Dissertação de Mestrado, Ciências Sociais, 16 de Maio de 2014, Universidade dos Açores.
RESUMO O envelhecimento populacional, nos países ditos “desenvolvidos”, tem sido largamente discutido a nível internacional pelas suas implicações económicas, sociais e de saúde. Uma das prioridades de intervenção face a este fenómeno é promover o aumento de pessoas idosas autónomas inseridas no seu contexto social e familiar habitual. No entanto, nem sempre esse objectivo é atingido e a muitas pessoas idosas restam os lares, ou preferem-nos, como opção de alojamento e de satisfação das necessidades humanas fundamentais. O principal objectivo deste estudo foi procurar saber se a institucionalização no lar teve impacte na satisfação habitual das necessidades humanas fundamentais das pessoas idosas. Como objectivos secundários pretendeu-se complementar esta informação com alguns aspectos relacionados com o processo de institucionalização e perceber se existem diferenças significativas no que respeita ao sexo, grupo etário ou tempo de internamento. Foram incluídas no estudo 125 pessoas com 65 ou mais anos, residentes em 15 lares com alvará de iniciativa privada, pertencentes à Região de Lisboa e Vale do Tejo, no distrito de Setúbal. Os dados foram obtidos através de um questionário construído para o efeito pela autora. As principais conclusões do estudo apontaram para um impacte negativo da institucionalização na satisfação habitual de algumas necessidades que se enquadram no plano social, nomeadamente ocupar-se para se sentir útil, recrear-se e comunicar com os semelhantes. Nas diferentes necessidades, de uma forma geral, a institucionalização teve um impacte negativo no que respeita às dimensões relacionadas com privacidade e preferência individual. Por outro lado, a institucionalização parece ter tido um impacte positivo nas dimensões relacionadas com a segurança e a acessibilidade. Não foram encontradas diferenças significativas no que respeita ao número médio de respostas favoráveis ao lar ou à casa entre os grupos etários ou quanto ao tempo de internamento. Apesar disso, encontraram-se diferenças no que respeita ao grau de satisfação em residir num lar, sendo que o nível de satisfação com a institucionalização foi maior nas pessoas que residiam no lar há mais de um ano, comparativamente às que residiam no lar há um ano ou menos.-------------------------------------------- ABSTRACT: The ageing of the population of the more developed countries has been largely discussed internationally because of its economic, social and health implications. One of the priorities of intervention facing the ageing phenomenon is to promote the increase of autonomous elderly, within their usual social and familiar environment. Not always this goal is achieved and many elderly have nursing homes as option, or voluntary choose them, for lodgement and fundamental human needs satisfaction. The main goal of this study was to search whether the nursing home institutionalization had impact in the satisfaction of fundamental human needs. As secondary goals it was established to complement this information with some aspects of the institutionalization process, as well as to analyse if there were significant differences as far as sex, age groups or institutionalization time. The study sample included 125 individuals aged 65 years or more, living in 15 private nursing homes with approved legal certification, belonging to the Lisboa and Tagus Valley Region, in the district of Setúbal. Data were collected through a questionnaire designed for this study by the author. The main conclusions of this study pointed at a negative impact of institutionalization on the usual satisfaction of some human needs included at the social field, namely occupation, recreation and communication. At another level of needs, in a general way, institutionalization had negative impact concerning privacy and individual preferences dimensions. On the other hand, institutionalization appeared to have a positive impact in safety and accessibility dimensions. It was not found significant differences between age groups or institutionalization time as far as the average positive answers in favour to nursing home or house. Notwithstanding, there were differences relating to satisfaction in living at the nursing home being the satisfaction higher in residents who lived at the nursing home for more than a year, comparatively to those that lived at the nursing home for a year or less.
O presente relatório apresenta o projeto desenvolvido na Casa-Acolhimento Santa Marta, cuja finalidade era a promoção de um envelhecimento ativo e bem-sucedido com vista à melhoria da qualidade de vida das pessoas idosas que frequentam a resposta social de Centro de Dia. O conhecimento coconstruído com as pessoas idosas e os profissionais da instituição permitiu a conceção e o desenvolvimento do projeto “Não nos deixem dormir…”. Sendo um projeto, elaborado em conjunto com os indivíduos, privilegiou os pressupostos da metodologia de investigação-ação participativa. Inerente a este posicionamento, incentivando a exploração e a rentabilização dos recursos e das potencialidades endógenas, bem como procurando atenuar ou resolver os problemas e as necessidades subjacentes, procurou-se tornar os sujeitos atores e autores das suas vidas. Deste modo, partindo dos contributos e das necessidades dos idosos o projeto justifica a sua importância, designadamente pela realização de ações que proporcionaram um maior número de atividades de acordo com as suas expectativas e os seus interesses e que promoveram as relações interpessoais propiciando momentos de convívio e de diálogo, fomentando o auto e o hétero conhecimento, bem como o respeito mútuo entre os idosos. De forma a sustentar a investigação e a intervenção, mobilizou-se contributos teóricos ligados sobretudo à terceira idade, que se tornaram essenciais na problematização, na reflexão e na ação. A concretização do projeto permitiu ainda uma constante reflexão acerca do papel do Educador Social junto da população idosa, bem como da pertinência da sua presença neste âmbito de intervenção.
BACKGROUND: frailty is a concept used to describe older people at high risk of adverse outcomes, including falls, functional decline, hospital or nursing home admission and death. The associations between frailty and use of specific health and community services have not been investigated. METHODS: the cross-sectional relationship between frailty and use of several health and community services in the last 12 months was investigated in 1,674 community-dwelling men aged 70 or older in the Concord Health and Ageing in Men study, a population-based study conducted in Sydney, Australia. Frailty was assessed using a modified version of the Cardiovascular Health Study criteria. RESULTS: overall, 158 (9.4%) subjects were frail, 679 (40.6%) were intermediate (pre-frail) and 837 (50.0%) were robust. Frailty was associated with use of health and community services in the last 12 months, including consulting a doctor, visiting or being visited by a nurse or a physiotherapist, using help with meals or household duties and spending at least one night in a hospital or nursing home. Frail men without disability in activities of daily living were twice more likely to have seen a doctor in the previous 2 weeks than robust men (adjusted odds ratio 2.04, 95% confidence interval 1.21-3.44), independent of age, comorbidity and socio-economic status. CONCLUSION: frailty is strongly associated with use of health and community services in community-dwelling older men. The high level of use of medical services suggests that doctors and nurses could play a key role in implementation of preventive interventions.
This document is intended to be a practical clinical guideline for the control of pain in patients with cancer. Its target group is hospital staff, primary care team members and nursing home staff. It attempts to apply the clinical principles outlined in the document 'Control of Pain in Patients with Cancer' published by "Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network" (SIGN). This document has been adapted with the permission of SIGN. Rigour of Development A full evidence based reference list is available with the SIGN document. This can be accessed at www.sign.ac.uk. Contents not based on the SIGN document are referenced separately. This document has been developed as one part of the recommendations identified in the Regional Review of Palliative Care Services, 'Partnerships in Caring'. The development of these Pain Guidelines was led by the Northern Ireland Group of the National Council for Hospice and Specialist Palliative Care, whose membership is detailed in Appendix 4. They will be reviewed and updated in two years. A wide consultation process with potential users was undertaken. åÊ åÊ
Report of the Interdepartmental Working Group on Long Term Care, 2006 This report was finalised by the working group at the end of 2005 and submitted to Government in January 2006. While the reportâ?Ts proposals were not formally endorsed by Government, its analysis and recommendations have informed subsequent decisions, including the Fair Deal policy on Long-Term Nursing Home Care.The principles underpinning the report formed the basis for discussions about long term care with the Social Partners prior to the new national programme negotiations leading to a clear vision articulated in Towards 2016 on a number of priority actions to support older people to participate in society in a full and meaningful way. Click here to download PDF 693kb
The Alzheimer Society of Ireland in conjunction with St. Luke’s Home has published a report ‘Continuing to care for people with dementia’ which explores Irish family carers’ experience of their relative’s transition to a nursing home.�� The report was researched and written by Professor Murna Downs, Bradford Dementia Group, University of Bradford. The full report is available below:Continuing to care for people with dementia����
Loneliness can have a significant impact on the physical and mental health of older people and is of increasing concern for public health says a new report from the Institute of Public Health in Ireland (IPH). The research suggests that approximately 10% of older people are affected by chronic or persistent loneliness. It also finds that loneliness amongst older people may be linked to depression, increased nursing home admission, decreased quality of life and cognitive decline. The report compiled by Brian Harvey and Kathy Walsh for the Ageing Research and Development Division at IPH examines loneliness in particular amongst older people and the policy and service interventions to tackle the issue. It argues that loneliness may be tackled by health and social policies and therefore needs to be addressed in a cross cutting manner to maximise the impact of interventions and services.
El acogimiento familiar ha de ser la medida prioritaria para los casos de menores que deben ser separados de su família por motivos de protección. En España es una alternativa que cuenta tan sólo con veinte años de existencia y hasta la fecha no existen prácticamente datos acerca del grado de su implantación y sus características cuando se trata de acogimiento en familia ajena, mientras que son varios los trabajos que han estudiado el acogimiento en familia extensa. Este artículo presenta por primera vez en la literatura científica los datos más relevantes que permiten caracterizar la práctica del acogimiento en familia ajena en España, mediante el estudio de una muestra de seis comunidades autónomas bienrepresentativas, con un total de 357 casos. El artículo presenta los perfiles de los niños, las familias biológicas y acogedoras,el proceso y algunos resultados sobre una submuestra de casos cerrados (n = 179). Se analizarán algunas característicasespecialmente importantes como la larga estancia y la estabilidad de estos acogimientos, que los diferencia de los realizados en otros países
Objective To evaluate the influence exercised by institutionalization on the autonomy and perception of quality of life among the institutionalized elderly. Method The study is quasi-experimental (interrupted time series) and longitudinal. The sample is composed for 104 elderly people who went into a three nursing home in Santander, Spain. To assess the quality of life and dependence two scales were used: the Barthel Index and Lawton Index. Results There was an important relationship between autonomy and independence and their deterioration due to their institutionalisation, such as the physical and social aspects. Conclusion It´s important to point out that the dependence of the elderly is a complex phenomenon, which admits many types of intervention, including the customary ones referring to more classic welfare actions which tend to supplant the absence of autonomy in everyday life by facilitating services and attention to make up for this need, without having to resort to institutionalization.
AbstractOBJECTIVECorrelating two unidimensional scales for measurement of self-reported pain intensity for elderly and identifying a preference for one of the scales.METHODA study conducted with 101 elderly people living in Nursing Home who reported any pain and reached ( 13 the scores on the Mini-Mental State Examination. A Numeric Rating Scale - (NRS) of 11 points and a Verbal Descriptor Scale (VDS) of five points were compared in three evaluations: overall, at rest and during movement.RESULTSWomen were more representative (61.4%) and the average age was 77.0±9.1 years. NRS was completed by 94.8% of the elderly while VDS by 100%. The association between the mean scores of NRS with the categories of VDS was significant, indicating convergent validity and a similar metric between the scales.CONCLUSIONPain measurements among institutionalized elderly can be made by NRS and VDS; however, the preferred scale for the elderly was the VDS, regardless of gender.
The Iowa Department of Elder Affairs, in collaboration with the University of Iowa College of Nursing, has been engaged in developing and evaluating community based services for persons with dementia in the state of Iowa over the past 7 years under a grant form the Administration on Aging. This grant tested out several models of care (dementia nurse care manager, memory loss nurse specialist, “People Living Alone Need Support” (PLANS), varying models of respite care), surveyed agencies and service providers in regard to how they provide services for persons with dementia, and provided training to case management, community college instructors, adult day service providers and other related services providers including assisted living and nursing home facilities.
OBJECTIVES: To determine the risk of hospital readmission, nursing home admission, and death, as well as health services utilization over a 6-month follow-up, in community-dwelling elderly persons hospitalized after a noninjurious fall. DESIGN: Prospective cohort study with 6-month follow-up. SETTING: Swiss academic medical center. PARTICIPANTS: Six hundred ninety persons aged 75 and older hospitalized through the emergency department. MEASUREMENTS: Data on demographics and medical, physical, social, and mental status were collected upon admission. Follow-up data were collected from the state centralized billing system (hospital and nursing home admission) and proxies (death). RESULTS: Seventy patients (10%) were hospitalized after a noninjurious fall. Fallers had shorter hospital stays (median 4 vs 8 days, P<.001) and were more frequently discharged to rehabilitation or respite care than nonfallers. During follow-up, fallers were more likely to be institutionalized (adjusted hazard ratio=1.82, 95% confidence interval=1.03-3.19, P=.04) independent of comorbidity and functional and mental status. Overall institutional costs (averaged per day of follow-up) were similar for both groups ($138.5 vs $148.7, P=.66), but fallers had lower hospital costs and significantly higher rehabilitation and long-term care costs ($55.5 vs $24.1, P<.001), even after adjustment for comorbidity, living situation, and functional and cognitive status. CONCLUSION: Elderly patients hospitalized after a noninjurious fall were twice as likely to be institutionalized as those admitted for other medical conditions and had higher intermediate and long-term care services utilization during follow-up, independent of functional and health status. These results provide direction for interventions needed to delay or prevent institutionalization and reduce subsequent costs.
OBJECTIVE: The authors examined the relationship of cognitive impairment at hospital admission to 6-month outcome (hospital readmission, nursing home admission, and death) in a cohort of elderly medical inpatients. METHODS: A group of 401 medical inpatients age 75 and older underwent a comprehensive geriatric assessment at hospital admission and were followed up for 6 months. Cognitive impairment was defined as a score <24 on the Mini-Mental State Exam. Detection was assessed through blinded review of discharge summary. Follow-up data were gathered from the centralized billing system (hospital and nursing home admissions) and from proxies (death). RESULTS: Cognitive impairment was present in 129 patients (32.3%). Only 48 (37.2%) were detected; these had more severe impairment than undetected cases. During follow-up, cognitive impairment, whether detected or not, was associated with death and nursing home admission. After adjustment for health, functional, and socioeconomic status, an independent association remained only for nursing home admission in subjects with detected impairment. Those with undetected impairment appeared to be at intermediate risk, but this relationship was not statistically significant. CONCLUSION: In these elderly medical inpatients, cognitive impairment was frequent, rarely detected, and associated with nursing home admission during follow-up. Although this association was stronger in those with detected impairment, these results support the view that acute hospitalization presents an opportunity to better detect cognitive impairment in elderly patients and target further interventions to prevent adverse outcomes such as nursing home admission.