898 resultados para Nonmarket strategy, international expansion, regulated firms
Ireland, as a small, open European economy, relies fundamentally on international engagement. An internationalised education system in Ireland has a crucial role to play in maintaining Ireland’s international profile and attractiveness by educating the next generation of leaders, entrepreneurs and decision-makers in our partner-countries, by giving our own students the intercultural expertise demanded in the global economy, and by enhancing the direct link with Ireland for members of our global diaspora who choose to come home to study. The High-Level Group on International Education takes the view that, from a national perspective, the most compelling rationale for internationalisation is investment in future global relationships: with students educated in Ireland who will become our advocates overseas, with educational institutions that will be the research and teaching partners of the future, and with the countries that will be Ireland’s next trading and business partners
Ireland, as a small, open European economy, relies fundamentally on international engagement. An internationalised education system in Ireland has a crucial role to play in maintaining Ireland’s international profile and attractiveness by educating the next generation of leaders, entrepreneurs and decision-makers in our partner-countries, by giving our own students the intercultural expertise demanded in the global economy, and by enhancing the direct link with Ireland for members of our global diaspora who choose to come home to study. The High-Level Group on International Education takes the view that, from a national perspective, the most compelling rationale for internationalisation is investment in future global relationships: with students educated in Ireland who will become our advocates overseas, with educational institutions that will be the research and teaching partners of the future, and with the countries that will be Ireland’s next trading and business partners. Internationalisation also provides a means of enhancing the quality of learning, teaching and research in Ireland and makes a significant contribution to our broader ambition as a global innovation hub.
Ireland's International Education Strategy 2010 - 2015: Investing in Global Relationships Summary Report - Arabic. Provided by the Department of Education and Skills, Ireland.
Ireland's International Education Strategy 2010 - 2015: Investing in Global Relationships Summary Report - Chinese. Provided by the Department of Education and Skills, Ireland.
Ireland's International Education Strategy 2010 - 2015: Investing in Global Relationships Summary Report - Korean. Provided by the Department of Education and Skills, Ireland.
Ireland's International Education Strategy 2010 - 2015: Investing in Global Relationships Summary Report - Portuguese. Provided by the Department of Education and Skills, Ireland.
Ireland's International Education Strategy 2010 - 2015: Investing in Global Relationships Summary Report - Russian. Provided by the Department of Education and Skills, Ireland.
Ireland's International Education Strategy 2010 - 2015: Investing in Global Relationships Summary Report - Spanish. Provided by the Department of Education and Skills, Ireland.
Abstract OBJECTIVE To relate the managerial competencies required of nurses with the process of change experienced in the expansion of the Family Health Strategy (FHS). METHOD A qualitative research conducted in primary health care in a southern Brazilian city, through interviews with 32 managerial and clinical nurses. The interviews were processed by IRAMUTEQ software. The resulting classes were examined under five managerial competencies to promote change. RESULTS The four classes obtained from data were: the Family Health Strategy expansion process; confrontations and potentialities; mobilization for the change; innovations in medical and nursing consultations. The classes were related to one or more competencies. CONCLUSION The expansion of the Family Health Strategy requires managerial competencies of implementing and sustaining change, negotiating agreements and commitments, using power and influence ethically and effectively, sponsoring and selling new ideas, and encouraging and promoting innovation.
Firms operating in a changing environment have a need for structures and practices that provide flexibility and enable rapid response to changes. Given the challenges they face in attempts to keep up with market needs, they have to continuously improve their processes and products, and develop new products to match market requirements. Success in changing markets depends on the firm's ability to convert knowledge into innovations, and consequently their internal structures and capabilities have an important role in innovation activities. According 10 the dynamic capability view of the firm, firms thus need dynamic capabilities in (he form ofassets, processes and structures that enable strategic flexibility and support entrepreneurial opportunity sensing and exploitation. Dynamic capabilities are also needed in conditions of rapid change in the operating environment, and in activities such as new product development and expansion to new markets. Despite the growing interest in these issues and the theoretical developments in the field of strategy research, there are still only very few empirical studies, and large-scale empirical studies in particular, that provide evidence that firms'dynamic capabilities are reflected in performance differences. This thesis represents an attempt to advance the research by providing empirical evidence of thelinkages between the firm's dynamic capabilities and performance in intenationalization and innovation activities. The aim is thus to increase knowledge and enhance understanding of the organizational factors that explain interfirm performance differences. The study is in two parts. The first part is the introduction and the second part comprises five research publications covering the theoretical foundations of the dynamic capability view and subsequent empirical analyses. Quantitative research methodology is used throughout. The thesis contributes to the literature in several ways. While a lot of prior research on dynamic capabilities is conceptual in nature, or conducted through case studies, this thesis introduces empirical measures for assessing the different aspects, and uses large-scale sampling to investigate the relationships between them and performance indicators. The dynamic capability view is further developed by integrating theoretical frameworks and research traditions from several disciplines. The results of the study provide support for the basic tenets of the dynamic capability view. The empirical findings demonstrate that the firm's ability to renew its knowledge base and other intangible assets, its proactive, entrepreneurial behavior, and the structures and practices that support operational flexibility arepositively related to performance indicators.
Maahantulostrategia asettaa yrityksen kansainvälisiä liiketoimintoja ohjaavat tavoitteet, päämäärät, resurssit ja toiminnan suuntaviivat. Tämä diplomityö käsittelee yrityksen maahantulostrategian elementeistä operaatiomuodon valintaa, hinnoittelua ja jakelua. Työssä rakennetaan teoriakehys elementteihin liittyvien päätösten tutkimiseksi lääketeollisuuden ominaispiirteet huomioiden. Lääketeollisuudella on muihin teollisuudenaloihin verrattuna useita erityispiirteitä, joihin työ perehdyttää. Lisäksi työn olennainen osa on selvittää lääketeollisuuden maakohtaisia säädöksiä ja toimintamalleja. Diplomityö on tehty silmäläkkeitä valmistavalle, kehittävälle ja markkinoivalle Santen Oy:lle, joka suunnittelee toimintansa laajentamista Keski- ja Etelä-Euroopan markkinoille. Tässä laajentumisprosessissa ensimmäisenä kohdemaana on Saksa, jonka markkinoille suuntautuvia toimenpiteitä työ tutkii. Teoriakehyksen, markkinoiden ominaispiirteiden sekä useiden erilaisten analyysien pohjalta työn tavoitteena on antaa operaatiomuotoa, tuotteiden hinnoittelua ja jakelua koskevia suosituksia.
The thesis is made of three independent chapters interested in the impact of globalization on workers in industrialized countries. The dissertation is especially focused on identifying the causal impact of international trade on workers' mobility, wages, and employment with both a short- and medium-term perspective. The first paper explores the relation between intra-industry trade (IIT) expansion and associated worker flows, taking the latter as an indicator of labor-market adjustment costs. Being the first study to combine theoretical simulations and a novel identification strategy, we find that both theoretical and empirical analyses are consistent with the "smooth adjustment hypothesis", according to which IIT expansion is less disruptive than inter-industry trade expansion. The study therefore lends support to the use of IIT indices as first-pass proxies for the adjustment effects of trade expansion. The second chapter contrasts the impact of increased import competition coming from China and the European Union (EU) on workers in the United Kingdom over a 15-year period. The most salient findings show that increased imports from China had significantly negative effects on workers' earnings, wages and employment. In contrast, larger imports from the EU are associated with positive worker-level outcomes, which is largely explained by the fact that increased imports from the EU were mostly offset by increased same-industry exports to the EU. Besides, we find that increased imports from China exert additional pressure on workers through spillovers to employment and wages in downstream industries. Finally, the last chapter is focused on the impact of exposure to trade and real exchange rate shocks on wages for Swiss manufacturing workers. A particular attention is made to consistently estimate the causal effect in using a two-step gravity-type identification strategy. The study shows that the impact of trade and exchange rate movements is concentrated among high-skilled workers almost exclusively.