906 resultados para New mechanism
Concurrency in Logic Programming has received much attention in the past. One problem with many proposals, when applied to Prolog, is that they involve large modifications to the standard implementations, and/or the communication and synchronization facilities provided do not fit as naturally within the language model as we feel is possible. In this paper we propose a new mechanism for implementing synchronization and communication for concurrency, based on atomic accesses to designated facts in the (shared) datábase. We argüe that this model is comparatively easy to implement and harmonizes better than previous proposals within the Prolog control model and standard set of built-ins. We show how in the proposed model it is easy to express classical concurrency algorithms and to subsume other mechanisms such as Linda, variable-based communication, or classical parallelism-oriented primitives. We also report on an implementation of the model and provide performance and resource consumption data.
La corrosión bajo tensiones (SCC) es un problema de gran importancia en las aleaciones de aluminio de máxima resistencia (serie Al-Zn-Mg-Cu). La utilización de tratamientos térmicos sobremadurados, en particular el T73, ha conseguido prácticamente eliminar la susceptibilidad a corrosión bajo tensiones en dichas aleaciones pero a costa de reducir su resistencia mecánica. Desde entonces se ha tratado de optimizar simultáneamente ambos comportamientos, encontrándose para ello diversos inconvenientes entre los que destacan: la dificultad de medir experimentalmente el crecimiento de grieta por SCC, y el desconocimiento de las causas y el mecanismo por el cual se produce la SCC. Los objetivos de esta Tesis son mejorar el sistema de medición de grietas y profundizar en el conocimiento de la SCC, con el fin de obtener tratamientos térmicos que aúnen un óptimo comportamiento tanto en SCC como mecánico en las aleaciones de aluminio de máxima resistencia utilizadas en aeronáutica. Para conseguir los objetivos anteriormente descritos se han realizado unos cuarenta tratamientos térmicos diferentes, de los cuales la gran mayoría son nuevos, para profundizar en el conocimiento de la influencia de la microestructura (fundamentalmente, de los precipitados coherentes) en el comportamiento de las aleaciones Al-Zn-Mg-Cu, y estudiar la viabilidad de nuevos tratamientos apoyados en el conocimiento adquirido. Con el fin de obtener unos resultados aplicables a productos o semiproductos de aplicación aeronáutica, los tratamientos térmicos se han realizado a trozos grandes de una plancha de 30 mm de espesor de la aleación de aluminio 7475, muy utilizada en las estructuras aeronáuticas. Asimismo con el objeto de conseguir una mayor fiabilidad de los resultados obtenidos se han utilizado, normalmente, tres probetas de cada tratamiento para los diferentes ensayos realizados. Para la caracterización de dichos tratamientos se han utilizado diversas técnicas: medida de dureza y conductividad eléctrica, ensayos de tracción, calorimetría diferencial de barrido (DSC), metalografía, fractografía, microscopia electrónica de transmisión (MET) y de barrido (MEB), y ensayos de crecimiento de grieta en probeta DCB, que a su vez han permitido hacer una estimación del comportamiento en tenacidad del material. Las principales conclusiones del estudio realizado se pueden resumir en las siguientes: Se han diseñado y desarrollado nuevos métodos de medición de grieta basados en el empleo de la técnica de ultrasonidos, que permiten medir el crecimiento de grieta por corrosión bajo tensiones con la precisión y fiabilidad necesarias para valorar adecuadamente la susceptibilidad a corrosión bajo tensiones. La mejora de medida de la posición del frente de grieta ha dado lugar, entre otras cosas, a la definición de un nuevo ensayo a iniciación en probetas preagrietadas. Asimismo, se ha deducido una nueva ecuación que permite calcular el factor de intensidad de tensiones existente en punta de grieta en probetas DCB teniendo en cuenta la influencia de la desviación del plano de crecimiento de la grieta del plano medio de la probeta. Este aspecto ha sido determinante para poder explicar los resultados experimentales obtenidos ya que el crecimiento de la grieta por un plano paralelo al plano medio de la probeta DCB pero alejado de él reduce notablemente el factor de intensidades de tensiones que actúa en punta de grieta y modifica las condiciones reales del ensayo. Por otro lado, se han identificado los diferentes constituyentes de la microestructura de precipitación de todos los tratamientos térmicos estudiados y, en especial, se ha conseguido constatar (mediante MET y DSC) la existencia de zonas de Guinier-Preston del tipo GP(II) en la microestructura de numerosos tratamientos térmicos (no descrita en la bibliografía para las aleaciones del tipo de la estudiada) lo que ha permitido establecer una nueva interpretación de la evolución de la microestructura en los diferentes tratamientos. Al hilo de lo anterior, se han definido nuevas secuencias de precipitación para este tipo de aleaciones, que han permitido entender mejor la constitución de la microestructura y su relación con las propiedades en los diferentes tratamientos térmicos estudiados. De igual manera, se ha explicado el papel de los diferentes microconstituyentes en diversas propiedades mecánicas (propiedades a tracción, dureza y tenacidad KIa); en particular, el estudio realizado de la relación de la microestructura con la tenacidad KIa es inédito. Por otra parte, se ha correlacionado el comportamiento en corrosión bajo tensiones, tanto en la etapa de incubación de grieta como en la de propagación, con las características medidas de los diferentes constituyentes microestructurales de los tratamientos térmicos ensayados, tanto de interior como de límite de grano, habiéndose obtenido que la microestructura de interior de grano tiene una mayor influencia en el comportamiento en corrosión bajo tensiones que la de límite de grano. De forma especial, se ha establecido la importancia capital, y muy negativa, de la presencia en la microestructura de zonas de Guinier-Preston en el crecimiento de la grieta por corrosión bajo tensiones. Finalmente, como consecuencia de todo lo anterior, se ha propuesto un nuevo mecanismo por el que se produce la corrosión bajo tensiones en este tipo de aleaciones de aluminio, y que de forma muy resumida se puede concretar lo siguiente: la acumulación de hidrógeno (formado, básicamente, por un proceso corrosivo de disolución anódica) delante de la zonas GP (en especial, de las zonas GP(I)) próximas a la zona libre de precipitados que se desarrolla alrededor del límite de grano provoca enfragilización local y causa el rápido crecimiento de grieta característico de algunos tratamientos térmicos de este tipo de aleaciones. ABSTRACT The stress corrosion cracking (SCC) is a major problem in the aluminum alloys of high resistance (series Al-Zn-Mg-Cu). The use of overaged heat treatments, particularly T73 has achieved virtually eliminate the susceptibility to stress corrosion cracking in such alloys but at the expense of reducing its mechanical strength. Since then we have tried to simultaneously optimize both behaviors, several drawbacks found for it among them: the difficulty of measuring experimentally the SCC crack growth, and ignorance of the causes and the mechanism by which SCC occurs. The objectives of this thesis are to improve the measurement system of cracks and deeper understanding of the SCC, in order to obtain heat treatments that combine optimum performance in both SCC and maximum mechanical strength in aluminum alloys used in aerospace To achieve the above objectives have been made about forty different heat treatments, of which the vast majority are new, to deepen the understanding of the influence of microstructure (mainly of coherent precipitates) in the behavior of the alloys Al -Zn-Mg-Cu, and study the feasibility of new treatments supported by the knowledge gained. To obtain results for products or semi-finished aircraft application, heat treatments were performed at a large pieces plate 30 mm thick aluminum alloy 7475, widely used in aeronautical structures. Also in order to achieve greater reliability of the results obtained have been used, normally, three specimens of each treatment for various tests. For the characterization of these treatments have been used several techniques: measurement of hardness and electrical conductivity, tensile testing, differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), metallography, fractography, transmission (TEM) and scanning (SEM) electron microscopy, and crack growth tests on DCB specimen, which in turn have allowed to estimate the behavior of the material in fracture toughness. The main conclusions of the study can be summarized as follows: We have designed and developed new methods for measuring crack based on the use of the ultrasound technique, for measuring the growth of stress corrosion cracks with the accuracy and reliability needed to adequately assess the susceptibility to stress corrosion. Improved position measurement of the crack front has resulted, among other things, the definition of a new initiation essay in pre cracked specimens. Also, it has been inferred a new equation to calculate the stress intensity factor in crack tip existing in DCB specimens considering the influence of the deviation of the plane of the crack growth of the medium plane of the specimen. This has been crucial to explain the experimental results obtained since the crack growth by a plane parallel to the medium plane of the DCB specimen but away from it greatly reduces the stress intensity factor acting on the crack tip and modifies the actual conditions of the essay. Furthermore, we have identified the various constituents of the precipitation microstructure of all heat treatments studied and, in particular note has been achieved (by TEM and DSC) the existence of the type GP (II) of Guinier-Preston zones in the microstructure of several heat treatments (not described in the literature for alloys of the type studied) making it possible to establish a new interpretation of the evolution of the microstructure in the different treatments. In line with the above, we have defined new precipitation sequences for these alloys, which have allowed a better understanding of the formation of the microstructure in relation to the properties of different heat treatments studied. Similarly, explained the role of different microconstituents in various mechanical properties (tensile properties, hardness and toughness KIa), in particular, the study of the relationship between the tenacity KIa microstructure is unpublished. Moreover, has been correlated to the stress corrosion behavior, both in the incubation step as the crack propagation, with the measured characteristics of the various microstructural constituents heat treatments tested, both interior and boundary grain, having obtained the internal microstructure of grain has a greater influence on the stress corrosion cracking behavior in the grain boundary. In a special way, has established the importance, and very negative, the presence in the microstructure of Guinier-Preston zones in crack growth by stress corrosion. Finally, following the above, we have proposed a new mechanism by which stress corrosion cracking occurs in this type of aluminum alloy, and, very briefly, one can specify the following: the accumulation of hydrogen (formed basically by a corrosive process of anodic dissolution) in front of the GP zones (especially the GP (I) zones) near the precipitates free zone that develops around grain boundary causes local embrittlement which characterizes rapid crack growth of some heat treatments such alloys.
Energy consumption in data centers is nowadays a critical objective because of its dramatic environmental and economic impact. Over the last years, several approaches have been proposed to tackle the energy/cost optimization problem, but most of them have failed on providing an analytical model to target both the static and dynamic optimization domains for complex heterogeneous data centers. This paper proposes and solves an optimization problem for the energy-driven configuration of a heterogeneous data center. It also advances in the proposition of a new mechanism for task allocation and distribution of workload. The combination of both approaches outperforms previous published results in the field of energy minimization in heterogeneous data centers and scopes a promising area of research.
El extraordinario auge de las nuevas tecnologías de la información, el desarrollo de la Internet de las Cosas, el comercio electrónico, las redes sociales, la telefonía móvil y la computación y almacenamiento en la nube, han proporcionado grandes beneficios en todos los ámbitos de la sociedad. Junto a éstos, se presentan nuevos retos para la protección y privacidad de la información y su contenido, como la suplantación de personalidad y la pérdida de la confidencialidad e integridad de los documentos o las comunicaciones electrónicas. Este hecho puede verse agravado por la falta de una frontera clara que delimite el mundo personal del mundo laboral en cuanto al acceso de la información. En todos estos campos de la actividad personal y laboral, la Criptografía ha jugado un papel fundamental aportando las herramientas necesarias para garantizar la confidencialidad, integridad y disponibilidad tanto de la privacidad de los datos personales como de la información. Por otro lado, la Biometría ha propuesto y ofrecido diferentes técnicas con el fin de garantizar la autentificación de individuos a través del uso de determinadas características personales como las huellas dáctilares, el iris, la geometría de la mano, la voz, la forma de caminar, etc. Cada una de estas dos ciencias, Criptografía y Biometría, aportan soluciones a campos específicos de la protección de datos y autentificación de usuarios, que se verían enormemente potenciados si determinadas características de ambas ciencias se unieran con vistas a objetivos comunes. Por ello es imperativo intensificar la investigación en estos ámbitos combinando los algoritmos y primitivas matemáticas de la Criptografía con la Biometría para dar respuesta a la demanda creciente de nuevas soluciones más técnicas, seguras y fáciles de usar que potencien de modo simultáneo la protección de datos y la identificacíón de usuarios. En esta combinación el concepto de biometría cancelable ha supuesto una piedra angular en el proceso de autentificación e identificación de usuarios al proporcionar propiedades de revocación y cancelación a los ragos biométricos. La contribución de esta tesis se basa en el principal aspecto de la Biometría, es decir, la autentificación segura y eficiente de usuarios a través de sus rasgos biométricos, utilizando tres aproximaciones distintas: 1. Diseño de un esquema criptobiométrico borroso que implemente los principios de la biometría cancelable para identificar usuarios lidiando con los problemas acaecidos de la variabilidad intra e inter-usuarios. 2. Diseño de una nueva función hash que preserva la similitud (SPHF por sus siglas en inglés). Actualmente estas funciones se usan en el campo del análisis forense digital con el objetivo de buscar similitudes en el contenido de archivos distintos pero similares de modo que se pueda precisar hasta qué punto estos archivos pudieran ser considerados iguales. La función definida en este trabajo de investigación, además de mejorar los resultados de las principales funciones desarrolladas hasta el momento, intenta extender su uso a la comparación entre patrones de iris. 3. Desarrollando un nuevo mecanismo de comparación de patrones de iris que considera tales patrones como si fueran señales para compararlos posteriormente utilizando la transformada de Walsh-Hadarmard. Los resultados obtenidos son excelentes teniendo en cuenta los requerimientos de seguridad y privacidad mencionados anteriormente. Cada uno de los tres esquemas diseñados han sido implementados para poder realizar experimentos y probar su eficacia operativa en escenarios que simulan situaciones reales: El esquema criptobiométrico borroso y la función SPHF han sido implementados en lenguaje Java mientras que el proceso basado en la transformada de Walsh-Hadamard en Matlab. En los experimentos se ha utilizado una base de datos de imágenes de iris (CASIA) para simular una población de usuarios del sistema. En el caso particular de la función de SPHF, además se han realizado experimentos para comprobar su utilidad en el campo de análisis forense comparando archivos e imágenes con contenido similar y distinto. En este sentido, para cada uno de los esquemas se han calculado los ratios de falso negativo y falso positivo. ABSTRACT The extraordinary increase of new information technologies, the development of Internet of Things, the electronic commerce, the social networks, mobile or smart telephony and cloud computing and storage, have provided great benefits in all areas of society. Besides this fact, there are new challenges for the protection and privacy of information and its content, such as the loss of confidentiality and integrity of electronic documents and communications. This is exarcebated by the lack of a clear boundary between the personal world and the business world as their differences are becoming narrower. In both worlds, i.e the personal and the business one, Cryptography has played a key role by providing the necessary tools to ensure the confidentiality, integrity and availability both of the privacy of the personal data and information. On the other hand, Biometrics has offered and proposed different techniques with the aim to assure the authentication of individuals through their biometric traits, such as fingerprints, iris, hand geometry, voice, gait, etc. Each of these sciences, Cryptography and Biometrics, provides tools to specific problems of the data protection and user authentication, which would be widely strengthen if determined characteristics of both sciences would be combined in order to achieve common objectives. Therefore, it is imperative to intensify the research in this area by combining the basics mathematical algorithms and primitives of Cryptography with Biometrics to meet the growing demand for more secure and usability techniques which would improve the data protection and the user authentication. In this combination, the use of cancelable biometrics makes a cornerstone in the user authentication and identification process since it provides revocable or cancelation properties to the biometric traits. The contributions in this thesis involve the main aspect of Biometrics, i.e. the secure and efficient authentication of users through their biometric templates, considered from three different approaches. The first one is designing a fuzzy crypto-biometric scheme using the cancelable biometric principles to take advantage of the fuzziness of the biometric templates at the same time that it deals with the intra- and inter-user variability among users without compromising the biometric templates extracted from the legitimate users. The second one is designing a new Similarity Preserving Hash Function (SPHF), currently widely used in the Digital Forensics field to find similarities among different files to calculate their similarity level. The function designed in this research work, besides the fact of improving the results of the two main functions of this field currently in place, it tries to expand its use to the iris template comparison. Finally, the last approach of this thesis is developing a new mechanism of handling the iris templates, considering them as signals, to use the Walsh-Hadamard transform (complemented with three other algorithms) to compare them. The results obtained are excellent taking into account the security and privacy requirements mentioned previously. Every one of the three schemes designed have been implemented to test their operational efficacy in situations that simulate real scenarios: The fuzzy crypto-biometric scheme and the SPHF have been implemented in Java language, while the process based on the Walsh-Hadamard transform in Matlab. The experiments have been performed using a database of iris templates (CASIA-IrisV2) to simulate a user population. The case of the new SPHF designed is special since previous to be applied i to the Biometrics field, it has been also tested to determine its applicability in the Digital Forensic field comparing similar and dissimilar files and images. The ratios of efficiency and effectiveness regarding user authentication, i.e. False Non Match and False Match Rate, for the schemes designed have been calculated with different parameters and cases to analyse their behaviour.
Los sistemas de videoconferencia y colaboración en tiempo real para múltiples usuarios permiten a sus usuarios comunicarse por medio de vídeo, audio y datos. Históricamente estos han sido sistemas caros de obtener y de mantener. El paso de las décadas ha limado estos problemas acercado el mundo de comunicación en tiempo real a un grupo mucho más amplio, llegando a usarse en diversos ámbitos como la educación o la medicina. En este sentido, el último gran salto evolutivo al que hemos asistido ha sido la transición de este tipo de aplicaciones hacia la Web. Varias tecnologías han permitido este viaje hacia el navegador. Las Aplicaciones Ricas de Internet (RIAs), que permiten crear aplicaciones Web interactivas huyendo del clásico esquema de petición y respuesta y llevando funcionalidades propias de las aplicaciones nativas a la Web. Por otro lado, la computación en la nube o Cloud Computing, con su modelo de pago por uso de recursos virtualizados, ha llevado a la creación de servicios que se adaptan mejor a la demanda, han habilitado este viaje hacia el navegador. No obstante, como cada cambio, este salto presenta una serie de retos para los sistemas de videoconferencia establecidos. Esta tesis doctoral propone un conjunto de arquitecturas, mecanismos y algoritmos para adaptar los sistemas de multiconferencia al entorno Web, teniendo en cuenta que este es accedido desde dispositivos diferentes y mediante redes de acceso variadas. Para ello se comienza por el estudio de los requisitos que debe cumplir un sistema de videoconferencia en la Web. Como resultado se diseña, implementa y desarrolla un servicio de videoconferencia que permite la colaboración avanzada entre múltiples usuarios mediante vídeo, audio y compartición de escritorio. Posteriormente, se plantea un sistema de comunicación entre una aplicación nativa y Web, proponiendo técnicas de adaptación entre los dos entornos que permiten la conversación de manera transparente para los usuarios. Estos sistemas permiten facilitar la transición hacia tecnologías Web. Como siguiente paso, se identificaron los principales problemas que existen para la comunicación multiusuario en dispositivos de tamaño reducido (teléfonos inteligentes) utilizando redes de acceso heterogéneas. Se propone un mecanismo, combinación de transcodificación y algoritmos de adaptación de calidad para superar estas limitaciones y permitir a los usuarios de este tipo de dispositivos participar en igualdad de condiciones. La aparición de WebRTC como tecnología disruptiva en este entorno, permitiendo nuevas posibilidades de comunicación en navegadores, motiva la segunda iteración de esta tesis. Aquí se presenta un nuevo esquema de adaptación a la demanda para servidores de videoconferencia diseñado para las necesidades del entorno Web y para aprovechar las características de Cloud Computing. Finalmente, esta tesis repasa las conclusiones obtenidas como fruto del trabajo llevado a cabo, reflejando la evolución de la videoconferencia Web desde sus inicios hasta nuestros días. ABSTRACT Multiuser Videoconferencing and real-time collaboration systems allow users to communicate using video, audio and data streams. These systems have been historically expensive to obtain and maintain. Over the last few decades, technological breakthroughs have mitigated those costs and popularized real time video communication, allowing its use in environments such as education or health. The last big evolutionary leap forward has been the transition of these types of applications towards theWeb. Several technologies have allowed this journey to theWeb browser. Firstly, Rich Internet Applications (RIAs) enable the creation of dynamic Web pages that defy the classical request-response interaction and provide an experience similar to their native counterparts. On the other hand, Cloud Computing brings the leasing of virtualized hardware resources in a pay-peruse model and, with it, better scalability in resource-demanding services. However, as with every change, this evolution imposes a set of challenges on existing videoconferencing solutions. This dissertation proposes a set of architectures, mechanisms and algorithms that aim to adapt multi-conferencing systems to the Web platform, taking into account the variety of devices and access networks that come with it. To this end, this thesis starts with a study concerning the requirements that must be met by new Web videoconferencing systems. The result of this study is the design, development and implementation of a new videoconferencing services that provides advanced collaboration to its user by providing video and audio communication as well as desktop sharing. After this, a new communication system between Web and native applications is presented. This system proposes adaptation mechanisms to bridge the two worlds providing a seamless integration transparent to users who can now access the powerful native application via an easy Web interface. The next step is to identify the main challenges posed by multi-conferencing on small devices (smartphones) with heterogeneous access networks. This dissertation proposes a mechanism that combines transcoding and adaptive quality algorithms to overcome those limitations. A second iteration in this dissertation is motivated by WebRTC. WebRTC appears as a disrupting technology by enabling new real-time communication possibilities in browsers. A new mechanism for flexible videoconferencing server scalability is presented. This mechanism aims to address the strong scalability requirements in the Web environment by taking advantage of Cloud Computing. Finally, the dissertation discusses the results obtained throughout the study, capturing the evolution of Web videoconferencing systems.
Copper-zinc superoxide dismutase (Cu,ZnSOD) is the antioxidant enzyme that catalyzes the dismutation of superoxide (O2•−) to O2 and H2O2. In addition, Cu,ZnSOD also exhibits peroxidase activity in the presence of H2O2, leading to self-inactivation and formation of a potent enzyme-bound oxidant. We report in this study that lipid peroxidation of l-α-lecithin liposomes was enhanced greatly during the SOD/H2O2 reaction in the presence of nitrite anion (NO2−) with or without the metal ion chelator, diethylenetriaminepentacetic acid. The presence of NO2− also greatly enhanced α-tocopherol (α-TH) oxidation by SOD/H2O2 in saturated 1,2-dilauroyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphatidylcholine liposomes. The major product identified by HPLC and UV-studies was α-tocopheryl quinone. When 1,2-diauroyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphatidylcholine liposomes containing γ-tocopherol (γ-TH) were incubated with SOD/H2O2/NO2−, the major product identified was 5-NO2-γ-TH. Nitrone spin traps significantly inhibited the formation of α-tocopheryl quinone and 5-NO2-γ-TH. NO2− inhibited H2O2-dependent inactivation of SOD. A proposed mechanism of this protection involves the oxidation of NO2− by an SOD-bound oxidant to the nitrogen dioxide radical (•NO2). In this study, we have shown a new mechanism of nitration catalyzed by the peroxidase activity of SOD. We conclude that NO2− is a suitable probe for investigating the peroxidase activity of familial Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis-linked SOD mutants.
A role for glycoprotein (GP)V in platelet function has been proposed on the basis of observations that GP V is the major thrombin substrate on intact platelets cleaved during thrombin-induced platelet aggregation, and that GP V promotes GP Ib-IX surface expression in heterologous cells. We tested the hypotheses that GP V is involved in thrombin-induced platelet activation, in GP Ib-IX expression, and in other platelet responses by generating GP V null mice. Contrary to expectations, GP V −/− platelets were normal in size and expressed normal amounts of GP Ib-IX that was functional in von Willebrand factor binding, explaining why defects in GP V have not been observed in Bernard–Soulier syndrome, a bleeding disorder caused by a lack of functional GP Ib-IX-V. Moreover, in vitro analysis demonstrated that GP V −/− platelets were hyperresponsive to thrombin, resulting in increased fibrinogen binding and an increased aggregation response. Consistent with these findings, GP V −/− mice had a shorter bleeding time. These data support a role for GP V as a negative modulator of platelet activation. Furthermore, they suggest a new mechanism by which thrombin enhances platelet responsiveness independent of activation of the classical G-protein-coupled thrombin receptors.
The G2 DNA damage and slowing of S-phase checkpoints over mitosis function through tyrosine phosphorylation of NIMXcdc2 in Aspergillus nidulans. We demonstrate that breaking these checkpoints leads to a defective premature mitosis followed by dramatic rereplication of genomic DNA. Two additional checkpoint functions, uvsB and uvsD, also cause the rereplication phenotype after their mutation allows premature mitosis in the presence of low concentrations of hydroxyurea. uvsB is shown to encode a rad3/ATR homologue, whereas uvsD displays homology to rad26, which has only previously been identified in Schizosaccharomyces pombe. uvsBrad3 and uvsDrad26 have G2 checkpoint functions over mitosis and another function essential for surviving DNA damage. The rereplication phenotype is accompanied by lack of NIMEcyclinB, but ectopic expression of active nondegradable NIMEcyclinB does not arrest DNA rereplication. DNA rereplication can also be induced in cells that enter mitosis prematurely because of lack of tyrosine phosphorylation of NIMXcdc2 and impaired anaphase-promoting complex function. The data demonstrate that lack of checkpoint control over mitosis can secondarily cause defects in the checkpoint system that prevents DNA rereplication in the absence of mitosis. This defines a new mechanism by which endoreplication of DNA can be triggered and maintained in eukaryotic cells.
The hyperpermeability of tumor vessels to macromolecules, compared with normal vessels, is presumably due to vascular endothelial growth factor/vascular permeability factor (VEGF/VPF) released by neoplastic and/or host cells. In addition, VEGF/VPF is a potent angiogenic factor. Removal of this growth factor may reduce the permeability and inhibit tumor angiogenesis. To test these hypotheses, we transplanted a human glioblastoma (U87), a human colon adenocarcinoma (LS174T), and a human melanoma (P-MEL) into two locations in immunodeficient mice: the cranial window and the dorsal skinfold chamber. The mice bearing vascularized tumors were treated with a bolus (0.2 ml) of either a neutralizing antibody (A4.6.1) (492 μg/ml) against VEGF/VPF or PBS (control). We found that tumor vascular permeability to albumin in antibody-treated groups was lower than in the matched controls and that the effect of the antibody was time-dependent and influenced by the mode of injection. Tumor vascular permeability did not respond to i.p. injection of the antibody until 4 days posttreatment. However, the permeability was reduced within 6 h after i.v. injection of the same amount of antibody. In addition to the reduction in vascular permeability, the tumor vessels became smaller in diameter and less tortuous after antibody injections and eventually disappeared from the surface after four consecutive treatments in U87 tumors. These results demonstrate that tumor vascular permeability can be reduced by neutralization of endogenous VEGF/VPF and suggest that angiogenesis and the maintenance of integrity of tumor vessels require the presence of VEGF/VPF in the tissue microenvironment. The latter finding reveals a new mechanism of tumor vessel regression—i.e., blocking the interactions between VEGF/VPF and endothelial cells or inhibiting VEGF/VPF synthesis in solid tumors causes dramatic reduction in vessel diameter, which may block the passage of blood elements and thus lead to vascular regression.
Ligands that bind to the allosteric-binding sites on muscarinic acetylcholine receptors alter the conformation of the classical-binding sites of these receptors and either diminish or increase their affinity for muscarinic agonists and classical antagonists. It is not known whether the resulting conformational change also affects the interaction between the receptors and the G proteins. We have now found that the muscarinic receptor allosteric modulators alcuronium, gallamine, and strychnine (acting in the absence of an agonist) alter the synthesis of cAMP in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells expressing the M2 or the M4 subtype of muscarinic receptors in the same direction as the agonist carbachol. In addition, most of their effects on the production of inositol phosphates in CHO cells expressing the M1 or the M3 muscarinic receptor subtypes are also similar to (although much weaker than) those of carbachol. The agonist-like effects of the allosteric modulators are not observed in CHO cells that have not been transfected with the gene for any of the subtypes of muscarinic receptors. The effects of alcuronium on the formation of cAMP and inositol phosphates are not prevented by the classical muscarinic antagonist quinuclidinyl benzilate. These observations demonstrate for the first time that the G protein-mediated functional responses of muscarinic receptors can be evoked not only from their classical, but also from their allosteric, binding sites. This represents a new mechanism of receptor activation.
A pentapeptide open reading frame equipped with a canonical ribosome-binding site is present in the Escherichia coli 23S rRNA. Overexpression of 23S rRNA fragments containing the mini-gene renders cells resistant to the ribosome-inhibiting antibiotic erythromycin. Mutations that change either the initiator or stop codons of the peptide mini-gene result in the loss of erythromycin resistance. Nonsense mutations in the mini-gene also abolish erythromycin resistance, which can be restored in the presence of the suppressor tRNA, thus proving that expression of the rRNA-encoded peptide is essential for the resistance phenotype. The ribosome appears to be the likely target of action of the rRNA-encoded pentapeptide, because in vitro translation of the peptide mini-gene decreases the inhibitory action of erythromycin on cell-free protein synthesis. Thus, the new mechanism of drug resistance reveals that in addition to the structural and functional role of rRNA in the ribosome, it may also have a peptide-coding function.
One of the most relevant subjects for the intellectual formation of elementary school students is Mathematics where its importance goes back to ancient civilizations and which its importance is underestimated nowadays. This phenomenon occurs in Mexico, where 63.1% of the total population of elementary school students between the third and sixth grade have insufficient/elemental level of mathematics knowledge. This has resulted in the need to use a new mechanism to complement student’s classroom learning. With the rapid growth of wireless and mobile technologies, the mobile learning has been gradually considered as a novel and effective form of learning due to it inherits all the advantages of e-learning as well as breaks the limitations of learning time and space occurring in the traditional classroom teaching. This project proposes the use of a Mathematics Game e-Library integrated by a set of games for mobile devices and a distribution/management tool. The games are developed for running on mobile devices and for cover the six competencies related with the mathematics learning approach established in Mexico. The distribution/management tool allows students to reach contents according to their needs; this is achieved through a core engine that infers, from an initial profile, the games that cover the user’s knowledge gaps.
Ce projet de recherche explore un nouveau mécanisme de régulation de l’activité du domaine HECT de la ligase Itch. Ce domaine est responsable de la polyubiquitylation des protéines impliquant le plus souvent leur dégradation par le protéasome. Itch est une ligase de l’ubiquitine de la famille CWH contenant un domaine HECT catalytique en C-terminal, quatre domaines WW, et un domaine C2 N-terminal qui est important pour sa localisation cellulaire. Les ligases CWH interagissent par leur domaine WW avec leurs ligands. Un mécanisme proposé pour ces ligases est que la première molécule d’ubiquitine liée au substrat active le domaine HECT de manière à former une chaine d’ubiquitine sur le substrat. Itch a une particularité dans la famille CWH, car elle possède un domaine riche en proline qui lui permet d’interagir avec plusieurs protéines à domaine SH3. Dans cette étude, nous avons déterminé l’effet de l’ubiquitylation initiale des protéines SH3 sur l’activité du domaine HECT de la ligase Itch, et sur la régulation de ces substrats.
This paper uses the opening of the US textile/apparel market for China at the end of the Multifibre Arrangement in 2005 as a natural experiment to provide evidence for positive assortative matching of Mexican exporting firms and US importing firms by their capability. We identify three findings for liberalized products by comparing them to other textile/apparel products: (1) US importers switched their Mexican partners to those making greater preshock exports, whereas Mexican exporters switched their US partners to those making fewer preshock imports; (2) for firms who switched partners, trade volume of the old partners and the new partners are positively correlated; (3) small Mexican exporters stop exporting. We develop a model combining Becker-type matching of final producers and suppliers with the standard Melitz-type model to show that these findings are consistent with positive assortative matching but not with negative assortative matching or purely random matching. The model indicates that the findings are evidence for a new mechanism of gain from trade.
Ce projet de recherche explore un nouveau mécanisme de régulation de l’activité du domaine HECT de la ligase Itch. Ce domaine est responsable de la polyubiquitylation des protéines impliquant le plus souvent leur dégradation par le protéasome. Itch est une ligase de l’ubiquitine de la famille CWH contenant un domaine HECT catalytique en C-terminal, quatre domaines WW, et un domaine C2 N-terminal qui est important pour sa localisation cellulaire. Les ligases CWH interagissent par leur domaine WW avec leurs ligands. Un mécanisme proposé pour ces ligases est que la première molécule d’ubiquitine liée au substrat active le domaine HECT de manière à former une chaine d’ubiquitine sur le substrat. Itch a une particularité dans la famille CWH, car elle possède un domaine riche en proline qui lui permet d’interagir avec plusieurs protéines à domaine SH3. Dans cette étude, nous avons déterminé l’effet de l’ubiquitylation initiale des protéines SH3 sur l’activité du domaine HECT de la ligase Itch, et sur la régulation de ces substrats.