429 resultados para Mesaticephalic skull
Conventional and Reciprocal Approaches to the Forward and Inverse Problems of Electroencephalography
Le problème inverse en électroencéphalographie (EEG) est la localisation de sources de courant dans le cerveau utilisant les potentiels de surface sur le cuir chevelu générés par ces sources. Une solution inverse implique typiquement de multiples calculs de potentiels de surface sur le cuir chevelu, soit le problème direct en EEG. Pour résoudre le problème direct, des modèles sont requis à la fois pour la configuration de source sous-jacente, soit le modèle de source, et pour les tissues environnants, soit le modèle de la tête. Cette thèse traite deux approches bien distinctes pour la résolution du problème direct et inverse en EEG en utilisant la méthode des éléments de frontières (BEM): l’approche conventionnelle et l’approche réciproque. L’approche conventionnelle pour le problème direct comporte le calcul des potentiels de surface en partant de sources de courant dipolaires. D’un autre côté, l’approche réciproque détermine d’abord le champ électrique aux sites des sources dipolaires quand les électrodes de surfaces sont utilisées pour injecter et retirer un courant unitaire. Le produit scalaire de ce champ électrique avec les sources dipolaires donne ensuite les potentiels de surface. L’approche réciproque promet un nombre d’avantages par rapport à l’approche conventionnelle dont la possibilité d’augmenter la précision des potentiels de surface et de réduire les exigences informatiques pour les solutions inverses. Dans cette thèse, les équations BEM pour les approches conventionnelle et réciproque sont développées en utilisant une formulation courante, la méthode des résidus pondérés. La réalisation numérique des deux approches pour le problème direct est décrite pour un seul modèle de source dipolaire. Un modèle de tête de trois sphères concentriques pour lequel des solutions analytiques sont disponibles est utilisé. Les potentiels de surfaces sont calculés aux centroïdes ou aux sommets des éléments de discrétisation BEM utilisés. La performance des approches conventionnelle et réciproque pour le problème direct est évaluée pour des dipôles radiaux et tangentiels d’excentricité variable et deux valeurs très différentes pour la conductivité du crâne. On détermine ensuite si les avantages potentiels de l’approche réciproquesuggérés par les simulations du problème direct peuvent êtres exploités pour donner des solutions inverses plus précises. Des solutions inverses à un seul dipôle sont obtenues en utilisant la minimisation par méthode du simplexe pour à la fois l’approche conventionnelle et réciproque, chacun avec des versions aux centroïdes et aux sommets. Encore une fois, les simulations numériques sont effectuées sur un modèle à trois sphères concentriques pour des dipôles radiaux et tangentiels d’excentricité variable. La précision des solutions inverses des deux approches est comparée pour les deux conductivités différentes du crâne, et leurs sensibilités relatives aux erreurs de conductivité du crâne et au bruit sont évaluées. Tandis que l’approche conventionnelle aux sommets donne les solutions directes les plus précises pour une conductivité du crâne supposément plus réaliste, les deux approches, conventionnelle et réciproque, produisent de grandes erreurs dans les potentiels du cuir chevelu pour des dipôles très excentriques. Les approches réciproques produisent le moins de variations en précision des solutions directes pour différentes valeurs de conductivité du crâne. En termes de solutions inverses pour un seul dipôle, les approches conventionnelle et réciproque sont de précision semblable. Les erreurs de localisation sont petites, même pour des dipôles très excentriques qui produisent des grandes erreurs dans les potentiels du cuir chevelu, à cause de la nature non linéaire des solutions inverses pour un dipôle. Les deux approches se sont démontrées également robustes aux erreurs de conductivité du crâne quand du bruit est présent. Finalement, un modèle plus réaliste de la tête est obtenu en utilisant des images par resonace magnétique (IRM) à partir desquelles les surfaces du cuir chevelu, du crâne et du cerveau/liquide céphalorachidien (LCR) sont extraites. Les deux approches sont validées sur ce type de modèle en utilisant des véritables potentiels évoqués somatosensoriels enregistrés à la suite de stimulation du nerf médian chez des sujets sains. La précision des solutions inverses pour les approches conventionnelle et réciproque et leurs variantes, en les comparant à des sites anatomiques connus sur IRM, est encore une fois évaluée pour les deux conductivités différentes du crâne. Leurs avantages et inconvénients incluant leurs exigences informatiques sont également évalués. Encore une fois, les approches conventionnelle et réciproque produisent des petites erreurs de position dipolaire. En effet, les erreurs de position pour des solutions inverses à un seul dipôle sont robustes de manière inhérente au manque de précision dans les solutions directes, mais dépendent de l’activité superposée d’autres sources neurales. Contrairement aux attentes, les approches réciproques n’améliorent pas la précision des positions dipolaires comparativement aux approches conventionnelles. Cependant, des exigences informatiques réduites en temps et en espace sont les avantages principaux des approches réciproques. Ce type de localisation est potentiellement utile dans la planification d’interventions neurochirurgicales, par exemple, chez des patients souffrant d’épilepsie focale réfractaire qui ont souvent déjà fait un EEG et IRM.
Cette thèse commence comme une simple question en réponse au modèle du « parfait flâneur » que Baudelaire a élaboré dans Le peintre de la vie moderne (1853): un flâneur peut-il être imparfait? Je suggère trois interprétations possibles du mot « imparfait ». Il permet d’abord de sortir le flâneur du strict contexte du Paris du dix-neuvième siècle et permet des traductions imparfaites de personnages dans d’autres contextes. Ensuite, le flâneur déambule dans la dimension « imparfaite » de l’imagination fictionnelle – une dimension comparable à l’image anamorphique du crâne dans la peinture Les ambassadeurs de Holbein. Enfin, il réfère à l’imparfait conjugué, « l’imparfait flâneur » peut rappeler le personnage antihéroïque de l’humain dont l’existence est banale et inachevée, comme la phrase « il y avait ». Ces trois visions contribuent à la réinterprétation du flâneur dans le contexte de la fin du vingtième siècle. Mon hypothèse est que l’expérience urbaine du flâneur et la flânerie ne sont possibles que si l’on admet être imparfait(e), qu’on accepte ses imperfections et qu’elles ne nous surprennent pas. Quatre études de romans contemporains et de leurs villes respectives forment les principaux chapitres. Le premier étudie Montréal dans City of forgetting de Robert Majzels. J’examine les façons par lesquelles les personnages itinérants peuvent être considérés comme occupant (ou en échec d’occupation) du Montréal contemporain alors qu’ils sont eux-mêmes délogés. Quant au deuxième chapitre, il se concentre sur le Bombay de Rohinton Mistry dans A fine balance. Mon étude portera ici sur la question de l’hospitalité en relation à l’hébergement et au « dé-hébergement » des étrangers dans la ville. Le troisième chapitre nous amène à Hong-Kong avec la série Feituzhen de XiXi. Dans celle-ci, j’estime que la méthode spéciale de la marelle apparait comme une forme unique de flânerie imparfaite. Le quatrième chapitre étudie Istanbul à travers The black book d’Orhan Pamuk. Inspiré par les notions de « commencement » d’Edward Saïd, mon argumentaire est construit à partir de l’interrogation suivante : comment et quand commence une narration? En lieu de conclusion, j’ai imaginé une conversation entre l’auteur de cette thèse et les personnages de flâneurs imparfaits présents dans les différents chapitres.
We propose to show in this paper, that the time series obtained from biological systems such as human brain are invariably nonstationary because of different time scales involved in the dynamical process. This makes the invariant parameters time dependent. We made a global analysis of the EEG data obtained from the eight locations on the skull space and studied simultaneously the dynamical characteristics from various parts of the brain. We have proved that the dynamical parameters are sensitive to the time scales and hence in the study of brain one must identify all relevant time scales involved in the process to get an insight in the working of brain.
The registration of pre-operative volumetric datasets to intra- operative two-dimensional images provides an improved way of verifying patient position and medical instrument loca- tion. In applications from orthopedics to neurosurgery, it has a great value in maintaining up-to-date information about changes due to intervention. We propose a mutual information- based registration algorithm to establish the proper align- ment. For optimization purposes, we compare the perfor- mance of the non-gradient Powell method and two slightly di erent versions of a stochastic gradient ascent strategy: one using a sparsely sampled histogramming approach and the other Parzen windowing to carry out probability density approximation. Our main contribution lies in adopting the stochastic ap- proximation scheme successfully applied in 3D-3D registra- tion problems to the 2D-3D scenario, which obviates the need for the generation of full DRRs at each iteration of pose op- timization. This facilitates a considerable savings in compu- tation expense. We also introduce a new probability density estimator for image intensities via sparse histogramming, de- rive gradient estimates for the density measures required by the maximization procedure and introduce the framework for a multiresolution strategy to the problem. Registration results are presented on uoroscopy and CT datasets of a plastic pelvis and a real skull, and on a high-resolution CT- derived simulated dataset of a real skull, a plastic skull, a plastic pelvis and a plastic lumbar spine segment.
El Trauma Craneoencefálico (TCE) infantil constituye un motivo frecuente de consulta en Urgencias y supone la primera causa de muerte en niños, llegando a ser hasta del 50% en trauma severo. En Colombia se conocen cifras de TCE por algunos estudios descriptivos, pero no existen reportes en Bogotá ni específicamente en TCE severo. Objetivo: Caracterizar el trauma craneoencefálico severo pediátrico en la Unidad de Cuidado intensivo del Hospital de la Misericordia entre los años 2010 y 2013. Materiales y métodos: Un estudio descriptivo retrospectivo fue realizado en el Hospital de la Misericordia mediante revisión de las historias clínicas de los pacientes que ingresaron a la Unidad de Cuidado Intensivo pediátrico con diagnóstico de trauma craneoencefálico severo entre el año 2010 al 2013. Resultados: Se incluyeron 63 pacientes (71,4% hombres) con una edad mediana de 4 años (RIQ 2-8). La mayoría de los traumas fueron originados por caída o accidente de tránsito (79,4%). La principal lesión fue fractura de cráneo (79%). Casi la mitad de los pacientes sufrieron algún tipo de secuela neurológica al egreso (47,1%). La mayoría de los pacientes que murieron (19%) sufrieron choque hipovolémico (83,3%) y presentaron trauma asociado (66,7%). Conclusión: Las características y epidemiología del trauma craneoencefálico en nuestra población muestran claras similitudes con lo reportados en otras series de la literatura mundial y de Colombia, excepto por la mortalidad, que se esperaba más alta al estudiar solo pacientes con TCE severo.
This paper discusses a study examining a new model of cholesteatoma induced bone resorption in mice using autologous implantation of pinna dermis to the surface of the skull and the role of glutamate receptors in reducing the number of osteoclasts.
Reactive new bone on the endocranial surface of the skull in non-adults has recently received a lot of attention in the palaeopathological literature. These features appear as layers of new bone on the original cortical surface, expanding around meningeal vessels, as isolated plaques, 'hair-on-end' extensions of the diploe or, as 'capillary' impressions extending into the inner lamina of the cranium. These lesions are commonly found on the occipital bone, outlining the cruciate eminence, but have also been recorded on the parietal and frontal bones, and appear to follow the areas of venous drainage. Although recognized as resulting from haemorrhage or inflammation, their precise aetiology is still a matter of controversy. This paper outlines their possible causes and examines their nature and distribution in a group of non-adults from four archaeological sites in England. It is recommended that, when recording these lesions in the future, additional skeletal pathologies, the age of the child, and nature and distribution of the lesions also be taken into account. Copyright (C) 2004 John Wiley Sons, Ltd.
This paper analyses acarological evidence from a 130-year-old forensic investigation. It was the first case in forensic acarology, i.e., the first case where mites provided substantial information to estimate the post-mortem interval (PMI). In 1878, the mites found in the mummified body of a newborn baby girl in Paris, France, were studied by acarologist and forensic entomologist Jean Pierre M,gnin. M,gnin estimated around 2.4 million mites in the skull and identified them as Tyroglyphus longior (Gervais), a junior synonym of Tyrophagus longior. He suggested that the arrival of these mites at the corpse would have occurred by phoresy on carrier insects, roughly 5 months before the autopsy. There is no doubt about the identification of the mites, M,gnin was a highly respected acarologist. However, two main factors affecting the biology of Tyrophagus mites were not included in the original analysis. First, M,gnin stated that the mites were phoretic. However, he probably did not have access to information about the natural history of the species, because as a rule Tyrophagus mites are non-phoretic. Considering the omnipresence of Tyrophagus mites in soil, most likely the mites will have arrived almost immediately after death. Second, temperature was not taken into account during the estimations of the mite population growth rate. The new analysis is based on current knowledge of Tyrophagus biology and includes temperature, estimated following a handful of weather reports of the years 1877 and 1878. The new projections indicate that non-phoretic mites may have colonised the body just after death and the colony would have built up over 8 months, contrary to the 5 months proposed by M,gnin. This new lapse of time agrees with the PMI proposed by Brouardel: on 15 January 1878 he postulated the death of the newborn to have occurred some 8 months before the autopsy.
Similarities between the anatomies of living organisms are often used to draw conclusions regarding the ecology and behaviour of extinct animals. Several pterosaur taxa are postulated to have been skim-feeders based largely on supposed convergences of their jaw anatomy with that of the modern skimming bird, Rynchops spp. Using physical and mathematical models of Rynchops bills and pterosaur jaws, we show that skimming is considerably more energetically costly than previously thought for Rynchops and that pterosaurs weighing more than one kilogram would not have been able to skim at all. Furthermore, anatomical comparisons between the highly specialised skull of Rynchops and those of postulated skimming pterosaurs suggest that even smaller forms were poorly adapted for skim-feeding. Our results refute the hypothesis that some pterosaurs commonly used skimming as a foraging method and illustrate the pitfalls involved in extrapolating from limited morphological convergence.
Similarities between the anatomies of living organisms are often used to draw conclusions regarding the ecology and behaviour of extinct animals. Several pterosaur taxa are postulated to have been skim-feeders based largely on supposed convergences of their jaw anatomy with that of the modern skimming bird, Rynchops spp. Using physical and mathematical models of Rynchops bills and pterosaur jaws, we show that skimming is considerably more energetically costly than previously thought for Rynchops and that pterosaurs weighing more than one kilogram would not have been able to skim at all. Furthermore, anatomical comparisons between the highly specialised skull of Rynchops and those of postulated skimming pterosaurs suggest that even smaller forms were poorly adapted for skim-feeding. Our results refute the hypothesis that some pterosaurs commonly used skimming as a foraging method and illustrate the pitfalls involved in extrapolating from limited morphological convergence.
The information concerning the molecular events taking place in onlay bone grafts are still incipient. The objective of the present study is to correlate the effects of perforation of resident bone bed on (1) the timing of onlay autogenous graft revascularization; (2) the maintenance of volume/density of the graft (assessed through tomography); and (3) the occurrence of bone remodeling proteins (using immunohistochemistry technique) delivered in the graft. Thirty-six New Zealand White rabbits were subjected to iliac crest onlay bone grafting on both sides of the mandible. The bone bed was drill-perforated on one side aiming at accelerating revascularization, whereas on the other side it was kept intact. After grafts fixation and flaps suture all animals were submitted to tomography on both mandible sites. Six animals were sacrificed, respectively, at 3, 5, 7, 10, 20 and 60 days after surgery. A second tomography was taken just before sacrifice. Histological slides were prepared from each grafted site for both immunohistochemistry analysis [osteopontin, osteocalcin, type I collagen and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) anti-bodies] and histometric analysis. The values on bone volume measured on tomography showed no statistic significance (P >= 0.05) between perforated and intact sites. Grafts placed on perforated beds showed higher bone density values compared with non-perforated ones at 3 days (P <= 0.05). This correlation was inverted at 60 days postoperatively. The findings from VEGF labeling revealed a tendency for earlier revascularization in the perforated group. The early revascularization of bone grafts accelerated the bone remodeling process (osteocalcin, type I collagen and osteopontin) that led to an increased bone deposition at 10 days. The extended osteoblast differentiation process at intermediate stages in the perforated group cooperated for a denser bone at 60 days.
Squamates (lizards, snakes and amphisbaenians) are represented by a large number of species distributed among a wide variety of habitats. Changes in body plan related to a fossorial habit are a frequent trend within the group and many morphological adaptations to this particular lifestyle evolved convergently in nonrelated species, reflecting adaptations to a similar habitat. The fossorial lifestyle requires an optimal morphological organization for an effective use of the available resources. Skeleton arrangement in fossorial squamates reflects adaptations to the burrowing activity, and different degrees of fossoriality can be inferred through an analysis of skull morphology. Here, we provide a detailed description of the skull morphology of three fossorial gymnophthalmid species: Calyptommatus nicterus, Scriptosaura catimbau, and Nothobachia ablephara. J. Morphol. 271: 1352-1365, 2010. (C) 2010 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
The statement that pairs of individuals from different populations are often more genetically similar than pairs from the same population is a widespread idea inside and outside the scientific community. Witherspoon et al. [""Genetic similarities within and between human populations,"" Genetics 176:351-359 (2007)] proposed an index called the dissimilarity fraction (omega) to access in a quantitative way the validity of this statement for genetic systems. Witherspoon demonstrated that, as the number of loci increases, omega decreases to a point where, when enough sampling is available, the statement is false. In this study, we applied the dissimilarity fraction to Howells`s craniometric database to establish whether or not similar results are obtained for cranial morphological traits. Although in genetic studies thousands of loci are available, Howells`s database provides no more than 55 metric traits, making the contribution of each variable important. To cope with this limitation, we developed a routine that takes this effect into consideration when calculating. omega Contrary to what was observed for the genetic data, our results show that cranial morphology asymptotically approaches a mean omega of 0.3 and therefore supports the initial statement-that is, that individuals from the same geographic region do not form clear and discrete clusters-further questioning the idea of the existence of discrete biological clusters in the human species. Finally, by assuming that cranial morphology is under an additive polygenetic model, we can say that the population history signal of human craniometric traits presents the same resolution as a neutral genetic system dependent on no more than 20 loci.
A survey of pediatric radiological examinations was carried out in a reference pediatric hospital of the city of Sao Paulo. in order to investigate the doses to children undergoing conventional X-ray examinations. The results showed that the majority of pediatric patients are below 4 years, and that about 80% of the examinations correspond to chest projections. Doses to typical radiological examinations were measured in vivo with thermoluminescent dosimeters (LiF: Mg, Ti and LiF: Mg, Cu, P) attached to the skin of the children to determine entrance surface dose (ESD). Also homogeneous phantoms were used to obtain ESD to younger children, because the technique uses a so small kVp that the dosimeters would produce an artifact image in the patient radiograph. Four kinds of pediatric examinations were investigated: three conventional examinations (chest, skull and abdomen) and a fluoroscopic procedure (barium swallow). Relevant information about kVp and mAs values used in the examinations was collected, and we discuss how these parameters can affect the ESD. The ESD values measured in this work are compared to reference levels published by the European Commission for pediatric patients. The results obtained (third-quartile of the ESD distribution) for chest AP examinations in three age groups were: 0.056 mGy (2-4 years old); 0,068 mGy (5-9 years old)-. 0.069 mGy (10-15 years old). All of them are below the European reference level (0.100mGy). ESD values measured to the older age group in skull and abdomen AP radiographs (mean values 3.44 and 1.20mGy, respectively) are above the European reference levels (1.5mGy to skull and 1.0 mGy to abdomen). ESD values measured in the barium swallow examination reached 10 mGy in skin regions corresponding to thyroid and esophagus. It was noticed during this survey that some technicians use, improperly, X-ray fluoroscopy in conventional examinations to help them in positioning the patient. The results presented here are a preliminary survey of doses in pediatric radiological examinations and they show that it is necessary to investigate the technical parameters to perform the radiographs. to introduce practices to control pediatric patient`s doses and to improve the personnel training to perform a pediatric examination. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Objectives. A large-scale survey of doses to patients undergoing the most frequent radiological examinations was carried out in health services in Sao Paulo (347 radiological examinations per 1 000 inhabitants), the most populous Brazilian state. Methods. A postal dosimetric kit with thermoluminescence dosimeters was used to evaluate the entrance surface dose (ESD) to patients. A stratified sampling technique applied to the national health database furnished important data on the distribution of equipment and the annual number of examinations. Chest, head (skull and sinus), and spine (cervical, thoracic, and lumbar) examinations were included in the trial. A total of 83 rooms and 868 patients were included, and 1 415 values of ESD were measured. Results. The data show large coefficients of variation in tube charge, giving rise to large variations in ESD values. Also, a series of high ESD values associated with unnecessary localizing fluoroscopy were detected. Diagnostic reference levels were determined, based on the 75th percentile (third quartile) of the ESD distributions. For adult patients, the diagnostic reference levels achieved are very similar to those obtained in international surveys. However, the situation is different for pediatric patients: the ESD values found in this survey are twice as large as the international recommendations for chest radiographs of children. Conclusions. Despite the reduced number of ESD values and rooms for the pediatric patient group, it is recommended that practices in chest examinations be revised and that specific national reference doses and image quality be established after a broader survey is carried out.