947 resultados para Materiali compositi, CFRP, Combined Loading Compression (CLC) test method


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Lo scopo del seguente elaborato è porre le basi per il dimensionamento, e la successiva realizzazione, di molle a disco conico costruite con materiali compositi per applicazioni automotive, che costituiscano una possibile alternativa alle comuni molle elicoidali in materiali metallici. I vantaggi principali riguardano un risparmio in termini di peso ed un miglioramento del comportamento a fatica. Successivamente ad una introduzione sulle teorie analitiche e numeriche applicabili a tali tipologie di molle, è stata effettuata un'analisi volta all'individuazione dei parametri geometrici principali che regolano il comportamento delle molle a tazza, a cui fa seguito la stesura di una procedura per il dimensionamento preliminare. Sono, in seguito, stati riportati i cenni teorici relativi alle configurazioni di montaggio, alla definizione degli attriti, delle tensioni, alla valutazione dei carichi affaticanti e delle tipologie di carico. I risultati ottenuti nel dimensionamento sono stati infine utilizzati per realizzare alcuni prototipi funzionali di elementi di molle a tazza in carbonio con tecnologia di laminazione manuale e successiva fase di polimerizzazione in forno. Tali provini sono stati analizzati per valutare le problematiche sorte durante la produzione, quali mancata compattazione delle lamine, eccessi di resina e formazione di vuoti, proponendo infine possibili soluzioni e miglioramenti.


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Nella presente Tesi è affrontata l’analisi sperimentale e teorica del comportamento di pareti in muratura rinforzate con FRCM e sollecitate da azioni di taglio fuori piano. Lo schema statico adottato per i campioni sperimentati consiste in uno schema appoggio-appoggio, mentre le forze esterne di taglio sono state applicate secondo uno schema di carico a quattro punti. Durante il corso della prova, i pannelli murari sono inoltre stati soggetti ad un carico di precompressione verticale costante, che simula l’effetto della presenza del solaio in un edificio in muratura. Dopo una descrizione teorica delle principali caratteristiche dei materiali compositi e dei loro costituenti, all’interno della Tesi sono richiamati alcuni studi scientifici relativi al comportamento fuori piano di elementi strutturali rinforzati con FRCM. In seguito vengono presentati i materiali impiegati per la campagna sperimentale e le prove di caratterizzazione meccanica eseguite. Vengono poi riportati i risultati sperimentali delle prove a taglio fuori piano in termini di spostamenti, di deformazioni e di scorrimenti, affrontando infine un confronto tra i risultati ottenuti per i campioni esaminati e riportando alcune considerazioni circa la strumentazione impiegata. L’ultima parte della Tesi è dedicata all’analisi teorica delle pareti. Viene proposto un modello teorico per stimare la resistenza fornita dai muri rinforzati, ipotizzando tre possibili modalità di rottura: rottura a trazione della fibra, rottura per distacco tra FRCM e supporto in muratura e rottura per delaminazione interna. Infine, viene riportata la modellazione agli elementi finiti svolta mediante il codice di calcolo MidasFea, che consente di attribuire ai materiali legami costitutivi adeguati per la modellazione di strutture in muratura, cogliendone il comportamento non lineare e il progressivo danneggiamento.


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In the biomedical studies, the general data structures have been the matched (paired) and unmatched designs. Recently, many researchers are interested in Meta-Analysis to obtain a better understanding from several clinical data of a medical treatment. The hybrid design, which is combined two data structures, may create the fundamental question for statistical methods and the challenges for statistical inferences. The applied methods are depending on the underlying distribution. If the outcomes are normally distributed, we would use the classic paired and two independent sample T-tests on the matched and unmatched cases. If not, we can apply Wilcoxon signed rank and rank sum test on each case. ^ To assess an overall treatment effect on a hybrid design, we can apply the inverse variance weight method used in Meta-Analysis. On the nonparametric case, we can use a test statistic which is combined on two Wilcoxon test statistics. However, these two test statistics are not in same scale. We propose the Hybrid Test Statistic based on the Hodges-Lehmann estimates of the treatment effects, which are medians in the same scale.^ To compare the proposed method, we use the classic meta-analysis T-test statistic on the combined the estimates of the treatment effects from two T-test statistics. Theoretically, the efficiency of two unbiased estimators of a parameter is the ratio of their variances. With the concept of Asymptotic Relative Efficiency (ARE) developed by Pitman, we show ARE of the hybrid test statistic relative to classic meta-analysis T-test statistic using the Hodges-Lemann estimators associated with two test statistics.^ From several simulation studies, we calculate the empirical type I error rate and power of the test statistics. The proposed statistic would provide effective tool to evaluate and understand the treatment effect in various public health studies as well as clinical trials.^


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The stepped and excessively slow execution of pseudo-dynamic tests has been found to be the source of some errors arising from strain-rate effect and stress relaxation. In order to control those errors, a new continuous test method which allows the selection of a more suitable time scale factor in the response is proposed in this work. By dimensional analysis, such scaled-time response is obtained theoretically by augmenting the inertial and damping properties of the structure, for which we propose the use of hydraulic pistons which are servo-controlled to produce active mass and damping, nevertheless using an equipment which is similar to that required in a pseudo-dynamic test. The results of the successful implementation of this technique for a simple specimen are shown here.


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The thesis presents new methodology and algorithms that can be used to analyse and measure the hand tremor and fatigue of surgeons while performing surgery. This will assist them in deriving useful information about their fatigue levels, and make them aware of the changes in their tool point accuracies. This thesis proposes that muscular changes of surgeons, which occur through a day of operating, can be monitored using Electromyography (EMG) signals. The multi-channel EMG signals are measured at different muscles in the upper arm of surgeons. The dependence of EMG signals has been examined to test the hypothesis that EMG signals are coupled with and dependent on each other. The results demonstrated that EMG signals collected from different channels while mimicking an operating posture are independent. Consequently, single channel fatigue analysis has been performed. In measuring hand tremor, a new method for determining the maximum tremor amplitude using Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and a new technique to detrend acceleration signals using Empirical Mode Decomposition algorithm were introduced. This tremor determination method is more representative for surgeons and it is suggested as an alternative fatigue measure. This was combined with the complexity analysis method, and applied to surgically captured data to determine if operating has an effect on a surgeon’s fatigue and tremor levels. It was found that surgical tremor and fatigue are developed throughout a day of operating and that this could be determined based solely on their initial values. Finally, several Nonlinear AutoRegressive with eXogenous inputs (NARX) neural networks were evaluated. The results suggest that it is possible to monitor surgeon tremor variations during surgery from their EMG fatigue measurements.


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The demand for environmental comfort in construction systems within the insulation and thermal comfort, plus the advent of new laws regulating the minimum requirements of comfort, disposal of solid industrial waste, construction waste, the requirements of consumers by adopting construction methods "cleaner", encouraged the development of this work. Aims technologically characterize the composite proposed in three types of samples (10%, 30% and 50% of thermoset plastic industrial waste) and raw materials: gypsum waste, cement and plastic thermosetting industrial waste in order to produce the composite with properties of thermal insulation: conductivity, thermal diffusivity, specific heat and resistivity. The physical, structural and morphological properties of the raw materials were investigated by thermogravimetry analysis (TG / DSC), X-ray diffraction (DRX), X-ray fluorescence (FXR) and scanning electron microscopy (MEV). Obtaining mechanical properties through the compression strength test. The analysis results indicate characteristics suitable for cement matrix composite production with the addition of thermosetting plastic industrial waste and gypsum waste, with potential application of these materials in composites with properties of thermal insulation. Finally, assessing what proportion showed up with better performance. Considering the analysis and testing carried out.


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The demand for environmental comfort in construction systems within the insulation and thermal comfort, plus the advent of new laws regulating the minimum requirements of comfort, disposal of solid industrial waste, construction waste, the requirements of consumers by adopting construction methods "cleaner", encouraged the development of this work. Aims technologically characterize the composite proposed in three types of samples (10%, 30% and 50% of thermoset plastic industrial waste) and raw materials: gypsum waste, cement and plastic thermosetting industrial waste in order to produce the composite with properties of thermal insulation: conductivity, thermal diffusivity, specific heat and resistivity. The physical, structural and morphological properties of the raw materials were investigated by thermogravimetry analysis (TG / DSC), X-ray diffraction (DRX), X-ray fluorescence (FXR) and scanning electron microscopy (MEV). Obtaining mechanical properties through the compression strength test. The analysis results indicate characteristics suitable for cement matrix composite production with the addition of thermosetting plastic industrial waste and gypsum waste, with potential application of these materials in composites with properties of thermal insulation. Finally, assessing what proportion showed up with better performance. Considering the analysis and testing carried out.


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Hochfeste Faserseile sind aufgrund ihrer hohen spezifischen Festigkeit prädestiniert für dynamische Anwendungen in der Fördertechnik. Der Kenntnisstand über die Zeitfestigkeit zugehöriger Endverbindungen zur Krafteinleitung ist jedoch unzureichend. Gegenstand der vorgelegten Arbeit ist die Entwicklung einer für die Anwendung von hochfesten Faserseilen geeigneten Prüfvorschrift sowie die vergleichende Untersuchung bekannter Endverbindungen für hochfeste Faserseile im Zugschwellversuch.


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I compositi a matrice polimerica sono stati soggetto di indagine e sviluppo per le ottime proprietà meccaniche che possiedono. Portando come esempio di questo tipo di compositi i materiali a matrice epossidica rinforzati in fibra di carbonio, questi sono molto performanti ma presentano due principali problematiche: la delaminazione e la elevata infiammabilità. Recenti studi hanno dimostrato che la possibilità di integrare in un materiale composito un rinforzo a base nanofibrosa, può modificare in maniera sostanziale le proprietà meccaniche e non solo del composito. Nel presente lavoro di tesi è stato condotto uno studio riguardante la possibilità di includere nanofibre di natura meta-arammidica all’interno di materiali compositi e l’effetto che questo possono avere sulla cinetica di reticolazione della resina. Essendo inoltre ben note le ottime proprietà antifiamma delle fibre poli-arammidiche si è studiato il comportamento alla fiamma di materiali (legno e compositi in fibra di carbonio) ricoperti da strati micrometrici di tali nanofibre tramite misure al cono calorimetro.


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The wide adaptation of Internet Protocol (IP) as de facto protocol for most communication networks has established a need for developing IP capable data link layer protocol solutions for Machine to machine (M2M) and Internet of Things (IoT) networks. However, the wireless networks used for M2M and IoT applications usually lack the resources commonly associated with modern wireless communication networks. The existing IP capable data link layer solutions for wireless IoT networks provide the necessary overhead minimising and frame optimising features, but are often built to be compatible only with IPv6 and specific radio platforms. The objective of this thesis is to design IPv4 compatible data link layer for Netcontrol Oy's narrow band half-duplex packet data radio system. Based on extensive literature research, system modelling and solution concept testing, this thesis proposes the usage of tunslip protocol as the basis for the system data link layer protocol development. In addition to the functionality of tunslip, this thesis discusses the additional network, routing, compression, security and collision avoidance changes required to be made to the radio platform in order for it to be IP compatible while still being able to maintain the point-to-multipoint and multi-hop network characteristics. The data link layer design consists of the radio application, dynamic Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) optimisation daemon and the tunslip interface. The proposed design uses tunslip for creating an IP capable data link protocol interface. The radio application receives data from tunslip and compresses the packets and uses the IP addressing information for radio network addressing and routing before forwarding the message to radio network. The dynamic MTU size optimisation daemon controls the tunslip interface maximum MTU size according to the link quality assessment calculated from the radio network diagnostic data received from the radio application. For determining the usability of tunslip as the basis for data link layer protocol, testing of the tunslip interface is conducted with both IEEE 802.15.4 radios and packet data radios. The test cases measure the radio network usability for User Datagram Protocol (UDP) based applications without applying any header or content compression. The test results for the packet data radios reveal that the typical success rate for packet reception through a single-hop link is above 99% with a round-trip-delay of 0.315s for 63B packets.


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Se adicionó biosólido como componente de una pasta cerámica para la fabricación de ladrillos. Se caracterizaron las materias primas (arcilla y biosólido) en cuanto a composición química, fases mineralógicas, comportamiento térmico y características físicas. Se fabricaron ladrillos con hasta un 15 % de inclusión de biosólido en estado seco, de dimensiones estándar según Norma Técnica Colombiana (NTC) 296 y cocidos a temperaturas de 950 °C, 1000 °C y 1050 °C. Se realizaron pruebas de resistencia a la compresión bajo los lineamientos de la NTC 4017, con el fin de evaluar el efecto que sobre esta propiedad tiene la cantidad porcentual de adición del biosólido. Desde el punto de vista ambiental se evaluó la inocuidad de los metales presentes en el biosólido, desarrollando la prueba Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP) en ladrillos fabricados con adición del residuo.


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Com o passar dos anos, as obras mais sublimes, começam a mostrar marcas subtis ou profundas de deterioração, como por exemplo: fissurações e defeitos associados à humidade. Estes são reflexo de fatores externos, como fungos, a própria atmosfera reativa, mudanças climatéricas e, até mesmo, a ação do homem. Neste seguimento pretende-se estudar as principais argamassas utilizadas na reabilitação de edifícios antigos, principalmente, as argamassas utilizadas no decorrer das obras ao longo do estágio, com o objetivo de comparar as suas caraterísticas, sendo estas argamassas tradicionais e pré-fabricadas. Foram feitos vários ensaios para determinar as suas resistências mecânicas, nomeadamente, o ensaio de resistência à flexão e compressão em diferentes idades após a confeção das argamassas, e ensaios para determinar a sua durabilidade como o ensaio de absorção da água por capilaridade; ensaio de absorção de água por imersão às 48horas (pressão atmosférica); ensaio para determinação do teor de água às 48horas e o ensaio de arrancamento (pull-off). A análise dos resultados mostrou que as argamassas adquirem mais resistência com o passar do tempo após a sua confeção, e que as argamassas dos provetes obtidos de forma tradicional, constituídos por argamassa de cal Hidráulica (HL5) e argamassa de cimento, apresentam melhores resultados do que a argamassa pré-fabricada (weber.cal classic).


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Purpose: To develop docetaxel (DTX)- and alendronate (ALN)-loaded, chitosan (CS)-conjugated polylactide- co-glycolide (PLGA) nanoparticles (NPs) to increase therapeutic efficacy in osteosarcoma cells. Methods: Drug-loaded PLGA NPs were prepared by nanoprecipitation and chemically conjugated by the carboxylic group of PLGA to the amine-bearing CS polymer. The nanocarrier was characterized by dynamic light scattering, transmission electron microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, and differential scanning calorimetry as well as by in vitro drug release and cell culture studies. Results: NP size was within the tumour targeting range (~200 nm) with an effective positive charge (20 mV), thus increasing cellular uptake efficiency. Morphological analysis revealed clear spherical particles with uniform dispersion. The NPs exhibited identical sustained release kinetics for both DTX and ALN. CS-conjugated PLGA with dual-drug-loaded (DTX and AL) NPs showed typical time-dependent cellular uptake and also displayed superior cytotoxicity in MG-63 cells compared with blank NPs, which were safe and biocompatible. Conclusion: Combined loading of DTX and ALN in NPs increased the therapeutic efficacy of the formulation for osteosarcoma treatment, thus indicating the potential benefit of a combinatorial drug regimen using nanocarriers for effective treatment of osteosarcoma.


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Vi è un crescente interesse verso lo studio di materiali compositi nanostrutturati. Tra questi risultano di particolare interesse le membrane polimeriche composite. Questi materiali presentano proprietà uniche, sono già largamente utilizzate in ambito bio-medicale, industriale e in molti processi di separazione di effluenti liquidi e gassosi. Un’altra applicazione di grande interesse è l’utilizzo di queste membrane come catalizzatori, in particolare per lo sviluppo di sistemi in flusso. Le membrane polimeriche composite per scopi catalitici vengono prodotte inserendo una fase attiva inorganica nella matrice polimerica; una delle tecniche di produzione è l’elettrofilatura. Questa tecnica permette di ottenere fibre polimeriche di diametro sub-micrometrico, sfruttando l’azione di un intenso campo elettrico. In questo lavoro è stata studiata la preparazione di membrane catalitiche aventi come matrice polimerica il Nylon 6,6 e il polietileneossido (PEO), contenenti come fase attiva Au e Pd. La produzione di queste membrane viene studiata per una possibile applicazione in sistemi in flusso per l’ossidazione selettiva del 5-idrossimetilfurfurale (5-HMF) ad acido 2,5 furan-dicarbossilico (FDCA). Questa reazione è molto importante, in quanto consente di ottenere monomeri plastici di origine vegetale, come può essere l’FDCA.


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Scopo dell'elaborato è stato la produzione di un materiale bio-composito formato da PLA ed un rinforzo di origine naturale derivante dal settore agricolo, nell'ottica di diminuire i costi dei manufatti costituiti da tale materiale, riducendo il contenuto di PLA, e rivalorizzare lo scarto di farine in applicazioni di stampa 3D. Inizialmente le farine sono state studiate mediante analisi spettroscopiche (FT-ATR), osservazioni al microscopio ottico e analisi TGA. Dopodiché sono stati prodotti filamenti per stampa 3D di materiale composito al 10% e caratterizzati termicamente (DSC, TGA, Cp) e meccanicamente (DMA). Successivamente alla stampa 3D di questi filamenti, sono stati analizzati comportamenti termici (CTE, DSC) e meccanici (prove di trazione, DMA) dei provini stampati. Si è infine valutata l'influenza del trattamento termico di ricottura sui provini stampati mediante analisi DSC e DMA.