304 resultados para Markievicz, Constance


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En continuité avec les ouvrages récents (Veyne 1981, MacMullen 1988 et Kelly 2004) qui tentent de relativiser les effets néfastes de la corruption lors du Bas-Empire, ce travail étudie le suffragium, le processus de nomination des fonctionnaires de bureaux, afin d'évaluer comment les acteurs sociaux du IVe siècle considéraient ce phénomène. Ce système, organisé d'une telle façon que les hauts fonctionnaires devaient fournir des lettres de recommandation aux candidats postulant à des postes au sein de la fonction publique, serait devenu complètement corrompu durant le IVe siècle et les lettres de recommandation auraient commencé à être systématiquement vendues. Pourtant, les lois de Constantin, Constance et Julien ne fournissent aucune preuve tangible que le suffragium était dans tous le cas vénal à cette époque. Bien au contraire, les empereurs ajoutaient la plupart de temps des épithètes au terme suffragium pour spécifier qu'il parle du suffragium vénal. Généralement, les empereurs sont présentés comme farouchement opposés au suffragium et à toutes les tractations qui y sont attachées. Loin d'être aussi hostiles envers les « pratiques corrompues », les empereurs de la dynastie constantinienne firent preuve d'un certain pragmatisme en voyant qu'ils ne pouvaient contrôler toutes les nominations de ceux qui voulaient entrer dans la fonction publique et que ce n'était pas nécessairement à leur avantage de le faire. Les empereurs se concentrèrent plutôt sur les restrictions entourant les promotions afin de faire en sorte que les personnes qui avaient de réels pouvoirs soient celles qui avaient démontré leurs qualités tout au long de leurs années de service. Bien qu'ils n'aient pas concrètement légiféré sur les critères d'embauche des candidats, cela ne veut pas dire que n'importe qui pouvait obtenir un poste. À travers l'étude des lettres de Libanios et de Symmaque, ce travail démontre que les hauts fonctionnaires ne fournissaient pas de lettres à quiconque le demandait, puisque leur réputation pouvait être entachée par le fait d'avoir recommandé un mauvais candidat à un de leurs amis. Les hauts fonctionnaires qui recevaient les recommandations pouvaient également soumettre les candidats à des examens afin d'être certains de la qualité de l'individu. Ce système officieux de contrôle des candidats vint pallier, en partie, les déficits de la législation impériale. Conjointement, la loi et les usages permirent à l'administration de fonctionner en lui fournissant des candidats qui répondaient aux critères de l'époque.


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Concierne a la implementación y estudio de los efectos de la autoevaluación y coevaluación como procesos integrantes del diseño general de evaluación de la materia.


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describe la experiencia de aplicación de los aprendizajes obtenidos por la autora como participante en la Especialización de Docencia Universitaria realizada en el año 1996 en el Colegio Mayor de Nuestra Señora del Rosario,


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Introducción: El tratamiento con antagonistas del factor de necrosis tumoral alfa (anti TNF) ha impactado el pronóstico y la calidad de vida de los pacientes con artritis reumatoide (AR) positivamente, sin embargo, se interroga un incremento en el riesgo de desarrollar melanoma. Objetivo: Conocer la asociación entre el uso de anti TNF y el desarrollo de melanoma maligno en pacientes con AR. Metodología: Se realizó una búsqueda sistemática en MEDLINE, EMBASE, COCHRANE LIBRARY y LILACS para ensayos clínicos, estudios observacionales, revisiones y meta-análisis en pacientes adultos con diagnóstico de AR y manejo con anti TNF (Certolizumab pegol, Adalimumab, Etanercept, Infliximab y Golimumab). Resultados: 37 estudios clínicos cumplieron los criterios de inclusión para el meta-análisis, con una población de 16567 pacientes. El análisis de heterogeneidad no fue significativo (p=1), no se encontró diferencia en el riesgo entre los grupos comparados DR -0.00 (IC 95% -0.001; -0.001). Un análisis adicional de los estudios en los que se reportó al menos 1 caso de melanoma (4222 pacientes) tampoco mostró diferencia en el riesgo DR -0.00 (IC 95% -0.004 ; -0.003). Conclusión: En la evidencia disponible a la fecha no encontramos asociación significativa entre el tratamiento con anti TNF en pacientes con diagnóstico de AR y el desarrollo de melanoma cutáneo.


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Volúmen que recoge las actas de las Segundas Jornadas Internacionales de Psicología y Educación celebrado en Madrid en 1986. El libro se estructura en dos grandes apartados: en el primero se recogen las aportaciones de los conferenciantes, en los que se da un repaso a los avances de la investigación internacional en el ámplio campo de la psicología de la educación : los entornos educativos y los procesos de adquisición del conocimiento y los modelos del desarrollo que se propician en ellos son los protagonistas de esta primera parte. La segunda parte, reúne las ponencias y comunicaciones temáticas con el objetivo de ofrecer una panorámica del trabajo autóctono en áreas específicas de la educación : los procesos de educación, psicología y educación especial, la psicopedagogía del lenguaje oral, de la lectoescritura, la enseñanza de las matemáticas, de las ciencias sociales, de las ciencias físico-naturales y nuevas tecnologías.


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This paper examines adapting the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test (PPVT), a receptive vocabulary test, for hearing-impaired children.


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The qnrS1 gene induces reduced susceptibility to fluoroquinolones in enterobacteria. We investigated the structure, antimicrobial susceptibility phenotype, and antimicrobial resistance gene characteristics of qnrS1 plasmids from hospitalized patients and community controls in southern Vietnam. We found that the antimicrobial susceptibilities, resistance gene characteristics, and plasmid structures of qnrS1 plasmids from the hospital differed from those from the community. Our data imply that the characteristics of the two plasmid groups are indicative of distinct selective pressures in the differing environments.


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This chapter considers aspects of urban design and associated identity of place that shifts over time and has to identify with aspects of economic pressures to develop as well as cultural concerns about change.


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We have previously demonstrated that mononuclear leukocytes from patients with sickle cell disease (SCD) release higher amounts of superoxide compared with normal controls. The aim of this study was to further study the NADPH oxidase system in these patients by investigating gene expression of NADPH oxidase components, phosphorylation of p47(phox) component, and the release of cytokines related to NADPH oxidase activation in mononuclear leukocytes from patients with SCD. gp91(phox) gene expression was significantly higher in monocytes from SCD patients compared with normal controls (P = 0.036). Monocytes from SCD patients showed higher levels of p47 phox phosphorylation compared with normal controls. INF-gamma release by lymphocytes from SCD patients was significantly higher compared with normal controls, after 48 h culture with phytohemagglutinin (P = 0.02). The release of TNF-alpha by monocytes from SCD patients and normal controls was similar after 24 and 48 h culture with lipopolysaccharide (P > 0.05). We conclude that monocytes from SCD patients show higher levels of gp91(phox) gene expression and p47(phox) phosphorylation, along with increased IFN-gamma release by SCD lymphocytes. These findings help to explain our previous observation showing the increased respiratory burst activity of mononuclear leukocytes from SCD patients and may contribute to inflammation and tissue damage in these patients.


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Although cellulose acetates, CAs, are extensively employed there is scant information about the systematic dependence of their properties on their degree of substitution, DS; this is the subject of the present work. Nine CAs samples, DS from 0.83 to 3.0 were synthesized; their films were prepared. The following solvatochromic probes have been employed in order to determine the empirical polarity, E (T)(33); ""acidity, alpha""; ""basicity, beta"", and ""dipolarity/polarizability, pi*"" of the casted films: 2,6-dichloro-4-(2,4,6-triphenyl-pyridinium-1-yl) phenolate, WB; 4-nitroaniline; 4-nitroanisole; 4-nitro-N,N-dimethylaniline; 2,6-diphenyl-4-(2,4,6-triphenyl-pyridinium-1-yl)phenolate, RB. Additionally, two systems, ethanol plus ethyl acetate (EtOH-EtAc), and cellulose plus cellulose triacetate, CTA, were employed as models for CAs of different DS. Regarding the model systems, the following was observed: (i) For EtOH-EtAc, the dependence of all solvatochromic parameters on the ""equivalent-DS"" of the binary mixture was non-linear because of preferential solvation; (ii) The dependence of E (T)(33) on equivalent DS of the cellulose-CTA films is linear, but the slope is smaller than that of the corresponding plot for CAs. This is attributed to the more efficient hydrogen bonding in the model system, a conclusion corroborated by IR measurements. The dependence of solvatochromic parameters of CAs on their DS is described by the simple equations; a consequence of the substitution of the OH by the ester group. The thermal properties of bulk CAs samples were investigated by DSC and TGA; their dependence on DS is described by simple equations. The relevance of these data to the processing and applications of CAs is briefly discussed.


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Background: Evidence indicates that infection with Ascaris lumbricoides may promote development of allergy and asthma.Objective: To study the role of tropomyosin, a pan-allergen in invertebrates, in IgE responses to A lumbricoides.Methods: Recombinant A lumbricoides and Periplaneta americana tropomyosins were expressed in Pichia pastoris. Levels of IgE to tropomyosins from A lumbricoides and P americana were determined by chimeric ELISA in sera from 119 children living in a parasite-endemic area and 112 patients with cockroach allergy from the allergy clinics. Presence of tropomyosin in A lumbricoides larvae at L3 stage was evaluated by immunofluorescence using mAb IA6, directed against mite tropomyosin. Molecular modeling of P americana and A lumbricoides tropomyosins was performed by using the MODELLER program.Results: A lumbricoides tropomyosin showed 69% to 98% sequence identity to tropomyosins from other invertebrates. The predicted structure of A lumbricoides tropomyosin was similar to that of P americana tropomyosin and showed the characteristic coiled-coil structure. Strong correlation was found for IgE antibodies to tropomyosins from A lumbricoides and P americana in sera from children living in a parasite-endemic area and from patients with cockroach allergy. Larvae of A lumbricoides reacted strongly with mAb IA6.Conclusion: Tropomyosin induces IgE responses in A lumbricoides-infected children and in patients allergic to cockroach.


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Although vast areas in tropical regions have weathered soils with low potassium (K) levels, little is known about the effects of K supply on the photosynthetic physiology of trees. This study assessed the effects of K and sodium (Na) supply on the diffusional and biochemical limitations to photosynthesis in Eucalyptus grandis leaves. A field experiment comparing treatments receiving K (+K) or Na (+Na) with a control treatment (C) was set up in a K-deficient soil. The net CO2 assimilation rates were twice as high in +K and 1.6 times higher in +Na than in the C as a result of lower stomatal and mesophyll resistance to CO2 diffusion and higher photosynthetic capacity. The starch content was higher and soluble sugar was lower in +K than in C and +Na, suggesting that K starvation disturbed carbon storage and transport. The specific leaf area, leaf thickness, parenchyma thickness, stomatal size and intercellular air spaces increased in +K and +Na compared to C. Nitrogen and chlorophyll concentrations were also higher in +K and +Na than in C. These results suggest a strong relationship between the K and Na supply to E. grandis trees and the functional and structural limitations to CO2 assimilation rates. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.