168 resultados para MYOTUBULAR MYOPATHY


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Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit sollte der Einfluss des Mevalonatpfads auf die Expression von Selenoproteinen untersucht werden. Im Mevalonatpfad, einem universellen Stoffwechselweg eukaryontischer Zellen, entstehen neben Cholesterol auch verschiedene Isoprenoide, die z.B. für die post-transkriptionelle Modifikation der Selenocystein-tRNA herangezogen werden. Selenocystein ist funktioneller Bestandteil von Selenoproteinen, welche häufig in den Abbau von oxidativem Stress involviert sind. rnDer Mevalonatpfad wird hauptsächlich durch die HMG-CoA-Reduktase (HMGCR) reguliert. Pharmaka vom „Statin“-Typ gelten als wirkungsvolle kompetitive Inhibitoren dieses Enzyms und finden ihren Einsatz bei Patienten zur Behandlung von Hypercholesterolämie, welche eine Grundlage für vaskuläre Krankheiten bildet. Trotz der allgemein guten Verträglichkeit der Statine treten jedoch auch unerwünschte Nebeneffekte, wie Erhöhung der Leberenzyme oder Myopathien auf, deren biochemischer Hintergrund bislang noch im Dunkeln liegt. rnDie in dieser Arbeit durchgeführten Experimente belegen, dass Atorvastatin, Cerivastatin und Lovastatin in klinisch relevanten Dosen die Synthese bestimmter Selenoproteine, wie der Glutathionperoxidase (GPx), in klonalen humanen Hepatocyten post-transkriptionell unterdrücken, wodurch die Zellen anfälliger für oxidativen Stress in Form von Peroxiden werden. Dieser Mechanismus könnte eine Erklärung für die häufig beobachteten abnormen Leberwerte von Statin-behandelten Patienten darstellen.rnEndogenes Cholesterol gilt ebenfalls als potenter Inhibitor der HMGCR. Die in dieser Arbeit erzielten Ergebnisse zeigen, dass Cholesterol in verschiedenen Formen, als Low-Density-Lipoprotein (LDL), als 25-Hydroxycholesterol, und als Methylcyclodextrin-Komplex in unterschiedlichen humanen Zelltypen die Selenoproteinsynthese ebenfalls unterdrücken. Der negative Zusammenhang zwischen Cholesterol und bestimmten Selenoproteinen konnte auch in vivo beobachtet werden. In juvenilen Mäusen konnte gezeigt werden, dass ein Knockout des LDL-Rezeptors sowie auch ein Knockout von Apolipoprotein E zu einer Senkung des Lebercholesterols führte, was in einer Zunahme der GPx in der Leber resultierte.rnDie vorliegenden Daten belegen erstmals einen direkten und funktionellen Zusammenhang zwischen dem Mevalonatpfad und der Selenoproteinsynthese. Unterdrückung dieses Pfades, entweder durch exogene Substanzen wie Statine, oder durch endogene Substanzen wie Cholesterol, hat offenbar zur Folge, dass essentielle Zwischenprodukte für die Modifizierung der Selenocystein-tRNA fehlen, was in einer post-transkriptionellen Verminderung der induzierbaren Selenoproteine resultiert. Dies könnte die biochemische Grundlage für einen Teil der vielfältigen gesundheitlich negativen Auswirkungen schon geringfügig erhöhter Cholesterolspiegel sein.


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La distrofia muscolare di Emery-Dreifuss (EDMD) è una miopatia degenerativa ereditaria caratterizzata da debolezza e atrofia dei muscoli senza coinvolgimento del sistema nervoso. Individui EDMD presentano, inoltre, cardiomiopatia con difetto di conduzione che provoca rischio di morte improvvisa. Diversi studi evidenziano un coinvolgimento di citochine in diverse distrofie muscolari causanti infiammazione cronica, riassorbimento osseo, necrosi cellulare. Abbiamo effettuato una valutazione simultanea della concentrazione di citochine, chemochine, fattori di crescita, presenti nel siero di un gruppo di 25 pazienti EDMD. L’analisi effettuata ha evidenziato un aumento di citochine quali IL-17, TGFβ2, INF-γ e del TGFβ1. Inoltre, una riduzione del fattore di crescita VEGF e della chemochina RANTES è stata rilevata nel siero dei pazienti EDMD rispetto ai pazienti controllo. Ulteriori analisi effettuate tramite saggio ELISA hanno evidenziato un aumento dei livelli di TGFβ2 e IL-6 nel terreno di coltura di fibroblasti EDMD2. Per testare l’effetto nei muscoli, di citochine alterate, abbiamo utilizzato terreno condizionante di fibroblasti EDMD per differenziare mioblasti murini C2C12. Una riduzione del grado di differenziamento è stata osservata nei mioblasti condizionati con terreno EDMD. Trattando queste cellule con anticorpi neutralizzanti contro TGFβ2 e IL-6 si è avuto un miglioramento del grado di differenziamento. In C2C12 che esprimevano la mutazione H222P del gene Lmna,non sono state osservate alterazioni di citochine e benefici di anticorpi neutralizzanti. I dati mostrano un effetto patogenetico delle citochine alterate come osservato in fibroblasti e siero di pazienti, suggerendo un effetto sul tessuto fibrotico di muscoli EDMD. Un effetto intrinseco alla mutazione della lamina A è stato rilevato sul espressione di caveolina 3 in mioblasti differenziati EDMD. I risultati si aggiungono a dati forniti sulla patogenesi dell' EDMD confermando che fattori intrinseci ed estrinseci contribuiscono alla malattia. Utilizzo di anticorpi neutralizzanti specifici contro fattori estrinseci potrebbe rappresentare un approccio terapeutico come mostrato in questo studio.


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Recently, global meat market is facing several dramatic changes due to shifting in diet and life style, consumer demands, and economical considerations. Firstly, there was a tremendous increase in the poultry meat demand. Furthermore, current forecast and projection studies pointed out that the expansion of the poultry market will continue in future. In response to this demand, there was a great success to increase growth rate of meat-type chickens in the last few decades in order to optimize the production of poultry meat. Accordingly, the increase of growth rate induced the appearance of several muscle abnormalities such as pale-soft-exudative (PSE) syndrome and deep-pectoral-myopathy (DPM) and more recently white striping and wooden breast. Currently, there is growing interest in meat industry to understand how much the magnitude of the effect of these abnormalities on different quality traits for raw and processed meat. Therefore, the major part of the research activities during the PhD project was dedicated to evaluate the different implications of recent muscle abnormalities such as white striping and wooden breast on meat quality traits and their incidence under commercial conditions. Generally, our results showed that the incidence of these muscle abnormalities was very high under commercial conditions and had great adverse impact on meat quality traits. Secondly, there is growing market share of convenient, healthy, and functional processed meat products. Accordingly, the remaining part of research activities of the PhD project was dedicated to evaluate the possibility to formulate processed meat products with higher perceived healthy profile such as phosphate free-marinated chicken meat and low sodium-marinated rabbit meat products. Overall all findings showed that sodium bicarbonate can be considered as promising component to replace phosphates in meat products, while potassium chloride under certain conditions was successfully used to produce low marinated rabbit meat products.


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Die S-adenosyl-L-Homocysteinhydrolase (AHCY)-Defizienz ist eine seltene autosomal rezessive Erbkrankheit, bei der Mutationen im AHCY-Gen die Funktionsfähigkeit des kodierten Enzyms beeinträchtigen. Diese Krankheit führt zu Symptomen wie Entwicklungsverzögerungen, mentaler Retardierung und Myopathie. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde der Einfluss der AHCY-Defizienz auf die Methylierung der DNA in Blutproben und Fibroblasten von Patienten mit AHCY-Defizienz, sowie in HEK293- und HepG2-Zelllinien mit AHCY-Knockdown untersucht. Der gesamtgenomische Methylierungsstatus wurde mit Hilfe des MethylFlash ™ Methylated DNA Quantification Kit (Epigentek) bei drei Patienten-Blutproben festgestellt. In den Blutproben von sieben Patienten und Fibroblasten von einem Patienten wurde die Methylierung von DMRs sieben geprägter Gene (GTL2, H19, LIT1, MEST, NESPAS, PEG3, SNRPN) und zwei repetitiver Elemente (Alu, LINE1) mittels Bisulfit-Pyrosequenzierung quantifiziert und durch High Resolution Melting-Analyse bestätigt. Zusätzlich wurde eine genomweite Methylierungsanalyse mit dem Infinium® HumanMethylation450 BeadChip (Illumina) für vier Patientenproben durchgeführt und die Expression von AHCY in Fibroblasten mittels Expressions-qPCR und QUASEP-Analyse untersucht. Die Methylierungsanalysen ergaben eine Hypermethylierung der gesamtgenomischen DNA und stochastische Hypermethylierungen von DMRs geprägter Gene bei einigen Patienten. Die HEK293- und HepG2-Zelllinien wiesen dagegen hauptsächlich stochastische Hypomethylierungen an einigen DMRs geprägter Gene und LINE1-Elementen auf. Die genomweite Methylierungsarray-Analyse konnte die Ergebnisse der Bisulfit-Pyrosequenzierung nicht bestätigen. Die Expressionsanalysen der AHCY-defizienten Fibroblasten zeigten eine verminderte Expression von AHCY, wobei beide Allele etwa gleich stark transkribiert wurden. Die Ergebnisse deuten darauf hin, dass die AHCY-Defizienz eine gute Modellerkrankung für die Untersuchung biologischer Konsequenzen von Methylierungsstörungen im Rahmen der Epigenetik-Forschung sein könnte. Sie ist unseres Wissens die erste monogene Erkrankung mit symptomaler DNA-Hypermethylierung beim Menschen.


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In skeletal muscle of patients with clinically diagnosed statin-associated myopathy, discrete signs of structural damage predominantly localize to the T-tubular region and are suggestive of a calcium leak. The impact of statins on skeletal muscle of non-myopathic patients is not known. We analyzed the expression of selected genes implicated in the molecular regulation of calcium and membrane repair, in lipid homeostasis, myocyte remodeling and mitochondrial function. Microscopic and gene expression analyses were performed using validated TaqMan custom arrays on skeletal muscle biopsies of 72 age-matched subjects who were receiving statin therapy (n = 38), who had discontinued therapy due to statin-associated myopathy (n = 14), and who had never undergone statin treatment (n = 20). In skeletal muscle, obtained from statin-treated, non-myopathic patients, statins caused extensive changes in the expression of genes of the calcium regulatory and the membrane repair machinery, whereas the expression of genes responsible for mitochondrial function or myocyte remodeling was unaffected. Discontinuation of treatment due to myopathic symptoms led to a normalization of gene expression levels, the genes encoding the ryanodine receptor 3, calpain 3, and dystrophin being the most notable exceptions. Hence, even in clinically asymptomatic (non-myopathic) patients, statin therapy leads to an upregulation in the expression of genes that are concerned with skeletal muscle regulation and membrane repair.


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REASONS FOR PERFORMING STUDY: Exertional rhabdomyolysis (ER) and its familial basis in Warmblood horses is incompletely understood. OBJECTIVES: To describe the case details, clinical signs and management of ER-affected Warmblood horses from a family with a high prevalence of ER, to determine if histopathological signs of polysaccharide storage myopathy (PSSM) and the glycogen synthase (GYS1) mutation are associated with ER in this family, and to investigate potential risk factors for development of ER. METHODS: A family consisting of a sire with ER and 71 of his descendants was investigated. History of episodes of ER, husbandry, feeding and use was assessed by interviewing horse owners using a standardised questionnaire. All horses were genotyped for GYS1. In 10 ER-affected horses, muscle histopathology was evaluated. RESULTS: Signs of ER were reported in 39% of horses and 51% of the entire family possessed the GYS1 mutation. Horses possessing the GYS1 mutation had a 7.1-times increased risk for developing ER compared to those with the normal genotype (95% confidence interval [CI] 2.37-21.23, P = 0.0005). All muscle samples from horses in the family with ER showed polysaccharide accumulation typical for PSSM, amylase-resistant in 9/10 cases. There was evidence (odds ratio 5.6, CI 1.00-31.32, P = 0.05) that fat or oil feeding improved clinical signs of ER. No other effects of environmental factors associated with clinical signs of ER were identified. CONCLUSION AND POTENTIAL RELEVANCE: PSSM associated with the GYS1 mutation is one identifiable cause of ER in Warmblood horses. Signs of ER are not always manifest in GYS1 positive horses and there are also other causes for ER in Warmblood horses. Breeding animals with the GYS1 mutation results in a high prevalence of ER due to its dominant mode of inheritance.


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Mitochondrial neurogastrointestinal encephalomyopathy (MNGIE) is a rare autosomal recessive disorder in which a nuclear mutation of the thymidine phosphorylase (TP) gene causes mitochondrial genomic dysfunction. Patients suffer from gastrointestinal dysmotility, cachexia, ptosis, external ophthalmoparesis, myopathy and polyneuropathy. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) shows leukoencephalopathy. We describe clinical, genetic and neuroradiological features of three brothers affected with MNGIE. Clinical examination, laboratory analyses, MRI and magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) of the brain, and genetic analysis have been performed in all six members of the family with the three patients with MNGIE. Two of them are monozygous twins. They all suffered from gastrointestinal dysmotility, cachexia, ophthalmoplegia, muscular atrophies, and polyneuropathy. Urinary thymidine was elevated in the patients related to the severity of clinical disease, and urinary thymidine (normally not detectable) was also found in a heterozygous carrier. Brain MRI showed leukoencephalopathy in all patients; however, their cognitive functioning was normal. Brain MRS demonstrated reduced N-acetylaspartate and choline in severely affected areas. MRI of heterozygous carriers was normal. A new mutation (T92N) in the TP gene was identified. Urinary thymidine is for the first time reported to be detectable in a heterozygous carrier. MRS findings indicate loss of neurons, axons, and glial cells in patients with MNGIE, but not in heterozygous carriers.


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Skeletal muscle complaints are a common consequence of cholesterol-lowering therapy. Transverse tubular (T-tubular) vacuolations occur in patients having statin-associated myopathy and, to a lesser extent, in statin-treated patients without myopathy. We have investigated quantitative changes in T-tubular morphology and looked for early indicators of T-tubular membrane repair in skeletal muscle biopsy samples from patients receiving cholesterol-lowering therapy who do not have myopathic side effects. Gene expression and protein levels of incipient membrane repair proteins were monitored in patients who tolerated statin treatment without myopathy and in statin-naive subjects. In addition, morphometry of the T-tubular system was performed. Only the gene expression for annexin A1 was up-regulated, whereas the expression of other repair genes remained unchanged. However, annexin A1 and dysferlin protein levels were significantly increased. In statin-treated patients, the volume fraction of the T-tubular system was significantly increased, but the volume fraction of the sarcoplasmic reticulum remained unchanged. A complex surface structure in combination with high mechanical loads makes skeletal muscle plasma membranes susceptible to injury. Ca(2+)-dependent membrane repair proteins such as dysferlin and annexin A1 are deployed at T-tubular sites. The up-regulation of annexin A1 gene expression and protein points to this protein as a biomarker for T-tubular repair.


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OBJECTIVE To report a case of severe myopathy associated with concomitant simvastatin and amiodarone therapy. CASE SUMMARY A 63-year-old white man with underlying insulin-dependent diabetes, recent coronary artery bypass surgery, and postoperative hemiplegia was treated with aspirin, metoprolol, furosemide, nitroglycerin, and simvastatin. Due to recurrent atrial fibrillation, oral anticoagulation with phenprocoumon and antiarrhythmic treatment with amiodarone were initiated. Four weeks after starting simvastatin 40 mg/day and 2 weeks after initiating amiodarone 1 g/day for 10 days, then 200 mg/day, he developed diffuse muscle pain with generalized muscular weakness. Laboratory investigations revealed a significant increase of creatine kinase (CK) peaking at 40 392 U/L. Due to a suspected drug interaction of simvastatin with amiodarone, both drugs were stopped. CK normalized over the following 8 days, and the patient made an uneventful recovery. An objective causality assessment revealed that the myopathy was probably related to simvastatin. DISCUSSION Myopathy is a rare but potentially severe adverse reaction associated with statins. Besides high statin doses, concomitant use of fibrates, defined comorbidities, and concurrent use of inhibitors of cytochrome P450 are important additional risk factors. This is especially relevant if statins predominantly metabolized by CYP3A4 are combined with inhibitors of this isoenzyme. Amiodarone is a potent inhibitor of several different CYP isoenzymes, including CYP3A4. CONCLUSIONS Avoiding the concomitant use of drugs with the potential to inhibit CYP-dependent metabolism (eg, amiodarone) or elimination of statins may decrease the risk of statin-associated myopathy. Alternatively, if drug therapy with a potent CYP inhibitor is inevitable, choosing a statin without relevant CYP metabolism (eg, pravastatin) should be considered.


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The myogenin gene encodes an evolutionarily conserved basic helix-loop-helix transcription factor that regulates the expression of skeletal muscle-specific genes and its homozygous deletion results in mice who die of respiratory failure at birth. The histology of skeletal muscle in the myogenin null mice is reminiscent of that found in some severe congenital myopathy patients, many of whom also die of respiratory complications and provides the rationale that an aberrant human myogenin (myf4) coding region could be associated with some congenital myopathy conditions.^ With PCR, we found similarly sized amplimers for the three exons of the myogenin gene in 37 patient and 40 control samples. In contrast to the GeneBank sequence for human myogenin, we report several differences in flanking and coding regions plus an additional 659 and 498 bps in the first and second introns, respectively, in all patients and controls. We also find a novel (CA)-dinucleotide repeat in the second intron. No causative mutations were detected in the myogenin coding regions of genomic DNA from patients with severe congenital myopathy.^ Severe congenital myopathies in humans are often associated with respiratory complications and pulmonary hypoplasia. We have employed the myogenin null mouse, which lacks normal development of skeletal muscle fibers as a genetically defined severe congenital myopathy mouse model to evaluate the effect of absent fetal breathing movement on pulmonary development.^ Significant differences are observed at embryonic days E14, E17 and E20 of lung:body weight, total DNA and histologically, suggesting that the myogenin null lungs are hypoplastic. RT-PCR, in-situ immunofluorescence and EM reveal pneumocyte type II differentiation in both null and wild lungs as early as E14. However, at E14, myogenin null lungs have decreased BrdU incorporation while E17 through term, augmented cell death is detected in the myogenin null lungs, not seen in wild littermates. Absent mechanical forces appear to impair normal growth, but not maturation, of the developing lungs in myogenin null mouse.^ These investigations provide the basis for delineating the DNA sequence of the myogenin gene and and highlight the importance of skeletal muscle development in utero for normal lung organogenesis. My observation of no mutations within the coding regions of the human myogenin gene in DNA from patients with severe congenital myopathy do not support any association with this condition. ^


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Glycogen storage disease type II is a rare multi-systemic disorder characterised by an intracellular accumulation of glycogen due a mutation in the acid alpha glucosidase (GAA) gene. The level of residual enzyme activity, the genotype and other yet unknown factors account for the broad variation of the clinical phenotype. The classical infantile form is characterised by severe muscle hypotonia and cardiomyopathy leading to early death. The late-onset form presents as a limb girdle myopathy with or without pulmonary dysfunction. Enzyme replacement therapy (ERT) with recombinant human GAA (rhGAA) in infants is life saving. In contrast, therapeutic efficacy of rhGAA in the late-onset form is modest. High expenses of rhGAA, on-going infusions and poor pharmacokinetic efficacy raised a discussion of the cost effectiveness of ERT in late-onset Pompe disease in Switzerland. This discussion was triggered by a Swiss federal court ruling which confirmed the reluctance of a health care insurer not to reimburse treatment costs in a 67-year-old female suffering from Pompe disease. As a consequence of this judgement ERT was stopped by all insurance companies in late-onset Pompe patients in Switzerland regardless of their clinical condition. Subsequent negotiations lead to the release of a national guideline of the management of late-onset Pompe disease. Initiation and limitation of ERT is outlined in a national Pompe registry. Reimbursement criteria are defined and individual efficacy of ERT with rhGAA is continuously monitored.


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Collagen XII, largest member of the fibril-associated collagens with interrupted triple helix (FACIT) family, assembles from three identical α-chains encoded by the COL12A1 gene. The molecule consists of three threadlike N-terminal noncollagenous NC3 domains, joined by disulfide bonds and a short interrupted collagen triple helix toward the C-terminus. Splice variants differ considerably in size and properties: "small" collagen XIIB (220 kDa subunit) is similar to collagen XIV, whereas collagen XIIA (350 kDa) has a much larger NC3 domain carrying glycosaminoglycan chains. Collagen XII binds to collagen I-containing fibrils via its collagenous domain, whereas its large noncollagenous arms interact with other matrix proteins such as tenascin-X. In dense connective tissues and bone, collagen XII is thought to regulate organization and mechanical properties of collagen fibril bundles. Accordingly, recent findings show that collagen XII mutations cause Ehlers-Danlos/myopathy overlap syndrome associated with skeletal abnormalities and muscle weakness in mice and humans.


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Background: Very few mitochondrial myopathies have been described in horses. Objective: To examine the ultrastructure of muscle mitochondria in equine cases of myopathy of unknown origin. Materials & methods: Biopsies of vastus lateralis of the Musculus quadriceps femoris were taken predominantly immediately post mortem and processed for transmission electron microscopy. As a result, electron micrographs of 90 horses in total were available for analysis comprising 4 control horses, 16 horses suffering from myopathy and 70 otherwise diseased horses. Results: Following a thorough clinical and laboratory work-up, four out of five patients that did not fit into the usual algorithm to detect known causes of myopathy showed ultrastructural mitochondrial alterations. Small mitochondria with zones with complete disruption of cristae associated with lactic acidemia were detected in a 17-year-old pony mare, extremely long and slender mitochondria with longitudinal cristae in a 5-year-old Quarter horse stallion, a mixture of irregular extremely large mitochondria (measuring 2500 by 800 nm) next to smaller ones in an 8-year-old Hanoverian mare and round mitochondria with only few cristae in a 11-year-old pony gelding. It remains uncertain whether the subsarcolemmal mitochondrial accumulations observed in the fifth patient have any pathological significance. Conclusions: Ultrastructural alterations in mitochondria were detected in at least four horses. To conclude that these are due to mitochondrial dysfuntions, biochemical tests should be performed. Practical applications: The possibility of a mitochondrial myopathy should be included in the differential diagnosis of muscle weakness.


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Congenital pseudomyotonia in Chianina cattle is a muscle function disorder very similar to that of Brody disease in humans. Mutations in the human ATP2A1 gene, encoding SERCA1, cause Brody myopathy. The analysis of the collected Chianina pedigree data suggested monogenic autosomal recessive inheritance and revealed that all 17 affected individuals traced back to a single founder. A deficiency of SERCA1 function in skeletal muscle of pseudomyotonia affected Chianina cattle was observed as SERCA1 activity in affected animals was decreased by about 70%. Linkage analysis showed that the mutation was located in the ATP2A1 gene region on BTA25 and subsequent mutation analysis of the ATP2A1 exons revealed a perfectly associated missense mutation in exon 6 (c.491G>A) leading to a p.Arg164His substitution. Arg164 represents a functionally important and strongly conserved residue of SERCA1. This study provides a suitable large animal model for human Brody disease.


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This article gives a review of the classification, diagnostic procedures and treatment of idiopathic inflammatory myopathies from a neurological point of view. The myositis syndromes can be subdivided into four groups, polymyositis (PM), dermatomyositis (DM), inclusion body myositis (IBM) and necrotizing myopathy (NM), which substantially differ clinically and pathophysiologically. Myositis may also occur in association with cancer or autoimmune systemic diseases (overlap syndrome). Diagnosis of inflammatory myopathies is based on clinical symptoms, determination of creatine phosphokinase and acute phase parameters in blood (e.g. C-reactive protein and erythrocyte sedimentation rate), electromyography results and findings of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in muscle. A muscle biopsy is mandatory to confirm the diagnosis. High quality randomized controlled trials of treatment regimens for inflammatory myopathies are sparse; however, empirical experience indicates a clear effectiveness of immunosuppressive treatment of PM, DM and NM.