988 resultados para MR cardiac images


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Mock circulation loops are used to evaluate the performance of cardiac assist devices prior to animal and clinical testing. A compressible, translucent silicone ventricle chamber that mimics the exact size, shape and motion of a failing heart is desired to assist in flow visualization studies around inflow cannulae during VAD support. The aim of this study was therefore to design and construct a naturally shaped flexible left ventricle and evaluate its performance in a mock circulation loop. The ventricle shape was constructed by the use of CT images taken from a patient experiencing cardiomyopathic heart failure and used to create a 3D image and subsequent mould to produce a silicone ventricle. Different cardiac conditions were successfully simulated to validate the ventricle performance, including rest, left heart failure and VAD support.


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Objectives: The current study was conducted to determine levels of cardiac knowledge and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) training in older people in Queensland, Australia.---------- Methods: A telephone survey of 4490 Queensland adults examined respondents’ knowledge of coronary heart disease (CHD) risk factors, knowledge of heart attack symptoms, knowledge of the local emergency telephone number, as well as respondents’ rates and recency of training in CPR.---------- Results: Older participants, aged 60 years and over, were approximately one and a half times more likely than the 30–39 year-old reference group to have limited knowledge of heart disease risk factors (OR = 1.53), and low knowledge of heart attack symptoms (OR = 1.60). Knowledge of the local emergency telephone number also decreased with age. Older participants had significantly lower rates of training in CPR, with almost three quarters (71.7%) reporting that they had never been trained. Older people who had completed CPR training were significantly less likely to have done so recently.---------- Conclusions: Cardiac knowledge levels and CPR training rates in older Queensland persons were lower than those found in the younger population.


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Cognitive modelling of phenomena in clinical practice allows the operationalisation of otherwise diffuse descriptive terms such as craving or flashbacks. This supports the empirical investigation of the clinical phenomena and the development of targeted treatment interventions. This paper focuses on the cognitive processes underpinning craving, which is recognised as a motivating experience in substance dependence. We use a high-level cognitive architecture, Interacting Cognitive Subsystems (ICS), to compare two theories of craving: Tiffany's theory, centred on the control of automated action schemata, and our own Elaborated Intrusion theory of craving. Data from a questionnaire study of the subjective aspects of everyday desires experienced by a large non-clinical population are presented. Both the data and the high-level modelling support the central claim of the Elaborated Intrusion theory that imagery is a key element of craving, providing the subjective experience and mediating much of the associated disruption of concurrent cognition.


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BACKGROUND: Although we know much about the molecular makeup of the sinus node (SN) in small mammals, little is known about it in humans. The aims of the present study were to investigate the expression of ion channels in the human SN and to use the data to predict electrical activity. METHODS AND RESULTS: Quantitative polymerase chain reaction, in situ hybridization, and immunofluorescence were used to analyze 6 human tissue samples. Messenger RNA (mRNA) for 120 ion channels (and some related proteins) was measured in the SN, a novel paranodal area, and the right atrium (RA). The results showed, for example, that in the SN compared with the RA, there was a lower expression of Na(v)1.5, K(v)4.3, K(v)1.5, ERG, K(ir)2.1, K(ir)6.2, RyR2, SERCA2a, Cx40, and Cx43 mRNAs but a higher expression of Ca(v)1.3, Ca(v)3.1, HCN1, and HCN4 mRNAs. The expression pattern of many ion channels in the paranodal area was intermediate between that of the SN and RA; however, compared with the SN and RA, the paranodal area showed greater expression of K(v)4.2, K(ir)6.1, TASK1, SK2, and MiRP2. Expression of ion channel proteins was in agreement with expression of the corresponding mRNAs. The levels of mRNA in the SN, as a percentage of those in the RA, were used to estimate conductances of key ionic currents as a percentage of those in a mathematical model of human atrial action potential. The resulting SN model successfully produced pacemaking. CONCLUSIONS: Ion channels show a complex and heterogeneous pattern of expression in the SN, paranodal area, and RA in humans, and the expression pattern is appropriate to explain pacemaking.


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The automatic extraction of road features from remote sensed images has been a topic of great interest within the photogrammetric and remote sensing communities for over 3 decades. Although various techniques have been reported in the literature, it is still challenging to efficiently extract the road details with the increasing of image resolution as well as the requirement for accurate and up-to-date road data. In this paper, we will focus on the automatic detection of road lane markings, which are crucial for many applications, including lane level navigation and lane departure warning. The approach consists of four steps: i) data preprocessing, ii) image segmentation and road surface detection, iii) road lane marking extraction based on the generated road surface, and iv) testing and system evaluation. The proposed approach utilized the unsupervised ISODATA image segmentation algorithm, which segments the image into vegetation regions, and road surface based only on the Cb component of YCbCr color space. A shadow detection method based on YCbCr color space is also employed to detect and recover the shadows from the road surface casted by the vehicles and trees. Finally, the lane marking features are detected from the road surface using the histogram clustering. The experiments of applying the proposed method to the aerial imagery dataset of Gympie, Queensland demonstrate the efficiency of the approach.


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The Tide Lords series of fantasy novels set out to examine the issue of immortality. Its purpose was to look at the desirability of immortality, specifically why people actively seek it. It was meant to examine the practicality of immortality, specifically — having got there, what does one do to pass the time with eternity to fill? I also wished to examine the notion of true immortality — immortals who could not be killed. What I did not anticipate when embarking upon this series, and what did not become apparent until after the series had been sold to two major publishing houses in Australia and the US, was the strength of the immortality tropes. This series was intended to fly in the face of these tropes, but confronted with the reality of such a work, the Australian publishers baulked at the ideas presented, requesting the series be re-written with the tropes taken into consideration. They wanted immortals who could die, mortals who wanted to be immortal. And a hero with a sense of humour. This exegesis aims to explore where these tropes originated. It will also discuss the ways I negotiated a way around the tropes, and was eventually able to please the publishers by appearing to adhere to the tropes, while still staying true to the story I wanted to tell. As such, this discussion is, in part, an analysis of how an author negotiates the tensions around writing within a genre while trying to innovate within it.


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Heart rate variability (HRV) refers to the regulation of the sinoatrial node, the natural pacemaker of the heart, by the sympathetic and parasympathetic branches of the autonomic nervous system. Heart rate variability analysis is an important tool to observe the heart's ability to respond to normal regulatory impulses that affect its rhythm. A computer-based intelligent system for analysis of cardiac states is very useful in diagnostics and disease management. Like many bio-signals, HRV signals are nonlinear in nature. Higher order spectral analysis (HOS) is known to be a good tool for the analysis of nonlinear systems and provides good noise immunity. In this work, we studied the HOS of the HRV signals of normal heartbeat and seven classes of arrhythmia. We present some general characteristics for each of these classes of HRV signals in the bispectrum and bicoherence plots. We also extracted features from the HOS and performed an analysis of variance (ANOVA) test. The results are very promising for cardiac arrhythmia classification with a number of features yielding a p-value < 0.02 in the ANOVA test.


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Road features extraction from remote sensed imagery has been a long-term topic of great interest within the photogrammetry and remote sensing communities for over three decades. The majority of the early work only focused on linear feature detection approaches, with restrictive assumption on image resolution and road appearance. The widely available of high resolution digital aerial images makes it possible to extract sub-road features, e.g. road pavement markings. In this paper, we will focus on the automatic extraction of road lane markings, which are required by various lane-based vehicle applications, such as, autonomous vehicle navigation, and lane departure warning. The proposed approach consists of three phases: i) road centerline extraction from low resolution image, ii) road surface detection in the original image, and iii) pavement marking extraction on the generated road surface. The proposed method was tested on the aerial imagery dataset of the Bruce Highway, Queensland, and the results demonstrate the efficiency of our approach.


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With the increasing resolution of remote sensing images, road network can be displayed as continuous and homogeneity regions with a certain width rather than traditional thin lines. Therefore, road network extraction from large scale images refers to reliable road surface detection instead of road line extraction. In this paper, a novel automatic road network detection approach based on the combination of homogram segmentation and mathematical morphology is proposed, which includes three main steps: (i) the image is classified based on homogram segmentation to roughly identify the road network regions; (ii) the morphological opening and closing is employed to fill tiny holes and filter out small road branches; and (iii) the extracted road surface is further thinned by a thinning approach, pruned by a proposed method and finally simplified with Douglas-Peucker algorithm. Lastly, the results from some QuickBird images and aerial photos demonstrate the correctness and efficiency of the proposed process.


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Virtual 3D models of long bones are increasingly being used for implant design and research applications. The current gold standard for the acquisition of such data is Computed Tomography (CT) scanning. Due to radiation exposure, CT is generally limited to the imaging of clinical cases and cadaver specimens. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) does not involve ionising radiation and therefore can be used to image selected healthy human volunteers for research purposes. The feasibility of MRI as alternative to CT for the acquisition of morphological bone data of the lower extremity has been demonstrated in recent studies [1, 2]. Some of the current limitations of MRI are long scanning times and difficulties with image segmentation in certain anatomical regions due to poor contrast between bone and surrounding muscle tissues. Higher field strength scanners promise to offer faster imaging times or better image quality. In this study image quality at 1.5T is quantitatively compared to images acquired at 3T. --------- The femora of five human volunteers were scanned using 1.5T and 3T MRI scanners from the same manufacturer (Siemens) with similar imaging protocols. A 3D flash sequence was used with TE = 4.66 ms, flip angle = 15° and voxel size = 0.5 × 0.5 × 1 mm. PA-Matrix and body matrix coils were used to cover the lower limb and pelvis respectively. Signal to noise ratio (SNR) [3] and contrast to noise ratio (CNR) [3] of the axial images from the proximal, shaft and distal regions were used to assess the quality of images from the 1.5T and 3T scanners. The SNR was calculated for the muscle and bone-marrow in the axial images. The CNR was calculated for the muscle to cortex and cortex to bone marrow interfaces, respectively. --------- Preliminary results (one volunteer) show that the SNR of muscle for the shaft and distal regions was higher in 3T images (11.65 and 17.60) than 1.5T images (8.12 and 8.11). For the proximal region the SNR of muscles was higher in 1.5T images (7.52) than 3T images (6.78). The SNR of bone marrow was slightly higher in 1.5T images for both proximal and shaft regions, while it was lower in the distal region compared to 3T images. The CNR between muscle and bone of all three regions was higher in 3T images (4.14, 6.55 and 12.99) than in 1.5T images (2.49, 3.25 and 9.89). The CNR between bone-marrow and bone was slightly higher in 1.5T images (4.87, 12.89 and 10.07) compared to 3T images (3.74, 10.83 and 10.15). These results show that the 3T images generated higher contrast between bone and the muscle tissue than the 1.5T images. It is expected that this improvement of image contrast will significantly reduce the time required for the mainly manual segmentation of the MR images. Future work will focus on optimizing the 3T imaging protocol for reducing chemical shift and susceptibility artifacts.


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Interactive documents for use with the World Wide Web have been developed for viewing multi-dimensional radiographic and visual images of human anatomy, derived from the Visible Human Project. Emphasis has been placed on user-controlled features and selections. The purpose was to develop an interface which was independent of host operating system and browser software which would allow viewing of information by multiple users. The interfaces were implemented using HyperText Markup Language (HTML) forms, C programming language and Perl scripting language. Images were pre-processed using ANALYZE and stored on a Web server in CompuServe GIF format. Viewing options were included in the document design, such as interactive thresholding and two-dimensional slice direction. The interface is an example of what may be achieved using the World Wide Web. Key applications envisaged for such software include education, research and accessing of information through internal databases and simultaneous sharing of images by remote computers by health personnel for diagnostic purposes.


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The high morbidity and mortality associated with atherosclerotic coronary vascular disease (CVD) and its complications are being lessened by the increased knowledge of risk factors, effective preventative measures and proven therapeutic interventions. However, significant CVD morbidity remains and sudden cardiac death continues to be a presenting feature for some subsequently diagnosed with CVD. Coronary vascular disease is also the leading cause of anaesthesia related complications. Stress electrocardiography/exercise testing is predictive of 10 year risk of CVD events and the cardiovascular variables used to score this test are monitored peri-operatively. Similar physiological time-series datasets are being subjected to data mining methods for the prediction of medical diagnoses and outcomes. This study aims to find predictors of CVD using anaesthesia time-series data and patient risk factor data. Several pre-processing and predictive data mining methods are applied to this data. Physiological time-series data related to anaesthetic procedures are subjected to pre-processing methods for removal of outliers, calculation of moving averages as well as data summarisation and data abstraction methods. Feature selection methods of both wrapper and filter types are applied to derived physiological time-series variable sets alone and to the same variables combined with risk factor variables. The ability of these methods to identify subsets of highly correlated but non-redundant variables is assessed. The major dataset is derived from the entire anaesthesia population and subsets of this population are considered to be at increased anaesthesia risk based on their need for more intensive monitoring (invasive haemodynamic monitoring and additional ECG leads). Because of the unbalanced class distribution in the data, majority class under-sampling and Kappa statistic together with misclassification rate and area under the ROC curve (AUC) are used for evaluation of models generated using different prediction algorithms. The performance based on models derived from feature reduced datasets reveal the filter method, Cfs subset evaluation, to be most consistently effective although Consistency derived subsets tended to slightly increased accuracy but markedly increased complexity. The use of misclassification rate (MR) for model performance evaluation is influenced by class distribution. This could be eliminated by consideration of the AUC or Kappa statistic as well by evaluation of subsets with under-sampled majority class. The noise and outlier removal pre-processing methods produced models with MR ranging from 10.69 to 12.62 with the lowest value being for data from which both outliers and noise were removed (MR 10.69). For the raw time-series dataset, MR is 12.34. Feature selection results in reduction in MR to 9.8 to 10.16 with time segmented summary data (dataset F) MR being 9.8 and raw time-series summary data (dataset A) being 9.92. However, for all time-series only based datasets, the complexity is high. For most pre-processing methods, Cfs could identify a subset of correlated and non-redundant variables from the time-series alone datasets but models derived from these subsets are of one leaf only. MR values are consistent with class distribution in the subset folds evaluated in the n-cross validation method. For models based on Cfs selected time-series derived and risk factor (RF) variables, the MR ranges from 8.83 to 10.36 with dataset RF_A (raw time-series data and RF) being 8.85 and dataset RF_F (time segmented time-series variables and RF) being 9.09. The models based on counts of outliers and counts of data points outside normal range (Dataset RF_E) and derived variables based on time series transformed using Symbolic Aggregate Approximation (SAX) with associated time-series pattern cluster membership (Dataset RF_ G) perform the least well with MR of 10.25 and 10.36 respectively. For coronary vascular disease prediction, nearest neighbour (NNge) and the support vector machine based method, SMO, have the highest MR of 10.1 and 10.28 while logistic regression (LR) and the decision tree (DT) method, J48, have MR of 8.85 and 9.0 respectively. DT rules are most comprehensible and clinically relevant. The predictive accuracy increase achieved by addition of risk factor variables to time-series variable based models is significant. The addition of time-series derived variables to models based on risk factor variables alone is associated with a trend to improved performance. Data mining of feature reduced, anaesthesia time-series variables together with risk factor variables can produce compact and moderately accurate models able to predict coronary vascular disease. Decision tree analysis of time-series data combined with risk factor variables yields rules which are more accurate than models based on time-series data alone. The limited additional value provided by electrocardiographic variables when compared to use of risk factors alone is similar to recent suggestions that exercise electrocardiography (exECG) under standardised conditions has limited additional diagnostic value over risk factor analysis and symptom pattern. The effect of the pre-processing used in this study had limited effect when time-series variables and risk factor variables are used as model input. In the absence of risk factor input, the use of time-series variables after outlier removal and time series variables based on physiological variable values’ being outside the accepted normal range is associated with some improvement in model performance.