983 resultados para Lippia gracilis Schauer
The consumption of natural products has become a public health problem, since these medicinal teas are prepared using natural plants without an effective hygienic and sanitary control. The aim of this study was to assess the effects of gamma radiation, on the microbial burden of two medicinal plants: Melissa officinalis and Lippia citriodora. Dried samples of the two plants were irradiated at a Co-60 experimental equipment. The applied gamma radiation doses were 1, 3, and 5 kGy at a dose rate of 1.34 kGy/h. Non-irradiated samples followed all the experiments. Bacterial and fungal counts were assessed before and after irradiation by membrane filtration method. Challenging tests with Escherichia coli were performed in order to evaluate the disinfection efficiency of gamma radiation treatment. Characterization of M. officinalis and L. citriadora microbiota indicated an average bioburden value of 102CFU/g. The inactivation studies of the bacterial mesophilic population of both dried plants pointed out to a one log reduction of microbial load after irradiation at 5 kGy. Regarding the fungal population, the initial load of 30 CFU/g was only reduced by 0.5 log by an irradiation dose of 5 kGy. The dynamics with radiation doses of plants microbial population’s phenotypes indicated the prevalence of gram-positive rods for M. officinalis before and after irradiation, and the increase of the frequency of gram-negative rods with irradiation for L. citriadora. Among fungal population of both plants, Mucor, Neoscytalidium, Aspergillus and Alternaria were the most isolated genera. The results obtained in the challenging tests with E. coli on plants pointed out to an inactivation efficiency of 99.5% and 99.9% to a dose of 2 kGy, for M.officinalis and L. citriadora, respectively. The gamma radiation treatment can be a significant tool for the microbial control in medicinal plants.
Stratigraphical study of Telheiro and Cancela sections (northern slope of Guilhim hill) allowed its dating: these may be reported to the Lower Callovian, as ammonite associations typical of Rehmanni and Pictava horizons have been collected there. Hence Gracilis zone can be recognized in Algarve. Ammonites are also associated to Dinoflagellates. These microfossils have been found for the first time in the Callovian of Portugal. Callovian paleogeogtaphy is reapprised, and the limits between mesogean submediterranean and mediterranean provinces are more accurately recognized. Algarve belongs to the mediterranean province according to the typically mesogean character of the fauna where Phylloceratidae are dominant.
New elements about the stratigraphy of the Serra de Candeeiros Dogger and Lower «Lusitanian» are presented. The Lower Aalenian was recognized for the first time. Bathonian (more than 50 metres thick) is dated on brachiopods and foraminifera. It corresponds to a series of massive micritic, biodetritical, coral-reef, chaetetid, bryozoa and oolitic-limestones. Callovian (120 m) begins by whitish or yellowish limestones with ammonites and brachiopods of the Gracilis zone. It is followed by regressive limestone sequences ending with thick oncolitic layers. The «Lusitanian» base is formed by greyish lagoon brackish limestones; it lies unconformably on the Dogger, with or without angular and/or cartographic unconformity. This radical facies change is related to tectonic deformation of several blocks between the Nazaré and Tagus faults during Oxfordian times.
New Middle Pliocene ichthyofauna (2.4-2.2 Ma) from central-eastern Italy (Samoggia Torrent, Bologna) are described. These ichthyolites were found in a rather thin laminated layer that was deposited after the 2.4 Ma climatic crisis. The origin of this deposit, in which 31 taxa have been classified, is to be related to anoxic events on a regional and, probably, supraregional scale. This ichthyofaunistic association, which consists of living genera, is characterized by a clearcut predominance of mesopelagic species. The palaeoclimatic characters of these ichthyofauna indicate subtropical-type waters, while from a palaeobiogeographic point of view there is a close relationship with the present-day Atlantic-Mediterranean bioprovince. The Samoggia deposit has yielded six taxa that are absent or only occasionally present in the Mediterranean: one of these, Spratelloides gracilis, is exclusive of the Indo-Pacific bioprovince.
Dissertação apresentada para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Biologia (especialidade Microbiologia), pela Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia
New Middle Pliocene ichthyofauna (2.4-2.2 Ma) from central-eastern Italy (Samoggia Torrent, Bologna) are described. These ichthyolites were found in a rather thin laminated layer that was deposited after the 2.4 Ma climatic crisis. The origin of this deposit, in which 31 taxa have been classified, is to be related to anoxic events on a regional and, probably, supraregional scale. This ichthyofaunistic association, which consists of living genera, is characterized by a clearcut predominance of mesopelagic species. The palaeoclimatic characters of these ichthyofauna indicate subtropical-type waters, while from a palaeobiogeographic point of view there is a close relationship with the present-day Atlantic-Mediterranean bioprovince. The Samoggia deposit has yielded six taxa that are absent or only occasionally present in the Mediterranean: one of these, Spratelloides gracilis, is exclusive of the Indo-Pacific bioprovince.
Introdução: É reconhecida a importância do ligamento cruzado anterior (LCA) no funcionamento normal do joelho. Em caso de rotura ligamentar, nomeadamente em desportos com marcada solicitação dos movimentos de rotação do joelho, é justificada a necessidade de reconstrução do LCA na maioria dos casos. Objetivo (s): Avaliar a influência do tipo de enxerto na reconstrução do ligamento cruzado anterior na força muscular isocinética, assim como na funcionalidade e sintomas após 6 meses. Métodos: Estudo transversal analítico, constituído por 20 indivíduos voluntários do sexo masculino, que haviam sido submetidos a uma ligamentoplastia do cruzado anterior, pelo mesmo cirurgião, seguido de uma intervenção individualizada por um fisioterapeuta. Em 10 indivíduos, o procedimento cirúrgico foi realizado com enxerto do tendão rotuliano (grupo OTO), e nos restantes 10 com enxerto do semitendinoso e gracilis (grupo STG). Como forma de avaliar a Força Muscular Isocinética (Peak Torque, Trabalho Total Muscular, ratio Isquiotibiais/Quadricipite), foi utilizado o Dinamómetro Isocinético Biodex. A avaliação foi efectuada apenas aos 6 meses após o procedimento cirúrgico. Para observação da funcionalidade, amplitude de movimento e sintomas, utilizou-se o questionário International Knee Documentation Committee (IKDC). Resultados: Foi possível observar que entre os grupos apenas se observaram diferenças significativas no peak torque de extensão a 180º no membro não lesado (p=0,019). Contudo, foi observada uma tendência para o grupo OTO apresentar um maior défice no peak torque e trabalho total muscular em extensão. Comparativamente ao membro contra-lateral, o membro lesado apresentou valores significativamente inferiores na maioria das variáveis ( p < 0,05). Conclusão: Após 6 meses de pós-cirúrgico com reabilitação de fisioterapia, não foi possível apontar qual o enxerto que garante uma melhor recuperação da força muscular. Aos 6 meses, ambos os grupos ainda apresentaram limitações musculares, quando comparados com o lado contra-lateral. Relativamente ao rácio isquiotibiais/quadricípite, assim como no IKDC, não se observaram diferenças entre os dois tipos de enxertos.
Several surgical procedures have been proposed through the years for the treatment of facial paralysis. The multiplicity and diversity of techniques portray the complexity and challenge represented by this pathology. Two basic dynamic options are available: -Reconstruction of nerve continuity through direct micro suture, with interposition grafts or nerve transpositions. -Regional muscular transposition, most often using the temporalis. Facial reanimation with the temporalis transfer has withstood the test of time and still is a reference technique. In a few weeks, good results can be obtained with a single and rather simple surgical procedure. Functional free flaps have been used with increasing frequency in the last two decades, most often combining a cross-facial nerve graft followed by a gracilis free flap nine months later. With this method there is a potential for restoration of spontaneous facial mimetic function. Apparently there is a limit in microsurgical technique and expertise beyond which there is no clear improvement in nerve regeneration. Current research is now actively studying and identifying nerve growth factors and pharmacological agents that might have an important and complementary role in the near future.
Três espécies de algas clorofíceas, Scenedesmus quadricauda (Brèbisson, 1835), Ankistrodesmus gracilis (Korsikov, 1953) e Pediastrum duplex (Meyen, 1829), foram cultivadas no laboratório, usando como meio de cultura adubo químico N:P:K na proporção 20:5:20, respectivamente. O valor nutricional das algas foi avaliado pela concentração de clorofila-a e pelo carbono orgânico. As três espécies algais apresentaram alto valor nutricional, particularmente Scenedesmus quadricauda, que apresentou a maior percentagem de carbono em relação ao peso seco (21%), sendo considerada como alimento adequado para os organismos filtradores.
A utilização de plantas medicinais é uma prática comum entre as populações humanas. O presente trabalho teve por objetivo efetuar levantamento etnobotânico sobre o conhecimento e uso das plantas medicinais em quatro comunidades ribeirinhas do Município de Manacapuru. Foram coletadas informações de 164 moradores locais, selecionados aleatoriamente, por meio de entrevistas semi-estruturadas, observações participantes e visitas guiadas. Os problemas de saúde citados foram classificados de acordo com a Classificação Estatística Internacional de Doenças e Problemas Relacionados à Saúde (CID-10) e índices de concordância foram utilizados para identificar os principais usos de cada espécie. Identificaram-se 171 plantas medicinais, pertencentes a 65 famílias. Lamiaceae (14 espécies), Asteraceae (9 espécies), Fabaceae e Euphorbiaceae (8 espécies) foram as famílias mais comuns. As espécies mais citadas foram Mentha arvensis (hortelã), Ruta graveolens (arruda) e Citrus sinensis (laranja). As folhas foram as partes da planta mais utilizadas e a decocção da folha o procedimento mais comum usado para preparar medicamentos. Os problemas mais comuns citados foram doenças do aparelho digestivo, doenças do aparelho respiratório e problemas com sintomas não classificados. Plantas com índices de concordância maior que 25% foram Plectranthus amboinicus, Chenopodium ambrosioides, Citrus aurantiifolia, Acmella oleracea, Plectranthus barbatus, Mentha arvensis, Citrus sinensis, Lippia origanoides, Lippia alba, Cymbopogon citratus e Ruta graveolens. Estes resultados confirmam que as populações que vivem em Manacapuru ainda utilizam plantas medicinais como uma das formas de tratar suas doenças mais frequentes.
La vegetación silvestre de la provincia de Córdoba incluye plantas medicinales y aromáticas con valor ecológico, económico, social y cultural de donde surge la importancia de su uso sustentable. La demanda de las empresas es cubierta exclusivamente por la recolección silvestre, en su mayor parte proveniente de zonas marginales para la producción agrícola-ganadera. “marcela” [Achyrocline satureioides (Lam.) DC.] y “poleo” (Lippia turbinata Griseb.) son especies nativas y crecen en sierras y llanura de Córdoba con valor medicinal y aromatizante. Hoy en día la droga cruda de marcela y poleo que se comercializa es heterogénea, condicionando la calidad y cantidad del material con uso farmacológico e industrial. Ello depende en parte del genoma de la especie, de su interacción con el ambiente, y también de las prácticas de recolección. Es por ello que la industria demanda material cultivado, genéticamente homogéneo y de establecimientos donde se apliquen buenas practicas de manejo. Nuestra hipótesis es que el resultado de la interacción del genoma de marcela y de poleo con el ambiente, el disturbio y las practicas de manejo condiciona su establecimiento y rendimiento. Ello nos permite predecir que: las variables dependientes del genoma se expresarán al crecer distintas poblaciones en un mismo ambiente, y practicas de manejo que semegen condiciones ambientales de las poblaciones silvestres de mejor rendimiento permitirán obtener mayor rendimiento en cultivo. Nuestro objetivo general es evaluar en marcela y poleo las características biológicas, productivas y ambientales que condicionan su establecimiento y rendimiento en condiciones silvestres y de cultivo. Y los específicos para marcela y poleo son: Identificar las principales variables ambientales y de disturbio asociadas a su establecimiento y rendimiento en condiciones silvestres. Establecer buenas prácticas de recolección y rendimientos de referencia en condiciones silvestres. Identificar y evaluar de poblaciones silvestres con mayor establecimiento y sobrevivencia, y menor variabilidad de rendimento en condiciones de cultivo. Caracterizar el desarrollo y la arquitectura de las poblaciones en condiciones de cultivo. Se realizarán de censos de vegetación y la caracterización del ambiente abiótico, régimen de disturbio en sierras de Comechingones y Las Peñas (Córdoba). Caracterización de poblaciones de marcela y poleo: recuento de individuos, y registro del estado fenológico, altura y cobertura, y evaluación de biomasa y fitoquímica. Mantenimiento e instalación de experimentos factoriales (origen y densidad), y caracterización del desarrollo y arquitectura de marcela y poleo. Elaboración de protocolo de recolección y propagación. Los datos serán analizados mediante técnicas uni y multivariadas. En áreas de vegetación silvestre de la serranía se espera obtener: la distribución y abundancia de estas poblaciones; rendimientos de referencia para al menos 7 poblaciones de marcela y poleo; condiciones ambientales y de disturbio relacionados con la distribución, crecimiento y rendimiento; un protocolo de buenas prácticas de recolección; y un listado, distribución y abundancia de otras especies con uso medicinal y aromático. En cultivo se espera obtener: condiciones ambientales y de manejo asociadas al establecimiento y rendimiento de referencia de al menos 5 poblaciones de marcela y 3 poblaciones de poleo; y características del desarrollo y arquitectura de las poblaciones. Los organismos públicos y privados contaran con información sobre la distribución de marcela y poleo, y de las principales variables ambientales, de disturbio, recolección y manejo que condicionan su establecimiento y rendimiento en condiciones silvestres y en cultivo. Tanto recolectores como profesionales relacionados con la domesticación, comercialización o industrialización, dispondrán de criterios biológicos y productivos de referencia para evaluar la calidad y cantidad del material y así mejorar su valor comercial.
Magdeburg, Univ., Med. Fak., Diss., 2010
This paper deals with some Millipedes (Diplopoda), which have been verified associated with or attacking on cultivated plants. The following forms are reported: 1) Orthomorpha (Orthomorpha) coarctata (Saussure, 1860) - Enormous numbers of individuals belonging to this species, whose synanthropic habits are frequentely emphasized, were collected around coffee-plants kept in a nursery. Young plants (with 10 cm) are mentioned as damaged by the species, which gnaws the stem, just above the roots. The dusting with benzene hexachloride (BHC) was successfully employed to prevent the invasions. Other occurrences of O. coarctata are reported, ecological and biological informations being also added. 2) Orthomorpha (Kalorthomorpha) gracilis (C. L. Koch, 1847) - Observed frequentely associated with the former species, being however less numerous. Both forms are very active, seemming to be widely distributed throughout the State of S. Paulo. 3) Cylindroiulus (Aneuloboiulus) britannicus (Verhoeff, 1891) - This species represents the first european Millipede verified in Brazil, by O. SCHUBART (1942a). The Author obtained a few specimens associated with O. gracilis, from the roots of lettuce plants. The lesions shown by the stem just above the roots seem to be due to both species. 4) Alloporus setiger Broelemann, 1902; Gymnostreptus olivaceus Schubart, 1944 and Pseudonannolene tricolor Broelemann, 1902 - Total damages determined by these species (mainly G. olivaceus) were observed in cultures of sugar-beet and melon. Actually, the Millipedes destroyed entirely the roots of the former plant and the fruits of the latter, representing a serious pest, here reported by the first time. Ecological and bionomical data are also included. 5) Pseudonannolene sp. (possibly P. paulista Broelemann, 1902) - Verified gnawing sweet-potatoes, about the crackings exhibited by the tubers. The crackings in sweet-potatoes appear to result in certain instances from a root-knot nematodes infection (Meloidogyne sp). P. paulista was recentely observed attacking potatoes, destroying from 6 to 30% of the tubers, according to the variety (BOOCK & LORDELLO, 1952).
The subfamily Corinninae is characterized and diagnosed. Two synapomorphies are hypothesized for the subfamily, both regarding the male palpal reservoir, which is primarily coiled and presents a sclerotized distal sector. Seventeen genera are recognized, six of which are new: Abapeba (type species Corinna lacertosa Simon), Erendira (type species Corinna pallidoguttata Simon), Septentrinna (type species Corinna bicalcarata Simon), Simonestus (type species Diestus validus Simon), Tapixaua (type species T. callida sp. nov.) and Tupirinna (type species T. rosae sp. nov.). The genera Creugas Thorell, Falconina Brignoli and Paradiestus Mello-Leitão are revalidated. Diestus Simon and Lausus Simon are newly synonymized with Corinna C. L. Koch. Chemmis Simon is included in the synonymy of Megalostrata Karsch. Hypsinotus L. Koch is removed from the synonymy of Corinna and included in the synonymy of Creugas. Thirteen new species are described: Septentrinna yucatan and S. potosi from Mexico; Tupirinna rosae from Venezuela and Brazil; Tapixaua callida from Brazil and Peru; Abapeba hoeferi, A. rioclaro, A. taruma, Corinna ducke, C. colombo, C. mourai, C. recurva and Parachemmis manauara from Brazil; Creugas lisei from Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay. Twenty seven species are redescribed. Fifty eight new combinations are presented: from Chemmis, Septentrinna steckleri (Gertsch); from Corinna, Abapeba abalosi (Mello-Leitão), A. cleonei (Petrunkevitch), A. echinus (Simon), A. grassima (Chickering), A. guanicae (Petrunkevitch), A. lacertosa (Simon), A. luctuosa (F. O. Pickard-Cambridge), A. lugubris (Schenkel), A. pennata (Caporiacco), A. kochi (Petrunkevitch), A. saga (F. O. Pickard-Cambridge), A. wheeleri (Petrunkevitch), Creugas annamae (Gertsch & Davis), C. apophysarius (Caporiacco), C. bajulus (Gertsch), C. bellator (L. Koch), C. bicuspis (F.O. Pickard-Cambridge), C. epicureanus (Chamberlin), C. falculus (F. O. Pickard-Cambridge), C. mucronatus (F. O. Pickard-Cambridge), C. navus (F. O. Pickard-Cambridge), C. nigricans (C. L. Koch), C. plumatus (L. Koch), C. praeceps (F. O. Pickard-Cambridge), C. silvaticus (Chickering), C. uncatus (F. O. Pickard-Cambridge), Erendira luteomaculatta (Petrunkevitch), E. pallidoguttata (Simon), E. subsignata (Simon), Falconina albomaculosa (Schmidt), F. crassipalpis (Chickering), F. gracilis (Keyserling), Megalostrata raptrix (L. Koch), Paradiestus egregius (Simon), P. giganteus (Karsch), P. penicillatus (Mello-Leitão), P. vitiosus (Keyserling), Septentrinna bicalcarata (Simon), S. paradoxa (F. O. Pickard-Cambridge), S. retusa (F. O. Pickard-Cambridge), Simonestus pseudobulbolus (Caporiacco), S. robustus (Chickering), S. semiluna (F.O. Pickard-Cambridge), Stethorrhagus maculatus (L. Koch) and Xeropigo smedigari (Caporiacco); from Diestus, Corinna alticeps (Keyserling), C. kochi (Simon), Simonestus occidentalis (Schenkel), S. separatus (Schmidt) and S. validus (Simon); from Lausus, Corinna grandis (Simon) and Abapeba sicarioides (Mello-Leitão); from Medmassa, Corinna andina (Simon) and C. venezuelica (Caporiacco); from Megalostrata, Erendira atrox (Caporiacco) and Erendira pictitorax (Caporiacco); from Parachemmis, Tupirinna trilineata (Chickering). Five combinations are restaured: Corinna aenea Simon, Creugas cinnamius Simon, Creugas gulosus Thorell, Falconina melloi (Schenkel), Paradiestus aurantiacus Mello-Leitão. Twenty five new synonymies are proposed: Diestus altifrons Mello-Leitão with Corinna nitens (Keyserling); Corinna tomentosa Simon, C. tridentina Mello-Leitão, Hypsinotus flavipes Keyserling, H. humilis Keyserling and Xeropigo scutulatus Simon with Xeropigo tridentiger (O. Pickard-Cambridge); Corinna cribosa Mello-Leitão and C. stigmatica Simon with Falconina gracilis (Keyserling); Corinna casueta Chickering with SIMONestus separatus (Schmidt); Corinna abnormis Petrunkevitch, C. antillana BRYANT, C. consobrina Simon, C. inornata Kraus, C. nervosa F. O. Pickard-Cambridge, C. wolleboeki Banks, Creugas cetratus Simon, C. senegalensis Simon and Hypsinotus gracilipes Keyserling with Creugas gulosus Thorell; Chemmis frederici Simon, Delozeugma formidabile O. Pickard-Cambridge, D. mordicans O. Pickard-Cambridge, Megalostrata sperata Kraus and M. venifica KARSCH with Megalostrata raptrix (L. Koch); Megalostrata lohmanderi Caporiacco with Erendira atrox (Caporiacco); Corinna tenubra Chickering with Parachemmis fuscus Chickering. One new name, Creugas berlandi, is erected for Corinna bellatrix Schmidt. Males of Creugas cinnamius, Corinna kochi, Methesis semirufa Simon, Paradiestus aurantiacus, Septentrinna steckleri and Xeropigo smedigari, the females of Paradiestus giganteus, Septentrinna bicalcarata and the adult female of S. steckleri are described for the first time.
The polychaete composition and distribution within mussel beds were studied in order to assess organic pollution due to domestic sewage in a rocky shore of Mar del Plata (Argentina) during 1997. Four stations and a control site were randomly sampled around the local effluent. Quantitative data on polychaetes, as well as sediment accumulated among mussels and its organic carbon content were measured. Polychaete distribution patterns are related to the organic matter gradient, being Capitella cf. capitata, Neanthes succinea (Frey & Leuckart, 1847) and Boccardia polybranchia (Haswell, 1885) the dominant indicator species close to the effluent. At medial distances, the cirratulids Caulleriella alata (Southern, 1914) and Cirratulus cirratus (Müller, 1776) are very important in abundance. The syllids Syllis prolixa Ehlers, 1901 and S. gracilis Grube, 1840 are distributed along the study area, but dominate at the medial stations and at the control site. The orbiniid Protoariciella uncinata Hartmann-Schröder, 1962 is subdominant at the control station.