964 resultados para Linear equations


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The focus of study in this paper is the class of packing problems. More specifically, it deals with the placement of a set of N circular items of unitary radius inside an object with the aim of minimizing its dimensions. Differently shaped containers are considered, namely circles, squares, rectangles, strips and triangles. By means of the resolution of non-linear equations systems through the Newton-Raphson method, the herein presented algorithm succeeds in improving the accuracy of previous results attained by continuous optimization approaches up to numerical machine precision. The computer implementation and the data sets are available at http://www.ime.usp.br/similar to egbirgin/packing/. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd, All rights reserved.


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A reliable hydrograph separation method is necessary for surface runoff modeling and hydrological studies. This paper investigates and compares the separation characteristics of two single-parameter digital filters, which are herein referred to as the one-parameter algorithm and the conceptual method. The application of the one-parameter algorithm was found to be restricted to low and medium baseflow separations, with a maximum separation limit of 50% of the total runoff hydrograph. The one-parameter algorithm was also observed to produce unrealistic sharp peaks under the peaks of the measured hydrograph when recession constant is smaller than 0.96. On the other hand, the conceptual method is applicable even for catchments fed largely by groundwater discharge. However, a reliable estimation of recession constant is a prerequisite for applying the conceptual method for large baseflow separations. Based on the hydrograph separation results, useful empirical relationships were developed for a partially urbanized watershed to estimate total runoff and direct runoff from the measured rainfall depth. The relationships between rainfall depth and total runoff depth and rainfall depth and direct runoff depth were found to be well represented by linear equations. The empirical relationships were then applied to estimate the long-term contribution of baseflow and surface runoff to total runoff at the study site. Baseflow was found to contribute about 58–61% of the annual total runoff.


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The purpose of this study is to prove the convergence of the simultaneous estimation of the optical flow and object state (SEOS) method. The SEOS method utilizes dynamic object parameter information when calculating optical flow in tracking a moving object within a video stream. Optical flow estimation for the SEOS method requires the minimization of an error function containing the object's physical parameter data. When this function is discretized, the Euler-Lagrange equations form a system of linear equations. The system is arranged such that its property matrix is positive definite symmetric, proving the convergence of the Gauss-Seidel iterative methods. The system of linear equations produced by SEOS can alternatively be resolved by Jacobi iterative schemes. The positive definite symmetric property is not sufficient for Jacobi convergence. The convergence of SEOS for a block diagonal Jacobi is proved by analysing the Euclidean norm of the Jacobi matrix. In this paper, we also investigate the use of SEOS for tracking individual objects within a video sequence. The illustrations provided show the effectiveness of SEOS for localizing objects within a video sequence and generating optical flow results.


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VARELA, M.L. et al. Otimização de uma metodologia para análise mineralógica racional de argilominerais. Cerâmica, São Paulo, n. 51, p. 387-391, 2005.


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Com o objetivo de obter uma equação que, através de parâmetros lineares dimensionais das folhas, permitisse estimar a área foliar de Wissadula subpeltata (Kuntze) Fries, estudaram- se correlações entre a área foliar real e o comprimento da folha ao longo da nervura principal (C ), largura máxi ma da folha (L) , comprimento do espaço entre o ponto de inserção do pecíolo na folha até a primeira ramificação da nervura principal (CE), L + C, L x C e L x CE. Todas as equações, geométricas ou lineares simples, permitiram boas estimativas da área foliar . do pont o de vista prático, sugere- se optar pela equação linear simples envolvendo o produto C x L, considerando o coeficiente linear igual a zero. Deste modo, a estimativa da área foliar de W. subpeltata pode ser feita pel a fórmula Y = 0, 85 49 (C x L), ou seja 85 ,49% do produto entre o comprimento da nervura principal e a largura máxima da folha.


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O conhecimento da área foliar de plantas daninhas pode auxiliar o estudo das relações de interferência entre elas e as culturas agrícolas. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi determinar uma equação matemática que estime a área foliar de Merremia aegyptia, a partir da relação entre as dimensões lineares dos limbos foliares. Folhas da espécie foram coletadas de diferentes locais na Universidade Estadual Paulista, Jaboticabal, Brasil, medindo-se o comprimento (C), a largura máxima (L) e a área foliar de três tipos de folíolos. Foram estimadas equações lineares (Y = a*X) para cada tipo de folíolo. A área foliar da espécie pode ser estimada pelo somatório das áreas dos limbos foliares de cada tipo de folíolo, por meio da equação AFest = 0,547470(X) + 1,145298(Y) + 1,244146(Z), em que X indica C*L do folíolo principal e Y e Z indicam C*L médios dos folíolos primário e secundário, respectivamente.


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Introduction. Leaf area is often related to plant growth, development, physiology and yield. Many non-destructive models have been proposed for leaf area estimation of several plant genotypes, demonstrating that leaf length, leaf width and leaf area are closely correlated. Thus, the objective of our study was to develop a reliable model for leaf area estimation from linear measurements of leaf dimensions for citrus genotypes. Materials and methods. Leaves of citrus genotypes were harvested, and their dimensions (length, width and area) were measured. Values of leaf area were regressed against length, width, the square of length, the square of width and the product (length x width). The most accurate equations, either linear or second-order polynomial, were regressed again with a new data set; then the most reliable equation was defined. Results and discussion. The first analysis showed that the variables length, width and the square of length gave better results in second-order polynomial equations, while the linear equations were more suitable and accurate when the width and the product (length x width) were used. When these equations were regressed with the new data set, the coefficient of determination (R(2)) and the agreement index 'd' were higher for the one that used the variable product (length x width), while the Mean Absolute Percentage Error was lower. Conclusion. The product of the simple leaf dimensions (length x width) can provide a reliable and simple non-destructive model for leaf area estimation across citrus genotypes.


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Eventually, violations of voltage limits at buses or admissible loadings of transmission lines and/or power transformers may occur by the power system operation. If violations are detected in the supervision process, corrective measures may be carried out in order to eliminate them or to reduce their intensity. Loading restriction is an extreme solution and should only be adopted as the last control action. Previous researches have shown that it is possible to control constraints in electrical systems by changing the network topology, using the technique named Corrective Switching, which requires no additional costs. In previous works, the proposed calculations for verifying the ability of a switching variant in eliminating an overload in a specific branch were based on network reduction or heuristic analysis. The purpose of this work is to develop analytical derivation of linear equations to estimate current changes in a specific branch (due to switching measures) by means of few calculations. For bus-bar coupling, derivations will be based on short-circuit theory and Relief Function methodology. For bus-bar splitting, a Relief Function will be derived based on a technique of equivalent circuit. Although systems of linear equations are used to substantiate deductions, its formal solution for each variant, in real time does not become necessary. A priority list of promising variants is then assigned for final check by an exact load flow calculation and a transient analysis using ATP Alternative Transient Program. At last, results obtained by simulation in networks with different features will be presented


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The pattern classification is one of the machine learning subareas that has the most outstanding. Among the various approaches to solve pattern classification problems, the Support Vector Machines (SVM) receive great emphasis, due to its ease of use and good generalization performance. The Least Squares formulation of SVM (LS-SVM) finds the solution by solving a set of linear equations instead of quadratic programming implemented in SVM. The LS-SVMs provide some free parameters that have to be correctly chosen to achieve satisfactory results in a given task. Despite the LS-SVMs having high performance, lots of tools have been developed to improve them, mainly the development of new classifying methods and the employment of ensembles, in other words, a combination of several classifiers. In this work, our proposal is to use an ensemble and a Genetic Algorithm (GA), search algorithm based on the evolution of species, to enhance the LSSVM classification. In the construction of this ensemble, we use a random selection of attributes of the original problem, which it splits the original problem into smaller ones where each classifier will act. So, we apply a genetic algorithm to find effective values of the LS-SVM parameters and also to find a weight vector, measuring the importance of each machine in the final classification. Finally, the final classification is obtained by a linear combination of the decision values of the LS-SVMs with the weight vector. We used several classification problems, taken as benchmarks to evaluate the performance of the algorithm and compared the results with other classifiers


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The continuous inputs from agriculture areas and human or industrial sewer have been provided a widely demographic explosion of tropical tanner-grass and para grasss plants in the rivers and water reservoirs of Brazil. Considering the importance of these noxious weeds there is a vast necessity of basic studies on aspects related to reproduction, growing, development, nutritional requirements, responses to control systems and others. In most studies, leaf area knowledge is crucial and it is one of the most difficult characteristics to be measured because it usually requires expensive equipments or it uses a destructive technique. The objective of this work was to develop equations for leaf blade dimensional parameters to allow determination of the leaf area of African tanner-grass (Brachiaria subquadripara (Trin.) Hitchc) and para grass (Brachiaria mutica (Forsk.) Stapf.). Correlations between real leaf area and dimensional parameters of leaf blade such as length along the main vein (L) and maximum width (W) perpendicular to the main axis were studied. Only the linear equations allowed a good leaf area estimate. It is suggested to opt for a simple linear equation involving respective products of length times maximum width considering linear coefficient equal to zero. Thus, B. subquadripara (SS) and B. mutica (SM) non destructive leaf blade area estimates may be performed by the following formulas: SS = 0.7719 (L x W) and SM = 0.7479 (L x W), with coefficients of determination (R(2)) of 0.9594 and 0.9408, respectively.


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In this work we have elaborated a spline-based method of solution of inicial value problems involving ordinary differential equations, with emphasis on linear equations. The method can be seen as an alternative for the traditional solvers such as Runge-Kutta, and avoids root calculations in the linear time invariant case. The method is then applied on a central problem of control theory, namely, the step response problem for linear EDOs with possibly varying coefficients, where root calculations do not apply. We have implemented an efficient algorithm which uses exclusively matrix-vector operations. The working interval (till the settling time) was determined through a calculation of the least stable mode using a modified power method. Several variants of the method have been compared by simulation. For general linear problems with fine grid, the proposed method compares favorably with the Euler method. In the time invariant case, where the alternative is root calculation, we have indications that the proposed method is competitive for equations of sifficiently high order.


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Block diagrams and signal-flow graphs are used to represent and to obtain the transfer function of interconnected systems. The reduction of signal-flow graphs is considered simpler than the reduction of block diagrams for systems with complex interrelationships. Signal-flow graphs reduction can be made without graphic manipulations of diagrams, and it is attractive for a computational implementation. In this paper the authors propose a computational method for direct reduction of signal-flow graphs. This method uses results presented in this paper about the calculation of literal determinants without symbolic mathematics tools. The Cramer's rule is applied for the solution of a set of linear equations, A program in MATLAB language for reduction of signal-flow graphs with the proposed method is presented.


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In this work we studied the method to solving linear equations system, presented in the book titled "The nine chapters on the mathematical art", which was written in the first century of this era. This work has the intent of showing how the mathematics history can be used to motivate the introduction of some topics in high school. Through observations of patterns which repeats itself in the presented method, we were able to introduce, in a very natural way, the concept of linear equations, linear equations system, solution of linear equations, determinants and matrices, besides the Laplacian development for determinants calculations of square matrices of order bigger than 3, then considering some of their general applications


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)