967 resultados para Ley 24.522


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Genetic and environmental factors affect white matter connectivity in the normal brain, and they also influence diseases in which brain connectivity is altered. Little is known about genetic influences on brain connectivity, despite wide variations in the brain's neural pathways. Here we applied the 'DICCCOL' framework to analyze structural connectivity, in 261 twin pairs (522 participants, mean age: 21.8 y ± 2.7SD). We encoded connectivity patterns by projecting the white matter (WM) bundles of all 'DICCCOLs' as a tracemap (TM). Next we fitted an A/C/E structural equation model to estimate additive genetic (A), common environmental (C), and unique environmental/error (E) components of the observed variations in brain connectivity. We found 44 'heritable DICCCOLs' whose connectivity was genetically influenced (α2>1%); half of them showed significant heritability (α2>20%). Our analysis of genetic influences on WM structural connectivity suggests high heritability for some WM projection patterns, yielding new targets for genome-wide association studies.


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Synthesis, aggregation behavior and in vitro cholesterol solubilization studies of 16-epi-pythocholic acid (3 alpha,12 alpha,16 beta-trihydroxy-5 beta-cholan-24-oic acid, EPCA) are reported. The synthesis of this unnatural epimer of pythocholic acid (3 alpha,12 alpha,16 alpha-trihydroxy-5 beta-cholan-24-oic acid, PCA) involves a series of simple and selective chemical transformations with an overall yield of 21% starting from readily available cholic acid (CA). The critical micellar concentration (CMC) of 16-epi-pythocholate in aqueous media was determined using pyrene as a fluorescent probe. In vitro cholesterol solubilization ability was evaluated using anhydrous cholesterol and results were compared with those of other natural di-and trihydroxy bile acids. These studies showed that 16-epi-pythocholic acid (16 beta-hydroxy-deoxycholic acid) behaves similar to cholic acid (CA) and avicholic acid (3 alpha,7 alpha,16 alpha-trihydroxy-5 beta-cholan-24-oic acid, ACA) in its aggregation behavior and cholesterol dissolution properties. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Julkaistu Silva Fennica Vol. 24(4) -numeron liitteenä.


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Electron diffraction studies were carried out to establish the icosahedral phase formation in rapidly quenched Ti-37 at% Mn and Ti-24 at% Mn-13 at% Fe alloys. Distortions in the diffraction spots and diffuse intensities in the diffraction patterns were investigated. The existence of a rational approximant structure and a decagonal like phase are also reported.


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Cyclization of compound 5c in trifluoroacetic acid/hexamethylenetetramine produces Tröger's base analogue 6c in 75% yield with 70% diastereoselectivity.


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A novel tandem 5-exo-trig allyl and 3-exo-trig radical cyclisation and rearrangement to copa and ylanga type sesquiterpene skeletons from easily prepared cyclohexadienes is reported, A new total synthesis of pupukean-2-one 8, which belongs to a novel class of sesquiterpenes, involving a 5-exo-trig allyl radical cyclisation as the key step is also reported.


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The title compound I (24-(S)-Hydroxy Coprastan-3-one) crystallises in orthorhombic space group P2(1)2(1)2(1) with Z = 4. The unit cell dimensions are a = 6.701(2)Angstrom, b = 11.506(8)Angstrom, c = 32.183(4)Angstrom, V = 2481(2)Angstrom (3), D-cal = 1.077 Mg/m(3). The tide compound II (24-(R)-Hydroxy Coprastan-3-one) crystallises in orthorhombic space group P212121 with two molecules per assymetric unit and with Z = 8. The Unit cell dimensions are a = 10.954(2)Angstrom, b = 21.757(6)Angstrom, c = 21.130(7)Angstrom, V = 5035.0(2)Angstrom (3), D-cal = 1.062 Mg/m(3). In compound I and in both the molecules of compound II, the rings A, B & C are in chair conformation and the five membered ring D is in envelope conformation. The priority sequence attached to the chiral carbon C24 has "S" designation in compound I and "R" designation in compound II. The structures are stabilized by C-H . . .O and O-H---O hydrogen bonds.


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A capillary-enforced template-based method has been applied to fabricate Pb(0.76)Ca(0.24)TiO(3) (PCT24) nanotubes via filling PCT24 precursor solution, prepared by modified sol-gel method, into nanochannels of anodic aluminum oxide templates. The morphology and structure of as-prepared PCT24 were examined by scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and X-ray diffraction techniques. The obtained PCT24 nanotubes with diameter of similar to 200 nm and wall thickness of similar to 20 nm exhibited a tetragonal perovskite structure. High resolution TEM (HRTEM) analysis confirmed that as-obtained PCT24 nanotubes made up of nanoparticles (5-8 nm) which were randomly aligned in the nanotubes. Formation of some solid crystalline PCT24 nanorods, Y-junctions and multi-branches were observed. Interconnections in the pores of template are responsible for the growth of Y-junctions and multi-branches. The possible formation mechanism of PCT24 nanotubes/nanorods was discussed. Ferroelectric hysteresis loops of PCT24 nanotube arrays were measured, showing a room temperature ferroelectric characteristic of as-prepared PCT24 nanotubes. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We report on the synthesis, microstructure and thermal expansion studies on Ca0 center dot 5 + x/2Sr0 center dot 5 + x/2Zr4P6 -aEuro parts per thousand 2x Si-2x O-24 (x = 0 center dot 00 to 1 center dot 00) system which belongs to NZP family of low thermal expansion ceramics. The ceramics synthesized by co-precipitation method at lower calcination and the sintering temperatures were in pure NZP phase up to x = 0 center dot 37. For x a parts per thousand yen 0 center dot 5, in addition to NZP phase, ZrSiO4 and Ca2P2O7 form as secondary phases after sintering. The bulk thermal expansion behaviour of the members of this system was studied from 30 to 850 A degrees C. The thermal expansion coefficient increases from a negative value to a positive value with the silicon substitution in place of phosphorous and a near zero thermal expansion was observed at x = 0 center dot 75. The amount of hysteresis between heating and cooling curves increases progressively from x = 0 center dot 00 to 0 center dot 37 and then decreases for x > 0 center dot 37. The results were analysed on the basis of formation of the silicon based glassy phase and increase in thermal expansion anisotropy with silicon substitution.


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We found that Pd(II) ion (M) and the smallest 120 bidentate donor pyrimidine (L-a) self-assemble into a mononuclear M(L-a)(4) complex (1a) instead of the expected smallest M-12(L-a)(24) molecular ball (1), presumably due to the weak coordination nature of the pyrimidine. To construct such a pyrimidine bridged nanoball, we employed a new donor tris(4-(pyrimidin-5-yl)phenyl)amine (L); which upon selective complexation with Pd(II) ions resulted in the formation of a pregnant M24L24 molecular nanoball (2) consisting of a pyrimidine-bridged Pd-12 baby-ball supported by a Pd-12 larger mother-ball. The formation of the baby-ball was not successful without the support of the mother-ball. Thus, we created an example of a self-assembly where the inner baby-ball resembling to the predicted M-12(L-a)(24) ball (1) was incarcerated by the giant outer mother-ball by means of geometrical constraints. Facile conversion of the pregnant ball 2 to a smaller M-12(L-b)(24) ball 3 with dipyridyl donor was achieved in a single step.


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Con el objetivo de Contribuir a la mejora de la salud pública en la ciudad de Catacamas, Olancho, Honduras, mediante el diagnóstico de la prevalencia de Leptospirosis canina. Utilizando la técnica de Micro-aglutinación (MAT), para el registro y control de casos En el periodo del 11 de marzo al 24 de agosto del 2009. Para conocer la población canina con posibilidades de infestación con Leptospirosis según, sexo, edad, factores de riesgo. Y determinar el grado de infestación y una estrategia técnica y económica para el control y seguimiento contra la Leptospirosis. Se realizo un muestreo de 380 canes, correspondiente al 10% de la población canina en dicha ciudad. Extrayéndose 3 ml de sangre de la vena radial y safena externa, luego de procesarla para separar el suero mediante precipitación, fueron trasladados al laboratorio del INSTITUTO HONDUREÑO DE INVESTIGACIONES MEDICO VETERINARIO. Para su análisis mediante la técnica MAT. Luego se tomo una segunda muestra de orina a los animales reactivos, para realizar un cultivo haciendo uso de un medio de cultivo con antibiótico flurouracilo (5-fu) De acuerdo con los resultados obtenidos, de 380 canes, 5.1% son positivos y 94.9 % negativos a Leptospirosis encontrándose los siguientes serovares: canicola, icterohemorragica, hardjo, grippotyphosa.


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Resumen: El artículo plantea una lectura transversal del Documento de la Comisión Teológica Internacional, titulado “En busca de una ética universal: una nueva mirada sobre la ley natural” de tal manera que, a partir del reconocimiento de una ley natural que subyace a toda norma, se procura mostrar cómo esa convicción no impide la participación de los cristianos en el diálogo social. El autor señala las paradojas a las que conduce la ética de la discusión y el lugar de la discusión pública como estímulo para alcanzar la verdad. Enfatiza la importancia del amor a la verdad como condición necesaria para que una sociedad sea noble y respetable. Considera el lugar del diálogo y el consenso y la existencia de una verdad última que la inteligencia puede captar en el marco de un sano pluralismo. También aborda la relación entre este pluralismo y las religiones y su contribución al debate público.