868 resultados para Leg Clubs, leg ulcers, peer support, social integration


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Cutaneous plasmacytosis is a recently described skin disorder consisting of brown to red papules and nodules containing polyclonal plasmacytes. In this particular case, leg ulcers developed but also a diffuse patchy hyperpigmentation coexisting with a primary hypothyroidisim. The last two signs have only been described to date in POEMS syndrome, which is linked to monoclonal plasmacytic proliferation, and might suggest an overlap between these two entities.


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The Institute of Public Health in Ireland were asked to submit a paper on 'Cross-border cooperation on healthcare' for a joint meeting between the Oireachtas Joint Committee on Health and Children and the Northern Ireland Assembly Health Committee which took place in Leinster House on 1 March 2012. Key points from the submission included: o    The Institute of Public Health in Ireland (IPH) is an all-island organisation which promotes cooperation between the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland with the aim of improving population health on the island and tackling health inequalities. IPH work is focused on addressing the causes of ill health rather than the design and delivery of treatment services. o    North/South cooperation on health was mandated under the Belfast Agreement in 1998 in five domains, including health promotion. IPH has supported the North South Ministerial Council (NSMC) in respect of the health promotion strand since inception. o    The Department of Health and Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety North-South Feasibility Study (December 2011) states that mutual benefits are most evident from cooperation in the areas of (i) anticipating trends and illnesses in a collective manner (ii) public health issues (iii) specialised services where the population or activity required to sustain the service cannot be met by either jurisdiction alone and (iv) in relation to those areas adjacent to the border. o    The European Directive on Cross-Border Healthcare will be implemented in the next few years which will have implications in relation to patients travelling for healthcare across the Republic of Ireland/Northern Ireland border. o    IPH is supporting the development of new public health strategies in the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland which are both due for publication this year. o    There are tangible benefits from cross-border cooperation in the health sector, both in public health and in health service planning and delivery and there are many examples of successful initiatives. However, developments are not occurring in the context of an agreed plan or overall strategic context and tend to be project-based and concentrated in border counties. o    Successful cross-border cooperation requires high level support and integration into departmental policy cycles. The provision of data on an all-island basis supports cross-border cooperation as does the operation of sustainable all-island organisations which can support research, evaluations and programmes. o    In the future, cross-border cooperation in health will be more effective if developed with a strategic planning process intrinsically linked to Departmental priorities. o    North-South cooperation in the areas of alcohol, obesity, tobacco health surveys and rare diseases will be particularly beneficial.


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Health inequalities according to people's social standing are persisting, or even growing, in modern societies. Recent decades have revealed evidence of strong variations in life expectancy, both between countries and within them. This widening of social inequalities has developed despite considerable progress in medical science and an increase in health care spending. The reasons behind this are complex, and the implications considerable.   This book provides a summary of the major achievements of a five-year European Science Foundation (ESF) Programme on 'Social Variations in Health Expectancy in Europe'. The contributors are major figures in their subjects, and combine state of the art reviews with the latest results from interdisciplinary research in epidemiology, sociology, psychology and biomedicine.   Three conceptual frameworks of life course influences, health effects of stressful environments, and macro social determinants of health, are unified, while each chapter addresses the policy implications and recommendations derived from currently available evidence. The major topics covered include the role of family in early life, social integration and health, work stress and job security, successful ways of facing adversity, and the impact of the larger environment on health. Epidemiologists, public health research and policy makers, and students of related public health and sociology courses wlll find the results of this research fascinating.This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.


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Aquest document és el resultat d'una tasca de recerca en intentar donar una visió des del punt de vista de la Psicologia de la Intervenció Social als Itineraris Personalitzats d'Inserció (IPI) i el rol del psicòleg com a orientador professional en aquests, trobar quines teories són les més adients per explicar el perquè d'aquests processos formatius en particular, i el perquè de les polítiques socials orientades a la integració social dels discapacitats en general cercar quina metodologia i quines eines poden servir per intervenir com a orientador professional al servei d'aquest col·lectiu.


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El tema del projecte consisteix a treballar les habilitats de relació interpersonal i de comunicació dels interns del Centre Penitenciari de Joves de Barcelona com un possible ajut de cara a la seva reinserció i integració social posterior, ja que un domini adequat de les habilitats socials és del tot imprescindible perquè qualsevol persona pugui encaixar socialment.


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Aquest vol ser un treball que, emmarcat dins l'esfera del lleure, centri la seva atenció en la interrelació dels vèrtexs d'un triangle que formen els següents components: un grup d'infants i d'adolescents, un grup de monitors i unes activitats de lleure. Els objectius van dirigits als nens i als monitors, perquè aquesta empresa la construeixen entre tots els que hi prenen part. La intervenció psicopedagògica vol aconseguir que la interacció d'aquests elements, en aquest context, possibiliti que tots els nens assoleixin uns objectius educatius i socials determinats. No es tracta d'un plantejament descriptiu dels tipus d'aprenentatge que tenen lloc a la colònia, alguns tan evidents com l'aprenentatge per imitació de models o l'aprenentatge vicari per a l'aprenentatge social d'actituds i de comportaments, sinó d'assessorar els monitors sobre com han d'intervenir en les relacions que s'estableixen en el si de la colònia per tal d'arribar a aconseguir els canvis en els comportaments i en les actituds.


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La inclusió social de les persones amb discapacitat és avui encara un tema pendent, ja que les activitats socials i interpersonals en el col·lectiu són escasses. Diversos estudis demostren que, malgrat es potencia la inserció laboral de les persones amb discapacitat en entorns ordinaris, no es donen millores substancials en altres qüestions relatives a la seva inclusió social


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El treball pretén crear una eina divulgativa per a educadors socials interessats en utilitzar la música com a eina i/o estratègia d’intervenció. També intenta explorar un corrent innovador d’intervenció en problemàtiques socials prenent la música com a eina de transformació social. I finalment vol fer reflexionar sobre altres maneres de treballar, de comunicar-se, de créixer com a persones tot utilitzant recursos propis de la cultura i de la societat que ens envolta


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OBJECTIVE: Spirituality and religiousness have been shown to be highly prevalent among patients with schizophrenia. However, clinicians are rarely aware of the importance of religion and understand little of the value or difficulties it presents to treatment. This study aimed to assess the role of religion as a mediating variable in the process of coping with psychotic illness. METHOD: Semistructured interviews about religious coping were conducted with a sample of 115 outpatients with psychotic illness. RESULTS: For some patients, religion instilled hope, purpose, and meaning in their lives (71%), whereas for others, it induced spiritual despair (14%). Patients also reported that religion lessened (54%) or increased (10%) psychotic and general symptoms. Religion was also reported to increase social integration (28%) or social isolation (3%). It may reduce (33%) or increase (10%) the risk of suicide attempts, reduce (14%) or increase (3%) substance use, and foster adherence to (16%) or be in opposition to (15%) psychiatric treatment. CONCLUSIONS: Our results highlight the clinical significance of religion in the care of patients with schizophrenia. Religion is neither a strictly personal matter nor a strictly cultural one. Spirituality should be integrated into the psychosocial dimension of care. Our results suggest that the complexity of the relationship between religion and illness requires a highly sensitive approach to each unique story.


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Phenytoin is an anticonvulsant that has been used in wound healing. The objectives of this study were to describe how the scientific production presents the use ofphenytoinas a healing agent and to discuss its applicability in wounds. A literature review and hierarchy analysis of evidence-based practices was performed. Eighteen articles were analyzed that tested the intervention in wounds such as leprosy ulcers, leg ulcers, diabetic foot ulcers, pressure ulcers, trophic ulcers, war wounds, burns, preparation of recipient graft area, radiodermatitis and post-extraction of melanocytic nevi. Systemic use ofphenytoinin the treatment of fistulas and the hypothesis of topical use in the treatment of vitiligo were found. In conclusion, topical use ofphenytoinis scientifically evidenced. However robust research is needed that supports a protocol for the use ofphenytoinas another option of a healing agent in clinical practice.


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Cross-sectional study that used the Social Network Index and the genogram to assess the social network of 110 family caregivers of dependent patients attended by a Home Care Service in São Paulo, Brazil. Data were analyzed using the test U of Mann-Whitney, Kruskal-Wallis and Spearman correlation. Results were considered statistically significant when p<0,05. Few caregivers participated in activities outside the home and the average number of people they had a bond was 4,4 relatives and 3,6 friends. Caregivers who reported pain and those who had a partner had higher average number of relatives who to trust. The average number of friends was higher in the group that reported use of medication for depression. Total and per capita incomes correlated with the social network. It was found that family members are the primary caregiver’s social network.


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Engineering of fetal tissue has a high potential for the treatment of acute and chronic wounds of the skin in humans as these cells have high expansion capacity under simple culture conditions and one organ donation can produce Master Cell Banks which can fabricate over 900 million biological bandages (9 x 12cm). In a Phase 1 clinical safety study, cases are presented for the treatment of therapy resistant leg ulcers. All eight patients, representing 13 ulcers, tolerated multiple treatments with fetal biological bandages showing no negative secondary effects and repair processes similar to that seen in 3rd degree burns. Differential gene profiling using Affymetrix gene chips (analyzing 12,500 genes) were accomplished on these banked fetal dermal skin cells compared to banked dermal skin cells of an aged donor in order to point to potential indicators of wound healing. Families of genes involved in cell adhesion and extracellular matrix, cell cycle, cellular signaling, development and immune response show significant differences in regulation between banked fetal and those from banked old skin cells: with approximately 47.0% of genes over-expressed in fetal fibroblasts. It is perhaps these differences which contribute to efficient tissue repair seen in the clinic with fetal cell therapy.


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A partir de la propuesta acerca de los componentes de la sociedad civil de Pérez Díaz, se analizan los migrantes extranjeros como partícipes en la sociedad española. El estudio de las formas de participación que se ha elegido es la inscripción administrativa y la relación con el estado. Se busca detectar y analizar las formas de respuesta de los inmigrantes internacionales en este ámbito. Constituye una forma de relación con las instituciones, independientemente de su situación con la autoridad y de la disposición o no de permisos de residencia. La distribución de los extranjeros es por continente de nacionalidad y se destaca netamente la participación de las personas de América. Las fuentes de datos son: el Censo de 2001, las Amnistías de 2000 y 2001 y los registros de Residentes. Especial mención merecen los resultados en Catalunya, además del análisis a nivel de España. Los latinoamericanos presentarían la mayor cantidad de personas pendientes de regularización, que, sin embargo, han realizado la inscripción voluntaria en el padrón. Las personas de otros continentes no realizan esta inscripción si su situación no es regular o, al menos, en la proporción que lo hacen las personas provenientes de América. En su caso, la forma de relacionarse con las autoridades es independiente de su situación administrativa (poseer o no el permiso de residencia).


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El autor destaca en este articulo que la inmigración extracomunitaria supone para los paises de la Unión Europea una ocasión histórica en la que se pone a prueba la capacidad de las instituciones y los ciudadanos europeos para mantener la cohesión social y al mismo tiempo respetar las diferencias étnicas y culturales. Es lo que él llama formular un nuevo contrato social, en el que la inclusión social de nacionales y extranjeros conduzca a la ciudadanía compartida y la participación política, en lugar de a una integración que no es tal, sino una forma más de asimilación. En este proceso esencial a toda democracia pensada para sociedades plurales, es capital, recuerda el autor, reparar constantemente en el lenguaje utilizado y evitar 10s planteamientos dicotómicos del tipo "nosotros/ellos" que llevan en su germen los prejuicios discriminatorios y el conflicto social


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El presente trabajo pretende mostrar los resultados de un estudio cuya intención era identificar posibles variables que afectan a los procesos y estrategias de integración laboral de personas procedentes de otros países; las necesidades formativas en relación al colectivo de referencia y ampliar el conocimiento del fenómeno en aras de la intervención psicoeducativa y social. A partir de una metodología de investigación de orientación cualitativa se ha concluido que las diferencias en cuanto a las estrategias de integración y sus logros están más determinadas por los niveles de cualificación en el país de origen que por las propias diferencias culturales. The article shows the results of a study carried out by the authors to identify possible variables that affect the processes and strategies of occupational integration of people coming from other countries, to establish training needs in relation to the reference group and to extend the knowledge of the phenomenon for the sake of the educational and social intervention. Using a qualitative research methodology, it was concluded that the differences in integration strategies and their accomplishments are better explained by the levels of qualification attained in the country of origin than by cultural differences.