854 resultados para Learning center design
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Pós-graduação em Design - FAAC
Evaluation of facial esthetics in rehabilitated adults with complete unilateral cleft lip and palate
Objectives. The aim of this study was to evaluate the facial esthetics of White-Brazilian adults with complete unilateral cleft lip and palate (UCLP) rehabilitated at a single center. Design. 30 patients (13 females; 17 males; mean age of 24.0 years), rehabilitated at a single center, were photographed and evaluated by 25 examiners, 5 orthodontists, and 5 plastic surgeons dealing with oral clefts, 5 orthodontists and 5 plastic surgeons with no experience in the cleft treatment, and 5 laymen. Their facial profiles were classified into esthetically unpleasant, esthetically acceptable, and esthetically pleasant. Results. Orthodontists dealing with oral clefts classified the majority of the sample as esthetically pleasant. Plastic surgeons dealing with oral cleft, orthodontists, and plastic surgeons without experience with oral clefts classified most of the sample as esthetically acceptable. Laymen evaluation also considered the majority of the sample as esthetically acceptable. Conclusions. The facial profiles of rehabilitated adults with UCLP were classified mostly as esthetically acceptable, with variations among the categories of examiners. The examiners dealing with oral clefts gave higher scores to the facial esthetics when compared to professionals without experience in oral clefts and laypersons, probably due to their knowledge of the limitations involved in the rehabilitation process
Vor dem Hintergrund sich wandelnder (medialer) Lebenswelten von Schülerinnen und Schülern gewinnen Bestimmungsversuche um medienpädagogische Handlungskompetenzen von Lehrpersonen an Bedeutung. Der Erwerb medienpädagogischer Kompetenz, verstanden als dynamisches Zusammenspiel von domänenspezifischem Wissen und anwendungsorientiertem Können, wird in der vorliegenden Arbeit als wesentliches Lernziel der medienpädagogischen (Aus-)Bildung bestimmt. Als ein Weg zur Förderung medienpädagogischer Handlungskompetenz wird von der Autorin auf der Folie konstruktivistischer Vorstellungen über das Lehren und Lernen die Methode der Problemorientierung vorgeschlagen. Im ersten Teil der Arbeit werden Modelle und Konzepte diskutiert, die Bausteine für ein Modell medienpädagogischer Kompetenz liefern. Im zweiten Teil wird eine empirische Untersuchung zum Erwerb medienpädagogischer Handlungskompetenz auf der Basis eines von der Autorin erarbeiteten Modells vorgestellt und die Ergebnisse diskutiert. Eine kompetenztheoretische Annäherung erfolgt auf der Basis zweier Konzepte. Dies sind die Ausführungen zu einem Konzept kommunikativer Kompetenz nach Jürgen Habermas sowie dessen Überführung in die Medienpädagogik durch Dieter Baacke. Ferner wird die rezente bildungspolitische Kompetenzdebatte in Anbindung an Franz E. Weinert analysiert. Es folgt eine Zusammenschau über die methodischen Konzepte zur Erfassung von Kompetenzen in der Erziehungswissenschaft und deren Anwendbarkeit für die medienpädagogische Kompetenzforschung. Die gegenwärtig vorliegenden Entwürfe zu einer inhaltlichen Bestimmung medienpädagogischer Kompetenzen werden besprochen (Sigrid Blömeke, Werner Sesink, International Society for Technology in Education). Im Rekurs auf konstruktivistische lerntheoretische Überlegungen erfährt das problemorientierte Lernen beim Aufbau von Kompetenzen eine enorme Aufwertung. In der Arbeit wird insbesondere den Arbeiten von David Jonassen zu einer konstruktivistisch-instruktionistischen Herangehensweise bei der Gestaltung problemorientierter Lernumgebungen eine große Bedeutung zugesprochen (vgl. auch Ansätze des Goal-based Scenarios/Roger Schank und des Learning by Design/Janet Kolodner). Im zweiten Teil wird die Interventionsstudie im Kontrollgruppendesign vorgestellt. Anhand eines Modells medienpädagogischer Kompetenz, dass auf den Dimensionen Wissen einerseits und Können andererseits basiert, wurden Studierende (n=59) in einem Pre-Posttestverfahren auf diese Dimensionen getestet. Die Studierenden der Interventionsgruppe (n=30) arbeiteten über ein Semester mit einer problemorientierten Lernanwendung, die Studierenden der Kontrollgruppe (n=29) in einem klassischen Seminarsetting. Hauptergebnis der Untersuchung ist es, das die Intervention zu einem messbaren Lernerfolg beim medienpädagogischen Können führte. In der Diskussion der Ergebnisse werden Empfehlungen zur Gestaltung problemorientierter Lernumgebungen formuliert. Die Chancen einer Orientierung an problemorientierten Lernsettings für das Lernen an Hochschulen werden herausgestellt.
What does it mean for curriculum to be interactive? It encourages student engagement and active participation in both individual and group work. It offers teachers a coherent set of materials to choose from that can enhance their classes. It is the product of on-going development and continuous improvement based on research and feedback from the field. This paper will introduce work in progress from the Center for Excellence in Education, Science, and Technology (CELEST), an NSF Science of Learning Center. Among its many goals, CELEST is developing a unique educational curriculum, an interactive curriculum based upon models of mind and brain. Teachers, administrators, and governments are naturally concerned with how students learn. Students are greatly concerned about how minds work, including how to learn. CELEST aims to introduce curricula that not only meet current U.S. standards in mathematics, science, and psychology but also influence plans to improve those standards. Software and support materials are in development and available at http://cns.bu.edu/celest/private/. Interested parties are invited to contact the author for access.
This is an analysis of previously collected data at Kinderworld Child Care and Early Learning Center, as part of an evaluation done to determine the program's effectiveness in reducing/controlling childhood obesity. Kinderworld is a private, for-profit organization that provides healthy, nutritious meals and snacks to children under the guidelines of the Child and Adult Care Food Program, and is reimbursed by the Texas Department of Agriculture on a fixed price-per-meal basis. The primary goal of the program is to reduce childhood obesity. Previous studies have shown a link between obesity and diet. Other, similar programs have shown success in reducing obesity among children with a healthy diet and exercise. The results from the outcome evaluation indicated that time spent in the center was positively related to higher proportions of healthy-weight children, and inversely related to BMI levels. ^
En este ensayo se procura conceptualizar acerca de cómo los niños, niñas y docentes construyen interpretaciones compartidas en el aula. Desde el análisis dialógico (Bajtin), entendemos el aprendizaje de los alumnos desde sus “respuestas" en relación con las voces de los maestros, textos y pares. Distinguimos el tratamiento unívoco del lenguaje, propio del recitado; de su tratamiento como instrumento de pensamiento, en el intercambio dialógico y en el discurso interactivo. Se analiza como se guía a un grupo de escolares en una institución pública de educación especial; centrando la mirada en las interacciones conversacionales del debate y preguntándonos qué patrones contribuyen más eficazmente a sus aprendizajes. El diseño supone la búsqueda de lo cualitativo, lo irrepetible y lo singular; incorporando el paradigma “indiciario" (Guinzburg). En la sistematización registramos, que las preguntas auténticas indican que el maestro otorga prioridad al razonamiento por sobre la memorización. Se caracteriza la interacción cercana al debate, como apuntes colaborativos. Esta construcción dialógica de sentido promueve el aprendizaje, porque genera respuestas con argumentación y facilita el diálogo entre lo nuevo y lo ya conocido. Así, el modo en que los alumnos piensan y lo que pueden aprender está relacionado a la modalidad que los docentes desarrollan para responder a sus preguntas.
La oficina de arquitectura SANAA está generando cambios significativos en la práctica de la arquitectura actual, especialmente aportando una nueva manera de utilizar el espacio de relación en la vivienda como lugar neutro, no deformado por el programa funcional y que de esta manera ofrece un campo abierto para que se desarrollen las relaciones humanas con más libertad y con una mayor integración con el entorno. SANAA intenta dar una respuesta a la complejidad de la vida actual japonesa por medio de un espacio más flexible y más interconectado que considera al habitante partícipe activo. La variedad de espacios y sus conexiones ofrecen diferentes posibilidades de uso, circulación y relación entre personas. La arquitectura genera herramientas para sorprender o despertar la curiosidad del habitante siendo éste en última instancia quien decide cómo utilizarla. Sus proyectos se pueden comparar con una playa donde existen reglas de juego pero cada uno tiene libertad de movimiento, libertad a la hora de elegir cómo y dónde colocarse. En su arquitectura la acción da sentido al espacio. Se diseña una estructura flexible que relaciona todas las estancias de la misma manera y sobre la que el habitante debe actuar. Una misma estancia puede albergar diferentes programas dependiendo de los acontecimientos y las necesidades del usuario. Se incita a la reflexión. Sería como un profesor que busca que el alumno se cuestione y genere sus propias herramientas. No se espera que el habitante simplemente ocupe el espacio sino que le obliga a actuar sobre él. La arquitectura busca la interacción entre sus habitantes. La vida urbana moderna aísla cada vez más al individuo y genera nuevos retos a la arquitectura. SANAA responde a las necesidades actuales utilizando espacios y conexiones que facilitan la interacción entre los habitantes. Sin embargo a la vez que proyecta estos espacios de interacción mantiene la privacidad según las circunstancias y necesidades. Este artículo consiste en la búsqueda de los espacios que buscan la máxima interacción entre los habitantes y el entorno en la vivienda unifamiliar de SANAA.
Muito se fala na crescente velocidade de inovações tecnológicas que se apresenta ao mundo e que vai se acelerando. Antes, gerações se passavam para termos uma evolução tecnológica. Hoje, uma mesma geração presencia vários saltos tecnológicos. Neste contexto de inovações frequentes, surge a preocupação sobre como formar um profissional responsável, ético e que consiga acompanhar e ser protagonista de tais mudanças. O trabalho desenvolvido nesta tese busca colaborar na discussão sobre a formação do engenheiro, com foco na engenharia elétrica e de computação, revisitando as definições de conceitos como educação em engenharia, aprendizagem ativa, inovação, Design Thinking e competências transversais, e definindo, como contribuição de pesquisa, os conceitos de tecno-pedagogia e ambientes tecno-pedagógicos, como pressuposto de convergência de estruturas tecnológicas, estratégias pedagógicas e métodos de avaliação em aprendizagem ativa para a inovação. Apresenta um método para identificar e quantificar o grau de ênfase das competências transversais para a inovação a partir da demanda de mercado para engenheiros eletricistas e da computação; e um método de observação, coleta e análise de dados sobre o desenvolvimento de competências transversais na participação em duas experiências de aula: na disciplina global ME310 da Universidade de Stanford; e na disciplina 030-3410 da Escola Politécnica da Universidade de São Paulo. Com isso, foi possível elaborar um método para auxiliar no planejamento de disciplinas e cursos com foco em inovação, identificando as competências transversais que devem ser incentivadas e relacionando tais competências com estratégias de ensino e aprendizagem e sugerindo a estrutura tecnológica e método de avaliação a serem adotados.
The aim of this work is to improve students’ learning by designing a teaching model that seeks to increase student motivation to acquire new knowledge. To design the model, the methodology is based on the study of the students’ opinion on several aspects we think importantly affect the quality of teaching (such as the overcrowded classrooms, time intended for the subject or type of classroom where classes are taught), and on our experience when performing several experimental activities in the classroom (for instance, peer reviews and oral presentations). Besides the feedback from the students, it is essential to rely on the experience and reflections of lecturers who have been teaching the subject several years. This way we could detect several key aspects that, in our opinion, must be considered when designing a teaching proposal: motivation, assessment, progressiveness and autonomy. As a result we have obtained a teaching model based on instructional design as well as on the principles of fractal geometry, in the sense that different levels of abstraction for the various training activities are presented and the activities are self-similar, that is, they are decomposed again and again. At each level, an activity decomposes into a lower level tasks and their corresponding evaluation. With this model the immediate feedback and the student motivation are encouraged. We are convinced that a greater motivation will suppose an increase in the student’s working time and in their performance. Although the study has been done on a subject, the results are fully generalizable to other subjects.
Usually, data mining projects that are based on decision trees for classifying test cases will use the probabilities provided by these decision trees for ranking classified test cases. We have a need for a better method for ranking test cases that have already been classified by a binary decision tree because these probabilities are not always accurate and reliable enough. A reason for this is that the probability estimates computed by existing decision tree algorithms are always the same for all the different cases in a particular leaf of the decision tree. This is only one reason why the probability estimates given by decision tree algorithms can not be used as an accurate means of deciding if a test case has been correctly classified. Isabelle Alvarez has proposed a new method that could be used to rank the test cases that were classified by a binary decision tree [Alvarez, 2004]. In this paper we will give the results of a comparison of different ranking methods that are based on the probability estimate, the sensitivity of a particular case or both.
Corporations and enterprises have embraced the notion of shared experiences and collective workplaces by incorporating coworking places. A great deal of the methodology carries from the studio culture that architecture schools foster as well as think tank culture. Maker spaces and incubator spaces are prime examples of places that engender creative thought and products. This thesis seeks to explore the impact that architecture has on collaborative spaces with a focus on augmenting to their generated learning and design activities. The investigation explores the collaborative design process as a series of interactions between groups of individuals. This involves the impact of technology and its implications on those interactions. The goal of this thesis is not to further the use of a tool or systematic procedure, but to use architecture as a framing device to form places for collaborative processes.
El propósito de este estudio es medir los efectos que tiene el videojuego League of Legends en los procesos cognitivos de memoria de trabajo visual (MVT) y solución de problemas (SP). Para medir dichos efectos se implementó un diseño pre test-post con un grupo experimental y uno control, compuestos cada uno por siete participantes, en donde se evaluaron los procesos previamente mencionados utilizando los cubos de Corsi para MVT y las matrices del WAIS III para SP. Después de realizar los respectivos entrenamientos se encontraron resultados significativos en los diferentes momentos de aplicación. En el grupo experimental se encontraron diferencias en la variable dependiente SP, mientras que en el grupo control en MVT, pero no en la interacción entre grupos ni diferencias entre grupos, lo que sugiere un efecto de familiarización a la prueba.
[EN]In the new design of educational programs in European Higher Education Area (EHEA), what defines a subject it is Learning Outcomes (LO). These LO, as explicit and precise declarations, turn into the center of teaching and learning process. Keeping this change is mind, our research examines the Educational Guides (EG) of Spanish Language (SL) through a list of verbs, according to the graduation of educacionational objectives of Bllom's Taxonomy (2014-2015)
Recent advances in telecommunications technologies have transformed the modes of learning and teaching. One potentially vital component in the equation will be Remote Education or Remote Learning, the ability to compress time and space between teachers and students through the judicious application of technology. The purpose of this thesis is to develop a Remote Learning and Laboratory Center over the Internet and ISDN, which provide education and access to resources to those living in remote areas, children in hospitals and traveling families, with audio, video and data.^ Remote Learning and Laboratory Center (RLLC) is not restricted to merely traditional education processes such as universities or colleges, it can be very useful for companies to train their engineers, via networks. This capability will facilitate the best use of scarce, high quality educational resources and will bring equity of services to students as well as will be helpful to the Industries to train their engineers. The RLLC over the Internet and ISDN has been described in details and implemented successfully. For the Remote Laboratory, the experiment procedure has been demonstrated on reprogrammable CPLD design using ISR Kit. ^