594 resultados para Lazzarato, Maurizio


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En 2009, la Argentina impulsó el programa Asignación Universal por Hijo para Protección Social, plan de transferencias monetarias para hogares con niños. Se amplió así a los padres desempleados u ocupados en el sector informal la cobertura del programa de asignaciones familiares contributivas existente. En este artículo se evalúan los efectos a corto plazo del programa en la participación laboral de los adultos y en la generación de ingresos. Se utilizó el estimador de diferencias en diferencias en conjunto con técnicas de emparejamiento por índices de propensión ( propencity score matching ). Los resultados sugieren que, en el primer año de operación, el programa no ocasionó desincentivos importantes, pues no desalentó el trabajo de los adultos ni originó una reducción del número de horas trabajadas. Hallazgos muy relevantes en el contexto latinoamericano, donde las transferencias monetarias de este tipo se han convertido en un componente fundamental de los sistemas de protección social.


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Incluye bibliografía.


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El desarrollo ayer y hoy: idea y utopía / Rolando Cordera Campos .-- La competitividad de América Latina en el comercio de servicios basados en el conocimiento / Andrés López, Andrés Niembro y Daniela Ramos .-- Participación salarial y crecimiento económico en América Latina, 1950-2011 / Germán Alarco Tosoni .-- Patrones de progreso técnico en la economía brasileña, 1952-2008 / Adalmir Marquetti y Melody de Campos Soares Porsse .-- México: la combinación de las predicciones mensuales de inflación mediante encuestas / Pilar Poncela, Víctor M. Guerrero, Alejandro Islas, Julio Rodríguez y Rocío Sánchez-Mangas .-- Expectativas y producción industrial en el Uruguay: interdependencia sectorial y tendencias comunes / Bibiana Lanzilotta M. .-- Argentina: efectos del programa Asignación Universal por Hijo en el comportamiento laboral de los adultos / Roxana Maurizio y Gustavo Vázquez .-- Movilidad ocupacional y diferencial de ingresos: la experiencia del Brasil entre 2002 y 2010 / Sandro Eduardo Monsueto, Julimar da Silva Bichara y André Moreira Cunha .-- ¿Qué información proporciona el Examen Nacional de Enseñanza Media (enem) a la sociedad brasileña? / Rodrigo Travitzki, Jorge Calero y Carlota Boto .-- Fondo Constitucional de Financiamiento del Nordeste del Brasil: efectos diferenciados sobre el crecimiento económico de los municipios / Ricardo Brito Soares, Fabrício Carneiro Linhares, Marcos Falcão Gonçalves y Luiz Fernando Gonçalves Viana .-- Orientaciones para los colaboradores de la Revista cepal


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In 2009 Argentina implemented the Universal Child Allowance for Social Protection (AUH), a cash transfer programme for households with children. Coverage provided by the contributory family allowance programme was extended to parents who are unemployed or who work in the informal sector (domestic workers, for example). This paper uses the difference-in-difference estimator and propensity score matching techniques to evaluate the short-term effects of the auh on adult labour participation and income generation. The results suggest that, during its first year of operation, no significant disincentives to work were generated by the programme, given that it did not discourage adults from working or lead to a reduction in the number of hours worked. These findings are highly relevant in the Latin American context where these kinds of cash transfers have become an important component of social protection systems.


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Vigencia de los aportes de Celso Furtado al estructuralismo / Ricardo Bielschowsky. -- Obsolescencia de la protección a los inversores extranjeros después de la crisis argentina / Michael Mortimore y Leonardo Stanley. -- Una aproximación al enfoque de derechos en las estrategias y políticas de desarrollo / Víctor Abramovich. -- ¿Pueden los países de América Latina y el Caribe emular el modelo irlandés para atraer inversión extranjera directa? / Ruth Ríos-Morales y David O ’Donovan. -- El lento retorno de las políticas industriales en América Latina y el Caribe / Wilson Peres. -- Un modelo de bajo crecimiento: la informalidad como restricción structural / Mario Cimoli, Annalisa Primi y Maurizio Pugno. -- El mercado de trabajo argentino en la globalización financier / Mario Damill y Roberto Frenkel. -- Precariedad social en México y Argentina: tendencias, expresiones y trayectorias nacionales / María Cristina Bayón. -- Pacto Fiscal en Guatemala: lecciones de una negociación / Juan Alberto Fuentes K. y Maynor Cabrera. -- Cambio de la estructura productiva en Chile, 1986-1996: producción e interdependencia industrial / José Miguel Albala-Bertrand. -- Orientaciones para los colaboradores de la Revista de la CEPAL. -- La Revista de la CEPAL en Internet. -- Publicaciones recientes de la CEPAL.


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Celso Furtado’s contributions to structuralism and their relevance today / Ricardo Bielschowsky. -- Has investor protection been rendered obsolete by the Argentine crisis? / Michael Mortimore and Leonardo Stanley. -- The rights-based approach in development policies and strategies / Victor Abramovich. -- Can the Latin American and Caribbean countries emulate the Irish model of FDI attraction? / Ruth Rios-Morales and David O’Donovan. -- The slow comeback of industrial policies in Latin America and the Caribbean / Wilson Peres. -- A low-growth model: informality as a structural constraint / Mario Cimoli, Annalisa Primi and Maurizio Pugno. -- The Argentine labour market in a financially globalized world / Mario Damill and Roberto Frenkel. -- Social precarity in Mexico and Argentina: trends, manifestations and national trajectories / María Cristina Bayón. -- The Fiscal Covenant in Guatemala: lessons learned from the negotiations / Juan Alberto Fuentes K. and Maynor Cabrera. -- Changes in Chile’s production structure, 1986-1996: output and industrial interdependence / José Miguel Albala-Bertrand. -- Guidelines for contributors to the CEPAL Review. -- CEPAL Review on the Internet. -- Recent ECLAC publications.


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Development then and now: Idea and utopia / Rolando Cordera Campos .-- Latin America’s competitive position in knowledge-intensive services trade / Andrés López, Andrés Niembro and Daniela Ramos .-- Wage share and economic growth in Latin America, 1950-2011 / Germán Alarco Tosoni .-- Patterns of technical progress in the Brazilian economy, 1952-2008 / Adalmir Marquetti and Melody de Campos Soares Porsse .-- Mexico: Combining monthly inflation predictions from surveys / Pilar Poncela, Víctor M. Guerrero, Alejandro Islas, Julio Rodríguez and Rocío Sánchez-Mangas .-- Expectations and industrial output in Uruguay: Sectoral interdependence and common trends / Bibiana Lanzilotta .-- Argentina: Impacts of the child allowance programme on the labour-market behaviour of adults / Roxana Maurizio and Gustavo Vázquez .-- Occupational mobility and income differentials: The experience of Brazil between 2002 and 2010 / Sandro Eduardo Monsueto, Julimar da Silva Bichara and André Moreira Cunha .-- What does the National High School Exam (enem) tell Brazilian society? / Rodrigo Travitzki, Jorge Calero and Carlota Boto .-- Brazil’s Northeast Financing Constitutional Fund: Differentiated effects on municipal economic growth / Fabrício Carneiro Linhares, Ricardo Brito Soares, Marcos Falcão Gonçalves and Luiz Fernando Gonçalves Viana.


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OBJECTIVE: To evaluate treatment of Brazilian patients with gestational trophoblastic disease (GTD).STUDY DESIGN: A retrospective cohort study with analysis of medical reports performed in 10 Brazilian referral centers from January 2000 to December 2011.RESULTS: Of 5,250 patients 3 died (0.06%) at the time of uterine evacuation. Spontaneous remission of GTD (group G1) was observed in 4,103 cases, and 1,144 (21.8%) progressed to gestational trophoblastic neoplasia (GTN) (G2). In G1 2,716 (66.2%) had complete hydatidiform mole (HM) and 1,210, partial HM (29.5%); 3,772 patients (92.7%) recovered as noted in December 2012. In G2, of 1,118 patients treated, initial histopathological results of previous gestation were complete HM (77.5% [n = 886]), partial HM (8.8% [n = 100]), and choriocarcinoma (8.0% [n = 92]); 930 (81.3%) were low-risk, 200 (17.5%) were high-risk GTN, and 14 had placental site trophoblastic tumor (PSTT) (1.2%); cure was achieved in 1,078 cases (96.4%), but 26 patients (2.3%) died (4 low-risk [0.4%], 19 high-risk [9.5%], and 3 PSTT [21.4%]).CONCLUSION: The highest death rates were due to high-risk GTN and PSTT. Patients with molar pregnancy should be referred to a referral center for an early diagnosis and prompt treatment of GTN in order to reduce the morbidity and mortality found in advanced stages.


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The present paper aims at applying a model of bilingual onomasiological terminological dictionary, as proposed by Babini (2001b), for the development of an English-Portuguese and Portuguese-English electronic dictionary of the fundamental Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) terms. This subarea of Artificial Intelligence was chosen due to its use in several technological activities. The onomasiological dictionary is characterized by allowing searches of either lexical or terminological units from its semantic content. Our dictionary model allows two types of search: semasiological and onomasiological. The onomasiological search is made possible by a set of semes or semantic traits that make up the concept of each term in the dictionary.


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A Biotecnologia teve uma evolução muito grande nas últimas duas décadas, evolução que foi acompanhada por uma intensa criação de neônimos. O objetivo principal deste artigo é analisar o funcionamento de um Dicionário terminológico onomasiológico dos neônimos da Biotecnologia com equivalências em inglês. As principais referências metodológicas e teóricas que utilizamos em nosso trabalho foram Alpìzar-Castillo (1997), Alves (2009, 2008, 2007), Babini (2006, 2001a, 2001b), Barbosa (1995), Barros (2004), Berber Sardinha (2004), Cabré (1999a, 1999b, 1993), Felber (1984), Rey-Debove (1971), Rondeau (1984). A metodologia empregada no tratamento terminográfico e na pesquisa terminológica bilíngue foi norteada pela TCT (Teoria Comunicativa da Terminologia), que nos auxiliou a lidar com as diferenças existentes entre os dois idiomas estudados. Para a coleta dos neônimos empregamos a metodologia proposta por Alves (2001) e utilizamos como corpus as 34 primeiras edições (versão eletrônica) da revista Biotecnologia. Uma vez coletados os termos, procedemos à organização do sistema nocional do domínio e sucessivamente elaboramos a macroestrutura e a microestrutura de nosso dicionário, utilizando a metodologia proposta por Babini (2006, 2001a, 2001b). Para que fossem possíveis buscas de tipo onomosiológico, partindo dos semas dos termos, incluímos na microestrutura o semema de cada termo e optamos por realizar nosso dicionário em formato eletrônico. A análise do funcionamento do dicionário mostrou a eficácia do sistema que permite identificar o termo partindo de um ou mais semas, escolhidos por meio de telas no software.


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The trade fair industry has great relevance in the national and international economic environment and it is constantly expanding. The general objective of this work is to analyze the main linguistic variants found in the trade fair terminological set. Our research is based on the theories of Cabré (1993, 1999), Barros (2004), Krieger & Finatto (2004), Alves (2007), Barbosa (2009), Dubuc (1985), Berber Sardinha (2004), Babini (2006) and Faulstich (1998, 2001). For this work we constitute two corpora of specialized texts, one for English language and another for Portuguese language. Successively we performed a collection of terms using software for corpora processing. These terms were organized into two notional systems, one in English and another in Portuguese. Then we analyzed the main types of variants found in our terminological set. Among them, those who had higher productivity are the lexical variants, followed by graphical, morphological and syntactic variants.


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In this study we analyse a body of documents in sworn translation from and to Portuguese in relation to French and Italian. Our objective has been to check the textual typology most requested for sworn translation in these languages and to outline a profile of the terminology recurrent in these types of text. We also present examples of interlinguistic terminological equivalence which become apparent when one translates some of the types of text in our corpus. The data presented here was obtained by the LexTraJu-O lexical project of sworn translation, of which the research is developed in the São José do Rio Preto campus of UNESP with the objective of obtaining resources for the improvement of the Translation Courses of this institution and of making a contribution to translation studies on the theme of sworn translation.