974 resultados para Jewish and Christian Apocalyptics


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As religiões, em especial as monoteístas judaica, islâmica e cristã, sempre condenaram os homossexuais afirmando que a homossexualidade é um comportamento contrário às determinações religiosas e biológicas que Deus estipulou para a raça humana. Nesse contexto, o presente trabalho analisará qual o tratamento dado por alguns líderes cristãos e parlamentares evangélicos acerca das reivindicações LGBT, compreendendo o período de 2010 e 2013. A dissertação está dividida em três capítulos. No primeiro capítulo tratará sobre as origens, as definições, as aproximações e o distanciamento que guardam entre si os conceitos de laicidade e secularização, que servirão como pano de fundo para uma análise da presença religiosa privada no espaço político-público. O segundo capítulo fará uma análise histórica sobre o tratamento dado pela religião cristã aos homossexuais, com uma breve história a partir da ascensão da religião cristã e sua hegemonia como religião oficial do Império Romano. Ainda no segundo capítulo, será analisada a questão da homossexualidade e seu tratamento pela religião cristã, desde a época da colonização portuguesa até os dias atuais, com uma análise sobre a utilização da grande mídia (televisão, rádio e internet) pelas lideranças evangélicas, para desestabilizar e até mesmo evitar que os interesses da população LGBT sejam analisados e aprovados pelo poder público. No terceiro capítulo a dissertação aprofundará o tema com uma análise dos discursos dos parlamentares evangélicos sobre as reivindicações LGBT. Nesse contexto, será demonstrado como os discursos são direcionados a pontos específicos das reivindicações da população homossexual, para obstar suas pretensões no Congresso Nacional. Será analisado ainda, como os parlamentares evangélicos recuam em seus argumentos doutrinários (religiosos) e, passam a utilizar-se de argumentos políticos, jurídicos e sociais, tendo como objetivo fortalecer seus discursos e enfraquecer os argumentos dos ativistas LGBT na persecução de suas reivindicações.


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This study investigates the search for the third way in the history of German Christian Democracy. Today, in the United Kingdom, the 'third way' is seen as a new phenomenon, a synthesis of post-war belief in the welfare state and neo-liberal conservatism. Yet it insufficiently acknowledges that the origins of third way thinking, the marriage of social justice with free market economics, of individualism with collective responsibility, are found in the early philosophies of Catholic Social Theory and Protestant Social Ethical Teaching in Germany. This study shows that in the hundred years from the 1840s to the end of the 1940s, there were Catholic and Protestant socio-ethical thinkers and political reformists in Germany who attempted to bridge the philosophical differences between liberalism and socialism, to develop a socio-economic order based on Christian moral values. It will focus on the period 1945-1949, when the CDU was founded as the first interdenominational, Christian party. The study provides the first comprehensive account of the political debates in Christian democratic groups in the Soviet, British, French and American allied occupied zones, also giving equal attention to the contribution from the Protestant wing, alongside the more widely acknowledged role of Catholics in the birth of the CDU. It examines how Christian Democrats envisaged correcting the aberrations of German history, by uniting all social classes and Christian religions in one all-embracing Volkspartei, and transforming party politics from its earlier obsession with sectarian and ideological interests towards a more pragmatic 'third way' programme. The study argues that through the making of its ideology, the CDU modified the nation's understanding of its history, re-interpreted its traditions, and redefined the meaning and perception of established political philosophies. This reveals how the ambiguity of political terminology, and the flexible practice of 'third way' politics, were an invaluable political resource in the CDU's campaign for unity, ideological legitimisation and political power.


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The purpose of this study was to investigate the reasons associated with parents' choices of specific types of private schools. The researcher hoped to determine if there were any significant differences in the reasons parents reported for enrolling their child in a specific private school. Studies in the past have explored why parents choose private schools. This study focused on why parents chose a specific type of private school, what were the variables involved, and were there any significant differences in the motivation of parents with children enrolled in different types of private schools.^ The study gathered data using a survey instrument which centered on 14 variables generally associated with the choice of private schools. The survey asked parents to rate the variables using a Likert type scale. The Likert rating was used because it does not require respondents to choose between variables. The general areas of emphasis were (a) academics, (b) religion and values/morals, (c) nurturing educational environment, and (d) proximity and convenience of the school. The survey also gather qualitative data in the form of comments volunteered by over a third of the respondents.^ The survey was mailed to 560 randomly selected families from 30 private high schools in a 50 mile radius of Miami, Florida. The 10 high schools, represented five types of private schools, Roman Catholic, Episcopal, Independent, Jewish, and Fundamentalist Christian. After four mailings a total of 401 surveys were returned for a rate 72%.^ Significant differences appeared as the data was analyzed using ANOVA and Tukey's HSD pairwise analysis. The variables showing significant differences between types of schools were (a) quality of instruction, (b) commitment of teachers, (c) emphasis on religion, (d) small class size, (e) well-defined academic goals, (f) proximity of the school's location, (g) preparation for desired secondary schools/colleges, and (h) convenience of school's operating schedule.^ Parents appeared to have specific reasons for choosing a particular private school. They appeared to look for a school that would satisfy the special needs of their child and would be compatible with their own values, morals, and personal philosophy. ^


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Esta dissertação de mestrado analisará a expressão grega ta. stoicei/a tou/ ko,smou, “os elementos do mundo”, que ocorre na carta de Colossenses nos versículos 8 e 20 do segundo capítulo. Será feito um estudo exegético na perícope bíblica 2.8-3.4 da referida carta, bem como uma análise histórica especificamente do termo stoicei/a. O estudo desta expressão é importante para poder se compreender a filosofia colossense mencionada em Cl 2.8. A igreja cristã na cidade de Colossos estava inserida em um contexto social religioso sincrético. Esse sincretismo é percebido claramente em textos de magia como os Papiros Mágicos Gregos, muito comuns na região da Ásia Menor, a mesma onde a igreja colossense estava situada. O sincretismo religioso, envolvendo crenças judaicas e pagãs, reflete as bases dessa filosofia. O autor da carta aos Colossenses refuta a crença nos “elementos do mundo”, bem como a subserviência aos mesmos. Dentre outras crenças, acreditava-se que esses “elementos” poderiam influenciar os acontecimentos sobre a terra e o destino das pessoas. Questões que envolvem práticas acéticas, adoração a anjos e observância de calendário litúrgico, dão os contornos dessa filosofia. O autor da carta enfatiza o senhorio de Cristo, bem como as obras dele em favor dos cristãos colossenses, que proporcionavam a eles, segurança quanto a terem um bom destino. E, além disso, é assegurada uma liberdade aos cristãos colossenses que não podia lhes ser cerceada por quaisquer outras crenças religiosas. Então, as obras de Cristo, bem como o seu senhorio, são os principais argumentos utilizados pelo autor da carta, a fim de afirmar aos cristãos em Colossos que eles não precisam mais temer o destino e nem se submeter aos “elementos do mundo”.


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Acknowledgments Support for this work came from the SAFARI consortium which was funded by Bayern Gas, ConocoPhillips, Dana Petroleum, Dong Energy, Eni Norge, GDF Suez, Idemitsu, Lundin, Noreco, OMV, Repsol, Rocksource, RWE, Statoil, Suncor, Total, PDO, VNG and the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate (NPD). This manuscript has benefited from discussion with Bruce Ainsworth, Rachel Nanson and Christian Haug Eide. Boyan Vakarelov and Richard Davis Jr. are thanked for their constructive reviews and valuable comments that helped to improve the manuscript.


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General note: Title and date provided by Bettye Lane.


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General note: Title and date provided by Bettye Lane.


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General note: Title and date provided by Bettye Lane.


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General note: Title provided by Bettye Lane


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General note: Title and date provided by Bettye Lane.


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This dissertation attempts to retrieve the integration of prayer and theology in the life of the church. Prayer is a spiritual and bodily theological activity that forms Christian identity and virtuous character. The bodily dimension of Christian prayer plays an essential role in theological understanding and moral formation. However, the embodiment of prayer has been mostly neglected in modern academic theology. This study highlights the significance of the body at prayer in theological studies and spiritual formation.

Chapter 1 presents Karl Barth’s theology of prayer as a model of the integration of prayer, theology, and Christian life (lex orandi, lex credendi, lex agendi). However, Barth’s attempt to overcome the dichotomy between theory and practice in theology did not pay much attention to embodiment of prayer. Through ritual studies and phenomenology (Marcel Mauss, Maurice Merleau-Ponty, and Pierre Bourdieu), chapter 2 shows why the bodily dimension of the practice of prayer should be recovered in theology and ministry; then it explains how Christians in the early and medieval church actually prayed with the body, how their bodily actions were understood in their theological paradigms, and how their actions contributed to the formation of Christian character. Chapter 3 narrows the focus to the formation of the heart in the making of Christian character. The practice of prayer has been emphasized not only as an expression of the inner heart of pray-ers but also as a channel of grace that shapes their affections as enduring dispositions of the heart. Furthermore, historically the bodily practice of prayer gave theological authority to the devout Christians who were marginalized in academic theology or ecclesiastical hierarchy, and Chapter 4 presents the lex orandi of praying women who gained their theological knowledge, wisdom, and authority through their exemplary practices of prayer (Catherine of Siena, Mechthild of Magdeburg, Julian of Norwich, Margery Kempe, and Teresa of Avila). These historical examples reveal how Christian communities appreciated and celebrated the theological voices from the margins, which developed from theological embodiments in prayer.

This dissertation concludes that academic theology needs to heed these diverse theological voices, which are nurtured through everyday practice, as an integral part of theological studies. Therefore, it calls for a new paradigm for understanding the relationship between theory and practice in theological education. The integration between theory and bodily practice is necessary for both academic theology and spiritual formation. A more holistic understanding of Christian practices will not only enhance the training of scholars and clergy but also give the laity their own theological voices that will enrich academic theology.


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This thesis discusses socio-political issues worldwide through philosophical approaches to performance, politics and composition. My research also discuss sound decisions which I regard to be simultaneously an outlet for personal expression, as well as a practical tool to inspire a socio-political change in society. Although the latter is paramount to the methodology of the project, the sound cannot be regarded in isolation as a “political composition”. It can only become truly functional in a political sense through interaction with other art forms, within the context of a specific place and time. My portfolio for this project is of two socio-political projects which are my chief concern. The first project concerns the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. I named this project PATH. PATH aims to foster and expand peaceful thought between Jewish and Palestinian civilians in Israel-Palestine. Through performance art, PATH spreads a message of acceptance, unity and brotherhood between our peoples. Above all, PATH demands and end to intolerance, hatred and violence among all the inhabitants of the State of Israel. The second project concerns women’s rights globally. I have realised that although we have come a long way in our struggle for rights for women, great challenges remain. There is a need to unite women and men against a form of oppression that discriminates against 50% of the world’s population. I called this project, For Utopia.


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This thesis comprises a comparative analysis of the works the Irish author Edna O’Brien and her contemporary and friend, the Jewish-American author Philip Roth. It investigates the striking biographical, textual and stylistic symmetries between two writers from very different cultures and literary traditions. The thesis begins with the, until now, undetected intertextual nexuses between Roth’s fiction and O’Brien’s. These allusions significantly alter the readings of a number of their novels, while at the same time indicating wider transatlantic frames of reference now apparent in their work. O’Brien has, since the beginning of her career, been in frequent correspondence with all of the pre-eminent Jewish-American authors of her time, and her work conducts a dialogue with key Jewish-American texts. Conversely, Roth’s fiction—like O’Brien’s, obviously indebted to Joyce—has frequently alluded to other seminal Irish authors. The literary and personal relationship of Roth and O’Brien symbolize myriad links between Jewish and Irish literary cultures. In O’Brien’s (and wider Irish) fiction, the Jew is often positioned as an exotic but dangerous “Other”. Equally, throughout the Jewish canon Irish Catholics are frequently employed as foils. Roth and O’Brien investigate difference by depicting relationships that cross these boundaries. Through understanding the complex interrelations at play between the fiction of Roth and O’Brien, and between their work and that of a wider pantheon of Irish and American writers, this thesis will reposition both as transnational authors while developing a culturally sensitive, textually nuanced account of their transatlantic literary relations.


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Greg Burgess's important new study explores the short life of the High Commission for Refugees (Jewish and Other) Coming from Germany, from its creation by the League of Nations in October 1933 to the resignation of High Commissioner, James G. McDonald, in December 1935.The book relates the history of the first stage of refugees from Germany through the prism of McDonald and the High Commission. It analyses the factors that shaped the Commission's formation, the undertakings the Commission embarked upon and its eventual failure owing to external complications.The League of Nations and the Refugees from Nazi Germany argues that, in spite of the Commission's failure, the refugees from Nazi Germany and the High Commission's work mark a turn in conceptions of international humanitarian responsibilities when a state defies standards of proper behaviour towards its citizens. From this point on, it was no longer considered sufficient or acceptable for states to respect the sovereign rights of another if the rights of citizens were being violated. Greg Burgess discusses this idea, amongst others, in detail as part of what is a crucial volume for all scholars and students of Nazi Germany, the Holocaust and modern Jewish history.


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Prenant appui sur l’occultation de la mémoire verbale par la théorie théâtrale actuelle, le présent mémoire questionne l’exercice mémoriel des acteurs contemporains à partir de la dialectique mémoire/oubli dans les théories et pratiques de l’énonciation de Larry Tremblay, de Daniel Danis et de Christian Lapointe. Le premier chapitre s’intéresse aux fondements de l’énonciation privilégiés par les praticiens dans leurs discours théoriques – Le crâne des théâtres (Tremblay), « La mémoire intime au théâtre » (Danis), « Petit guide de l’apparition à l’usage de ceux qu’on ne voit pas » (Lapointe) –, plus précisément à la valeur accordée à la mémorisation verbale. Le deuxième s’attache à montrer que les textes dramatiques des auteurs-metteurs en scène – The Dragonfly of Chicoutimi (Tremblay), Mille anonymes (Danis), Sepsis (Lapointe) – engagent aussi un rapport oblique à l’apprentissage par cœur. Enfin, le troisième cherche à définir la notion de mémoire oublieuse à la lumière de laquelle les théories et les pratiques de Tremblay, de Danis et de Lapointe peuvent être analysées ainsi qu’à en identifier certaines conséquences dans leurs mises en scène.