888 resultados para Interface de programação de aplicativos (software de computador)


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AGROSCRE é um programa computacional elaborado em linguagem Quick Basic 4.5, para facilitar a avaliação de princípios ativos de agrotóxicos pelos métodos de GOSS, pelo índice de GUS e por critérios da EPA ? Environmental Protection Agency . O método de GOSS indica o potencial de transporte de princípio ativo associado a sedimento ou dissolvido em água e o método de GUS o potencial de lixiviação dos princípios ativos (p.a.). Os critérios da EPA também avaliam essas tendências de transporte. Para a avaliação de um mesmo princípio ativo pelos 3 modelos são necessárias as seguintes informações dos p.a.: constante de adsorção ao carbono orgânico (Koc), meia vida no solo (t½ solo) , meia vida em água (t½ água), solubilidade em água e constante de Henry (H); sendo que os dados mínimos para rodar pelo menos um dos modelos são Koc e t½ solo. O programa roda em arquivo executável em qualquer computador tipo PC, em ambiente amigável ao usuário.


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Linguagem de programação Java. Java native interface (JNI). Ferramenta ServCLIPS:um exemplo de uso da JNI.


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A agencia de informação Embrapa disponibiliza na internet informação qualificada e organizada e, muitas vezes, também aquelas geradas pela própria Embrapa. As soluções de software esposta neste trabalho são dirigidas ao gerenciamento dessas informações, que são armazenadas em base de dados centralizada e atualizada via internet por aplicativos deste sistema. O objetivo de apresentar essas soluções é contribuir para o desenvolvimento de sistemas com orientação metodológica similar. Este sistema teve como principal identificação de requisitos as falhas existentes na primeira versão do mesmo, que foi orientada exclusivamente para manipulação de dados formatados em XML. A nova versão traz uma arquitetura baseada nas orientações Java 2 Enterprise Editon (J2EE): modelo em camadas (orientação Model View Controler-MVC), uso de containers e sistema gerenciador de banco de dados. O resultado é um sistema mais robusto em seu todo, além das melhorias de manutenabilidade. Termos para indexação:J2EE, XML, PDOM, Model view controller- MVC, Oracle.


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Neste trabalho, tem-se uma proposta de mostrar como se constrói um sistema de apoio à decisão de pequeno porte, usando-se os aplicativos Calc e Base. O aplicativo Base será usado para armazenar dados que estão em suas tabelas ou para importá-los a partir de uma outra fonte, isto é, a partir de um outro banco de dados (MySQL, PostgreSQL, etc.) ou de arquivos. Com os dados no aplicativo Base, o Calc irá acessá-los e manipulá-los para, finalmente, mostrar os resultados de apoio à decisão do usuário.


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Este trabalho tem por finalidade apresentar os resultados obtidos no contexto do projeto de pesquisa, cujo objetivo foi definir uma infraestrutura de software para implantação de um portal de integração e interoperabilidade de serviços desenvolvidos pela Embrapa Informática Agropecuária denominado WebAgritec.


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Dissertação apresentada à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como partes dos requisitos para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Informática, ramo de Computação Móvel


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DSpace is an open source software platform that enables organizations to: - Capture and describe digital material using a submission workflow module, or a variety of programmatic ingest options - Distribute an organization's digital assets over the web through a search and retrieval system - Preserve digital assets over the long term This system documentation includes a functional overview of the system, which is a good introduction to the capabilities of the system, and should be readable by nontechnical personnel. Everyone should read this section first because it introduces some terminology used throughout the rest of the documentation. For people actually running a DSpace service, there is an installation guide, and sections on configuration and the directory structure. Note that as of DSpace 1.2, the administration user interface guide is now on-line help available from within the DSpace system. Finally, for those interested in the details of how DSpace works, and those potentially interested in modifying the code for their own purposes, there is a detailed architecture and design section.


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The purpose of this project is the creation of a graphical "programming" interface for a sensor network tasking language called STEP. The graphical interface allows the user to specify a program execution graphically from an extensible pallet of functionalities and save the results as a properly formatted STEP file. Moreover, the software is able to load a file in STEP format and convert it into the corresponding graphical representation. During both phases a type-checker is running on the background to ensure that both the graphical representation and the STEP file are syntactically correct. This project has been motivated by the Sensorium project at Boston University. In this technical report we present the basic features of the software, the process that has been followed during the design and implementation. Finally, we describe the approach used to test and validate our software.


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En este artículo se muestra una forma de programar un evaluador de expresiones matemáticas en JAVA. El programa se construye paso a paso y se explican detalladamente las partes más importantes del mismo. El evaluador consta de dos partes o módulos, el primero se encarga de convertir la expresión digitada a notación postfija que es más sencilla para el computador; el segundo es el que evalúa la expresión que se obtuvo en un valor específico. Para poder comprender y reescribir este programa se necesita tener conocimientos básicos en la programación en JAVA, sin embargo, se explicará el uso de varias primitivas utilizadas y de algunos conceptos básicos de programación.


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In this article, the representation of the merging process at the floor— stair interface is examined within a comprehensive evacuation model and trends found in experimental data are compared with model predictions. The analysis suggests that the representation of floor—stair merging within the comprehensive model appears to be consistent with trends observed within several published experiments of the merging process. In particular: (a) The floor flow rate onto the stairs decreases as the stair population density increases. (b) For a given stair population density, the floor population's flow rate onto the stairs can be maximized by connecting the floor to the landing adjacent to the incoming stair. (c) In situations where the floor is connected adjacent to the incoming stair, the merging process appears to be biased in favor of the floor population. It is further conjectured that when the floor is connected opposite the incoming stair, the merging process between the stair and floor streams is almost in balance for high stair population densities, with a slight bias in favor of the floor stream at low population densities. A key practical finding of this analysis is that the speed at which a floor can be emptied onto a stair can be enhanced simply by connecting the floor to the landing at a location adjacent to the incoming stair rather than opposite the stair. Configuring the stair in this way, while reducing the floor emptying time, results in a corresponding decrease in the descent flow rate of those already on the stairs. While this is expected to have a negligible impact on the overall time to evacuate the building, the evacuation time for those higher up in the building is extended while those on the lower flows is reduced. It is thus suggested that in high-rise buildings, floors should be connected to the landing on the opposite side to the incoming stair. Information of this type will allow engineers to better design stair—floor interfaces to meet specific design objectives.


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Calibration is essential for interpretation of radiocarbon dates, especially when the 14C dates are compared to historical or climatic records with a different chronological basis. 14C ages of samples from the marine environment, such as shells or fish bones, or samples with a marine component, such as human bone in coastal regions, require an additional consideration because of the reservoir age of the ocean. While the pre-industrial global mean reservoir correction, R(t), is about 400 years, local variations (?R) can be several hundred years or more. ?R compilations on a global scale have been undertaken previously (Stuiver et al. 1986; Stuiver and Braziunas 1993), but have not been updated recently. Here we describe an on-line reservoir correction database accessed via mapping software. Rather than publishing a static ?R compilation, new data will be incorporated when it becomes available. The on-line marine reservoir correction database can be accessed at the website http://www.calib.org/.


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When simulating the High Pressure Die Casting ‘HPDC’ process, the heat transfer coefficient ‘HTC’ between the casting and the die is critical to accurately predict the quality of the casting. To determine the HTC at the metal–die interface a production die for an automotive engine bearing beam, Die 1, was instrumented with type K thermocouples. A Magmasoft® simulation model was generated with virtual thermocouple points placed in the same location as the production die. The temperature traces from the simulation model were compared to the instrumentation results. Using the default simulation HTC for the metal–die interface, a poor correlation was seen, with the temperature response being much less for the simulation model. Because of this, the HTC at the metal–die interface was modified in order to get a better fit. After many simulation iterations, a good fit was established using a peak HTC of 42,000 W/m2 K, this modified HTC was further validated by a second instrumented production die, proving that the modified HTC gives good correlation to the instrumentation trials. The updated HTC properties for the simulation model will improve the predictive capabilities of the casting simulation software and better predict casting defects.


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The effect of preparation design and the physical properties of the interface lute on the restored machined ceramic crown-tooth complex are poorly understood. The aim of this work was to determine, by means of three-dimensional finite element analysis (3D FEA) the effect of the tooth preparation design and the elastic modulus of the cement on the stress state of the cemented machined ceramic crown-tooth complex. The three-dimensional structure of human premolar teeth, restored with adhesively cemented machined ceramic crowns, was digitized with a micro-CT scanner. An accurate, high resolution, digital replica model of a restored tooth was created. Two preparation designs, with different occlusal morphologies, were modeled with cements of 3 different elastic moduli. Interactive medical image processing software (mimics and professional CAD modeling software) was used to create sophisticated digital models that included the supporting structures; periodontal ligament and alveolar bone. The generated models were imported into an FEA software program (hypermesh version 10.0, Altair Engineering Inc.) with all degrees of freedom constrained at the outer surface of the supporting cortical bone of the crown-tooth complex. Five different elastic moduli values were given to the adhesive cement interface 1.8 GPa, 4 GPa, 8 GPa, 18.3 GPa and 40 GPa; the four lower values are representative of currently used cementing lutes and 40 GPa is set as an extreme high value. The stress distribution under simulated applied loads was determined. The preparation design demonstrated an effect on the stress state of the restored tooth system. The cement elastic modulus affected the stress state in the cement and dentin structures but not in the crown, the pulp, the periodontal ligament or the cancellous and cortical bone. The results of this study suggest that both the choice of the preparation design and the cement elastic modulus can affect the stress state within the restored crown-tooth complex.


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This paper evaluates the viability of user-level software management of a hybrid DRAM/NVM main memory system. We propose an operating system (OS) and programming interface to place data from within the user application. We present a profiling tool to help programmers decide on the placement of application data in hybrid memory systems. Cycle-accurate simulation of modified applications confirms that our approach is more energy-efficient than state-of-the- art hardware or OS approaches at equivalent performance. Moreover, our results are validated on several candidate NVM technologies and a wide set of 14 benchmarks.
The key observation behind this work is that, for the work- loads we evaluated, application objects are too short-lived to motivate migration. Utilizing this property significantly reduces the hardware complexity of hybrid memory systems.


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The artefact and techno-centricity of the research into the architecture process needs to be counterbalanced by other approaches. An increasing amount of information is collected and used in the process, resulting in challenges related to information and knowledge management, as this research evidences through interviews with practicing architects. However, emerging technologies are expected to resolve many of the traditional challenges, opening up new avenues for research. This research suggests that among them novel techniques addressing how architects interact with project information, especially that indirectly related to the artefacts, and tools which better address the social nature of work, notably communication between participants, become a higher priority. In the fields associated with the Human Computer Interaction generic solutions still frequently prevail, whereas it appears that specific alternative approaches would be particularly in demand for the dynamic and context dependent design process. This research identifies an opportunity for a process-centric and integrative approach for architectural practice and proposes an information management and communication software application, developed for the needs discovered in close collaboration with architects. Departing from the architects’ challenges, an information management software application, Mneme, was designed and developed until a working prototype. It proposes the use of visualizations as an interface to provide an overview of the process, facilitate project information retrieval and access, and visualize relationships between the pieces of information. Challenges with communication about visual content, such as images and 3D files, led to a development of a communication feature allowing discussions attached to any file format and searchable from a database. Based on the architects testing the prototype and literature recognizing the subjective side of usability, this thesis argues that visualizations, even 3D visualizations, present potential as an interface for information management in the architecture process. The architects confirmed that Mneme allowed them to have a better project overview, to easier locate heterogeneous content, and provided context for the project information. Communication feature in Mneme was seen to offer a lot of potential in design projects where diverse file formats are typically used. Through empirical understanding of the challenges in the architecture process, and through testing the resulting software proposal, this thesis suggests promising directions for future research into the architecture and design process.