980 resultados para Inductive Electromagnetic


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This paper presents a new non-destructive testing (NDT) for reinforced concrete structures, in order to identify the components of their reinforcement. A time varying electromagnetic field is generated close to the structure by electromagnetic devices specially designed for this purpose. The presence of ferromagnetic materials (the steel bars of the reinforcement) immersed in the concrete disturbs the magnetic field at the surface of the structure. These field alterations are detected by sensors coils placed on the concrete surface. Variations in position and cross section (the size) of steel bars immersed in concrete originate slightly different values for the induced voltages at the coils.. The values for the induced voltages were obtained in laboratory tests, and multi-layer perceptron artificial neural networks with Levemberg-Marquardt training algorithm were used to identify the location and size of the bar. Preliminary results can be considered very good.


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This paper made an analysis of some numerical integration methods that can be used in electromagnetic transient simulations. Among the existing methods, we analyzed the trapezoidal integration method (or Heun formula), Simpson's Rule and Runge-Kutta. These methods were used in simulations of electromagnetic transients in power systems, resulting from switching operations and maneuvers that occur in transmission lines. Analyzed the characteristics such as accuracy, computation time and robustness of the methods of integration.


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We make a change of variables and a time reparametrization in the Schrödinger equation in order to obtain the propagator of a charged oscillator with a time-dependent mass and frequency under the influence of time-varying electric and magnetic fields, in terms of the simple propagators of harmonic oscillators with constant frequencies and masses. We also discuss the Jackiw transformation and others as a particular case of ours. © 1991.


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A prescription for computing the symmetric energy-momentum tensor from the field equations is presented. The method is then used to obtain the total energy and momentum for the electromagnetic field described by Maxwell electrodynamics, Born-Infeld nonlinear electrodynamics, and Podolsky generalized electrodynamics, respectively. © 1997 American Association of Physics Teachers.


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An alternative formulation for guided electromagnetic fields in grounded chiral slabs is presented. This formulation is formally equivalent to the double Fourier transform method used by the authors to calculate the spectral fields in open chirostrip structures. In this paper, we have addressed the behavior of the electromagnetic fields in the vicinity of the ground plane and at the interface between the chiral substrate and the free space region. It was found that the boundary conditions for the magnetic field, valid for achiral media, are not completely satisfied when we deal with chiral material. Effects of chirality on electromagnetic field distributions and on surface wave dispersion curves were also analyzed.


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In the framework of the teleparallel equivalent of general relativity, we study the dynamics of a gravitationally coupled electromagnetic field. It is shown that the electromagnetic field is able not only to couple to torsion, but also, through its energy-momentum tensor, produce torsion. Furthermore, it is shown that the coupling of the electromagnetic field with torsion preserves the local gauge invariance of Maxwell's theory.


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We investigate the effect of different forms of relativistic spin coupling of constituent quarks in the nucleon electromagnetic form factors. The four-dimensional integrations in the two-loop Feynman diagram are reduced to the null-plane, such that the light-front wave function is introduced in the computation of the form factors. The neutron charge form factor is very sensitive to different choices of spin coupling schemes, once its magnetic moment is fitted to the experimental value. The scalar coupling between two quarks is preferred by the neutron data, when a reasonable fit of the proton magnetic momentum is found. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V.


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The linear properties of an electromagnetic drift-wave model are examined. The linear system is non-normal in that its eigenvectors are not orthogonal with respect to the energy inner product. The non-normality of the linear evolution operator can lead to enhanced finite-time growth rates compared to modal growth rates. Previous work with an electrostatic drift-wave model found that nonmodal behavior is important in the hydrodynamic limit. Here, similar behavior is seen in the hydrodynamic regime even with the addition of magnetic fluctuations. However, unlike the results for the electrostatic drift-wave model, nonmodal behavior is also important in the adiabatic regime with moderate to strong magnetic fluctuations. © 2000 American Institute of Physics.


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We employ the Dirac-like equation for the gauge field proposed by Majorana to obtain an action that is symmetric under duality transformation. We also use the equivalence between duality and chiral symmetry in this fermionlike formulation to show how the Maxwell action can be seen as a mass term. ©2000 The American Physical Society.


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The pion electromagnetic form factor is calculated in the space- and time-like regions from -10 (GeV/c)2 up to 10 (GeV/c)2, within a front-form model. The dressed photon vertex where a photon decays in a quark-antiquark pair is depicted generalizing the vector meson dominance ansatz, by means of the vector meson vertex functions. An important feature of our model is the description of the on-mass-shell vertex functions in the valence sector, for the pion and the vector mesons, through the front-form wave functions obtained within a realistic quark model. The theoretical results show an excellent agreement with the data in the space-like region, while in the time-like region the description is quite encouraging. © 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A manifestly covariant treatment of the free quantum eletromagnetic field, in a linear covariant gauge, is implemented employing Schwinger's variational principle and the B-field formalism. It is also discussed the Abelian Proca model as an example of a system without constraints. © Società Italiana di Fisica.


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We have analyzed the null-plane canonical structure of Podolsky's electromagnetic theory. As a theory that contains higher order derivatives in the Lagrangian function, it was necessary to redefine the canonical momenta related to the field variables. We were able to find a set of first and second-class constraints, and also to derive the field equations of the system. Copyright © owned by the author(s) under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike Licence.


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We show that the electromagnetic current for a system composed by two charged bosons has a structure of many bodies even in the impulse approximation, when described in the time x +. In terms of the two body component for the bound state, the current contains two body operators. We discuss the process of pair creation by the photon and interpret it as a zero mode contribution to the current and its consequences for the components of currents in the light front. © 2010 American Institute of Physics.


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Following the Dirac's technique for constrained systems we performed a detailed analysis of the constraint structure of Podolsky's electromagnetic theory on the null-plane coordinates. The null plane gauge condition was extended to second order theories and appropriate boundary conditions were imposed to guarantee the uniqueness of the inverse of the constraints matrix of the system. Finally, we determined the generalized Dirac brackets of the independent dynamical variables. © 2010 American Institute of Physics.


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The operation and general performance of the CMS electromagnetic calorimeter using cosmic-ray muons are described. These muons were recorded after the closure of the CMS detector in late 2008. The calorimeter is made of lead tungstate crystals and the overall status of the 75 848 channels corresponding to the barrel and endcap detectors is reported. The stability of crucial operational parameters, such as high voltage, temperature and electronic noise, is summarised and the performance of the light monitoring system is presented. © 2010 IOP Publishing Ltd and SISSA.