601 resultados para Inativação fotodinâmica (PDI)


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O Sistema de Secreção do Tipo VI (SST6), o mais recente maquinário de secreção descrito em bactérias Gram-negativas, é amplamente distribuído entre as diversas espécies deste grupo de microrganismos. Esse aparato de secreção é capaz de injetar efetores proteicos em células alvo, eucarióticas e procarióticas. Estudos sobre o papel do SST6 na virulência microbiana revelaram que este sistema secretório participa ativamente do estabelecimento de infecções, contribuindo para a sobrevivência das bactérias no interior de fagócitos. O genoma da cepa PAO1 de Pseudomonas aeruginosa apresenta três loci que codificam aparatos de SST6, denominados de H1-SST6, H2-SST6 e H3-SST6, Porém, pouco se sabe sobre a participação do SST6 na patogênese de infecções por P. aeruginosa. Assim, o presente estudo investigou o papel de H1-SST6, H2-SST6 e H3-SST6 durante a infecção pulmonar aguda de camundongos. Para isso, camundongos C57/BL6 foram infectados com diferentes doses de bactérias da cepa selvagem PAO1 ou das cepas mutantes PAO1∆H1, PAO1∆H2, PAO1∆H3 ou PAO1∆H1∆H2∆H3. Após 24 horas, os lavados broncoalveolares (LBAs) de animais controle e infectados foram recuperados para a contagem de leucócitos totais e polimorfonucleares e para a quantificação, por ELISA, da quimiocina para neutrófilos, KC, e das citocinas pró-inflamatórias IL-1β e TNF-α. Em outros experimentos, os pulmões, fígados, baços e rins dos animais foram macerados para a pesquisa da carga bacteriana e da disseminação sistêmica das bactérias. A citotoxicidade do SST6 foi determinada, in vitro, em neutrófilos humanos, pela marcação com iodeto de propídeo (PI) e anexina-V seguida da análise em citometria de fluxo. Os resultados mostraram que a inativação dos três SST6 reduziu significativamente a concentração de neutrófilos nos LBAs quando os animais foram infectados com 107 Unidades Formadoras de Colônias de P. aeruginosa. Nesta dose, foi observado que as medianas do número de bactérias detectadas nos animais infectados com as mutantes no SST6 foram menores do que as detectadas nos animais infectados com a cepa parental PAO1. As mutações no SST6 não afetaram a disseminação sistêmica da bactéria. A pesquisa da secreção de citocinas pró-inflamatórias mostrou que, embora tenha sido observada uma redução nas medianas das concentrações de TNF-α nos LBAs de camundongos infectados com a cepa PAO1∆H1∆H2∆H3, em relação aos LBAs de camundongos infectados com a cepa parental, essa diferença não foi significativa. Como a pesquisa de IL-1β e KC não contribuiu para a elucidação dos mecanismos envolvidos na redução da concentração de neutrófilos nos LBAs dos camundongos infectados pela cepa tripla mutante, foi pesquisado o possível efeito do SST6 na morte de neutrófilos humanos. Os resultados mostraram que não houve diferenças significativas quando as diferentes amostras de células infectadas foram comparedas entre si. Em conclusão, os resultados do presente estudo mostraram que o SST6 pode interferir na resposta de neutrófilos durante a pneumonia aguda, mas estudos adicionais são necessários para determinar o papel deste mecanismo de secreção na patogênese de P. aeruginosa.


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贾第虫是一类寄生于肠道的单细胞原生动物,也被认为是目前已知的最原始的真核细胞。它的一个十分奇特和令人感兴趣的特点是:具有在形态和大小上都很相似的左右对称的两个细胞核。已有一些证据表明贾第虫的这样的两个核在其它一些方面也都很相似甚至完全相同,如两核的DNA含量相等,两核都含有rDNA和至少一套染色体,并且在DNA复制、转录和核分裂等功能活动方面也基本都是同步的。但是,这两个核在基因的组成方面是否完全一致,甚至两核之间的对应基因(等位基因)的序列是否完全相同呢?若是,贾第虫为什么需要这样两个完全“等价”的细胞核(“双等核”)?这两个核又是如何长期保持一致而不会因两个核内发生不同的基因变异而产生差异呢?此外,目前普遍认为贾第虫至少是四倍体,即每个核至少为二倍体。那么同一个核内的等位基因是否序列也一致?保持其一致的机制又是什么?这些问题不仅饶有趣味,而且对于揭示贾第虫特殊的遗传机制乃至真核细胞基因组倍性的起源进化等问题具有重要意义。 本文首先对其两个核内是否有相同的基因组成进行了检验。我们选择了三个执行不同功能蛋白的基因为代表以检验贾第虫的两个细胞核是否都含有这些基因。这三个基因分别是:DNA拓扑异构酶II基因(topII), 核仁蛋白KRR1基因(krr1)和目前贾第虫中报道的极少数含有内含子的基因之一的铁硫蛋白基因(fes)。利用荧光原位杂交(FISH)技术在两个核中进行了定位分析。结果表明这几个代表性的基因在贾第虫的两个细胞核中都同时存在。这提示着贾第虫的两核中具有相同的基因组成,也表明贾第虫的这两个核可能在功能方面也是“等价”的。 其次,我们对其两个核中的等位基因是否具有一致的序列进行了检验,并对其两核之间以及同一核内的等位基因保持一致的机制进行了研究。选择前人文献报道的存在多态位点(即这些位点可能是易变位点)的两个基因:fen1和pdi为研究对象,在自己建立的一个贾第虫克隆培养系上进行单细胞PCR和测序的跟踪分析。跟踪分析了18个月(约分裂1600代)后,检测到如下结果:尽管在fen1基因上尚未发现位点变异的规律,但在pdi基因上发现存在几个位点会间歇出现套峰。据此我们推测套峰的出现可能是由于其中一个等位基因发生了突变,而后套峰消失则可能是突变被恢复。这种等位基因的修复机制很可能是基因转换(gene conversion)。进而我们在贾第虫基因组中找到了参与基因转换的很多酶基因的同源基因,RT-PCR的结果也表明这些基因在贾第虫中是活跃转录的。这进一步提示了贾第虫中发生基因转换的可能性。因此以上结果不仅表明贾第虫的两核之间和同一核内的等位基因的序列都是一致的,同时还说明基因转换可能是同一核内等位基因保持一致的机制。至于两个核之间保持等位基因序列一致的机制,我们采用了两种染核的方法对大量的贾第虫细胞进行了观察,以期能从中找到两核保持等同的证据。结果发现在大量细胞群体中存在一定比例的单核细胞和一侧含有两个核的细胞。据此我们推测:贾第虫可能通过发生一侧细胞核的丢失或萎缩,然后由另外一侧的核进行复制,经过核的重排恢复正常的左右核的状态。这可能就是贾第虫消除两核基因出现的差异,保持两核之间等位基因一致乃至两个核完全等同的机制。


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蓝氏贾第鞭毛虫(简称贾第虫)是一种低等的单细胞原生动物,因在全世界引起肠道疾病,并被认为是目前已知的最原始的真核细胞而备受关注。它具有两个左右对称的细胞核,在形态和大小上都很相似,至少都为二倍体。长期以来一直都未有其进行减数分裂或有性生殖的报道,因此被认为是无性繁殖的。目前仅发现其存在有丝分裂过程,而且滋养体的两个细胞核在复制分离等遗传活动方面保持各自独立的状态,分别将子代核传递到子代细胞中。综合以上情形,随着长期传代培养,贾第虫两个细胞核之间及单个核内等位基因之间应该会逐渐积累较大的差异(allelic sequence heterozygosity,ASH)。但事实是贾第虫具有极低的等位基因差异,是什么原因和机制所导致的呢?本文对此进行了如下两方面的研究。其一,采用单细胞PCR技术对fenI和pdi两个基因进行了长期的跟踪观察。研究结果表明,除了极少数的位点突变(在测序结果中表现为“套峰”)外,每次的测序结果几乎完全一致,这说明贾第虫两核间和一核内的等位基因是高度一致的,其等位基因差异性非常低。对套峰位置进行统计后我们发现,pdi基因中数个位点间歇性的出现套峰,暗示了突变发生而后又被修复的过程,这提示贾第虫中肯定存在一种生物学机制,能够修复等位基因的突变,我们推测这种机制很可能是基因转换(gene conversion)。其二,本文对基因转换的基本情况进行了系统的调查。根据已有的理论模型,总结出基因转换过程的主要步骤,以及与各步骤相关的基因;之后,利用同源搜索的方法,在贾第虫基因组中搜索上述基因的同源物。调查结果表明,基因转换过程的主要步骤对应的基因在贾第虫中都存在同源物,这提示在贾第虫中确实存在发生基因转换的可能性。然后,对上述在贾第虫基因组中找到的同源基因进行了荧光原位杂交(FISH)实验和RT-PCR实验。FISH定位实验结果显示,这些基因在两个细胞核中都有杂交信号,表明这些基因在两个细胞核中都存在。 RT-PCR实验结果进一步表明,这些基因在贾第虫中都是活跃转录的。根据以上结果,本文认为贾第虫中确实存在一个维持其极低的等位基因差异的机制,该机制极可能是基因转换。


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We studied the self-assembly of polydisperse diblock copolymers under various confined states by Monte Carlo simulation. When the copolymers were confined within two parallel walls, it was found that the ordered strip structures appeared alternately with the increase in wall width. Moreover, the wall width at which the ordered structure appeared tended to increase with an increase in the polydispersity index (PDI). On the other hand, the simulation results showed that the copolymers were likely to form ordered concentric strip structures when they were confined within a circle wall.


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Well-defined polyacrylonitrile with a higher number-average molecular weight (R.) up to 200,000 and a lower polydispersity index (PDI, 1.7-2.0) was firstly obtained via reversible addition-fragmentation chain transfer (RAFT) process. This was achieved by selecting a stable, easy way to prepare disulfide compound intermediates including bis(thiobenzoyl) disulfide (BTBDS) and bis(thiophenylacetoyl) disulfide (BTPADS) to react with azobis(isobutyronitrile) to directly synthesize RAFT agents in situ.


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Two kinds of ethylene copolymers with controllable structures were synthesized and the molecular parameters were characterized by FTIR, GPC, H-1 NMR and C-13 NMR systematically. Effects of molecular and the content of branched short chains on the crystalline properties of the resultant ethylene copolymers were investigated by DSC, respectively. First, polybutadienes with M-w ranging from 20000 to 110000, low polydispersity index(PDI = 1.1) and almost the same content of vinyl (molar fraction about 7%) were synthesized by anionic polymerization. After hydrogenation, the melting point and crystallinity of the obtained model ethylene/1-butene copolymers decreased with the increase in M-w of the copolymers.


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研究了Fe(acac) 3 Al(i Bu) 3 (acac =乙酰丙酮 )催化体系对马来酸酐 (MA)与茴香脑 (ANE)共聚反应的催化性能 .动力学研究结果表明 ,MA与ANE共聚对单体的浓度呈一级反应 ,其表观活化能为 31 0kJ/mol.用IR和13 CNMR研究了共聚物的结构 ,结果表明聚合物是交替的 ,其中酸酐的含量为 4 5 6 % .用GPC测定了聚合物的分子量及其分布 ,结果表明分子量的分布较窄 ,PDI =1 19~ 1 4 2 .用DTA研究了聚合物的热力学性质 ,其分解温度为 5 0 1 1℃.


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In the processes of Chinese economic and political reforms, it has many problems in the international corporations because of the difference of cultures. This research try to compare the Chinese managers and other conntries' through the investigation of 435 managers and employee from 9 units in Beijing. We used Hofstede's "Value Survey Module" (1980), Compared to Cultures in power distance, uncertainly avoidance, individualism-collectivism, masculinity. We also compared the employee's attitude with three patterns. The conclusions are: 1. There is not significant level difference in three patterns. 2. At PDI、UAI、IDV、MAS the fonr dimensions, our invested results approach Hofsteds's invested results. This is high at PDI, but middle at UAI、IDV、MAS.


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En este artículo se describe una experiencia desarrollada con alumnos de 1º de bachillerato de la modalidad de Ciencias y Tecnología (16 y 17 años) durante el curso escolar 2009/10, con el objetivo de trabajar los problemas métricos de geometría analítica plana, utilizando las nuevas tecnologías. En concreto se utiliza el programa Geogebra, la plataforma digital de formación Moodle y la pizarra digital interactiva (PDI). El programa Geogebra nos ayuda a estudiar gráficamente los problemas, además de comprobar sus resultados analíticos; con la plataforma Moodle se consigue que el alumnado dedique de forma efectiva más tiempo al estudio mientras está fuera del centro y la PDI les permite visualizar la resolución gráfica e interactuar en su corrección. En el artículo se describe el contexto en el que se desarrolla la experiencia, el alumnado a quién va dirigida, los objetivos que se pretenden, un ejemplo de problema desarrollado en el aula y otro por los alumnos en sus casas. Finalmente se valora la experiencia y los resultados.


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Objteivo: Valorar si existe relación entre el aumento de temperatura en el pie y la neuropatía diabética periférica. Métodos: La muestra fueron 27 pacientes diabéticos a que se le realizó una exploración neurológica y vascular, además, haciendo uso de un termómetro infrarrojo medimos la temperatura en distintos puntos anatómicos de la planta del pie. Resultados: La temperatura es mayor los pacientes con neuropatía con una diferencia de 2,24ºC (p=0,454) en el pie derecho y 0,86ºC (p=0,589) en el pie izquierdo. Conclusión: Los resultados sugieren que la automonitorización de la temperatura del pie por parte del paciente diabético podría ayudar a reducir la alta incidencia de complicaciones en el pie diabético.


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Previous research and service development guidelines have highlighted the importance of psychological issues in diabetes care, and both people with diabetes and diabetes professionals recognise the need for specialist psychological input. This article outlines the development of a service delivery model for psychological services in diabetes care, based on a patient needs assessment and the advice of diabetes professionals. This involved an assessment of the psychological needs of people with diabetes within an urban Health Trust in Northern Ireland, and the collation of the views of local diabetes professionals. Questionnaires to assess for depression, anxiety, binge eating behaviour and diabetes-specific worries were completed by 300 people with diabetes. The participants were accessed through both primary and secondary care diabetes teams. As expected, a high level of psychological distress relative to population norms was illustrated by the patient needs assessment. Particularly high levels of binge eating behaviour were reported, and levels of distress were higher for community-managed patients than for hospital-managed patients. The diabetes professionals unanimously agreed that there is a need for specialist psychological input and contributed to the service delivery model which is outlined in this article.


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Currently new digital tools used in architecture are often at the service of a conception of architecture as a consumer society’s cultural good. Within this neoliberal cultural frame, architects’ social function is no longer seen as the production of urban facts with sense of duty, but as a part within the symbolic logic that rules the social production of cultural values as it was defined by Veblen and developed by Baudrillard. As a result, the potential given by the new digital tools used in representation has shifted from an instrument used to verify a built project to two different main models: At the one hand the development of pure virtual architectures that are exclusively configured within their symbolic value as artistic “images” easily reproducible. On the other hand the development of all those projects which -even maintaining their attention to architecture as a built fact- base their symbolic value on the author’s image and on virtual aesthetics and logics that prevail over architecture’s materiality. Architects’ sense of duty has definitely reached a turning point.


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In this paper, we introduce an efficient method for particle selection in tracking objects in complex scenes. Firstly, we improve the proposal distribution function of the tracking algorithm, including current observation, reducing the cost of evaluating particles with a very low likelihood. In addition, we use a partitioned sampling approach to decompose the dynamic state in several stages. It enables to deal with high-dimensional states without an excessive computational cost. To represent the color distribution, the appearance of the tracked object is modelled by sampled pixels. Based on this representation, the probability of any observation is estimated using non-parametric techniques in color space. As a result, we obtain a Probability color Density Image (PDI) where each pixel points its membership to the target color model. In this way, the evaluation of all particles is accelerated by computing the likelihood p(z|x) using the Integral Image of the PDI.


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ADAM17 (where ADAM is 'a disintegrin and metalloproteinase') can rapidly modulate cell-surface signalling events by the proteolytic release of soluble forms of proligands for cellular receptors. Many regulatory pathways affect the ADAM17 sheddase activity, but the mechanisms for the activation are still not clear. We have utilized a cell-based ADAM17 assay to show that thiol isomerases, specifically PDI (protein disulfide isomerase), could be responsible for maintaining ADAM17 in an inactive form. Down-regulation of thiol isomerases, by changes in the redox environment (for instance as elicited by phorbol ester modulation of mitochondrial reactive oxygen species) markedly enhanced ADAM17 activation. On the basis of ELISA binding studies with novel fragment antibodies against ADAM17 we propose that isomerization of the disulfide bonds in ADAM17, and the subsequent conformational changes, form the basis for the modulation of ADAM17 activity. The shuffling of disulfide bond patterns in ADAMs has been suggested by a number of recent adamalysin crystal structures, with distinct disulfide bond patterns altering the relative orientations of the domains. Such a mechanism is rapid and reversible, and the role of thiol isomerases should be investigated further as a potential factor in the redox regulation of ADAM17.


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Radiation resistance and toxicity in normal tissues are limiting factors in the efficacy of radiotherapy. Gold nanoparticles (GNPs) have been shown to be effective at enhancing radiation-induced cell death, and were initially proposed to physically enhance the radiation dose deposited. However, biological responses of GNP radiosensitization based on physical assumptions alone are not predictive of radiosensitisation and therefore there is a fundamental research need to determine biological mechanisms of response to GNPs alone and in combination with ionising radiation. This study aimed to identify novel mechanisms of cancer cell radiosensitisation through the use of GNPs, focusing on their ability to induce cellular oxidative stress and disrupt mitochondrial function. Using N-acetyl-cysteine, we found mitochondrial oxidation to be a key event prior to radiation for the radiosensitisation of cancer cells and suggests the overall cellular effects of GNP radiosensitisation are a result of their interaction with protein disulphide isomerase (PDI). This investigation identifies PDI and mitochondrial oxidation as novel targets for radiosensitisation.