982 resultados para In vitro survival


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Ruthenium compounds of the type trans-[Ru(NO)(NH3)(4)(L)] X-3, L = N-heterocyclic ligands, P(OEt)(3), SO32-, X BF4- or PF6-, or [Ru(NO)Hedta], were tested for antitumour activity in vitro against murine melanoma and human tumour cells. The ruthenium complexes induced DNA fragmentation and morphological alterations suggestive of necrotic tumour cell death. The calculated IC50 values were lower than 100 mu M. Complexes for which L = isn or imN were partially effective in vivo in a syngeneic model of murine melanoma B16F10, increasing animal survival. In addition, the same ruthenium complexes effectively inhibited angiogenesis of HUVEC cells in vitro. The results suggest that these nitrosyl complexes are a promising platform to be explored for the development of novel antitumour agents.


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During my PhD,I have been develop an innovative technique to reproduce in vitro the 3D thymic microenvironment, to be used for growth and differentiation of thymocytes, and possible transplantation replacement in conditions of depressed thymic immune regulation. The work has been developed in the laboratory of Tissue Engineering at the University Hospital in Basel, Switzerland, under the tutorship of Prof.Ivan Martin. Since a number of studies have suggested that the 3D structure of the thymic microenvironment might play a key role in regulating the survival and functional competence of thymocytes, I’ve focused my effort on the isolation and purification of the extracellular matrix of the mouse thymus. Specifically, based on the assumption that TEC can favour the differentiation of pre-T lymphocytes, I’ve developed a specific decellularization protocol to obtain the intact, DNA-free extracellular matrix of the adult mouse thymus. Two different protocols satisfied the main characteristics of a decellularized matrix, according to qualitative and quantitative assays. In particular, the quantity of DNA was less than 10% in absolute value, no positive staining for cells was found and the 3D structure and composition of the ECM were maintained. In addition, I was able to prove that the decellularized matrixes were not cytotoxic for the cells themselves, and were able to increase expression of MHC II antigens compared to control cells grown in standard conditions. I was able to prove that TECs grow and proliferate up to ten days on top the decellularized matrix. After a complete characterization of the culture system, these innovative natural scaffolds could be used to improve the standard culture conditions of TEC, to study in vitro the action of different factors on their differentiation genes, and to test the ability of TECs to induce in vitro maturation of seeded T lymphocytes.


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Solid organ transplantation (SOT) is considered the treatment of choice for many end-stage organ diseases. Thus far, short term results are excellent, with patient survival rates greater than 90% one year post-surgery, but there are several problems with the long term acceptance and use of immunosuppressive drugs. Hematopoietic Stem Cells Transplantation (HSCT) concerns the infusion of haematopoietic stem cells to re-establish acquired and congenital disorders of the hematopoietic system. The main side effect is the Graft versus Host Disease (GvHD) where donor T cells can cause pathology involving the damage of host tissues. Patients undergoing acute or chronic GvHD receive immunosuppressive regimen that is responsible for several side effects. The use of immunosuppressive drugs in the setting of SOT and GvHD has markedly reduced the incidence of acute rejection and the tissue damage in GvHD however, the numerous adverse side effects observed boost the development of alternative strategies to improve the long-term outcome. To this effect, the use of CD4+CD25+FOXP3+ regulatory T cells (Treg) as a cellular therapy is an attractive approach for autoimmunity disease, GvHD and limiting immune responses to allograft after transplantation. Treg have a pivotal role in maintaining peripheral immunological tolerance, by preventing autoimmunity and chronic inflammation. Results of my thesis provide the characterization and cell processing of Tregs from healthy controls and patients in waiting list for liver transplantation, followed by the development of an efficient expansion-protocol and the investigation of the impact of the main immunosuppressive drugs on viability, proliferative capacity and function of expanded cells after expansion. The conclusion is that ex vivo expansion is necessary to infuse a high Treg dose and although many other factors in vivo can contribute to the success of Treg therapy, the infusion of Tregs during the administration of the highest dose of immunosuppressants should be carefully considered.


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Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is a very aggressive cancer of the hematopoietic system. Chemotherapy and immunotherapeutical approaches including hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) and donor lymphocyte infusion (DLI) are the only curative options available. The beneficial graft-versus-leukemia (GVL) effect of cellular immunotherapy is mostly mediated by donor-derived CD8+ T lymphocytes that recognize minor histocompatibility antigens (mHags) and leukemia-associated antigens (LAAs) presented on the surface of AML blasts (Falkenburg et al. 2008; Kolb 2008). A main complication is graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) that can be induced when cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) recognize broadly expressed antigens. To reduce the risk of GVHD, specific allogeneic T-cell therapy inducing selective GVL responses could be an option (Barrett & Le Blanc 2010; Parmar et al. 2011; Smits et al. 2011). This requires efficient in vitro strategies to generate AML-reactive T cells with an early differentiation phenotype as well as vigorous effector functions and humanized mouse models to analyze the anti-leukemic potential of adoptively transferred T cells in vivo. In this study, AML-reactive CTL clones and oligoclonal T-cell lines could be reliably generated from the naive subset of healthy HLA-class I-identical donors by stimulation with primary AML blasts in mini-mixed-lymphocyte / leukemia cultures (MLLCs) in eight different patient / donor pairs. These CTLs were promising candidates for cellular immunotherapy because of their relatively early differentiation phenotype and strong proliferative and lytic capabilities. The addition of the common γ-chain cytokine IL-21 to the stimulation protocol enabled more precursors to develop into potent leukemia-reactive CTLs, presumably by its beneficial effects on cell survival and antigen-specific proliferation during the first weeks of cultures. It also strengthened the early-stage phenotype. Three long-term cultured CTLs exemplarily transferred into leukemia-engrafted immunodeficient NSG mice mediated a significant reduction of the leukemic burden after a single transfusion. These results demonstrate that CTL clones with reactivity to patient-derived AML blasts can be isolated from the naive compartment of healthy donors and show potent anti-leukemic effects in vivo. The herein described allo-MLLC approach with in vitro “programmed” naive CTL precursors independent of a HSCT setting is a valuable alternative to the conventional method of isolating in vivo primed donor CTLs out of patients after transplantation (Kloosterboer et al. 2004; Warren et al. 2010). This would make leukemia-reactive CTLs already available at the time point of HSCT, when residual leukemia disease is minimal and the chances for complete leukemia eradication are high. Furthermore, leukemia-reactive CTLs effectively expanded by this in vitro protocol can be used as screening populations to identify novel candidate LAAs and mHags for antigen-specific immunotherapy.


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For the improvement of current neutron capture therapy, several liposomal formulations of neutron capture agent gadolinium were developed and tested in a glioma cell model. Formulations were analyzed regarding physicochemical and biological parameters, such as size, zeta potential, uptake into cancer cells and performance under neutron irradiation. The neutron and photon dose derived from intracellular as well as extracellular Gd was calculated via Monte Carlo simulations and set in correlation with the reduction of cell survival after irradiation. To investigate the suitability of Gd as a radiosensitizer for photon radiation, cells were also irradiated with synchrotron radiation in addition to clinically used photons generated by linear accelerator.rnIrradiation with neutrons led to significantly lower survival for Gd-liposome-treated F98 and LN229 cells, compared to irradiated control cells and cells treated with non-liposomal Gd-DTPA. Correlation between Gd-content and -dose and respective cell survival displayed proportional relationship for most of the applied formulations. Photon irradiation experiments showed the proof-of-principle for the radiosensitizer approach, although the photon spectra currently used have to be optimized for higher efficiency of the radiosensitizer. In conclusion, the newly developed Gd-liposomes show great potential for the improvement of radiation treatment options for highly malignant glioblastoma.rn


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Curcumin exerts its anti-inflammatory activity via inhibition of nuclear factor κB. Oropharyngeal epithelia and residing bacteria closely interact in inflammation and infection. This in vitro model investigated the effects of curcumin on bacterial survival, adherence to, and invasion of upper respiratory tract epithelia, and studied its anti-inflammatory effect. We aimed to establish a model, which could offer insights into the host-pathogen interaction in cancer therapy induced mucositis.


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In dentistry the restoration of decayed teeth is challenging and makes great demands on both the dentist and the materials. Hence, fiber-reinforced posts have been introduced. The effects of different variables on the ultimate load on teeth restored using fiber-reinforced posts is controversial, maybe because the results are mostly based on non-standardized in vitro tests and, therefore, give inhomogeneous results. This study combines the advantages of in vitro tests and finite element analysis (FEA) to clarify the effects of ferrule height, post length and cementation technique used for restoration. Sixty-four single rooted premolars were decoronated (ferrule height 1 or 2 mm), endodontically treated and restored using fiber posts (length 2 or 7 mm), composite fillings and metal crowns (resin bonded or cemented). After thermocycling and chewing simulation the samples were loaded until fracture, recording first damage events. Using UNIANOVA to analyze recorded fracture loads, ferrule height and cementation technique were found to be significant, i.e. increased ferrule height and resin bonding of the crown resulted in higher fracture loads. Post length had no significant effect. All conventionally cemented crowns with a 1-mm ferrule height failed during artificial ageing, in contrast to resin-bonded crowns (75% survival rate). FEA confirmed these results and provided information about stress and force distribution within the restoration. Based on the findings of in vitro tests and computations we concluded that crowns, especially those with a small ferrule height, should be resin bonded. Finally, centrally positioned fiber-reinforced posts did not contribute to load transfer as long as the bond between the tooth and composite core was intact.


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Abstract Nanoparticulate silver coatings for orthopaedic implants promise to decrease postoperative infection rates. However, silver-induced cytotoxicity on bone cells has not been investigated in detail. This study investigated the cytotoxic effects of silver nano- and microparticles and Ag(+) on osteoblasts (OBs) and osteoclasts (OCs) and correlated their effects with the antibacterial efficacy on Staphylococcus epidermidis. Silver nanoparticles (50 nm) exhibited strong cytotoxic effects on OBs and OCs. Weak cytotoxic effects were observed for silver microparticles (3 μm). The cytotoxicity was primarily mediated by a size-dependent release of Ag(+). Antibacterial effects occurred at Ag(+) concentrations that were 2-4 times higher than those inducing cytotoxic effects. Such adverse effects on OB and OC survival may have deleterious effects on the biocompatibility of orthopaedic implants. Our study represents an important step toward the detailed investigation of orthopaedic implant with nanoparticulate silver coatings prior to their widespread clinical usage.


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The immune response of mice experimentally infected with Echinococcus multilocularis metacestodes becomes impaired so as to allow parasite survival and proliferation. Our study tackled the question on how different classes of E. multilocularis antigens (crude vesicular fluid (VF); purified proteinic rec-14-3-3; purified carbohydrate Em2(G11)) are involved in the maturation process of bone-marrow-derived dendritic cells (BMDCs) and subsequent exposure to lymph node (LN) cells. In our experiments, we used BMDCs cultivated from either naïve (control) or alveolar echinococcosis (AE)-infected C57BL/6 mice. We then tested surface markers (CD80, CD86, MHC class II) and cytokine expression levels (interleukin (IL)-10, IL-12p40 and tumour necrosis factor (TNF)-α) of non-stimulated BMDCs versus BMDCs stimulated with different Em-antigens or lipopolysaccharide (LPS). While LPS and rec-14-3-3-antigen were able to induce CD80, CD86 and (to a lower extent) MHC class II surface expression, Em2(G11) and, strikingly, also VF-antigen failed to do so. Similarly, LPS and rec-14-3-3 yielded elevated IL-12, TNF-α and IL-10 expression levels, while Em2(G11) and VF-antigen didn't. When naïve BMDCs were loaded with VF-antigen, they induced a strong non-specific proliferation of uncommitted LN cells. For both, BMDCs or LN cells, isolated from AE-infected mice, proliferation was abrogated. The most striking difference, revealed by comparing naïve with AE-BMDCs, was the complete inability of LPS-stimulated AE-BMDCs to activate lymphocytes from any LN cell group. Overall, the presenting activity of BMDCs from AE-infected mice seemed to trigger unresponsiveness in T cells, especially in the case of VF-antigen stimulation, thus contributing to the suppression of clonal expansion during the chronic phase of AE infection.


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ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Conserved Wnt ligands are critical for signalling during development; however, various factors modulate their activity. Among these factors are the Secreted Frizzled-Related Proteins (SFRP). We previously isolated the SFRP-4 gene from an involuting rat mammary gland and later showed that transgenic mice inappropriately expressing SFRP-4 during lactation exhibited a high level of apoptosis with reduced survival of progeny. RESULTS: In order to address the questions related to the mechanism of Wnt signalling and its inhibition by SFRP-4 which we report here, we employed partially-purified Wnt-3a in a co-culture model system. Ectopic expression of SFRP-4 was accomplished by infection with a pBabepuro construct. The co-cultures comprised Line 31E mouse mammary secretory epithelial cells and Line 30F, undifferentiated, fibroblast-like mouse mammary cells. In vitro differentiation of such co-cultures can be demonstrated by induction of the beta-casein gene in response to lactogenic hormones.We show here that treatment of cells with partially-purified Wnt-3a initiates Dvl-3, Akt/PKB and GSK-3beta hyperphosphorylation and beta-catenin activation. Furthermore, while up-regulating the cyclin D1 and connexin-43 genes and elevating transepithelial resistance of Line 31E cell monolayers, Wnt-3a treatment abrogates differentiation of co-cultures in response to the lactogenic hormones prolactin, insulin and glucocorticoid. Cells which express SFRP-4, however, are largely unaffected by Wnt-3a stimulation. Since a physical association between Wnt-3a and SFRP-4 could be demonstrated with immunoprecipitation/Western blotting experiments, this interaction, presumably owing to the Frizzled homology region typical of all SFRPs, explains the refractory response to Wnt-3a which was observed. CONCLUSION: This study demonstrates that Wnt-3a treatment activates the Wnt signalling pathway and interferes with in vitro differentiation of mammary co-cultures to beta-casein production in response to lactogenic hormones. Similarly, in another measure of differentiation, following Wnt-3a treatment mammary epithelial cells could be shown to up-regulate the cyclin D1 and connexin-43 genes while phenotypically they show increased transepithelial resistance across the cell monolayer. All these behavioural changes can be blocked in mammary epithelial cells expressing SFRP-4. Thus, our data illustrate in an in vitro model a mechanism by which SFRP-4 can modulate a differentiation response to Wnt-3a.


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Free-floating roller tube cultures of human fetal (embryonic age 6-10 weeks post-conception) and rat fetal (embryonic day 13) ventral mesencephalon were prepared. After 7-15 days in vitro, the mesencephalic tissue cultures were transplanted into the striatum of adult rats that had received unilateral injections of 6-hydroxydopamine into the nigrostriatal bundle 3-5 weeks prior to transplantation. Graft survival was assessed in tyrosine hydroxylase (TH)-immunostained serial sections of the grafted brains up to post-transplantation week 4 for the human fetal xenografts and post-transplantation week 11 for the rat fetal allografts. D-amphetamine-induced rotation was monitored up to 10 weeks after transplantation in the allografted animals and compared with that of lesioned-only control animals. All transplanted animals showed large, viable grafts containing TH-immunoreactive (ir) neurons. The density of TH-ir neurons in the human fetal xenografts and in rat fetal allografts was similar. A significant amelioration of the amphetamine-induced rotation was observed in the animals that received cultured tissue allografts. These results promote the feasibility of in vitro maintenance of fetal human and rat nigral tissue prior to transplantation using the free-floating roller tube technique.


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OBJECTIVES The aim was to study the impact of the defect size of endodontically treated incisors compared to dental implants as abutments on the survival of zirconia two-unit anterior cantilever-fixed partial dentures (2U-FPDs) during 10-year simulation. MATERIALS AND METHODS Human maxillary central incisors were endodontically treated and divided into three groups (n = 24): I, access cavities rebuilt with composite core; II, teeth decoronated and restored with composite; and III as II supported by fiber posts. In group IV, implants with individual zirconia abutments were used. Specimens were restored with zirconia 2U-FPDs and exposed to two sequences of thermal cycling and mechanical loading. Statistics: Kaplan-Meier; log-rank tests. RESULTS During TCML in group I two tooth fractures and two debondings with chipping were found. Solely chippings occurred in groups II (2×), IV (2×), and III (1×). No significant different survival was found for the different abutments (p = 0.085) or FPDs (p = 0.526). Load capability differed significantly between groups I (176 N) and III (670 N), and III and IV (324 N) (p < 0.024). CONCLUSION Within the limitations of an in vitro study, it can be concluded that zirconia-framework 2U-FPDs on decoronated teeth with/without post showed comparable in vitro reliability as restorations on implants. The results indicated that restorations on teeth with only access cavity perform worse in survival and linear loading. CLINICAL RELEVANCE Even severe defects do not justify per se a replacement of this particular tooth by a dental implant from load capability point of view.


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BACKGROUND CONTEXT Proteolytic enzyme digestion of the intervertebral disc (IVD) offers a method to simulate a condition of disc degeneration for the study of cell-scaffold constructs in the degenerated disc. PURPOSE To characterize an in vitro disc degeneration model (DDM) of different severities of glycosaminoglycans (GAG) and water loss by using papain, and to determine the initial response of the human mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) introduced into this DDM. STUDY DESIGN Disc degeneration model of a bovine disc explant with an end plate was induced by the injection of papain at various concentrations. Labeled MSCs were later introduced in this model. METHODS Phosphate-buffered saline (PBS control) or papain in various concentrations (3, 15, 30, 60, and 150 U/mL) were injected into the bovine caudal IVD explants. Ten days after the injection, GAG content of the discs was evaluated by dimethylmethylene blue assay and cell viability was determined by live/dead staining together with confocal microscopy. Overall matrix composition was evaluated by histology, and water content was visualized by magnetic resonance imaging. Compressive and torsional stiffness of the DDM were also recorded. In the second part, MSCs were labeled with a fluorescence cell membrane tracker and injected into the nucleus of the DDM or a PBS control. Mesenchymal stem cell viability and distribution were evaluated by confocal microscopy. RESULTS A large drop of GAG and water content of the bovine disc were obtained by injecting >30 U/mL papain. Magnetic resonance imaging showed Grade II, III, and IV disc degeneration by injecting 30, 60, and 150 U/mL papain. A cavity in the center of the disc could facilitate later injection of the nucleus pulposus tissue engineering construct while retaining an intact annulus fibrosus. The remaining disc cell viability was not affected. Mesenchymal stem cells injected into the protease-treated DDM disc showed significantly higher cell viability than when injected into the PBS-injected control disc. CONCLUSIONS By varying the concentration of papain for injection, an increasing amount of GAG and water loss could be induced to simulate the different severities of disc degeneration. MSC suspension introduced into the disc has a very low short-term survival. However, it should be clear that this bovine IVD DDM does not reflect a clinical situation but offers exciting possibilities to test novel tissue engineering protocols.


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BACKGROUND CONTEXT The fate of human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs) supplied to the degenerating intervertebral disc (IVD) is still not fully understood and can be negatively affected by low oxygen, pH, and glucose concentration of the IVD environment. The hMSC survival and yield upon injection of compromised IVD could be improved by the use of an appropriate carrier and/or by predifferentiation of hMSCs before injection. PURPOSE To optimize hMSC culture conditions in thermoreversible hyaluronan-based hydrogel, hyaluronan-poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) (HA-pNIPAM), to achieve differentiation toward the disc phenotype in vitro, and evaluate whether preconditioning contributes to a better hMSC response ex vivo. STUDY DESIGN In vitro and ex vivo whole-organ culture of hMSCs. METHODS In vitro cultures of hMSCs were conducted in HA-pNIPAM and alginate for 1 week under hypoxia in chondropermissive medium alone and with the supplementation of transforming growth factor β1 or growth and differentiation factor 5 (GDF-5). Ex vivo, hMSCs were either suspended in HA-pNIPAM and directly supplied to the IVDs or predifferentiated with GDF-5 for 1 week in HA-pNIPAM and then supplied to the IVDs. Cell viability was evaluated by Live-Dead assay, and DNA, glycosaminoglycan (GAG), and gene expression profiles were used to assess hMSC differentiation toward the disc phenotype. RESULTS The HA-pNIPAM induced hMSC differentiation toward the disc phenotype more effectively than alginate: in vitro, higher GAG/DNA ratio and higher collagen type II, SOX9, cytokeratin-19, cluster of differentiation 24, and forkhead box protein F1 expressions were found for hMSCs cultured in HA-pNIPAM compared with those cultured in alginate, regardless of the addition of growth factors. Ex vivo, direct combination of HA-pNIPAM with the disc environment induced a stronger disc-like differentiation of hMSCs than predifferentiation of hMSCs followed by their delivery to the discs. CONCLUSIONS Hyaluronan-based thermoreversible hydrogel supports hMSC differentiation toward the disc phenotype without the need for growth factor supplementation in vitro and ex vivo. Further in vivo studies are required to confirm the suitability of this hydrogel as an effective stem cell carrier for the treatment of IVD degeneration.


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An in vitro system allowing the culture of ovine bone marrow-derived macrophages (BMMs) is described. Bone marrow (BM) cells from the sternum of 4- to 9-month-old sheep were cultured in liquid suspension in hydrophobic bags with medium containing 20% autologous serum and 20% fetal calf serum (FCS). Cells with macrophage characteristics were positively selected and increased four- to five-fold between day (d) 0 and d18. Granulocytes and cells of lymphoid appearance including progenitor cells were negatively selected and were diminished 50-fold during this 18-d culture. The addition of macrophage colony-stimulating factor (M-CSF)-containing supernatants to liquid cultures did not significantly improve the yield of BMM in 18-d cultures. In contrast, cell survival at d6 and macrophage cell yield at d18 depended on the concentration and source of serum in the culture medium. FCS and 1:1 mixtures of FCS and autologous serum were superior to autologous serum alone. Analysis of growth requirements of ovine BMMs suggested that they are under more complex growth control than their murine counterparts. In an [3H]thymidine incorporation assay with BM cells collected at different times of culture, d3 or d4 BM cells responded to human recombinant M-CSF, human recombinant granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF), bovine GM-CSF, murine M-CSF or murine M-CSF-containing supernatants, and bovine interleukin 1 beta (IL-1 beta) in decreasing order of magnitude. Likewise, pure murine BMM populations harvested at d6 responded to homologous GM-CSF, IL-3, and human or murine M-CSF. FCS did not stimulate the proliferation of murine BMMs (d6) and of ovine BM cells (d3 or d4). In contrast, ovine BM cells harvested at d12 responded to FCS by proliferation in a dose-dependent manner but failed to proliferate in the presence of human or murine M-CSF or M-CSF-containing supernatants of mouse and sheep fibroblasts containing mouse macrophage growth-promoting activity. Likewise, various cytokine-containing supernatants and recombinant cytokines (murine IL-3, murine and human GM-CSF, murine and bovine IL-1 beta) did not promote proliferation of ovine d12 BM cells to an extent greater than that achieved with 15% FCS alone. Thus, ovine BMM proliferation is under the control of at least two factors acting in sequence, M-CSF and an unidentified factor contained in FCS. The ovine BMM culture system may provide a model for the analysis of myelomonocytopoiesis in vitro.