169 resultados para Immobility


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Impairment of postural control is a common consequence of Parkinson's disease (PD) that becomes more and more critical with the progression of the disease, in spite of the available medications. Postural instability is one of the most disabling features of PD and induces difficulties with postural transitions, initiation of movements, gait disorders, inability to live independently at home, and is the major cause of falls. Falls are frequent (with over 38% falling each year) and may induce adverse consequences like soft tissue injuries, hip fractures, and immobility due to fear of falling. As the disease progresses, both postural instability and fear of falling worsen, which leads patients with PD to become increasingly immobilized. The main aims of this dissertation are to: 1) detect and assess, in a quantitative way, impairments of postural control in PD subjects, investigate the central mechanisms that control such motor performance, and how these mechanism are affected by levodopa; 2) develop and validate a protocol, using wearable inertial sensors, to measure postural sway and postural transitions prior to step initiation; 3) find quantitative measures sensitive to impairments of postural control in early stages of PD and quantitative biomarkers of disease progression; and 4) test the feasibility and effects of a recently-developed audio-biofeedback system in maintaining balance in subjects with PD. In the first set of studies, we showed how PD reduces functional limits of stability as well as the magnitude and velocity of postural preparation during voluntary, forward and backward leaning while standing. Levodopa improves the limits of stability but not the postural strategies used to achieve the leaning. Further, we found a strong relationship between backward voluntary limits of stability and size of automatic postural response to backward perturbations in control subjects and in PD subjects ON medication. Such relation might suggest that the central nervous system presets postural response parameters based on perceived maximum limits and this presetting is absent in PD patients OFF medication but restored with levodopa replacement. Furthermore, we investigated how the size of preparatory postural adjustments (APAs) prior to step initiation depend on initial stance width. We found that patients with PD did not scale up the size of their APA with stance width as much as control subjects so they had much more difficulty initiating a step from a wide stance than from a narrow stance. This results supports the hypothesis that subjects with PD maintain a narrow stance as a compensation for their inability to sufficiently increase the size of their lateral APA to allow speedy step initiation in wide stance. In the second set of studies, we demonstrated that it is possible to use wearable accelerometers to quantify postural performance during quiet stance and step initiation balance tasks in healthy subjects. We used a model to predict center of pressure displacements associated with accelerations at the upper and lower back and thigh. This approach allows the measurement of balance control without the use of a force platform outside the laboratory environment. We used wearable accelerometers on a population of early, untreated PD patients, and found that postural control in stance and postural preparation prior to a step are impaired early in the disease when the typical balance and gait intiation symptoms are not yet clearly manifested. These novel results suggest that technological measures of postural control can be more sensitive than clinical measures. Furthermore, we assessed spontaneous sway and step initiation longitudinally across 1 year in patients with early, untreated PD. We found that changes in trunk sway, and especially movement smoothness, measured as Jerk, could be used as an objective measure of PD and its progression. In the third set of studies, we studied the feasibility of adapting an existing audio-biofeedback device to improve balance control in patients with PD. Preliminary results showed that PD subjects found the system easy-to-use and helpful, and they were able to correctly follow the audio information when available. Audiobiofeedback improved the properties of trunk sway during quiet stance. Our results have many implications for i) the understanding the central mechanisms that control postural motor performance, and how these mechanisms are affected by levodopa; ii) the design of innovative protocols for measuring and remote monitoring of motor performance in the elderly or subjects with PD; and iii) the development of technologies for improving balance, mobility, and consequently quality of life in patients with balance disorders, such as PD patients with augmented biofeedback paradigms.


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This PhD thesis tries to show the impact of transport infrastructure in economic development in least developed countries and in particular in the case of Afghanistan. Some least developed countries during 1990 to 1999 experienced lack of investment in transportation. Lack of investment further increased the economic development gap between developed and least developed countries. Moreover, lack of literature and research in poor countries such as Afghanistan encouraged me to do my research in this country in order to unveil the problems, facing poor people who are living in inaccessible places and suffer from lack of economic opportunities and long term unemployment. This thesis shows the effect of inaccessibility and immobility in economic opportunities and basic social services in Afghanistan. This thesis is important because it covers the role of transport infrastructures at the moment that international community promised to rebuild the infrastructures of post conflict Afghanistan.


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Tra le plurime conseguenze dell’avvento del digitale, la riarticolazione dei rapporti tra immagine statica e immagine in movimento è certamente una delle più profonde. Sintomatica dei cambiamenti in atto sia nei film studies sia nella storia dell’arte, tale riarticolazione richiede un ripensamento dei confini disciplinari tradizionali entro cui il cinema e la fotografia sono stati affrontati come oggetti di studio separati e distinti. Nell’adottare un approccio molteplice, volto a comprendere prospettive provenienti dalla New Film History e dalla media archaeology, dalla teoria dell’arte e dagli studi visuali, questo lavoro esplora l’esistenza di una relazione dialettica tra il cinema e la fotografia intesa in modo duplice: come tensione costitutiva tra due media indissolubilmente connessi – non tanto in considerazione di un medesimo principio realistico di rappresentazione quanto, piuttosto, in virtù di uno scambio incessante nella modellizzazione di categorie quali il tempo, il movimento, l’immobilità, l’istante, la durata; come istanza peculiare della pratica artistica contemporanea, paradigma di riferimento nella produzione estetica di immagini. La tesi si suddivide in tre capitoli. Il primo si concentra sul rapporto tra l’immobilità e il movimento dell’immagine come cifra in grado di connettere l’estetica delle attrazioni e la cronofotografia a una serie di esperienze filmiche e artistiche prodotte nei territori delle avanguardie. Il secondo capitolo considera l’emergenza, dagli anni Novanta, di pratiche artistiche in cui l’incontro intermediale tra film e fotografia fornisce modelli di analisi volti all’indagine dell’attuale condizione estetica e tecnologica. Il terzo offre una panoramica critica su un caso di studio, la GIF art. La GIF è un formato digitale obsoleto che consente di produrre immagini che appaiono, simultaneamente, come fisse e animate; nel presente lavoro, la GIF è discussa come un medium capace di contraddire i confini attraverso cui concepiamo l’immagine fissa e in movimento, suggerendo, inoltre, un possibile modello di pensiero storico-cronologico anti-lineare.


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In birds, causes and consequences of variation in maternally-derived steroids in egg yolk have been the subject of intense experimentation. Many studies have quantified or manipulated testosterone ("T") and one of its immediate precursors, androstenedione ("A4") - often lumping the two steroids as "androgens" and treating them as functionally equivalent. However, yolk A4 is deposited in substantially higher concentrations than T, binds only weakly to the androgen receptor, and is readily converted into either T or estrone by steroidogenic enzymes present during embryonic development. Thus it may not be appropriate to assume that A4 has the same effect as T. In addition, A4's metabolic fate is likely to differ between females and males. The goals of this study were to examine the sex-specific uptake and metabolism of yolk A4 and consequences of elevated levels of yolk A4 on development and behavior of domestic chicks. Eggs were injected with 2mu Ci of tritiated androstenedione; radioactivity was detected in all tissues of day 7 and day 16 embryos and found in both aqueous and organics phases of day 7 yolk, with no difference between sexes. A second set of eggs was injected with 125ng of A4. A4 increased growth of morphological traits (tarsus, beak) in females, but not males. A4 males had smaller combs than controls; there was no treatment effect in females. A4 reduced tonic immobility behavior in both sexes. The results of this study illustrate the importance of distinguishing both between androgens and between sexes when investigating avian endocrine maternal effects. Copyright 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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OBJECTIVE: Maintenance of good walking speed is essential to independent living. People with musculoskeletal disease often have reduced walking speed. We investigated determinants of slower walking, other than musculoskeletal disease, that might provide valuable additional targets for therapy. METHODS: We analyzed data from the Somerset and Avon Survey of Health, a community based survey of people aged over 35 years. A total of 2703 participants who reported hip or knee pain at baseline (1994/1995) were studied, and reassessed in 2002-2003; 1696 were available for followup, and walking speed was tested in 1074. Walking speed (m/s) was used as outcome measure. Baseline characteristics, including comorbidities and socioeconomic factors, were tested for their ability to predict reduced walking speed using multiple linear regression analysis. RESULTS: Age, female sex, and immobility at baseline were predictive of slower walking speed. Other independent risk factors included the presence of cataract, low socioeconomic status, intermittent claudication, and other cardiovascular conditions. Having a cataract was associated with a decrease of 0.10 m/s (95% CI 0.03, 0.16). Those in social class V had a walking speed 0.22 m/s (95% CI 0.126, 0.31) slower than those in social class I. CONCLUSION: Comorbidities, age, female sex, and lower socioeconomic position determine walking speed in people with joint pain. Issues such as poor vision and social-economic disadvantage may add to the effect of musculoskeletal disease, suggesting the need for a holistic approach to management of these patients.


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OBJECTIVE: To determine the minimum alveolar concentration (MAC) of isoflurane in Shetland ponies using a sequence of three different supramaximal noxious stimulations at each tested concentration of isoflurane rather than a single stimulation. STUDY DESIGN: Prospective, experimental trial. ANIMALS: Seven 4-year-old, gelding Shetland ponies. METHODS: The MAC of isoflurane was determined for each pony. Three different modes of electrical stimulation were applied consecutively (2 minute intervals): two using constant voltage (90 V) on the gingiva via needle- (CVneedle) or surface-electrodes (CVsurface) and one using constant current (CC; 40 mA) via surface electrodes applied to the skin over the digital nerve. The ability to clearly interpret the responses as positive, the latency of the evoked responses and the inter-electrode resistance were recorded for each stimulus. RESULTS: Individual isoflurane MAC (%) values ranged from 0.60 to 1.17 with a mean (+/-SD) of 0.97 (+/-0.17). The responses were more clearly interpreted with CC, but did not reach statistical significance. The CVsurface mode produced responses with a longer delay. The CVneedle mode was accompanied by variable inter-electrode resistances resulting in uncontrolled stimulus intensity. At 0.9 MAC, the third stimulation induced more positive responses than the first stimulation, independent of the mode of stimulation used. CONCLUSIONS: The MAC of isoflurane in the Shetland ponies was lower than expected with considerable variability among individuals. Constant current surface electrode stimulations were the most repeatable. A summation over the sequence of three supramaximal stimulations was observed around 0.9 MAC. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: The possibility that Shetland ponies require less isoflurane than horses needs further investigation. Constant current surface-electrode stimulations were the most repeatable. Repetitive supramaximal stimuli may have evoked movements at isoflurane concentrations that provide immobility when single supramaximal stimulation was applied.


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Consideration of the geosphere for isolation of nuclear waste has generated substantial interest in the origin, age, and movement of fl uids and gases in low-permeability rock formations. Here, we present profi les of isotopes, solutes, and helium in porewaters recovered from 860 m of Cambrian to Devonian strata on the eastern fl ank of the Michigan Basin. Of particular interest is a 240-m-thick, halite-mineralized, Ordovician shale and carbonate aquiclude, which hosts Br–-enriched, post-dolomitic brine (5.8 molal Cl) originating as evaporated Silurian seawater. Authigenic helium that has been accumulating in the aquiclude for more than 260 m.y. is found to be isolated from underlying allochthonous, 3He-enriched helium that originated from the rifted base of the Michigan Basin and the Canadian Shield. The Paleozoic age and immobility of the pore fl uids in this Ordovician aquiclude considerably strengthen the safety case for deep geological repositories, but also provide new insights into the origin of deep crustal brines and opportunities for research on other components of a preserved Paleozoic porewater system.


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The Opalinus Clay formation in North Switzerland is a potential host rock for a deep underground radioactive waste repository. The distribution of U-238, U-234 and Th-230 was studied in rock samples of the Opalinus Clay from an exploratory borehole at Benken (Canton of Zurich) using MC-ICP-MS. The aim of U-234 was to assess the in situ, long-term migration behaviour in this rock. Very low hydraulic conductivities of the Opalinus Clay, reducing potential of the pore water and its chemical equilibrium with the host rock are expected to render both U-238 and Th-230 immobile. If U is heterogeneously distributed in the Opalinus Clay, gradients in the supply of U-234 from the rock matrix to the pore water by the decay of U-238 will be established. Diffusive redistribution separates U-234 from its immobile parent U-238 resulting in bulk rock U-234/U-238 activity disequilibria. These may provide a means of estimating the mobility of U-234 in the rock if the diffusion rate of U-234 is significant compared to its decay rate. Sampling was carried out on two scales. Drilling of cm-spaced samples from the drill-core was done to study mobility over short distances and elucidate possible small-scale lithological control. Homogenized 25-cm-long portions of a 2-m-long drill-core section were prepared to provide information on transport over a longer distance. Variations in U and/or Th content on the cm-scale between clays and carbonate-sandy layers are revealed by beta-scanning, which shows that the (dominant) clay is richer in both elements. Samples were digested using aqua regia followed by total HF dissolution, yielding two fractions. in all studied samples U was found to be concentrated in the HF digestion fraction. It has a high U/Th ratio and a study by SEM-EDS points to sub-mu m up to several mu m in size zircon grains as the main U-rich phase. This fraction consistently has U-234/U-238 activity ratios below unity. The minute zircon grains constitute the major reservoir of U in the rock and act as constant rate suppliers of U-234 into the rock matrix and the pore water. The aqua regia leach fraction was found to be enriched in Th, and complementary to the HF fraction, having U-234/U-238 activity ratios above unity. It is believed that these U activity ratios reflect the surplus of having U-234 delivered from the zircon grains. Some cm-spaced samples show bulk rock U-234/U-238 activity ratios that are markedly out of equilibrium. In most of them a striking negative correlation between the total U content and the bulk rock U-234/U-238 activity ratios is observed. This is interpreted to indicate net U-234 transfer from regions of higher supply of U-234 towards those of lower supply which is, in most cases, equivalent to transfer from clayey towards carbonate/sandy portions of the rock. In contrast, the 25 cm averaged samples all have uniform bulk rock U-234/U-238 activity ratios in equilibrium, indicating U immobility in the last 1-1.5 Ma on this spatial scale. It is concluded that the small-scale lithological variations which govern U spatial distribution in the Opalinus Clay are the major factor determining U-234 in situ supply rates, regulating its diffusive fluxes and controlling the observed bulk rock U-234/U-238 activity ratios. A simple box-model is presented to simulate the measured bulk rock U-234/U-238 activity ratios and to give an additional insight into the studied system. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Based on fieldwork conducted between 2008 and 2011, this article explores the role of roads in enabling and limiting the movement of people and goods in Tajikistan’s Eastern Pamirs. The article focuses on the Pamir Highway and a newly established trade route linking Tajikistan with China. Besides materially facilitating mobility, both roads serve as trajectories for opportunities, but often also signify the lack of such to those who live along them. This article thus seeks to analyse the shifting roles of roads against the backdrop of past and present state dispensations, shifting ideologies and newly emerging economic practices. By emphasising roads as both enabling and limiting spatial entities shaped by materiality, politics and economics, this article argues, on the one hand, that roads are important factors in directing and accelerating the mobility of people and goods and, on the other, that roads are also symbols of immobility inasmuch as they set limitations on the movement of people.


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OBJECTIVES To establish an effective alfaxalone concentration to be used for bath immersion of fire-bellied toads (Bombina orientalis) and to describe its effects. STUDY DESIGN Prospective experimental study. ANIMALS Thirteen oriental fire-bellied toads. METHODS The study was carried out in two phases. The pilot phase involved five animals and aimed to identify an alfaxalone concentration capable of producing induction of anesthesia, defined as immobility with a head down position and loss of responsiveness to stimulation with a stick. The following trial in an additional eight toads used the effective alfaxalone concentration established during the pilot phase. Data from 11 animals (three toads in the pilot study and the eight additional toads) were analyzed. Twenty minutes after immersion in the anesthetic solution, the toads were removed from the bath, and heart rate, respiratory rate, the righting, myotactic and the nociceptive withdrawal reflexes were evaluated every 5 minutes. The loss of both righting and nociceptive withdrawal reflexes was considered indicative of a surgical depth of anesthesia. The time elapsed from anesthetic induction to return of righting reflex, the quality of recovery and the occurrence of undesired effects were observed and recorded. RESULTS Immersion was found to be a suitable anesthetic technique for oriental fire-bellied toads and 200 mg L(-1) alfaxalone concentration produced anesthetic induction in 10 out of 11 toads. Side effects, such as skin irritation, erythema and changes in cutaneous pigmentation, were not observed in any animal. The duration of anesthesia ranged from 10 to 30 minutes after removal of the toads from the alfaxalone bath, and surgical depth of anesthesia was never achieved. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE It was concluded that alfaxalone anesthesia induced by immersion in a concentration of 200 mg L(-1) is only suitable for toads undergoing non-invasive short procedures.


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Skunks are becoming increasingly popular as pets. As such, they often undergo a variety of surgical procedures. Two pet skunks undergoing a dermatological examination, including skin biopsy, were anaesthetised with a combination of dexmedetomidine (0.02 mg/kg), butorphanol (0.3 mg/kg), and alfaxalone (4 mg/kg), all administered intramuscularly. Anaesthesia was characterised by rapid onset, absence of detectable side effects and fast recovery after atipamezole administration. Biopsies and toe-pinch did not elicit cardiorespiratory responses, nor did it result in movements or lightening of the anaesthetic depth. Both skunks recovered uneventfully, and showed normal appetite and regular defecation within eight hours following surgery. However, both the animals experienced mild hypothermia at recovery. The dexmedetomidine-alfaxalone-butorphanol combination produced satisfactory anaesthesia in the two skunks, object of this report. This anaesthetic protocol may be used in this species to provide immobility, myorelaxation, unconsciousness and analgesia during skin biopsy or other minor surgical procedures.


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The Bündnerschiefer of the Swiss-Italian Alps is a large sedimentary complex deposited on the Piemonte-Liguria and Valais oceans and associated continental margins from the upper Jurassic to Eocene. It is made of a large variety of sequences associated or not with an ophiolitic basement. The Bündnerschiefer makes an accretionary prism that developed syn-tectonically from the onset of alpine subduction, and it records orogenic metamorphism following episodes of HP metamorphism. The Bündnerschiefer shares important similarities with the Otago schists of New Zealand and with the Wepawaug schists of Connecticut, both of which form accretionary prisms and have an orogenic metamorphic imprint. With the aim of testing the hypothesis of mobility of chemical components as a function of metamorphic grade, in this work I present fifty-five bulk chemical analyses of various lithological facies of the Bündnerschiefer collected along the well-studied field gradient of the Lepontine dome of Central Switzerland, in the Prättigau half window of East Switzerland, and in the Tsaté Nappe of Valle d'Aosta (Italy). The dataset includes the concentration of major components, large ion lithophile elements (Rb, Sr, Ba, Cs), high field strength elements (Zr, Ti, Nb, Th, U, Ta, Hf), fluid-mobile light elements (B, Li), volatiles (CO2, S), REEs, and Y, V, Cr, Co, Sn, Pb, Cu, Zn, Tl, Sb, Be, and Au. These data are compared against the compositions of the global marine sediment reservoir, typical crustal reservoirs, and against the previously measured compositions of Otago and Wepawaug schists. Results reveal that, irrespective of their metamorphic evolution, the bulk chemical compositions of orogenic metasediments are characterized by mostly constant compositional ratios (e.g., K2O/Al2O3, Ba/Al2O3, Sr/CaO, etc.), whose values in most cases are undistinguishable from those of actual marine sediments and other crustal reservoirs. For these rocks, only volatile concentrations decrease dramatically as a function of metamorphic temperature, and significant deviations from the reservoir signatures are evident for SiO2, B, and Li. These results are interpreted as an indication of residual enrichment in the sediments, a process taking place during syn-metamorphic dehydration from the onset of metamorphism in a regime of chemical immobility. Residual enrichment increased the absolute concentrations of the chemical components of these rocks, but did not modify significantly their fundamental ratios. This poor compositional modification of the sediments indicates that orogenic metamorphism in general does not promote significant mass transfer from accretionary prisms. In contrast, mass transfer calculations carried out in a shear zone crosscutting the Bündnerschiefer shows that significant mass transfer occurs within these narrow zones, resulting in gains of H2O, SiO2, Al2O3, K2O, Ba, Y, Rb, Cu, V, Tl, Mo, and Ce during deformation and loss of Na2O, CO2, S, Ni, B, U, and Pb from the rock. These components were presumably transported by an aquo-carbonic fluid along the shear zone. These distinct attitudes to mobilize chemical elements from orogenic sediments may have implications for a potentially large number of geochemical processes in active continental margins, from the recycling of chemical components at plate margins to the genesis of hydrothermal ore deposits.


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El golpe de estado de 1976 inició en Argentina el proceso de reestructuración capitalista. La naturaleza de este fenómeno consistió en alterar la composición interna de la burguesía y modificar la relación del conjunto de ésta con la clase obrera. La feroz avanzada perpetrada por las burguesías en todo el mundo asestó un fuerte golpe contra los trabajadores haciéndolos retroceder en sus condiciones de vida y de organización. Este trabajo da cuenta de las diferentes formas en que esta ofensiva del capital sobre el trabajo ha sido analizada por el conjunto de los investigadores dedicados al tema. Si bien los trabajadores, por ser un sujeto central en la historia de las sociedades capitalistas, se asoman en la gran mayoría de los estudios sobre el El golpe de estado de 1976 inició en Argentina el proceso de reestructuración capitalista. La naturaleza de este fenómeno consistió en alterar la composición interna de la burguesía y modificar la relación del conjunto de ésta con la clase obrera. La feroz avanzada perpetrada por las burguesías en todo el mundo asestó un fuerte golpe contra los trabajadores haciéndolos retroceder en sus condiciones de vida y de organización. Este trabajo da cuenta de las diferentes formas en que esta ofensiva del capital sobre el trabajo ha sido analizada por el conjunto de los investigadores dedicados al tema. Si bien los trabajadores, por ser un sujeto central en la historia de las sociedades capitalistas, se asoman en la gran mayoría de los estudios sobre el período dictatorial, nuestro trabajo se enfocará en la historiografía dedicada específicamente a este sujeto entre 1976 y 1983, ya que posee características específicas que ameritan un estudio detallado sobre ella. Iniciaremos la exposición aportando algunos lineamientos básicos en torno al lugar ocupado por la clase obrera en la historiografía argentina sobre la década del setenta, con la intención de resaltar la relevancia y pertinencia actual de tomar a los trabajadores como objeto de estudio. En el primer capítulo presentamos la polémica desmovilización-inmovilismo vs. resistencia-oposición a través de la exposición de los trabajos de sus máximos referentes: Francisco Delich y Pablo Pozzi. En el capítulo siguiente realizamos un exhaustivo estado de la cuestión del conjunto de trabajos que se han publicado en torno a la historia de los trabajadores durante el período. En el tercer capítulo avanzamos en el análisis del debate planteado en el primer capítulo, y en el modo en que el resto de las investigaciones se posicionan dentro de él. Sostenemos que los supuestos que se encuentran en la mencionada dicotomía han condicionado la extensa mayoría de las investigaciones que se han realizado sobre el tema, y que es preciso superarla para avanzar en la comprensión del período. En el cuarto capítulo nos aproximamos al proceso de reestructuración capitalista iniciado por el gobierno militar desde el modo en que redefinió la relación al interior del bloque burgués. Finalmente, planteamos la hipótesis central de nuestro trabajo, a saber, que la dictadura transformó la relación de clases redefiniendo la relación capital-trabajo en beneficiola bibliografía para exponer el modo en que este movimiento se produjo. Hay que aclarar que el trabajo no se compondrá de una narración de la historia obrera del período, sino que realizaremos una lectura de los trabajos existentes y un análisis a través de la evidencia que estos aportan intentando ofrecer una respuesta a las limitaciones que observamos en la bibliografía


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El golpe de estado de 1976 inició en Argentina el proceso de reestructuración capitalista. La naturaleza de este fenómeno consistió en alterar la composición interna de la burguesía y modificar la relación del conjunto de ésta con la clase obrera. La feroz avanzada perpetrada por las burguesías en todo el mundo asestó un fuerte golpe contra los trabajadores haciéndolos retroceder en sus condiciones de vida y de organización. Este trabajo da cuenta de las diferentes formas en que esta ofensiva del capital sobre el trabajo ha sido analizada por el conjunto de los investigadores dedicados al tema. Si bien los trabajadores, por ser un sujeto central en la historia de las sociedades capitalistas, se asoman en la gran mayoría de los estudios sobre el El golpe de estado de 1976 inició en Argentina el proceso de reestructuración capitalista. La naturaleza de este fenómeno consistió en alterar la composición interna de la burguesía y modificar la relación del conjunto de ésta con la clase obrera. La feroz avanzada perpetrada por las burguesías en todo el mundo asestó un fuerte golpe contra los trabajadores haciéndolos retroceder en sus condiciones de vida y de organización. Este trabajo da cuenta de las diferentes formas en que esta ofensiva del capital sobre el trabajo ha sido analizada por el conjunto de los investigadores dedicados al tema. Si bien los trabajadores, por ser un sujeto central en la historia de las sociedades capitalistas, se asoman en la gran mayoría de los estudios sobre el período dictatorial, nuestro trabajo se enfocará en la historiografía dedicada específicamente a este sujeto entre 1976 y 1983, ya que posee características específicas que ameritan un estudio detallado sobre ella. Iniciaremos la exposición aportando algunos lineamientos básicos en torno al lugar ocupado por la clase obrera en la historiografía argentina sobre la década del setenta, con la intención de resaltar la relevancia y pertinencia actual de tomar a los trabajadores como objeto de estudio. En el primer capítulo presentamos la polémica desmovilización-inmovilismo vs. resistencia-oposición a través de la exposición de los trabajos de sus máximos referentes: Francisco Delich y Pablo Pozzi. En el capítulo siguiente realizamos un exhaustivo estado de la cuestión del conjunto de trabajos que se han publicado en torno a la historia de los trabajadores durante el período. En el tercer capítulo avanzamos en el análisis del debate planteado en el primer capítulo, y en el modo en que el resto de las investigaciones se posicionan dentro de él. Sostenemos que los supuestos que se encuentran en la mencionada dicotomía han condicionado la extensa mayoría de las investigaciones que se han realizado sobre el tema, y que es preciso superarla para avanzar en la comprensión del período. En el cuarto capítulo nos aproximamos al proceso de reestructuración capitalista iniciado por el gobierno militar desde el modo en que redefinió la relación al interior del bloque burgués. Finalmente, planteamos la hipótesis central de nuestro trabajo, a saber, que la dictadura transformó la relación de clases redefiniendo la relación capital-trabajo en beneficiola bibliografía para exponer el modo en que este movimiento se produjo. Hay que aclarar que el trabajo no se compondrá de una narración de la historia obrera del período, sino que realizaremos una lectura de los trabajos existentes y un análisis a través de la evidencia que estos aportan intentando ofrecer una respuesta a las limitaciones que observamos en la bibliografía


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El golpe de estado de 1976 inició en Argentina el proceso de reestructuración capitalista. La naturaleza de este fenómeno consistió en alterar la composición interna de la burguesía y modificar la relación del conjunto de ésta con la clase obrera. La feroz avanzada perpetrada por las burguesías en todo el mundo asestó un fuerte golpe contra los trabajadores haciéndolos retroceder en sus condiciones de vida y de organización. Este trabajo da cuenta de las diferentes formas en que esta ofensiva del capital sobre el trabajo ha sido analizada por el conjunto de los investigadores dedicados al tema. Si bien los trabajadores, por ser un sujeto central en la historia de las sociedades capitalistas, se asoman en la gran mayoría de los estudios sobre el El golpe de estado de 1976 inició en Argentina el proceso de reestructuración capitalista. La naturaleza de este fenómeno consistió en alterar la composición interna de la burguesía y modificar la relación del conjunto de ésta con la clase obrera. La feroz avanzada perpetrada por las burguesías en todo el mundo asestó un fuerte golpe contra los trabajadores haciéndolos retroceder en sus condiciones de vida y de organización. Este trabajo da cuenta de las diferentes formas en que esta ofensiva del capital sobre el trabajo ha sido analizada por el conjunto de los investigadores dedicados al tema. Si bien los trabajadores, por ser un sujeto central en la historia de las sociedades capitalistas, se asoman en la gran mayoría de los estudios sobre el período dictatorial, nuestro trabajo se enfocará en la historiografía dedicada específicamente a este sujeto entre 1976 y 1983, ya que posee características específicas que ameritan un estudio detallado sobre ella. Iniciaremos la exposición aportando algunos lineamientos básicos en torno al lugar ocupado por la clase obrera en la historiografía argentina sobre la década del setenta, con la intención de resaltar la relevancia y pertinencia actual de tomar a los trabajadores como objeto de estudio. En el primer capítulo presentamos la polémica desmovilización-inmovilismo vs. resistencia-oposición a través de la exposición de los trabajos de sus máximos referentes: Francisco Delich y Pablo Pozzi. En el capítulo siguiente realizamos un exhaustivo estado de la cuestión del conjunto de trabajos que se han publicado en torno a la historia de los trabajadores durante el período. En el tercer capítulo avanzamos en el análisis del debate planteado en el primer capítulo, y en el modo en que el resto de las investigaciones se posicionan dentro de él. Sostenemos que los supuestos que se encuentran en la mencionada dicotomía han condicionado la extensa mayoría de las investigaciones que se han realizado sobre el tema, y que es preciso superarla para avanzar en la comprensión del período. En el cuarto capítulo nos aproximamos al proceso de reestructuración capitalista iniciado por el gobierno militar desde el modo en que redefinió la relación al interior del bloque burgués. Finalmente, planteamos la hipótesis central de nuestro trabajo, a saber, que la dictadura transformó la relación de clases redefiniendo la relación capital-trabajo en beneficiola bibliografía para exponer el modo en que este movimiento se produjo. Hay que aclarar que el trabajo no se compondrá de una narración de la historia obrera del período, sino que realizaremos una lectura de los trabajos existentes y un análisis a través de la evidencia que estos aportan intentando ofrecer una respuesta a las limitaciones que observamos en la bibliografía