963 resultados para IP masquerading


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Internet Telephony (VoIP) is changing the telecommunication industry. Oftentimes free, VoIP is becoming more and more popular amongst users. Large software companies have entered the market and heavily invest into it. In 2011, for instance, Microsoft bought Skype for 8.5bn USD. This trend increasingly impacts the incumbent telecommunication operators. They see their main source of revenue – classic telephony – under siege and disappear. The thesis at hand develops a most-likely scenario in order to determine how VoIP is evolving further and it predicts, based on a ten-year forecast, the impact it will have on the players in the telecommunication industry.The paper presents a model combining Rogers’ diffusion and Christensen’s innovation research. The model has the goal of explaining the past evolution of VoIP and to isolate the factors that determine the further diffusion of the innovation. Interviews with industry experts serve to assess how the identified factors are evolving.Two propositions are offered. First, VoIP operators are becoming more important in international, corporate, and mobile telephony. End-to-end VoIP (IP2IP) will exhibit strong growth rates and increasingly cannibalize the telephony revenues of the classic operators. Second, fix-net telephony in SMEs and at home will continue to be dominated by the incumbents. Yet, as prices for telephony fall towards zero also they will implement IP2IP in order to save costs. By 2022, up to 90% of the calls will be IP2IP. The author recommends the incumbents and VoIP operators to proactively face the change, to rethink their business strategies, and to even be open for cooperation.


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De modo a manter políticas de utilização aceitável dos seus serviços de Internet, a NOS Madeira tem usado um sistema de fabrico próprio onde os clientes são catalogados de acordo com o tráfego que realizam. Contudo, esse sistema tornou-se demasiado antigo para as necessidades atuais da empresa. Usava tecnologias descontinuadas, não tinha interfaces de integração, faltava modularidade e não tinha a flexibilidade necessária para expandir as regras de negócio. Este projeto centra-se na implementação de um dos três subsistemas que substituem o sistema antigo: o subsistema controlador. O objetivo é modernizar, facilitar a manutenção e garantir maior flexibilidade. Tudo isto com recurso a linguagens de programação atuais como o PHP, ferramentas como a Zend Framework e mantendo em mente as melhores práticas de programação. São apresentados a especificação e modelação do sistema, assim como todos os detalhes da implementação em conjunto com as decisões e problemas encontrados. Os testes e resultados, incluindo a entrada com sucesso em produção do sistema, juntamente com sugestões de melhorias futuras concluem este trabalho.


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O controlo de banda larga é um conceito importante quando lidamos com redes de larga escala. Os ISPs precisam de garantir disponibilidade e qualidade de serviço a todos os clientes, enquanto garantem que a rede como um todo não fica mais lenta. Para garantir isto, é necessário que os ISPs recolham dados de tráfego, analisem-nos e usem-nos para definir a velocidade de banda larga de cada cliente. A NOS Madeira implementou, durante vários anos, um sistema semelhante. No entanto, este sistema encontrava-se obsoleto, sendo necessário construir um novo, totalmente de raíz. Entre as limitações encontrava-se a impossibilidade de alterar os algoritmos de análise de tráfego, fraca integração com os serviços de gestão de rede da NOS Madeira e reduzida escalabilidade e modularidade. O sistema IP Network Usage Accounting é a resposta a estes problemas. Este projeto foca-se no desenvolvimento do subsistema Accounting System, o segundo dos três subsistemas que compõem o sistema IP Network Usage Accounting. Este subsistema, implementado com sucesso e atualmente em produção na NOS Madeira, é responsável por analisar os dados referidos acima e usar os resultados dessa análise para direcionar a disponibilidade de banda larga, de acordo com o uso da rede de cada cliente.


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A necessidade de estudar a utilização dos resíduos de podas de árvores é de grande importância ambiental para solucionar os problemas de resíduos sólidos existentes nas áreas urbanas junto com os resíduos de lixos domésticos. O estudo destes materiais foi avaliado com o desenvolvimento de mudas de ipê-amarelo (Tabebuia Chrysotricha (Mart. Ex. Dc.) sandl) em diferentes misturas de substratos e tipos de água para irrigação. O experimento foi instalado no Departamento de Engenharia Rural da Faculdade de Ciências Agrárias e Veterinárias - UNESP, Câmpus de Jaboticabal. Foram realizados dois experimentos, avaliados juntamente com delineamento experimental em blocos casualizados, de oito substratos, duas qualidades de águas e quatro repetições, totalizando 64 parcelas. Cada parcela foi composta por 30 plantas (cinco linhas de seis plantas), sendo consideradas como úteis as três linhas de quatro plantas centrais da parcela. Foram testados oito substratos, resultantes da combinação de substrato comercial, composto de lixo e composto de poda de árvores com dois tipos de água de irrigação (água potável e residuária) e quatro repetições. Para acompanhar o desenvolvimento das mudas de ipê-amarelo, foram avaliados a altura da parte aérea das plantas (H) e o diâmetro do colmo (D). As características foram avaliadas aos 21; 42; 63 e 84 dias após a emergência. da análise dos resultados, possibilitou-se concluir que os substratos estudados promoveram diferenças significativas para a altura média das plantas e o diâmetro de colmo, em todos os períodos de avaliação. Os substratos 4 e 5 e a água residuária apresentaram os melhores resultados no desenvolvimento das mudas de ipê-amarelo.


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Vermiculite is a substrate used in seedling production of forest species and can be an option for the germination test of ipe seeds. The objective of this research was to evaluate the use of vermiculite in the germination test of Tabebuia chrysotricha seeds and to stablish appropriate particle size and moisture for this substrate. Four replications of 20 seeds were sown in soil, sand, paper rolls, and vermiculite with different particle sizes: micron (0.15-0.20 mm), superthin (0.21-0.30 mm), thin (0.30-0.50 mm) and medium (0.50-1.19 mm) moistened with water equivalent to 0.5, 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0 times the weight of the dry subtrate. Germination test was carried out at 30 degrees C. The percentage of normal seedlings was obtained seven days after sowing (first count) and then weekly until 28 days, when abnormal seedlings and dead seeds were also counted. It was concluded that the germination test of ipe seeds can be carried out with thin or medium vermiculite moistened with water equivalent to 1.5 times the dry weight of the substrate. These treatments resulted in higher and faster germination (21 days).


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There are some approaches that take advantage of unused computational resources in the Internet nodes - users´ machines. In the last years , the peer-to-peer networks (P2P) have gaining a momentum mainly due to its support for scalability and fault tolerance. However, current P2P architectures present some problems such as nodes overhead due to messages routing, a great amount of nodes reconfigurations when the network topology changes, routing traffic inside a specific network even when the traffic is not directed to a machine of this network, and the lack of a proximity relationship among the P2P nodes and the proximity of these nodes in the IP network. Although some architectures use the information about the nodes distance in the IP network, they use methods that require dynamic information. In this work we propose a P2P architecture to fix the problems afore mentioned. It is composed of three parts. The first part consists of a basic P2P architecture, called SGrid, which maintains a relationship of nodes in the P2P network with their position in the IP network. Its assigns adjacent key regions to nodes of a same organization. The second part is a protocol called NATal (Routing and NAT application layer) that extends the basic architecture in order to remove from the nodes the responsibility of routing messages. The third part consists of a special kind of node, called LSP (Lightware Super-Peer), which is responsible for maintaining the P2P routing table. In addition, this work also presents a simulator that validates the architecture and a module of the Natal protocol to be used in Linux routers


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This work presents a packet manipulation tool developed to realize tests in industrial devices that implements TCP/IP-based communication protocols. The tool was developed in Python programming language, as a Scapy extension. This tool, named IndPM- Industrial Packet Manipulator, can realize vulnerability tests in devices of industrial networks, industrial protocol compliance tests, receive server replies and utilize the Python interpreter to build tests. The Modbus/TCP protocol was implemented as proof-of-concept. The DNP3 over TCP protocol was also implemented but tests could not be realized because of the lack of resources. The IndPM results with Modbus/TCP protocol show some implementation faults in a Programmable Logic Controller communication module frequently utilized in automation companies


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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OBJETIVO: Comparar os tempos de geração e digitação de laudos radiológicos entre um sistema eletrônico baseado na tecnologia de voz sobre o protocolo de internet (VoIP) e o sistema tradicional, em que o radiologista escreve o laudo à mão. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Foi necessário modelar, construir e implantar o sistema eletrônico proposto, capaz de gravar o laudo em formato de áudio digital, e compará-lo com o tradicional já existente. Por meio de formulários, radiologistas e digitadores anotaram os tempos de geração e digitação dos laudos nos dois sistemas. RESULTADOS: Comparadas as médias dos tempos entre os sistemas, o eletrônico apresentou redução de 20% (p = 0,0410) do tempo médio de geração do laudo em comparação com o sistema tradicional. O tradicional foi mais eficiente em relação ao tempo de digitação, uma vez que a média de tempo do eletrônico foi três vezes maior (p < 0,0001). CONCLUSÃO: Os resultados mostraram diferença estatisticamente significante entre os sistemas comparados, sendo que o eletrônico foi mais eficiente do que o tradicional em relação ao tempo de geração dos laudos, porém, em relação ao tempo de digitação, o tradicional apresentou melhores resultados.


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Durante o processo de maturação, as sementes passam por modificações físicas, bioquímicas e fisiológicas até atingir o ponto ideal de colheita, quando apresentam a capacidade máxima de germinação e vigor. O objetivo deste trabalho foi identificar o estágio de colheita e o substrato mais favorável à germinação das sementes e ao crescimento de plântulas de Tabebuia chrysotricha. Os frutos de T. chrysotricha foram colhidos em 16 árvores- matriz na Fazenda Lageado, em Botucatu, SP, em quatro estágios de colheita: fruto fechado menor (ME), fruto fechado maior (MA), fruto em início de abertura (IA) e fruto aberto e em início de dispersão das sementes (D). Para caracterizar os estágios de colheita, foi utilizada a coloração dos frutos e das sementes, mensurados a espessura, a largura e o comprimento dos frutos e determinado o teor de água das sementes. O efeito do estágio de colheita sobre a qualidade das sementes foi verificado mediante o teste de germinação sobre areia e sobre papel a 25 ºC, avaliado após 21 dias da semeadura; e o vigor, pelo teste da primeira contagem (7 dias) e do comprimento de plântulas (21 dias). Os resultados indicaram que as sementes de Tabebuia chrysotricha devem ser colhidas quando o fruto estiver em início de abertura. Este estágio de colheita também pode ser identificado pelo teor de água das sementes de 59,6%. O substrato areia mostrou-se mais favorável ao teste de germinação e ao crescimento das plântulas.


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Ipê amarelo Tabebuia chrysotricha (Mart. Ex DC.) Standl. is a native forest species that presents heavy and durable wood: it is common to be used for urban arborization. The species is latte secondary and heliophyta. Occurs from Espirito Santo State until Santa Catarina in the Pluvial Atlantic Forest (Mata Atlântica). The seedling production is hard because their seeds have short longevity after dispersion, and so due to the difficulty to harvest winged seeds that are quickly dispersed by the wind. The present study was carried out to evaluate the physiological maturity of Ipê Amarelo seeds, to establish the best moment to harvest them. The study was to accompany the maturation of 100 fruits in just beginning development, from eleven different trees. Morphological characteristic measures were made weekly, with fruits still on trees, starting from the second week development when fruits presented the following averages: 6.3 cm length, 0.71 cm thickness, and 0.82 cm width. From the sixth week of fruit development we harvest them to proceed the germination test, water content rate, and electric conductivity test. The germination has begun by the seventh week development with 28% of germinated seedlings. The highest germination rate happened by the eighth week development, with 74.5% of germinated seedlings and on the ninth week the rate decrease to 65.5%, when the seeds were already in dispersion. Through the electric conductivity test the highest value obtained was 378.06 μS.g -1.cm -1 on the seventh week development and the lowest one was 183.28 μpS.g -1.cm -1 on eighth week. These results support those obtained in the germination test, because as higher is the electric conductivity of seeds, as higher is their deterioration level. Finally, the study allows concluding that the physiological maturation of ipê amarelo seeds has occurred before dispersion close to the eighth week development when fruits presented the following averages: 22.2 cm length, 1.37 cm width, and 1.05 cm thickness; water content rate was 61.8% and electric conductivity was 183.28 μS.g -1.cm -1. In that moment, the fruits presented greened brown coloration and started to show fissures.


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The aim of this work was to evaluate the ipê-roxo (Tabebuia impetiginosa (Mart.) Standl). seedlings behavior in different substrates and irrigation levels and also study the use of urban waste compost in the substrates. The experiment was conducted in the agricultural engineering department at the Faculdade de Ciências Agrárias e Veterinárias - UNESP, Campus de Jaboticabal, SP. The experimental design used was the completely randomized with 30 treats and 2 replicates, in a 15× 2 factorial arrangement [15 substrates and 2 irrigation levels (100% and 150% of evapotranspiration)]. The substrates were composed by different material combinations: urban waste, Plantmax, tanned cattle manure, vermiculite and soil. For the study of the seedlings development, the following characteristics were evaluated: the seedlings height (H) and stem diameter (D). Evaluations (H and D) were made on 90, 105, 120, 135 and 150 days after sowing. The statistical analysis showed significant differences between the irrigation levels. According to the results, we can conclude that urban waste compost did not increase Blake development. For tested irrigation levels, the statistical analysis showed significant differences with better results for the 150% ET irrigation level compared to 100% ET.


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Intense inflammatory response and an anti-angiogenic state have been implicated in the pathogenesis of preeclampsia. Here, we investigated this hypothesis evaluating the serum concentrations of CXCL10/IP-10, sFlt-1, and PlGF in women with early-onset preeclampsia. CXCL10/IP-10 was measured by Cytometric Bead Array. sFlt-1 and PlGF were measured by automated electrochemiluminescence immunoassay. The median serum concentration of CXCL10/IP-10 was 109.5 pg/mL in preeclamptic women, as compared with 52.28 pg/mL in the controls (P = 0.0028). The mean serum level of sFlt-1 was 13,636 pg/mL in preeclamptic women, as compared with 2020 pg/mL in the controls (P < 0.0001). PlGF levels were significantly lower in women with preeclampsia. © 2011 International Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Brazil has great potential of water resources, however, with deficiency in terms of qualitative and quantitative monitoring and knowledge of the influences of land use. So, this study had the purpose of presenting the qualitative and quantitative monitoring of water for irrigation and the influences caused by the use and occupation of land in the watershed of Ipê stream, in the municipality of Ilha Solteira, São Paulo. The qualitative monitoring was conducted from 2006 to 2011 and the quantitative monitoring from 2009 to 2011. In order to evaluate the influences, the Pearson correlation analysis was used. It was found that the watershed is mostly made up by the crop of sugar cane and the use in conflict with areas of permanent preservation are the fallow areas and pasture. The watershed is characterized with high concentrations of iron and coliforms, originating from degraded pastures and irregular use of urban and rural occupation. The small permanent preservation areas, bad soil conservation and expansion of urban areas imply in the deterioration of the quality and availability of water, generating socio-economic and environmental impact in the area.