159 resultados para Hrushtsev, Nikita - lahjat
PURPOSE: To examine the optimum time at which fluorescein patterns of gas permeable lenses (GPs) should be evaluated. METHODS: Aligned, 0.2mm steep and 0.2mm flat GPs were fitted to 17 patients (aged 20.6±1.1 years, 10 male). Fluorescein was applied to their upper temporal bulbar conjunctiva with a moistened fluorescein strip. Digital slit lamp images (CSO, Italy) at 10× magnification of the fluorescein pattern viewed with blue light through a yellow filter were captured every 15s. Fluorescein intensity in central, mid peripheral and edge regions of the superior, inferior, temporal and nasal quadrants of the lens were graded subjectively using a +2 to -2 scale and using ImageJ software on the simultaneously captured images. RESULTS: Subjectively graded and objectively image analysed fluorescein intensity changed with time (p<0.001), lens region (centre, mid-periphery and edge: p<0.05) and there was interaction between lens region with lens fit (p<0.001). For edge band width, there was a significant effect of time (F=118.503, p<0.001) and lens fit (F=5.1249, p=0.012). The expected alignment, flat and steep fitting patterns could be seen from approximately after 30 to 180s subjectively and 15 to 105s in captured images. CONCLUSION: Although the stability of fluorescein intensity can start to decline in as little as 45s post fluorescein instillation, the diagnostic pattern of alignment, steep or flat fit is seen in each meridian by subjective observation from about 30s to 3min indicating this is the most appropriate time window to evaluate GP lenses in clinical practice.
We present experimental measurements of intensity spatiotemporal dynamics in quasi-CW Raman fiber laser. Depending on the power, the laser operates in different spatio-temporal regimes varying from partial mode-locking near the generation threshold to almost stochastic radiation and a generation of short-lived pulses at high power. The transitions between the generation regimes are evident in intensity spatio-temporal dynamics. Two-dimensional auto-correlation functions provide an additional insight into temporal and spatial properties of the observed regimes.
Fiber lasers operating via Raman gain or based on rare-earth-doped active fibers are widely used as sources of CW radiation. However, these lasers are only quasi-CW: their intensity fluctuates strongly on short time scales. Here the framework of the complex Ginzburg-Landau equations, which are well known as an efficient model of mode-locked fiber lasers, is applied for the description of quasi-CW fiber lasers. The vector Ginzburg-Landau model of a Raman fiber laser describes the experimentally observed turbulent-like intensity dynamics, as well as polarization rogue waves. Our results open debates about the common underlying physics of operation of very different laser types - quasi-CW lasers and passively mode-locked lasers. Fiber lasers operating via Raman gain or based on rare-earth-doped active fibers are widely used as sources of CW radiation. However, these lasers are only quasi-CW: their intensity fluctuates strongly on short time scales. Here the framework of the complex Ginzburg-Landau equations, which are well known as an efficient model of mode-locked fiber lasers, is applied for the description of quasi-CW fiber lasers. The vector Ginzburg-Landau model of a Raman fiber laser describes the experimentally observed turbulent-like intensity dynamics, as well as polarization rogue waves. Our results open debates about the common underlying physics of operation of very different laser types - quasi-CW lasers and passively mode-locked lasers.
Narrow-band generation is achieved in random distributed feedback (RDFB) fiber laser by using narrow-band filters in the center of a distributed cavity. The resulting line-width of ∼0.1 nm is 10 times less than line-width in classical random distributed feedback fiber laser. Spectral properties can be optimized further. © 2012 OSA.
A closed-form expression for a lower bound on the per soliton capacity of the nonlinear optical fibre channel in the presence of (optical) amplifier spontaneous emission (ASE) noise is derived. This bound is based on a non-Gaussian conditional probability density function for the soliton amplitude jitter induced by the ASE noise and is proven to grow logarithmically as the signal-to-noise ratio increases.
We study the radiation build-up in laminar and turbulent generation regimes in quasi-CW Raman fiber laser. We found the resulted spectral shape and generation type is defined by the total spectral broadening/narrowing balance over laser cavity round-trip, which is substantially different in different regimes starting from first round-trips of the radiation build-up. In turbulent regime, the steady-state is reached only after a few round-trips, while in the laminar regime the laser approaches the equilibrium spectrum shape asymptotically.
Fibre lasers are light sources that are synonymous with stability. They can give rise to highly coherent continuous-wave radiation, or a stable train of mode locked pulses with well-defined characteristics. However, they can also exhibit an exceedingly diverse range of nonlinear operational regimes spanning a multi-dimensional parameter space. The complex nature of the dynamics poses significant challenges in the theoretical and experimental studies of such systems. Here, we demonstrate how the real-time experimental methodology of spatio-temporal dynamics can be used to unambiguously identify and discern between such highly complex lasing regimes. This two-dimensional representation of laser intensity allows the identification and tracking of individual features embedded in the radiation as they make round-trip circulations inside the cavity. The salient features of this methodology are highlighted by its application to the case of Raman fibre lasers and a partially mode locked ring fibre laser operating in the normal dispersion regime.
A mode locked fibre laser as a source of ultra-stable pulse train has revolutionised a wide range of fundamental and applied research areas by offering high peak powers, high repetition rates, femtosecond range pulse widths and a narrow linewidth. However, further progress in linewidth narrowing seems to be limited by the complexity of the carrier-envelope phase control. Here for the first time we demonstrate experimentally and theoretically a new mechanism of resonance vector self-mode locking where tuning in-cavity birefringence leads to excitation of the longitudinal modes sidebands accompanied by the resonance phase locking of sidebands with the adjacent longitudinal modes. An additional resonance with acoustic phonons provides the repetition rate tunability and linewidth narrowing down to Hz range that drastically reduces the complexity of the carrier-envelope phase control and so will open the way to advance lasers in the context of applications in metrology, spectroscopy, microwave photonics, astronomy, and telecommunications.
Loss of coherence with increasing excitation amplitudes and spatial size modulation is a fundamental problem in designing Raman fiber lasers. While it is known that ramping up laser pump power increases the amplitude of stochastic excitations, such higher energy inputs can also lead to a transition from a linearly stable coherent laminar regime to a non-desirable disordered turbulent state. This report presents a new statistical methodology, based on first passage statistics, that classifies lasing regimes in Raman fiber lasers, thereby leading to a fast and highly accurate identification of a strong instability leading to a laminar-turbulent phase transition through a self-consistently defined order parameter. The results have been consistent across a wide range of pump power values, heralding a breakthrough in the non-invasive analysis of fiber laser dynamics.
We present here experimental observation of different spatio-temporal generation regimes in quasi-CW Raman fiber laser in the most simple experimental configuration. The generation regimes depend on pump power and range from partial mode-locking to turbulent, and a generation of short-lived pulses. While in temporal domain transitions could be described in quantitative way, in spatio-temporal domain they represent qualitative change in observed dynamics.
At the level of fundamental research, fibre lasers provide convenient and reproducible experimental settings for the study of a variety of nonlinear dynamical processes, while at the applied research level, pulses with different and optimised features – e.g., in terms of pulse duration, temporal and/or spectral shape, energy, repetition rate and emission bandwidth – are sought with the general constraint of developing efficient cavity architectures. In this work, we review our recent progress on the realisation of pulse shaping in passively- mode-locked fibre lasers by inclusion of an amplitude and phase spectral filter into the laser cavity. We present a fibre laser design in which pulse shaping occurs through filtering of a spectrally nonlinearly broadened pulse in the cavity. This strategy of pulse shaping is illustrated through the numerical demonstration of the laser operation in different pulse-generation regimes, including parabolic, flattop and triangular waveform generations, depending on the amplitude profile of the in-cavity spectral filter [1]. As an application of this general approach, we show that the use of an in-cavity flat-top spectral filter makes it possible to directly generate sinc-shaped Nyquist pulses of high quality and of a widely tunable bandwidth from the laser [2]. We also report on a recently-developed versatile erbium-doped fibre laser, in which conventional soliton, dispersion-managed soliton (stretched-pulse) and dissipative soliton mode-locking regimes can be selectively and reliably targeted by programming different group-velocity dispersion profiles and bandwidths on an in-cavity programmable filter [3]. Further, we report on our recent results on the passive mode locking of a Raman fibre laser by a recently predicted new type of parametric instability – the dissipative Faraday instability [4], where spatially periodic zig-zag modulation of spectrally dependent losses can lead to pattern formation in the temporal domain. High-order harmonic mode locking is achieved in a very simple experimental configuration, with the laser cavity including an optical fibre and two chirped fibre Bragg gratings, and no additional mode-locking elements. The results not only open up new possibilities for the design of mode-locked lasers, but extend beyond fibre optics to other fields of physics and engineering. References [1] S. Boscolo, C. Finot, H. Karakuzu, P. Petropoulos, “Pulse shaping in mode-locked fiber laser by in-cavity spectral filter,” Opt. Lett., vol. 39, pp. 438–441, 2014. [2] S. Boscolo, C. Finot, S. K. Turitsyn, “Bandwidth programmable optical Nyquist pulse generation in passively mode-locked fiber laser,” IEEE Photon. J., vol. 7, 7802008(8), 2015. [3] J. Peng, S. Boscolo, “Filter-based dispersion-managed versatile ultrafast fibre laser,” Sci. Rep., 2016, In press. [4] A. M. Perego, N. Tarasov, D. V. Churkin, S. K. Turitsyn, K. Staliunas, “Pattern generation by dissipative parametric instability,” Phys. Rev. Lett., vol. 116, 028701, 2016.
Temporal dynamics of Raman fibre lasers tend to have very complex nature, owing to great cavity lengths and high nonlinearity, being stochastic on short time scales and quasi-continuous on longer time scales. Generally fibre laser intensity dynamics is represented by one-dimensional time-series, which in case of quasi-continuous wave generation in Raman fibre lasers gives little insight into the processes underlying the operation of a laser. New methods of analysis and data representation could help to uncover the underlying physical processes, understand the dynamics or improve the performance of the system. Using intrinsic periodicity of laser radiation, one dimensional intensity time series of a Raman fibre laser was analysed over fast and slow variation time. This allowed to experimentally observe various spatio-temporal regimes of generation, such as laminar, turbulent, partial mode-lock, as well as transitions between them and identify the mechanisms responsible for the transitions. Great cavity length and high nonlinearity also make it difficult to achieve stable high repetition rate mode-locking in Raman fibre lasers. Using Faraday parametric instability in extremely simple linear cavity experimental configuration, a very high order harmonic mode-locking was achieved in ò.ò kmlong Raman fibre laser. The maximum achieved pulse repetition rate was 12 GHz, with 7.3 ps long Gaussian shaped pulses. There is a new type of random lasers – random distributed feedback Raman fibre laser, which temporal properties cannot be controlled by conventionalmode-locking or Q-switch techniques and mechanisms. By adjusting the pump configuration, a very stable pulsed operation of random distributed feedback Raman fibre laser was achieved. Pulse duration varied in the range from 50 to 200 μs depending on the pump power and the cavity length. Pulse repetition rate scaling on the parameters of the system was experimentally identified.
The book is devoted to geology of the Philippine Sea floor. This region is studied most extensively among other marginal seas of the Pacific Ocean. Rocks of the sedimentary and basalt layers within this sea have been studied during five legs of D/S Glomar Challenger. International geological expedition on board R/V Dmitry Mendeleev carried out according to the Project ''Ophiolites of Continents and Comparable Rocks of the Ocean Floor''obtained unique collection of rocks from the second and third layers of the ocean crust in the Philippine Sea. The book provides detailed petrographic and geochemical description of igneous and sedimentary formations from the Philippine Sea and compares them with rocks of the continental ophiolite association. An analysis of structure and history of the ocean crust formation in the region is based on all known geological information. The main periods of tectonic movement activation and nature of their manifestations within the sea are shown.
Emergence of coherent structures and patterns at the nonlinear stage of modulation instability of a uniform state is an inherent feature of many biological, physical and engineering systems. There are several well-studied classical modulation instabilities, such as Benjamin-Feir, Turing and Faraday instability, which play a critical role in the self-organization of energy and matter in non-equilibrium physical, chemical and biological systems. Here we experimentally demonstrate the dissipative Faraday instability induced by spatially periodic zig-zag modulation of a dissipative parameter of the system - spectrally dependent losses - achieving generation of temporal patterns and high-harmonic mode-locking in a fibre laser. We demonstrate features of this instability that distinguish it from both the Benjamin-Feir and the purely dispersive Faraday instability. Our results open the possibilities for new designs of mode-locked lasers and can be extended to other fields of physics and engineering.
Creation of miniature optical delay lines and buffers is one of the greatest challenges of the modern photonics which can revolutionize optical communications and computing. Several remarkable designs of slow light optical delay lines employing coupled ring resonators and photonic crystal waveguides has been suggested and experimentally demonstrated. However, the insertion loss of these devices is too large for their practical applications. Alternatively, the recently developed photonic fabrication platform, Surface Nanoscale Axial Photonics (SNAP) allows us to fabricate record small delay lines with unprecedentedly small dispersion and low loss. In this report, we review the recent progress in fabrication and design of miniature slow light devices and buffers, in particular, those based on the SNAP technology.