974 resultados para Hplc-ms


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Rhizobium leguminosarum (Rl) es una alfa-proteobacteria capaz de establecer una simbiosis diazotrófica con distintas leguminosas. A pesar de la importancia de esta simbiosis en el balance global del ciclo del nitrógeno, muy pocos genomas de rhizobios han sido secuenciados, que aporten nuevos conocimientos relacionados con las características genéticas que contribuyen a importantes procesos simbióticos. Únicamente tres secuencias completas de Rl han sido publicadas: Rl bv. viciae 3841 y dos genomas de Rl bv. trifolii (WSM1325 y WSM2304), ambos simbiontes de trébol. La secuencia genómica de Rlv UPM791 se ha determinado por medio de secuenciación 454. Este genoma tiene un tamaño aproximado de 7.8 Mb, organizado en un cromosoma y 5 replicones extracromosómicos, que incluyen un plásmido simbiótico de 405 kb. Este nuevo genoma se ha analizado en relación a las funciones simbióticas y adaptativas en comparación con los genomas completos de Rlv 3841 y Rl bv. trifolii WSM1325 y WSM2304. Mientras que los plásmidos pUPM791a y b se encuentran conservados, el plásmido simbiótico pUPM791c exhibe un grado de conservación muy bajo comparado con aquellos descritos en las otras cepas de Rl. Uno de los factores implicados en el establecimiento de la simbiosis es el sistema de comunicación intercelular conocido como Quorum Sensing (QS). El análisis del genoma de Rlv UPM791 ha permitido la identificación de dos sistemas tipo LuxRI mediados por señales de tipo N-acyl-homoserina lactonas (AHLs). El análisis mediante HPLC-MS ha permitido asociar las señales C6-HSL, C7-HSL y C8-HSL al sistema rhiRI, codificado en el plásmido simbiótico; mientras que el sistema cinRI, localizado en el cromosoma, produce 3OH-C14:1-HSL. Se ha identificado una tercera sintasa (TraI) codificada en el plásmido simbiótico, pero su regulador correspondiente se encuentra truncado debido a un salto de fase. Adicionalmente, se han encontrado tres reguladores de tipo LuxR-orphan que no presentan una sintasa LuxI asociada. El efecto potencial de las señales tipo AHL se ha estudiado mediante una estrategia de quorum quenching, la cual interfiere con los sistemas de QS de la bacteria. Esta estrategia está basada en la introducción del gen aiiA de Bacillus subtilis, que expresa constitutivamente una enzima lactonasa degradadora de AHLs. Para llevar a cabo el análisis en condiciones simbióticas, se ha desarrollado un sistema de doble marcaje que permite la identificación basado en los marcadores gusA y celB, que codifican para una enzima β–glucuronidasa y una β–galactosidasa termoestable, respectivamente. Los resultados obtenidos indican que Rlv UPM791 predomina sobre la cepa Rlv 3841 para la formación de nódulos en plantas de guisante. La baja estabilidad del plásmido que codifica para aiiA, no ha permitido obtener una conclusión definitiva sobre el efecto de la lactonasa AiiA en competitividad. Con el fin de analizar el significado y la regulación de la producción de moléculas señal tipo AHL, se han generado mutantes defectivos en cada uno de los dos sistemas de QS. Se ha llevado a cabo un análisis detallado sobre la producción de AHLs, formación de biofilm y simbiosis con plantas de guisante, veza y lenteja. El efecto de las deleciones de los genes rhiI y rhiR en Rlv UPM791 es más drástico en ausencia del plásmido pUPM791d. Mutaciones en cinI o cinRIS muestran tanto ausencia de señales, como producción exclusivamente de las de bajo peso molecular, respectivamente, producidas por el sistema rhiRI. Estas mutaciones mostraron un efecto importante en simbiosis. El sistema rhiRI se necesita para un comportamiento simbiótico normal. Además, mutantes cinRIS generaron nódulos blancos e ineficientes, mientras que el mutante cinI fue incapaz de producir nódulos en ninguna de las leguminosas utilizadas. Dicha mutación resultó en la inestabilización del plasmido simbiótico por un mecanismo dependiente de cinI que no ha sido aclarado. En general, los resultados obtenidos indican la existencia de un modelo de regulación dependiente de QS significativamente distinto a los que se han descrito previamente en otras cepas de R. leguminosarum, en las cuales no se había observado ningún fenotipo relevante en simbiosis. La regulación de la producción de AHLs Rlv UPM791 es un proceso complejo que implica genes situados en los plásmidos UPM791c y UPM791d, además de la señal 3-OH-C14:1-HSL. Finalmente, se ha identificado un transportador de tipo RND, homologo a mexAB-oprM de P. aeruginosa e implicado en la extrusión de AHLs de cadena larga. La mutación he dicho transportador no tuvo efectos apreciables sobre la simbiosis. ABSTRACT Rhizobium leguminosarum (Rl) is a soil alpha-proteobacterium that establishes a diazotrophic symbiosis with different legumes. Despite the importance of this symbiosis to the global nitrogen cycling balance, very few rhizobial genomes have been sequenced so far which provide new insights into the genetic features contributing to symbiotically relevant processes. Only three complete sequences of Rl strains have been published: Rl bv. viciae 3841, harboring six plasmids (7.75 Mb) and two Rl bv. trifolii (WSM1325 and WSM2304), both clover symbionts, harboring 5 and 4 plasmids, respectively (7.41 and 6.87 Mb). The genomic sequence of Rlv UPM791 was undertaken by means of 454 sequencing. Illumina and Sanger reads were used to improve the assembly, leading to 17 final contigs. This genome has an estimated size of 7.8 Mb organized in one chromosome and five extrachromosomal replicons, including a 405 kb symbiotic plasmid. Four of these plasmids are already closed, whereas there are still gaps in the smallest one (pUPM791d) due to the presence of insertion elements and repeated sequences, which difficult the assembly. The annotation has been carried out thanks to the Manatee pipeline. This new genome has been analyzed as regarding symbiotic and adaptive functions in comparison to the Rlv 3841 complete genome, and to those from Rl bv. trifolii strains WSM1325 and WSM2304. While plasmids pUPM791a and b are conserved, the symbiotic plasmid pUPM791c exhibited the lowest degree of conservation as compared to those from the other Rl strains. One of the factors involved in the symbiotic process is the intercellular communication system known as Quorum Sensing (QS). This mechanism allows bacteria to carry out diverse biological processes in a coordinate way through the production and detection of extracellular signals that regulate the transcription of different target genes. Analysis of the Rlv UPM791 genome allowed the identification of two LuxRI-like systems mediated by N-acyl-homoserine lactones (AHLs). HPLC-MS analysis allowed the adscription of C6-HSL, C7-HSL and C8-HSL signals to the rhiRI system, encoded in the symbiotic plasmid, whereas the cinRI system, located in the chromosome, produces 3OH-C14:1-HSL, previously described as “bacteriocin small”. A third synthase (TraI) is encoded also in the symbiotic plasmid, but its cognate regulator TraR is not functional due to a fameshift mutation. Three additional LuxR orphans were also found which no associated LuxI-type synthase. The potential effect of AHLs has been studied by means of a quorum quenching approach to interfere with the QS systems of the bacteria. This approach is based upon the introduction into the strains Rl UPM791 and Rl 3841 of the Bacillus subtilis gene aiiA expressing constitutively an AHL-degrading lactonase enzyme which led to virtual absence of AHL even when AiiA-expressing cells were a fraction of the total population. No significant effect of AiiA-mediated AHL removal on competitiveness for growth in solid surface was observed. For analysis under symbiotic conditions we have set up a two-label system to identify nodules produced by two different strains in pea roots, based on the markers gusA and celB, encoding a β–glucuronidase and a thermostable β–galactosidase enzymes, respectively. The results obtained show that Rlv UPM791 outcompetes Rlv 3841 for nodule formation in pea plants, and that the presence of the AiiA plasmid does not significantly affect the relative competitiveness of the two Rlv strains. However, the low stability of the pME6863 plasmid, encoding aiiA, did not lead to a clear conclusion about the AiiA lactonase effect on competitiveness. In order to further analyze the significance and regulation of the production of AHL signal molecules, mutants deficient in each of the two QS systems were constructed. A detailed analysis of the effect of these mutations on AHL production, biofilm formation and symbiosis with pea, vetch and lentil plants has been carried out. The effect of deletions on Rlv UPM791 rhiI and rhiR genes is more pronounced in the absence of plasmid pUPM791d, as no signal is detected in UPM791.1, lacking this plasmid. Mutations in cinI or cinRIS show either no signals, or only the small ones produced by the rhiRI system, suggesting that cinR might be regulating the rhiRI system. These mutations had a strong effect on symbiosis. Analysis of rhi mutants revealed that rhiRI system is required for normal symbiotic performance, as a drastic reduction of symbiotic fitness is observed when rhiI is deleted, and rhiR is essential for nitrogen fixation in the absence of plasmid pUPM791d. Furthermore, cinRIS mutants resulted in white and inefficient nodules, whereas cinI mutant was unable to form nodules on any legume tested. The latter mutation is associated to the instabilization of the symbiotic plasmid through a mechanism still uncovered. Overall, the results obtained indicate the existence of a model of QS-dependent regulation significantly different to that previously described in other R. leguminosarum strains, where no relevant symbiotic phenotype had been observed. The regulation of AHL production in Rlv UPM791 is a complex process involving the symbiotic plasmid (pUPM791c) and the smallest plasmid (pUPM791d), with a key role for the 3-OH-C14:1-HSL signal. Finally, we made a search for potential AHL transporters in Rlv UPM791 genome. These signals diffuse freely across membranes, but in the case of the long-chain AHLs an active efflux system might be required, as it has been described for C12-HSL in the case of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. We have identified a putative AHL transporter of the RND family homologous to P. aeruginosa mexAB-oprM. A mutant strain deficient in this transporter has been generated, and TLC analysis shows absence of 3OH-C14:1-HSL in its supernatant. This deficiency was complemented by the reintroduction of an intact copy of the genes via plasmid transfer. The mutation in mexAB genes had no significant effects on the symbiotic performance of R. leguminosarum bv. viciae.


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Helicobacter pylori è un batterio Gram-negativo in grado di colonizzare la mucosa gastrica umana e persistere per l'intero arco della vita dell'ospite. E' associato a patologie gastrointestinali, quali gastrite cronica, ulcere gastriche e duodenali, adenocarcinomi e linfomi gastrici. Si tratta di uno dei patogeni più diffusi, presente in circa metà della popolazione mondiale, e il solo che si è adattato a vivere nell'ambiente ostile dello stomaco umano. Molteplici sono i fattori di virulenza che permettono al batterio la colonizzazione della nicchia gastrica e contribuiscono, anche attraverso l' induzione di una risposta infiammatoria, a profonde modificazioni dell' omeostasi gastrica. Queste ultime si associano, ad esempio, all'iperproduzione di fattori proinfiammatori, ad alterazioni sia della regolazione della secrezione acida gastrica sia del ciclo cellulare e della morte cellulare programmata (apoptosi) delle cellule epiteliali gastriche, a disordini nel metabolismo del ferro e a carenze di elementi essenziali. Studi sulla diversità genetica di H. pylori osservata in ceppi isolati da varie regioni del mondo, dimostrano che tale batterio ha avuto una coevoluzione col genere umano attraverso la storia, ed è verosimile che H. pylori sia stato un costituente del microbiota gastrico per almeno 50.000 anni. Scopo della tesi è stato quello di identificare e caratterizzare proteine importanti per la colonizzazione e l'adattamento di H. pylori alla nicchia gastrica. In particolare gli sforzi si sono concentrati su due proteine periplasmatiche, la prima coinvolta nella difesa antiossidante (l'enzima catalasi-like, HP0485), e la seconda nel trasporto di nutrienti presenti nell'ambiente dello stomaco all'interno della cellula (la componente solubile di un ABC transporter, HP0298). La strategia utilizzata prevede un'analisi bioinformatica preliminare, l'ottenimento del gene per amplificazione, mediante PCR, dal genoma dell'organismo, la costruzione di un vettore per il clonaggio, l'espressione eterologa in E. coli e la successiva purificazione. La proteina così ottenuta viene caratterizzata mediante diverse tecniche, quali spettroscopia UV, dicroismo circolare, gel filtrazione analitica, spettrometria di massa. Il capitolo 1 contiene un'introduzione generale sul batterio, il capitolo 2 e il capitolo 3 descrivono gli studi relativi alle due proteine e sono entrambi suddivisi in un abstract iniziale, un'introduzione, la presentazione dei risultati, la discussione di questi ultimi, i materiali e i metodi utilizzati. La catalasi-like (HP0485) è una proteina periplasmatica con struttura monomerica, appartenente ad una famiglia di enzimi a funzione per la maggior parte sconosciuta, ma evolutivamente correlati alla ben nota catalasi, attore fondamentale nella difesa di H. pylori, grazie alla sua azione specifica di rimozione dell'acqua ossigenata. HP0485, pur conservando il fold catalasico e il legame al cofattore eme, non può compiere la reazione di dismutazione dell'acqua ossigenata; possiede invece un'attività perossidasica ad ampio spettro, essendo in grado di accoppiare la riduzione del perossido di idrogeno all'ossidazione di diversi substrati. Come la catalasi, lavora ad alte concentrazioni di aqua ossigenata e non arriva a saturazione a concentrazioni molto elevate di questo substrato (200 mM); la velocità di reazione catalizzata rimane lineare anche a questi valori, aspetto che la differenzia dalle perossidasi che vengono in genere inattivate da concentrazioni di perossido di idrogeno superiori a 10-50 mM. Queste caratteristiche di versatilità e robustezza suggeriscono che la catalasi-like abbia un ruolo di scavenger dell'acqua ossigenata e probabilmente anche un'altra funzione connessa al suo secondo substrato, ossia l'ossidazione di composti nello spazio periplasmatico cellulare. Oltre alla caratterizzazione dell'attività è descritta anche la presenza di un ponte disolfuro, conservato nelle catalasi-like periplasmatiche, con un ruolo nell'assemblaggio dell'eme per ottenere un enzima attivo e funzionale. La proteina periplasmatica HP0298, componente di un sistema di trasporto ABC, è classificata come trasportatore di dipeptidi e appartiene a una famiglia di proteine in grado di legare diversi substrati, tra cui di- e oligopeptidi, nichel, eme, glutatione. Benchè tutte associate a trasportatori di membrana batterici, queste proteine presentano un dominio di legame al substrato che risulta essere conservato nei domini extracellulari di recettori specifici di mammifero e uomo. Un esempio sono i recettori ionotropici e metabotropici del sistema nervoso. Per caratterizzare questa proteina è stato messo a punto un protocollo di ligand-fishing accoppiato alla spettrometria di massa. La proteina purificata, avente un tag di istidine, è stata incubata con un estratto cellulare di H. pylori per poter interagire con il suo substrato specifico all'interno dell'ambiente naturale in cui avviene il legame. Il complesso proteina-ligando è stato poi purificato per cromatografia di affinità e analizzato mediante HPLC-MS. L'identificazione dei picchi differenziali tra campioni con la proteina e 5 campioni di controllo ha portato alla caratterizzazione di pentapeptidi particolarmente ricchi in aminoacidi idrofobici e con almeno un residuo carico negativamente. Considerando che H. pylori necessita di alcuni aminoacidi essenziali, per la maggior parte idrofobici, e che lo stomaco umano è particolarmente ricco di peptidi prodotti dalla digestione delle proteine introdotte con il cibo, il ruolo fisiologico di HP0298 potrebbe essere l'internalizzazione di peptidi, con caratteristiche specifiche di lunghezza e composizione, che sono naturalmente presenti nella nicchia gastrica.


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Os ésteres de ftalato (PAEs) são compostos produzidos em grandes quantidades, amplamente utilizados industrialmente como agentes plastificantes. Seus resíduos são lixiviados pela água tornando-se poluentes orgânicos persistentes (POPs) no meio ambiente aquoso, além de apresentar características de interferência endócrina. O dietil ftalato (DEP) é frequentemente encontrado nas amostras ambientais, pois possui elevada solubilidade na água e pode ser gerado durante a degradação de outros PAEs. Assim, este trabalho teve como objetivo a degradação do dietil ftalato em meio aquoso por método eletroquímico utilizando um ânodo dimensionalmente estável (ADE) comercial representado como Ti/Ru0,3Ti0,7O2 em uma célula do tipo filtro-prensa. As eletrólises foram de 120 minutos contendo uma concentração inicial de 100,3 mg L-1 de DEP, pH inicial igual a 3, a temperatura em 25 °C e vazão em 250 mL min-1. Os experimentos foram feitos utilizando planejamento fatorial do tipo 32 com duas réplicas no ponto central, apresentando como variáveis independentes a densidade de corrente (10, 25 e 40 mA cm-2) e o logaritmo em base 10 da forca iônica do eletrólito suporte, NaCl e Na2SO4 (µ = 0,05, 0,15 e 0,5 mol L-1), com o intuito de estudar o efeito da densidade de corrente, concentração e natureza do eletrólito para determinar a melhor condição de degradação do dietil ftalato. O monitoramento da concentração do DEP foi feito com cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência (CLAE) e a mineralização foi acompanhada pelas análises de carbono orgânico total (COT). Foram obtidas maiores porcentagens de remoção e mineralização com uso das maiores densidades de corrente e na presença de altas concentrações de NaCl em comparação com Na2SO4. Dessa maneira, se obteve remoção de 63,2 % e mineralização de 63,9 % em solução 0,5 mol L-1 NaCl e densidade de corrente de 40 mA cm-2, enquanto que para Na2SO4 (µ = 0,5 mol L-1) e 40 mA cm-2 foi removido 51,3 % e mineralizado 53,0 % de DEP. O mecanismo de degradação de DEP foi determinado em meio de NaCl e Na2SO4, através de CLAE-MS nas condições citadas anteriormente, identificando-se os íons moleculares de m/z 149 e 177 em ambos eletrólitos, correspondentes ao anidrido ftálico protonado e ao aduto do anidrido ftálico com C(2)H(5)(+) respectivamente, íons característicos da fragmentação do DEP, além do íon m/z 239 em Na2SO4 correspondente ao dietil 3-hidroxiftalato. A degradação do DEP acontece através da cadeia alifática.


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L’utilisation de lentilles cornéennes peut servir à améliorer le profil d’administration d’un principe actif dans les yeux. Avec une efficacité d’administration de 5% par l’utilisation de gouttes, on comprend rapidement que l’administration oculaire doit être améliorée. Cette faible administration a donné naissance à plusieurs tentatives visant à fabriquer des lentilles cornéennes médicamentées. Cependant, à cause de multiples raisons, aucune de ces tentatives n’a actuellement été mise sur le marché. Nous proposons dans cette étude, une possible amélioration des systèmes établis par le développement d’une lentille cornéenne à base de 2-(hydroxyéthyle)méthacrylate (HEMA), dans laquelle des microgels, à base de poly N-isopropylacrylamide (pNIPAM) thermosensible encapsulant un principe actif, seront incorporé. Nous avons donc débuté par développer une méthode analytique sensible par HPCL-MS/MS capable de quantifier plusieurs molécules à la fois. La méthode résultante a été validée selon les différents critères de la FDA et l’ICH en démontrant des limites de quantifications et de détections suffisamment basses, autant dans des fluides simulés que dans les tissus d’yeux de lapins. La méthode a été validée pour sept médicaments ophtalmiques : Pilocarpine, lidocaïne, proparacaïne, atropine, acétonide de triamcinolone, timolol et prednisolone. Nous avons ensuite fait la synthèse des microgels chargés négativement à base de NIPAM et d’acide méthacrylique (MAA). Nous avons encapsulé une molécule modèle dans des particules ayant une taille entre 200 et 600 nm dépendant de la composition ainsi qu’un potentiel zêta variant en fonction de la température. L’encapsulation de la rhodamine 6G (R6G) dans les microgels a été possible jusqu’à un chargement (DL%) de 38%. L’utilisation des isothermes de Langmuir a permis de montrer que l’encapsulation était principalement le résultat d’interactions électrostatiques entre les MAA et la R6G. Des cinétiques de libérations ont été effectuées à partir d’hydrogels d’acrylamide chargés en microgels encapsulant la R6G. Il a été trouvé que la libération des hydrogels chargés en microgels s’effectuait majoritairement selon l’affinité au microgel et sur une période d’environ 4-24 heures. La libération à partir de ces systèmes a été comparée à des formules d’hydrogels contenant des liposomes ou des nanogels de chitosan. Ces trois derniers (liposomes, microgels et nanogels) ont présenté des résultats prometteurs pour différentes applications avec différents profils de libérations. Enfin, nous avons transposé le modèle développé avec les gels d’acrylamide pour fabriquer des lentilles de contact de 260 à 340 µm d’épaisseur à base de pHEMA contenant les microgels avec une molécule encapsulée devant être administrée dans les yeux. Nous avons modifié la composition de l’hydrogel en incorporant un polymère linéaire, la polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP). L’obtention d’hydrogels partiellement interpénétrés améliore la rétention d’eau dans les lentilles cornéennes. L’encapsulation dans les microgels chargés négativement a donné de meilleurs rendements avec la lidocaïne et cette dernière a été libérée de la lentille de pHEMA en totalité en approximativement 2 heures qu’elle soit ou non encapsulée dans des microgels. Ainsi dans cette étude pilote, l’impact des microgels n’a pas pu être déterminé et, de ce fait, nécessitera des études approfondies sur la structure et les propriétés de la lentille qui a été développée. En utilisant des modèles de libération plus représentatifs de la physiologie de l’œil, nous pourrions conclure avec plus de certitude concernant l’efficacité d’un tel système d’administration et s’il est possible de l’optimiser.


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Free drug measurement and pharmacodymanic markers provide the opportunity for a better understanding of drug efficacy and toxicity. High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)-mass spectrometry (MS) is a powerful analytical technique that could facilitate the measurement of free drug and these markers. Currently, there are very few published methods for the determination of free drug concentrations by HPLC-MS. The development of atmospheric pressure ionisation sources, together with on-line microdialysis or on-line equilibrium dialysis and column switching techniques have reduced sample run times and increased assay efficiency. The availability of such methods will aid in drug development and the clinical use of certain drugs, including anti-convulsants, anti-arrhythmics, immunosuppressants, local anaesthetics, anti-fungals and protease inhibitors. The history of free drug measurement and an overview of the current HPLC-MS applications for these drugs are discussed. Immunosuppressant drugs are used as an example for the application of HPLC-MS in the measurement of drug pharmacodynamics. Potential biomarkers of immunosuppression that could be measured by HPLC-MS include purine nucleoside/nucleotides, drug-protein complexes and phosphorylated peptides. At the proteomic level, two-dimensional gel electrophoresis combined with matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionisation time-of-flight (TOF) MS is a powerful tool for identifying proteins involved in the response to inflammatory mediators. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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In Australian freshwaters, Anabaena circinalis, Microcystis spp. and Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii are the dominant toxic cyanobacteria. Many of these Surface waters are used as drinking water resources. Therefore, the National Health and Medical Research Council of Australia set a guideline for MC-LR toxicity equivalents of 1.3 mug/l drinking, water. However, due to lack of adequate data, no guideline values for paralytic shellfish poisons (PSPs) (e.g. saxitoxins) or cylindrospermopsin (CYN) have been set. In this spot check. the concentration of microcystins (MCs), PSPs and CYN were determined by ADDA-ELISA, cPPA, HPLC-DAD and/or HPLC-MS/MS, respectively, in two water treatment plants in Queensland/Australia and compared to phytoplankton data collected by Queensland Health, Brisbane. Depending on the predominant cyanobacterial species in a bloom, concentrations of up to 8.0, 17.0 and 1.3 mug/l were found for MCs, PSPs and CYN, respectively. However, only traces (< 1.0 mug/l) of these toxins were detected in final water (final product of the drinking water treatment plant) and tap water (household sample). Despite the low concentrations of toxins detected in drinking water, a further reduction of cyanobacterial toxins is recommended to guarantee public safety. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The uptake and metabolism profiles of ginsenoside Rh2 and its aglycon protopanaxadiol (ppd) were studied in the human epithelial Caco-2 cell line. High-performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry was applied to determine Rh2 and its aglycon ppd concentration in the cells at different pH, temperature, concentration levels and in the presence or absence of inhibitors. Rh2 uptake was time and concentration dependent, and its uptake rates were reduced by metabolic inhibitors and influenced by low temperature, thus indicating that the absorption process was energy-dependent. Drug uptake was maximal when the extracellular pH was 7.0 for Rh2 and 8.0 for ppd. Rh2 kinetic analysis showed that a non-saturable component (K-d 0.17 nmol (.) h(-1) (.) mg(-1) protein) and an active transport system with a K-m of 3.95 mumol (.) l(-1) and a V-max of 4.78 nmol(.)h(-1) (.)mg(-1) protein were responsible for the drug uptake. Kinetic analysis of ppd showed a non-saturable component (K-d 0.78 nmol (.) h(-1) (.) mg(-1) protein). It was suggested that active extrusion of P-glycoprotein and drug degradation in the intestine may influence Rh2 bioavailability.


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During the analytical method development for BAY 11-7082 ((E)-3-[4-methylphenylsulfonyl]-2-propenenitrile), using HPLC-MS-MS and HPLC-UV, we observed that the protein removal process (both ultrafiltration and precipitation method using organic solvents) prior to HPLC brought about a significant reduction in the concentration of this compound. The use of a structurally similar internal standard, BAY 11-7085 ((E)-3-[4-t-butylphenylsulfonyl]-2-propenenitrile), was not effective in compensating for the loss of analyte as the extent of reduction was different to that of the analyte. We present here a systematic investigation of this problem and a new validated method for the determination of BAY 11-7082. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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La presente tesi di dottorato ha riguardato l'indagine fitochimica della biodiversità spontanea di Humulus lupulus L. in Emilia Romagna e la valutazione degli effetti del clima dell'Italia settentrionale sul metabolismo secondario di cultivar di luppolo. In particolare, lo studio ha previsto l'individuazione di ecotipi di luppolo provenienti da zone planiziali e collinari di'Emilia Romagna e Lombardia, la loro messa a dimora in un campo collezione appositamente allestito, e il monitoraggio della resa di campo e della produzione di metaboliti secondari di natura polare (acilfluoroglucinoli, flavonidi isoprenilati) e apolare (terpeni e sequiterpeni). Gli obiettivi primari sono stati la valutazione di entità da portare direttamente in coltivazione o da introdurre in percorsi di breeding del luppolo in Italia, oltre all'ottimizzazione di metodi innovativi per lo screening dell'intero germoplasma italiano. Per definire le caratteristiche fitochimiche dei coni di luppolo sono stati messi a punto metodi cromatografici HPLC-UV, HPLC-MS/MS e GC-MS e metodi spettroscopici 1H-NMR. Nel corso del triennio i metodi sono stati applicati a 10 cultivar e oltre 30 ecotipi , alcuni dei quali hanno fornito dati anche a conclusione dell'intero periodo di acclimatazione. Per tutti si è anche verificata la resilienza alle diverse condizioni climatiche incontrate Le analisi chimiche hanno permesso di individuare una sostanziale differenza tra gli ecotipi e le cultivar, con i primi che si caratterizzano per una produzione modesta di α-acidi e β-acidi e un profilo aromatico ricco di isomeri del selinene. Questo risultato può essere interessante per l’industria della birra nazionale e in particolare per il settore dei microbirrifici artigianali, in quanto i luppoli più pregiati sono proprio quelli con un basso contenuto di acidi amari e ricchi di oli essenziali che possano impartire alle birre prodotte note aromatiche particolari e legate al territorio. L’indagine agronomica monitorata su tre anni di produzione ha anche fatto emergere la resistenza degli ecotipi italiani al clima caldo e siccitoso e ha evidenziato invece come le cultivar estere abbiano limiti fisiologici a queste condizioni. Confrontando il profilo fitochimico delle cultivar coltivate in Italia con i prodotti acquistati nei paesi d’origine è emerso che il metabolismo secondario per alcune cultivar è particolarmente differente, come nel caso della cultivar Marynka, che rispetto agli standard commerciali ha prodotto in Italia coni ricchi di oli essenziali con alte quantità di trans-β-farnesene, cambiandone le caratteristiche da varietà amaricante ad aromatica. I risultati ottenuti dimostrano la fattibilità della coltivazione di Humulus lupulus L. sul territorio nazionale con ottime prospettive di produttività per gli ecotipi italiani. Inoltre da questi primi risultati è ora possibile intraprendere un programma di breeding per la creazione di nuove varietà, più resistenti al caldo e con le caratteristiche desiderate in base all’utilizzo del prodotto, sia per quanto riguarda l’industria della birra, sia la cosmetico-farmaceutica per la produzione di estratti.


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HPLC MS/MS has shown great potential in the measurement of DNA oxidative damage. Its accuracy depends on the use of multiply isotopically labelled internal standards. In this report, multiply isotopically labelled (M + 4) guanine internal standards were prepared in the form of base, nucleoside, as well as DNA oligomer. To our knowledge, this is the first chemical synthesis of oligomers containing (M + 4) guanine, and we believe that they can be used to develop a procedure that can make further improvement to the existing analytical procedures. Copyright © Taylor & Francis, Inc.


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Development of accurate and sensitive analytical methods to measure the level of biomarkers, such as 8-oxo-guanine or its corresponding nucleoside, 8-oxo-2’-deoxyguanosine, has become imperative in the study of DNA oxidative damage in vivo. Of the most promising techniques, HPLC-MS/MS, has many attractive advantages. Like any method that employs the MS technique, its accuracy depends on the use of multiply, isotopically-labelled internal standards. This project is aimed at making available such internal standards. The first task was to synthesise the multiply, isotopically-labelled bases (M+4) guanine and (M+4) 8-oxo-guanine. Synthetic routes for both (M+4) guanine and (M+4) 8-oxo-guanine were designed and validated using the unlabelled compounds. The reaction conditions were also optimized during the “dry runs”. The amination of the 4-hydroxy-2,6-dichloropyrimidine, appeared to be very sensitive to the purity of the commercial [15]N benzylamine reagent. Having failed, after several attempts, to obtain the pure reagent from commercial suppliers, [15]N benzylamine was successfully synthesised in our laboratory and used in the first synthesis of (M+4) guanine. Although (M+4) bases can be, and indeed have been used as internal standards in the quantitative analysis of oxidative damage, they can not account for the errors that may occur during the early sample preparation stages. Therefore, internal standards in the form of nucleosides and DNA oligomers are more desirable. After evaluating a number of methods, an enzymatic transglycolization technique was adopted for the transfer of the labelled bases to give their corresponding nucleosides. Both (M+4) 2-deoxyguanosine and (M+4) 8-oxo-2’-deoxyguanosine can be purified on micro scale by HPLC. The challenge came from the purification of larger scale (>50 mg) synthesis of nucleosides. A gel filtration method was successfully developed, which resulted in excellent separation of (M+4) 2’-deoxyguanosine from the incubation mixture. The (M+4) 2’-deoxyguanosine was then fully protected in three steps and successfully incorporated, by solid supported synthesis, into a DNA oligomer containing 18 residues. Thus, synthesis of 8-oxo-deoxyguanosine on a bigger scale for its future incorporation into DNA oligomers is now a possibility resulting from this thesis work. We believe that these internal standards can be used to develop procedures that can make the measurement of oxidative DNA damage more accurate and sensitive.


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There is a growing awareness that inflammatory diseases have an oxidative pathology, which can result in specific oxidation of amino acids within proteins. It is known that patients with inflammatory disease have higher levels of plasma protein nitro-tyrosine than healthy controls. Fibrinogen is an abundant plasma protein, highly susceptible to such oxidative modifications, and is therefore a potential marker for oxidative protein damage. The aim of this study was to map tyrosine nitration in fibrinogen under oxidative conditions and identify susceptible residues. Fibrinogen was oxidised with 0.25mM and 1mM SIN-1, a peroxynitrite generator, and methionine was used to quench excess oxidant in the samples. The carbonyl assay was used to confirm oxidation in the samples. The carbonyl levels were 2.3, 8.72 and 11.5nmol/mg protein in 0, 0.25mM and 1mM SIN-1 samples respectively. The samples were run on a SDS-PAGE gel and tryptically digested before analysis by HPLC MS-MS. All 3 chains of fibrinogen were observed for all treatment conditions. The overall sequence coverage for fibrinogen determined by Mascot was between 60-75%. The oxidised samples showed increases in oxidative modifications in both alpha and beta chains, commonly methionine sulfoxide and tyrosine nitration, correlating with increasing SIN-1 treatment. Tyrosines that were most susceptible were Tyr135 (tryptic peptide YLQEIYNSNNQK) and Tyr277 (tryptic peptide GGSTSYGTGSETESPR), but several other nitrated tyrosines were also identified with high confidence. Identification of these susceptible peptides will allow design of sequences-specific biomarkers of oxidative and nitrative damage to plasma protein in inflammatory conditions.


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Recent studies have established that yolk hormones of maternal origin have significant effects on the physiology and behavior of offspring in birds. Herrington (2012) demonstrated that an elevation of progesterone in yolk elevates emotional reactivity in bobwhite quail neonates. Chicks that hatched from progesterone treated eggs displayed increased latency in tonic immobility and did not emerge as quickly from a covered location into an open field compared to control groups. For the present study, three experimental groups were formed: chicks hatched from eggs with artificially elevated progesterone (P), chicks hatched from an oil-vehicle control group (V), and chicks hatched from a non-manipulated control group (C). Experiment 1 examined levels of progesterone with High Performance Liquid Chromatography/tandem Mass Spectroscopy (HPLC/MS) from prenatal day 1 to prenatal day 17 in bobwhite quail egg yolk. In Experiment 2, bobwhite quail embryos were passively exposed to an individual maternal assembly call for 24 hours prior to hatching. Chicks were then tested individually for their preference between the familiarized call and a novel call at 24 and 48 hours following hatching. For Experiment 3, newly hatched chicks were exposed to an individual maternal assembly call for 24-hrs. Chicks were then tested for their preference for the familiarized call at 24 and 48-hrs after hatch. Results of Experiment 1 showed that yolk progesterone levels were significantly elevated in treated eggs and were present in the egg yolk longer into prenatal development than the two control groups. Results from Experiment 2 indicated that chicks from the P group failed to demonstrate a preference for the familiar bobwhite maternal assembly call at 24 or 48-hrs after hatch following 24-hrs of prenatal exposure. In contrast, chicks from the C and V groups demonstrated a significant preference for the familiarized call. In Experiment 3, chicks from the P group showed an enhanced preference for the familiarized bobwhite maternal call compared to chicks from the C and V groups at 24 and 48-hrs after hatch. The results of these experiments suggest that elevated maternal yolk hormone levels in pre-incubated bobwhite quail eggs can influence auditory perceptual learning in embryos and neonates.^


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The Banisteriopsis genus is widespread in traditional medicine. This work aims to contribute with information about the chemical composition and on the evaluation of the biological activity of the essential oil, the ethanol extract of the leaves and partitions of the Banisteriopsis laevifolia. The phytochemical screeningtest of ethanol extract and partitions of leaves indicated the presence of flavonoids, terpenoids, saponins, phenols and steroids compounds. Nitrogenous compounds, characteristic of some species of this family, were not detected. Flavonoids were the predominant metabolite, with the highest concentrations on the partitions ethyl acetate and n-butanol. The antibacterial activity, antifungal and cytotoxicity of the essetial oil, ethanol extract and partitions were assyed by microdilution broth method (MBM), where the minimum inhibitory concentrations (MIC) were calculated. The ethanol extract and partitions did not inhibit growth against to Gram positive bacteria tested, with MIC less than 400 mg L-1. For the Gram negative bacteria tested, the hexane and hydroethanol partitios were more effective against F. nucleatum bacteria (MIC 100 ug mL-1). The ethanol extract showed antifungal activity with MIC of 31.2 mg L-1. Ethyl acetate and n-butanol partitions showed MIC 187.5 mg L-1 and 93.7 mg L-1, respectively, arousing interest for isolation studies. The antioxidant activity was evaluated by the DPPH free radical method. The ethanolic extract, ethyl acetate and n-butanol partitions were active, since they showed EC50 values (4.53 ug mL-1, 4.07 and 8.39 ug mL-1, respectively), values equivalent to the BHT (7.3 mg L-1). The analysis by HPLC-MS/MS of the most active fractions (ethyl acetate and n-butanol) identified phenolic compounds (flavonols and phenolic acids) which exert recognized biological activity. The GC-MS analysis of the essential oils from leaves collected in two periods studied (dry and wet), showed a small variation in the number of compounds. The major classes identified for the oil collected in the dry period were aliphatic alcohols (23,4%), terpenoids (18.7%), sterols (10.4%) and long-chain alkanes (9.2%) compounds. Terpenoids (26.8%) were the major class for the rain season. The major compounds (3Z) -hexenol, phytol and untriacontano are present in the two seasons but in different amounts (19.4%, 9.8% and 7.5% during the dry season, and 17.0 %, 14.9% and 15.3% in the rainy season, respectively). The essential oil from rainy season was not effective against to the oral bacteria Gram positive and Gram negative tested. However, showed significant antifungal activity with MIC 1000 mg L-1 against Candidas. Thus, the promising results with respect to biological assays of ethanolic extract and partitions from B. laevifolia contributed to the chemical and biological knowledge of the species B. laevifolia.


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En la presente Tesis Doctoral, se estudió la obtención e identificación de péptidos alimentarios mediante el uso de hidrólisis enzimática y sus efectos sobre la salud gastrointestinal. La secuenciación y cuantificación de los péptidos se realizó mediante cromatografía de líquidos de alta eficacia en fase inversa acoplada a espectrometría de masas en tándem (RP-HPLC-MS/MS). Se analizaron distintos hidrolizados y digeridos gastrointestinales de caseínas, proteínas de suero de leche y lunasina. Inicialmente, se propone la producción de caseinofosfopéptidos (CPPs) mediante la hidrólisis con tripsina de un subproducto de caseína generado durante la fabricación de un ingrediente funcional con actividad antihipertensiva. La identificación y la semi-cuantificación de CPPs revelaron algunos cambios cualitativos y cuantitativos en los CPPs generados en los hidrolizados con distintas condiciones de tiempo de hidrólisis y precipitación selectiva. Una vez realizada la identificación de CPPs en los hidrolizados trípticos, el subproducto también se sometió a un proceso de digestión gastrointestinal simulando las condiciones fisiológicas. La comparación de los péptidos resultantes mostró gran homología en las secuencias de CPPs formados por la hidrólisis con tripsina y la digestión gastrointestinal simulada. Se observó que algunas regiones de αS1-caseína, concretamente las comprendidas entre los residuos (43-59) y (60-74), de la αs1-caseína y los residuos (1-25) y (30-50) de β-caseína, fueron capaces de resistir tanto a la hidrólisis con tripsina como a la digestión gastrointestinal. Por lo tanto, se demuestra que el subproducto industrial puede ser empleado como fuente de CPPs para favorecer la absorción de minerales a nivel intestinal...