988 resultados para Hauser, Kaspar


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Nanomaterials with structures in the nanoscale (1 to 100 nm) often have chemical, physical and bioactive characteristics different from those of larger entities of the same material. This is interesting for industry but raises questions about the health of exposed people. However, little is known so far about the exposure of workers to inhalable airborne nanomaterials. We investigated several activities in research laboratories and industry to learn about relevant exposure scenarios. Work process analyses were combined with measurements of airborne particle mass concentrations and number−size distributions. Background levels in research settings were mostly low, while in industrial production, levels were sometimes elevated, especially in halls near busy roads or in the presence of diesel fork lifts without particle filters. Peak levels were found in an industrial setting dealing with powders (up to 80,000 particles/cm³ and up to 15 mg/m³). Mostly low concentrations were found for activities involving liquid applications. However, centrifugation and lyophilization of nanoparticle containing solutions resulted in very high particle number concentrations (up to 300,000 particles/cm³), whereas no increases were seen for the same activities conducted with nanoparticle−free liquids. No significant increases of particle concentrations were found for processes involving nanoparticles bound to surfaces. Also no increases were observed in laboratories that were visualizing properties and structures of small amounts of nanomaterials. Conclusion: When studying exposure scenarios for airborne nanomaterials, the focus should not only be on processes involving nano−powders, but also on processes involving intensively treated nanoparticle−containing liquids. Acknowledgement: We thank Chantal Imhof, MSc and Guillaume Ferraris, MSc for their contributions.


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Pneumocystis jirovecii dihydropteroate synthase (DHPS) mutations have been associated with failure of sulfa prophylaxis; their effect on the outcome of patients with P. jirovecii pneumonia (PCP) remains controversial. P. jirovecii DHPS polymorphisms and genotypes were identified in 112 cases of PCP in 110 HIV-infected patients by using PCR single-strand conformation polymorphism. Of the 110 patients observed, 21 died; 18 of those deaths were attributed to PCP. Thirty-three percent of the PCP cases involved a P. jirovecii strain that had 1 or both DHPS mutations. The presence or absence of DHPS mutations had no effect on the PCP mortality rate within 1 month, whereas P.jirovecii type 7 and mechanical ventilation at PCP diagnosis were associated with an increased risk of death caused by PCP. Mechanical ventilation at PCP diagnosis was also associated with an increased risk of sulfa treatment failure at 5 days.


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This study investigated the contribution of sources and establishment characteristics, on the exposure to fine particulate matter (PM(2.5)) in the non-smoking sections of bars, cafes, and restaurants in central Zurich. PM(2.5)-exposure was determined with a nephelometer. A random sample of hospitality establishments was investigated on all weekdays, from morning until midnight. Each visit lasted 30 min. Numbers of smokers and other sources, such as candles and cooking processes, were recorded, as were seats, open windows, and open doors. Ambient air pollution data were obtained from public authorities. Data were analysed using robust MM regression. Over 14 warm, sunny days, 102 establishments were measured. Average establishment PM(2.5) concentrations were 64.7 microg/m(3) (s.d. = 73.2 microg/m(3), 30-min maximum 452.2 microg/m(3)). PM(2.5) was significantly associated with the number of smokers, percentage of seats occupied by smokers, and outdoor PM. Each smoker increased PM(2.5) on average by 15 microg/m(3). No associations were found with other sources, open doors or open windows. Bars had more smoking guests and showed significantly higher concentrations than restaurants and cafes. Smokers were the most important PM(2.5)-source in hospitality establishments, while outdoor PM defined the baseline. Concentrations are expected to be even higher during colder, unpleasant times of the year. PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: Smokers and ambient air pollution are the most important sources of fine airborne particulate matter (PM(2.5)) in the non-smoking sections of bars, restaurants, and cafes. Other sources do not significantly contribute to PM(2.5)-levels, while opening doors and windows is not an efficient means of removing pollutants. First, this demonstrates the impact that even a few smokers can have in affecting particle levels. Second, it implies that creating non-smoking sections, and using natural ventilation, is not sufficient to bring PM(2.5) to levels that imply no harm for employees and non-smoking clients. [Authors]


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BACKGROUND: The single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) rs2542151 within the gene locus region encoding protein tyrosine phosphatase non-receptor type 2 (PTPN2) has been associated with Crohn's disease (CD), ulcerative colitis (UC), type-I diabetes, and rheumatoid arthritis. We have previously shown that PTPN2 regulates mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) signaling and cytokine secretion in human THP-1 monocytes and intestinal epithelial cells (IEC). Here, we studied whether intronic PTPN2 SNP rs1893217 regulates immune responses to the nucleotide-oligomerization domain 2 (NOD2) ligand, muramyl-dipeptide (MDP). MATERIALS AND METHODS: Genomic DNA samples from 343 CD and 663 non-IBD control patients (male and female) from a combined German, Swiss, and Polish cohort were genotyped for the presence of the PTPN2 SNPs, rs2542151, and rs1893217. PTPN2-variant rs1893217 was introduced into T(84) IEC or THP-1 cells using a lentiviral vector. RESULTS: We identified a novel association between the genetic variant, rs1893217, located in intron 7 of the PTPN2 gene and CD. Human THP-1 monocytes carrying this variant revealed increased MAPK activation as well as elevated mRNA expression of T-bet transcription factor and secretion of interferon-γ in response to the bacterial wall component, MDP. In contrast, secretion of interleukin-8 and tumor necrosis factor were reduced. In both, T(84) IEC and THP-1 monocytes, autophagosome formation was impaired. CONCLUSIONS: We identified a novel CD-associated PTPN2 variant that modulates innate immune responses to bacterial antigens. These findings not only provide key insights into the effects of a functional mutation on a clinically relevant gene, but also reveal how such a mutation could contribute to the onset of disease.


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[Table des matières] 1. Introduction. 2. Méthode. 3. Contexte juridique dans une perspective fédérale. 4. Présentation de deux exemples de collaboration à l'étranger. 5. Présentation des exemples. 6. Synthèse des modèles d'interventions. 7. Réponses aux questions d'évaluation. 8. Conclusions et recommandations. 9. Annexes.


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Genome-wide studies in major depression have identified few replicated associations, potentially due to heterogeneity within the disorder. Several studies have suggested that age at onset (AAO) can distinguish sub-types of depression with specific heritable components. This paper investigates the role of AAO in the genetic susceptibility for depression using genome-wide association data on 2,746 cases and 1,594 screened controls from the RADIANT studies, with replication performed in 1,471 cases and 1,403 controls from two Munich studies. Three methods were used to analyze AAO: First a time-to-event analysis with controls censored, secondly comparing controls to case-subsets defined using AAO cut-offs, and lastly analyzing AAO as a quantitative trait. In the time-to-event analysis three SNPs reached suggestive significance (P < 5E-06), overlapping with the original case-control analysis of this study. In a case-control analysis using AAO thresholds, SNPs in 10 genomic regions showed suggestive association though again none reached genome-wide significance. Lastly, case-only analysis of AAO as a quantitative trait resulted in 5 SNPs reaching suggestive significance. Sex specific analysis was performed as a secondary analysis, yielding one SNP reaching genome-wide significance in early-onset males. No SNPs achieved significance in the replication study after correction for multiple testing. Analysis of AAO as a quantitative trait did suggest that, across all SNPs, common genetic variants explained a large proportion of the variance (51%, P = 0.04). This study provides the first focussed analysis of the genetic contribution to AAO in depression, and establishes a statistical framework that can be applied to a quantitative trait underlying any disorder. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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The aim of this paper is to describe the process and challenges in building exposure scenarios for engineered nanomaterials (ENM), using an exposure scenario format similar to that used for the European Chemicals regulation (REACH). Over 60 exposure scenarios were developed based on information from publicly available sources (literature, books, and reports), publicly available exposure estimation models, occupational sampling campaign data from partnering institutions, and industrial partners regarding their own facilities. The primary focus was on carbon-based nanomaterials, nano-silver (nano-Ag) and nano-titanium dioxide (nano-TiO2), and included occupational and consumer uses of these materials with consideration of the associated environmental release. The process of building exposure scenarios illustrated the availability and limitations of existing information and exposure assessment tools for characterizing exposure to ENM, particularly as it relates to risk assessment. This article describes the gaps in the information reviewed, recommends future areas of ENM exposure research, and proposes types of information that should, at a minimum, be included when reporting the results of such research, so that the information is useful in a wider context.


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BACKGROUND: Dermatophytes are the main cause of onychomycoses, but various nondermatophyte filamentous fungi are often isolated from abnormal nails. The correct identification of the aetiological agent of nail infections is necessary in order to recommend appropriate treatment. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate a rapid polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) assay based on 28S rDNA for fungal identification in nails on a large number of samples in comparison with cultures. METHODS: Infectious fungi were analysed using PCR-RFLP in 410 nail samples in which fungal elements were observed in situ by direct mycological examination (positive samples). The results were compared with those previously obtained by culture of fungi on Sabouraud agar from the same nail samples. RESULTS: PCR-RFLP identification of fungi in nails allowed validation of the results obtained in culture when Trichophyton spp. grew from infected samples. In addition, nondermatophyte filamentous fungi could be identified with certainty as the infectious agents in onychomycosis, and discriminated from dermatophytes as well as from transient contaminants. The specificity of the culture results relative to PCR-RFLP appeared to be 81%, 71%, 52% and 63% when Fusarium spp., Scopulariopsis brevicaulis, Aspergillus spp. and Candida spp., respectively, grew on Sabouraud agar. It was also possible to identify the infectious agent when direct nail mycological examination showed fungal elements, but negative results were obtained from fungal culture. CONCLUSIONS: Improved sensitivity for the detection of fungi in nails was obtained using the PCR-RFLP assay. Rapid and reliable molecular identification of the infectious fungus can be used routinely and presents several important advantages compared with culture in expediting the choice of appropriate antifungal therapy.


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Im Spätsommer 2008 wurde eine Studie zur Passivrauchbelastung in Zürcher Gaststätten durchgeführt. In dieser Zeit werden die geringsten Konzentrationen erwartet wegen offenen Fenster und wenig Gästen im Inneren von Gebäuden. In 102 Gaststätten wurde PM2.5 Feinstaub im Nichtraucherbereich zu verschiedenen Tageszeiten und Wochentagen gemessen. Die Innenluftkonzentration betrug durchschnittlich 64.7 microg/m3 mit Maximalwerten von über 450 microg/m3. Raucher wurden als wesentliche Quelle identifiziert und trugen im Schnitt 15 microg/m3 zur PM2.5-Belastung bei. Für einen durchschnittlichen Angestellten bedeuten diese Werte eine Erhöhung der Feinstaubbelastung um fast 20%, was einer Erhöhung des Mortalitätsrisikos um rund 10% entspricht. Die Studie zeigt, dass Raucher massgeblich zur Feinstaubbelastung in Restaurants beitragen und die reslutierenden Werte das Risiko von Angestellten (und Gästen) stark erhöhen.


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Manufactured nanoparticles are introduced into industrial processes, but they are suspected to cause similar negative health effects as ambient particles. The poor knowledge about the scale of this introduction did not allow global risk analysis so far. In 2006 a targeted telephone survey among Swiss companies (1) showed the usage of nanoparticles in a few selected companies but did not provide data to extrapolate on the totality of the Swiss workforce. To gain this kind of information a layered representative questionnaire survey among 1'626 Swiss companies was conducted in 2007. Data was collected about the number of potentially exposed persons in the companies and their protection strategy. The response rate was 58.3%. An expected number of 586 companies (95%−confidence interval 145 to 1'027) was shown by this study to use nanoparticles in Switzerland. Estimated 1'309 (1'073 to 1'545) workers do their job in the same room as a nanoparticle application. Personal protection was shown to be the predominant type of protection means. Companies starting productions with nanomaterials need to consider incorporating protection measures into the plans. This will not only benefit the workers' health, but will also likely increase the competitiveness of the companies. Technical and organisational protection means are not only more cost−effective on the long term, but are also easier to control. Guidelines may have to be designed specifically for different industrial applications, including fields outside nanotechnology, and adapted to all sizes of companies.


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Chromosome rearrangements involved in the formation of merodiploid strains in the Bacillus subtilis 168-166 system were explained by postulating the existence of intrachromosomal homology regions. This working hypothesis was tested by analysing sequences and restriction patterns of the, as yet uncharacterized, junctions between chromosome segments undergoing rearrangements in parent, 168 trpC2 and 166 trpE26, as well as in derived merodiploid strains. Identification, at the Ia/Ib chromosome junction of both parent strains, of a 1.3 kb segment nearly identical to a segment of prophage SPbeta established the existence of one of the postulated homology sequences. Inspection of relevant junctions revealed that a set of different homology regions, derived from prophage SPbeta, plays a key role in the formation of so-called trpE30, trpE30+, as well as of new class I merodiploids. Analysis of junctions involved in the transfer of the trpE26 mutation, i.e. simultaneous translocation of chromosome segment C and rotation of the terminal relative to the origin moiety of the chromosome, did not confirm the presence of any sequence suitable for homologous recombination. We propose a model involving simultaneous introduction of four donor DNA molecules, each comprising a different relevant junction, and their pairing with the junction regions of the recipient chromosome. The resolution of this structure, resting on homologous recombination, would confer the donor chromosome structure to the recipient, achieving some kind of 'transstamping'. In addition, a rather regular pattern of inverse and direct short sequence repeats in regions flanking the breaking points could be correlated with the initial, X-ray-induced, rearrangement.


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Ten Pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonia (PCP) cases were diagnosed in renal transplant recipients (RTRs) during a 3-year period. Nosocomial transmission from HIV-positive patients with PCP was suspected because these patients shared the same hospital building, were not isolated, and were receiving suboptimal anti-PCP prophylaxis or none. P. jirovecii organisms were typed with the multitarget polymerase chain reaction-single-strand conformation polymorphism method. Among the 45 patients with PCP hospitalized during the 3-year period, 8 RTRs and 6 HIV-infected patients may have encountered at least 1 patient with active PCP within the 3 months before the diagnosis of their own PCP episode. In six instances (five RTRs, one HIV-infected patient), the patients harbored the same P. jirovecii molecular type as that found in the encountered PCP patients. The data suggest that part of the PCP cases observed in this building, particularly those observed in RTRs, were related to nosocomial interhuman transmission.