993 resultados para HOLE NORMAL-MODES


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We present rock magnetic data on 10 samples recovered from ODP Hole 843B. The 95-m.y.-old basalts have moderately high magnetization values, and Curie temperature measurements show that these basalts have undergone systematic low-temperature oxidation. High values for bulk coercivity indicate that the remanent magnetization is likely to be stable over geological time, and low viscous remanent magnetization coefficients measured for these samples argue that acquisition of viscous remanent magnetization is not likely to be geologically important in these samples. Unfortunately, formation of the Hole 843B crustal section at the beginning of the Cretaceous Normal Magnetic Superchron does not allow any simple test of the hypothesis that a substantial component of chemical remanent magnetization, in the direction of the field present during oxidation, is added soon after formation (Raymond and LaBrecque, 1987, doi:10.1029/JB092iB08p08077).


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Sand-sized basaltic glass fragments were recovered in the liner of Core 203-1243B-19R, the deepest recovery from Hole 1243B. Microprobe analysis of 582 glassy cuttings cluster into five compositionally distinct groups, most of which are unlike the lithologic units described on board ship. Drilling operations intended to sweep cuttings from the caving hole and differences between the cuttings and geochemically distinct lithologic units of the upper part of the basement indicate that the cuttings came mainly, if not entirely, from the lower part of the hole. They give information about the part of Hole 1243B that had poor core recovery. Enriched mid-ocean-ridge basalt (MORB) from the upper part of the hole and transitional MORB from two groups of cuttings from sources low in the hole may be a trace of the Galápagos plume on the Pacific plate or may be a normal consequence of eruptions from two distinct magmas on fast-spreading crust.


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Deformation features within the cores are studied with a view towards elucidating the structure of the Middle America Trench along the transect drilled during Leg 67. Where possible, inferences are made as to the physical environment of deformation. Extensional tectonics prevails in the area of the seaward slope and trench. Fracturing and one well-preserved normal fault are found mostly within the lower Miocene chalks, at the base of the sedimentary section. These chalks have high porosities (40%-60%) and water content (30%-190%, based on % dry wt.). Experimental triaxial compression tests conducted on both dry and water-saturated samples of chalk from Holes 495 and 499B show that only in the saturated samples is more brittle behavior observed. Brittle failure of the chalks is greatly facilitated by pore fluid pressures that lead to low effective pressures. Additional embrittlement (weakening) can take place as a result of the imposed extensional stress resulting from bending of a subducting elastic oceanic plate. The chalks exhibit, in a landward direction, an increase in density and mechanical strength and a decrease in water content. These changes are attributed to mechanical compaction that may have resulted from tectonic horizontal compression. The structure of the landward slope is not well understood because the slope sites had to be abandoned due to the presence of gas hydrate. The relationship of the chaotic, brittle deformation (observed in the cores from Hole 494A) at the base of the landward slope to tectonic processes remains unclear. The deformation observed on the slope sites (Holes 496 and 497) is mostly fracturing and near-vertical sigmoidal veinlets. These are interpreted as being the result of gas/fluid overpressurization due to the decomposition of the gas hydrate, and not due to tectonic loading of accreted sediments. Aside from four small displacement (less than 1cm) reverse faults observed in the lower Miocene chalks (which may be the product of soft-sediment deformation), there is a noticeable absence of structures reflecting a dominance of horizontal (tectonic) compression along the transect drilled. The absence of such features, the lack of continuity of sediment types across the trench-landward slope, and the normal stratigraphic sequence in Hole 494A do not support any known accretionary model.


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DSDP Hole 504B is the deepest section drilled into oceanic basement, penetrating through a 571.5-m lava pile and a 209-m transition zone of lavas and dikes into 295 m of a sheeted dike complex. To define the basement composition 194 samples of least altered basalts, representing all lithologic units, were analyzed for their major and 26 trace elements. As is evident from the alteration-sensitive indicators H2O+, CO2, S, K, Mn, Zn, Cu, and the iron oxidation ratio, all rocks recovered are chemically altered to some extent. Downhole variation in these parameters enables us to distinguish five depth-related alteration zones that closely correlate with changes in alteration mineralogy. Alteration in the uppermost basement portion is characterized by pronounced K-uptake, sulfur loss, and iron oxidation and clearly demonstrates low-temperature seawater interaction. A very spectacular type of alteration is confined to the depth range from 910 to 1059 m below seafloor (BSF). Rocks from this basement portion exhibit the lowest iron oxidation, the highest H2O+ contents, and a considerable enrichment in Mn, S, Zn, and Cu. At the top of this zone a stockwork-like sulfide mineralization occurs. The chemical data suggest that this basement portion was at one time within a hydrothermal upflow zone. The steep gradient in alteration chemistry above this zone and the ore precipitation are interpreted as the result of mixing of the upflowing hydrothermal fluids with lower-temperature solutions circulating in the lava pile. Despite the chemical alteration the primary composition and variation of the rocks can be reliably established. All data demonstrate that the pillow lavas and the dikes are remarkably uniform and display almost the same range of variation. A general characteristic of the rocks that classify as olivine tholeiites is their high MgO contents (up to 10.5 wt.%) and their low K abundances (-200 ppm). According to their mg-values, which range from 0.60 to 0.74, most basalts appear to have undergone some high-level crystal fractionation. Despite the overall similarity in composition, there are two major basalt groups that have significantly different abundances and ratios of incompatible elements at similar mg-values. The majority of the basalts from the pillow lava and dike sections are chemically closely related, and most probably represent differentiation products of a common parental magma. They are low in Na2O, TiO2, and P2O5, and very low in the more hygromagmaphile elements. Interdigitated with this basalt group is a very rarely occurring basalt that is higher in Na2O, TiO2, P2O5, much less depleted in hygromagmaphile elements, and similar to normal mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB). The latter is restricted to Lithologic Units 5 and 36 of the pillow lava section and Lithologic Unit 83 of the dike section. The two basalt groups cannot be related by differentiation processes but have to be regarded as products of two different parental magmas. The compositional uniformity of the majority of the basalts suggests that the magma chamber beneath the Costa Rica Rift reached nearly steady-state conditions. However, the presence of lavas and dikes that crystallized from a different parental magma requires the existence of a separate conduit-magma chamber system for these melts. Occasionally mixing between the two magma types appears to have occurred. The chemical characteristics of the two magma types imply some heterogeneity in the mantle source underlying the Costa Rica Rift. The predominant magma type represents an extremely depleted source, whereas the rare magma type presumably originated from regions of less depleted mantle material (relict or affected by metasomatism).


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Permeability measured on three samples in a triaxial cell under effective confining pressure from 0.2 to 2.5 MPa ranges from 10**-18 to 10**-19 m**2. Overall, results indicate that permeability decreases with effective confining pressure up to 1.5 MPa; however, measurements at low effective pressure are too dispersed to yield a precise general relationship between permeability and pressure. When the effective pressure is increased from 1.5 to 2.5 MPa, permeability is roughly constant (~1-4 x 10**-19 m**2). Samples deformed in the triaxial cell developed slickenlined fractures, and permeability measurements were performed before and after failure. A permeability increase is observed when the sample fails under low effective confining pressure (0.2 MPa), but not under effective pressure corresponding to the overburden stress. Under isotropic stress conditions, permeability decrease related to fracture closure occurs at a relatively high effective pressure of ~1.5 MPa. Coefficients of friction on the fractures formed in the triaxial cell are ~0.4.


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Shedding of shallow carbonate material toward the deep slopes and basin floors is clearly tied to the position of the carbonate bank tops relative to the photic zone. The onset of bank shedding in periplatform sediments can record either the flooding of the bank tops within the photic zone during a rise in sea level following a period of exposure, referred to in the literature as the "highstand shedding" scenario, or the reentry of the bank tops into the photic zone during a lowering of sea level following a period of drowning, referred to as the "lowstand shedding" scenario. Results from Leg 133 post-cruise research on the Pliocene sequences, drilled in six sites within different slope settings of the Queensland Plateau, seem to point out that the latter "lowstand shedding" scenario can be applied to this particular carbonate system. At the Queensland Plateau sites, the early Pliocene (5.2-3.5 Ma) and the earliest part of the late Pliocene (3.5-2.9 Ma) age sequences were characterized, especially in the ôdeepö Sites 811 and 817, by pelagic sediments (foraminifers and coccoliths) and by typically pelagic sedimentation rates not exceeding 20 mm/k.y. The earliest part of the late Pliocene age section was characterized by well-developed hardgrounds in the "shallow" Sites 812 and 814 and by normal pelagic sediments mixed with reworked phosphatized planktonic foraminifers in Site 813. Finally, the early part of the late Pliocene (2.9-2.4 Ma) section was characterized by high sedimentation rates, related to the shedding and admixture into the pelagic sediments of bank-derived materials. These bank-derived materials consist of either diagenetically unaltered fine aragonite with traces of dolomite in Site 818 or micritic calcite resulting from seafloor and/or shallow burial alteration in the deepest Sites 817 and 811. The highest sedimentation rates (163 mm/k.y.) were recorded in Site 818, drilled nearest the modern carbonate bank of Tregrosse Reef. The sedimentation rates decrease with increasing distance from Tregrosse Reef - 120 mm/k.y. in Site 817 and 47.5 mm/k.y. in Site 811. The initial appearance of fine aragonite in Site 818, corresponding to the transition from pelagic to periplatform sedimentation rates, has been dated at 2.9 Ma. This Pliocene sediment pattern on the Queensland Plateau is different from the pattern observed in sediments from two earlier ODP legs (i.e., Leg 101 in the Bahamas and in Leg 115 in the Maldives), where aragonite-rich sediments, characterized by high periplatform sedimentation rates, were observed in the lower Pliocene section (5.2-3.5 Ma), whereas the upper Pliocene (3.5-1.6 Ma) sediments are more pelagic in nature and are characterized by low sedimentation rates or major hiatuses. These Pliocene periplatform sequences in the Bahamas and in the Maldives and late Quaternary age periplatform sequences worldwide have pointed out that "highstand shedding" was the typical response of carbonate platforms to fluctuations in sea level, just opposite to a "lowstand shedding" response to sea-level fluctuations, typical of siliciclastic shelves. Assuming that the envelope of Haq et al.'s (1987) sea-level curve, showing a well-defined lowering of sea level between 3.5 and 2.9 Ma, can also be applied to the southwest Pacific Ocean, based on a high-resolution Pliocene d18O record from the Ontong Java Plateau recently published by Jansen et al. (1993, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.sr.130.028.1993), the Pliocene periplatform sequences on the Queensland Plateau would have recorded the reentry of the bank tops into the photic zone during a general lowering of sea level, following an interval characterized by high sea level, during which the shallow carbonate system on the Queensland Plateau was drowned. The early Pliocene age (5.2-3.5 Ma) sediments deposited on the Queensland Plateau, an established interval of eustatic sea-level highstand, are typically pelagic in character. In addition, relatively cold surface temperatures (estimated to have ranged from 18° to 20°C by Isern et al. [this volume]) might have also stressed the reefs during early Pliocene time and contributed to the drowning of the Queensland Plateau carbonate system during the late Miocene and early Pliocene. Differential and relatively high subsidence rates, inferred by variations in paleodepth of water (based upon benthic foraminifer assemblages; Katz and Miller, this volume) may also have influenced the drowning of the carbonate bank tops on the Queensland Plateau during the late Miocene and early Pliocene. The sediments of early late Pliocene age (2.9-2.4 Ma), a well-established interval of lowering of sea level, are clearly periplatform and cyclic in nature. High-frequency (~40 k.y.) aragonite cycles, well-developed between 2.9 and 2.45 Ma, correlate with the planktonic high-resolution Pliocene d18O record from the Ontong Java Plateau, a good sea-level proxy (Jansen et al., in press). Contrary to late Quaternary age aragonite cycles from the Bahamas, the Nicaragua Rise, the Maldives, and the Queensland Plateau, the late Pliocene aragonite cycles in Hole 818B display high levels of aragonite during glacial stages and, therefore, lowstands of sea level. In addition, sediments deposited during the earliest part of the late Pliocene (3.5-2.9 Ma), transition between the early Pliocene highstand and the late Pliocene lowering in sea level, have recorded the first evidence of a fall in sea level, by (1) the occurrence of synchronous submarine hardgrounds in the two shallowest sites (Sites 812 and 814), (2) the deposition of reworked material from the shallower part of the slope into the intermediate Sites 813 and 818, and (3) the deposition of pelagic sediments in the deepest Sites 817 and 817. In summary, contrary to previous findings, the Pliocene periplatform sediments on the Queensland Plateau appear to have recorded a regional shedding of shallow carbonate bank tops during an interval of sea-level lowering, a good illustration of the "carbonate lowstand shedding" scenario, occurring during the reentry of previously drowned carbonate bank tops into the photic zone related to a decrease in sea level.


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Hole 823A covers the upper 120 m (Subunits IA and IB) of Site 823 at the bottom of the Queensland Trough. This hole contains an abundance of gravity-flow deposits, but is thought to have a monotonic age sequence. Above 32 mbsf, a strong, stable (normal) magnetic remanence having a relatively small viscous remanent magnetization (VRM) is seen. Below 32 mbsf, the sediments are subject to widespread VRM, which appears to obliterate the primary magnetization and precludes identification of the Brunhes/Matuyama boundary. Progressive alternating field (AF) demagnetization is limited to low fields (typically <400 Oe) by the weak magnetization in these sediments. As a consequence, the possibility of a high-coercivity component of primary magnetization cannot be ruled out. Lowrie-Fuller tests indicate that this VRM overprinting does not have a multidomain origin. An approximately linear relationship exists between median destructive field (MDF) and the logarithm of the natural remanent magnetization (NRM). Carbonate dilution does not appear to be a dominant factor in controlling variations in concentration-dependent magnetic parameters, such as magnetic susceptibility. The sedimentological distinction between Subunits IA and IB does not show up in the magnetic record. However, a sharp change in magnetic properties does occur at 32 mbsf, with low background magnetizations below this level and high background magnetizations above it. The boundary coincides with a change from thick (>10 cm thick) to thin (<10 cm thick) turbidite deposition, and is also near the boundary separating the sulfate-reduction zone in the upper part of the sequence from the sulfate-free zone beneath. The abrupt nature of the magnetic boundary is evidence that nannofossil subzone CN14b is not condensed, but is missing in a hiatus at 32 mbsf. Nine peaks have been identified in the susceptibility (K) record that are superimposed on ôbackgroundö signals. ARM/K ratios are uniformly low for the background sediments below 32 mbsf, intermediate for strong susceptibility peaks, and high for background sediments above 32 mbsf and weak susceptibility peaks. Comparisons with results from Site 820 suggest that (1) the background sediments above 32 mbsf and the weak susceptibility peaks carry a stable single-domain magnetization, and (2) the high susceptibility peaks are caused by the addition of a superparamagnetic contribution. Expectations are that the distinctive features of the Hole 823A magnetic record are linked to major environmental changes.


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Slowslip forms part of the spectrum of fault behaviour between stable creep and destructive earthquakes. Slow slip occurs near the boundaries of large earthquake rupture zones and may sometimes trigger fast earthquakes. It is thought to occur in faults comprised of rocks that strengthen under fast slip rates, preventing rupture as a normal earthquake, or on faults that have elevated pore-fluid pressures. However, the processes that control slow rupture and the relationship between slow and normal earthquakes are enigmatic. Here we use laboratory experiments to simulate faulting in natural rock samples taken from shallow parts of the Nankai subduction zone, Japan, where very low-frequency earthquakes - a form of slow slip - have been observed.We find that the fault rocks exhibit decreasing strength over millimetre-scale slip distances rather than weakening due to increasing velocity. However, the sizes of the slip nucleation patches in our laboratory simulations are similar to those expected for the very lowfrequency earthquakes observed in Nankai. We therefore suggest that this type of fault-weakening behaviour may generate slow earthquakes. Owing to the similarity between the expected behaviour of slow earthquakes based on our data, and that of normal earthquakes during nucleation, we suggest that some types of slow slip may represent prematurely arrested earthquakes.


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Hole 1105A penetrated 158 m of gabbros at a site offset 1.3 km east-northeast from Hole 735B on the Atlantis Bank near the Atlantis II Fracture Zone. A total of 118 m of dominantly medium- to coarse-grained intercalated Fe-Ti oxide gabbro and olivine gabbro was recovered from Hole 1105A that shows many petrographic features similar to those recovered from the upper part of Hole 735B. The main rock types are distinguished based on the constituent cumulus phases, with the most primitive gabbros consisting of olivine, plagioclase, and clinopyroxene. The inferred crystallization order is subsequently Fe-Ti oxides (ilmenite and titanomagnetite), followed by orthopyroxene, then apatite, and finally biotite. Orthopyroxene appears to replace olivine in a narrow middle interval. The magmatic evolution is likewise reflected in the mineral compositions. Plagioclase varies from An66 to An28. Olivine varies from Fo78 to Fo35. The gap in olivine crystallization occurs between Fo46 and Fo40 and coincides approximately with the appearance of orthopyroxene (~En50). The clinopyroxenes show large compositional variation in Mg/(Mg + Fe total) from 0.84 to 0.51. The nonquadrilateral cations of clinopyroxene similarly show large variations with Ti increasing for the olivine gabbros and decreasing for the Fe-Ti oxide gabbros with the decrease in Mg/(Mg + Fe total). The apatites are mainly flourapatites. The compositional variation in the gabbros is interpreted as a comagmatic suite resulting from fractional crystallization. Pyroxene geothermometry suggests equilibration temperatures from 1100°C and below. The coexisting Fe-Ti oxide minerals indicate subsolidus equilibration temperatures from 900°C for olivine gabbros to 700°C for the most evolved apatite-bearing gabbros. The cryptic variation in the olivine gabbros defines two or three lenses, 40 to 60 m thick, each characterized by a distinct convex zoning with a lower segment indicating upward reverse fractionation, a central maximum, and an upper segment showing normal fractionation. The Fe-Ti oxide gabbros show cryptic variations independent of the host olivine gabbros and reveal a systematic upward normal fractionation trend transgressing host olivine gabbro boundaries. Forward fractional crystallization modeling, using a likely parental magma composition from the Atlantis II Fracture Zone (MgO = 7.2 wt%; Mg/[Mg + Fe2+] = 0.62), closely matches the compositions of coexisting olivine, plagioclase, and clinopyroxene. This modeling suggests cosaturation of olivine, plagioclase, and clinopyroxene from 1155°C and the addition of Fe-Ti oxides from 1100°C. The liquid line of descent initially shows increasing FeO with moderately increasing SiO2. After saturation of Fe-Ti oxides, the liquid strongly decreases in FeO and TiO2 and increases in SiO2, reaching dacitic compositions at ~10% liquid remaining. The calculations indicate that formation of olivine gabbros can be accounted for by <65% fractionation and that only the residual 35% liquid was saturated in Fe-Ti oxides. The modeling of the solid fractionation products shows that both the olivine gabbro and the Fe-Ti oxide gabbros contain very small amounts of trapped liquid (<5%). The implications are that the gabbros represent crystal mush that originated in a recharging and tapping subaxial chamber. Compaction and upward melt migration in the crystal mush appear to have been terminated with relatively large amounts of interstitial liquid remaining in the upper parts of the cumulate mush. This termination may have been caused by tectonic disturbances, uplift, and associated withdrawal of magma into the subaxial dike and sill system. Prolonged compaction and cooling of the trapped melt in the mush formed small differentiated bodies and lenses by pressure release migration and crystallization along syntectonic channels. This resulted in differentiation products along lateral and vertical channelways in the host gabbro that vary from olivine gabbro, to Fe-Ti oxide gabbro, gabbronorite, and apatite gabbros and show large compositional variations independent of the host olivine gabbros.


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This paper contains magnetobiostratigraphic correlation charts for each of the four sites occupied during DSDP Leg 72. Microfossil zonal boundaries and magnetic polarity determinations for Sites 515 through 518 are summarized in Figures 1 through 4, respectively. Our discussion focuses on the correlations derived for the Paleogene and late Cretaceous (Coniacian-Maestrichtian) of Site 516, because of the value of this site as a stratigraphic reference section for the South Atlantic.


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ODP Hole 735B located on the Southwest Indian Ridge at 57°E is an in situ sampled long, continuous section of lower oceanic crust. Oxygen isotope compositions of constituent minerals of Leg 176 gabbros have been measured by UV-laser oxygen isotope microprobe. Together with existing data from Leg 118, a complete oxygen isotope profile through the lower oceanic crust has been obtained. Most clinopyroxenes and olivines have normal mantle values of ~5.5 per mil and ~5.2 per mil, respectively, while plagioclases show slight d18O enrichment relative to its mantle value of 6.1per mil. Down-hole variations of Hole 735B gabbro indicate a downward decreasing d18O profile, with a kink at a depth of about 800 m below sea floor. Above this depth, gabbros are depleted in 18O relative to unaltered basalts, while below ~800 m they show nearly unmodified d18O values. Abundant seawater penetration appears to be limited to the upper part of the lower crust at ODP site 735 (~800 m into the gabbroic layer and ~2-2.5 km into the oceanic crust from the top of pillow basalts). Mass balance calculations show that the lower crust formed under this ultra-slow-spreading ridge has an average d18O value of 5.5 per mil. The whole crust at Site 735 has an overall 18O enrichment with d18O values of 6.0 per mil to 7.8 per mil, depending on the possible variation of the d18O values of the upper pillow basalts and sheeted dykes. The apparent difference in oxygen isotope compositions of ocean crusts formed with different spreading rates has important implications on the buffering of ocean water over geological time, as well as on the oxygen recycling between crust and mantle through subduction. The difference of seawater penetration between fast- and slow-spreading ridges could be related to their particular magmatic-tectonic history during the formation and aging of the crust. However, more analyses on continuous sections through oceanic and ophiolitic crust in different tectonic settings are required to derive any predictive models.


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Serpentinized spinel peridotites of the Newfoundland margin drilled during ODP Leg 210 at Site 1277 have preserved, relic mineral compositions similar to the most depleted abyssal peridotites worldwide and different from those of the conjugate Iberian margin. The samples are derived from mass flows containing clasts of peridotite and gabbro and from in-situ basement, and are mostly mylonitic cpx-poor spinel harzburgites with Cr-rich spinels (Cr#0.35-0.66). Melting of the Newfoundland mantle occurred in the spinel peridotite field and probably exceeded the cpx-out phase boundary for some samples. Using proposed spinel peridotite melting models and experimentally derived phase diagrams, the Newfoundland harzburgites can be modeled as a residue after extraction of 14 to 20-25% melting. Basalts that are interleaved with mass flow deposits on top of the peridotite basement resemble normal to transitional mid-ocean ridge basalt. This, together with the unusually high Cr# of some spinel harzburgites suggest that the formation of basalts and partial melting of the underlying peridotite are not cogenetic. Among mantle samples some of the Newfoundland harzburgites approach mineral compositions of the Bay of island ophiolite and ophiolites from Japan that represent peridotites formed in an arc-setting. Thus, the peridotites drilled at Site 1277 may represent inherited (Caledonian or older) subarc mantle that was exhumed close to the ocean floor during the rifting evolution of the Atlantic. Compared to the spinel harzburgites from Newfoundland, the peridotites from the conjugate Iberian margin are, on average, less depleted and provide evidence for local equilibration in the plagioclase stability field. This can either be explained by an inherited, primary, Ca-richer composition of the Iberia peridotite, or, alternatively, by local melt impregnation and stagnation during continental rifting, and thus refertilizing previously depleted (arc-related) peridotite.


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Oxygen isotope data for upper Turonian planktonic foraminifera at Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 511 (Falkland Plateau, 60°S paleolatitude) exhibit an ~2 per mil excursion to values as low as -4.66 per mil (Vienna Peedee belemnite standard; PDB) coincident with the warmest tropical temperature estimates yet obtained for the open ocean. The lowest planktonic foraminifer d18O values suggest that the upper ocean was as warm as 30-32°C. This is an extraordinary temperature for 60°S latitude but is consistent with temperatures estimated from apparently coeval mollusc d18O from nearby James Ross Island (65°S paleolatitude). Glassy textural preservation, a well-defined depth distribution in Site 511 planktonics, low sediment burial temperature (~32°C), and lack of evidence of highly depleted pore waters argue against diagenesis (even solid state diffusion) as the cause of the very depleted planktonic values. The lack of change in benthic foraminifer d18O suggests brackish water capping as the mechanism for the low planktonic d18O values. However, mixing ratio calculations show that the amount of freshwater required to produce a 2 per mil shift in ambient water would drive a 7 psu decrease in salinity. The abundance and diversity of planktonic foraminifera and nannofossils, high planktonic:benthic ratios, and the appearance of keeled foraminifera argue against lower-than-normal marine salinities. Isotope calculations and climate models indicate that we cannot call upon more depleted freshwater d18O to explain this record. Without more late Turonian data, especially from outside the South Atlantic basin, we can currently only speculate on possible causes of this paradoxical record from the core of the Cretaceous greenhouse.


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The 2011 Tohoku-Oki earthquake demonstrated that the shallowest reaches of plate boundary subduction megathrusts can host substantial coseismic slip that generates large and destructive tsunamis, contrary to the common assumption that the frictional properties of unconsolidated clay-rich sediments at depths less than View the MathML source should inhibit rupture. We report on laboratory shearing experiments at low sliding velocities (View the MathML source) using borehole samples recovered during IODP Expedition 343 (JFAST), spanning the plate-boundary décollement within the region of large coseismic slip during the Tohoku earthquake. We show that at sub-seismic slip rates the fault is weak (sliding friction µs=0.2-0.26), in contrast to the much stronger wall rocks (µs>~0.5). The fault is weak due to elevated smectite clay content and is frictionally similar to a pelagic clay layer of similar composition. The higher cohesion of intact wall rock samples coupled with their higher amorphous silica content suggests that the wall rock is stronger due to diagenetic cementation and low clay content. Our measurements also show that the strongly developed in-situ fabric in the fault zone does not contribute to its frictional weakness, but does lead to a near-cohesionless fault zone, which may facilitate rupture propagation by reducing shear strength and surface energy at the tip of the rupture front. We suggest that the shallow rupture and large coseismic slip during the 2011 Tohoku earthquake was facilitated by a weak and cohesionless fault combined with strong wall rocks that drive localized deformation within a narrow zone.