151 resultados para HMS


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Volume containing notes on the lectures of Henry Cline (1750-1827), a surgeon at St. Thomas's Hospital, London, England, that were kept by American medical student John Collins Warren in 1799 and 1800. The lectures were on topics including blood, blood vessels, absorbents, cellular membranes, and the nerves. There are annotations in pencil in an unknown hand throughout the volume.


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Correspondence regarding the donation of several collections to the Boston Medical Library, including the John Winthrop papers


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This layer is a georeferenced raster image of the historic paper map entitled: Mapa que demuestra el derrotero q[ue] : hizo M. Cook en 1776, 1777, 1778, y 1779 en su tercero y ultimo viaje. It was published by Libreria de Copin in [1780]. Scale [ca. 1:600,000]. Map in Spanish. The image inside the map neatline is georeferenced to the surface of the earth and fit to a non-standard 'Mercator' projection with the central meridian at 180 degrees west. All map collar and inset information is also available as part of the raster image, including any inset maps, profiles, statistical tables, directories, text, illustrations, index maps, legends, or other information associated with the principal map. Note: The central meridian of this map is not the same as the Prime Meridian and may wrap the International Date Line or overlap itself when displayed in GIS software. This map shows features such as drainage, cities and other human settlements, shoreline features, and more. Relief shown pictorially. Shows the route of James Cook's Pacific Ocean expeditions in the HMS Resolution, 1776-1779. Includes notes. This layer is part of a selection of digitally scanned and georeferenced historic maps from the Harvard Map Collection and the Harvard University Library as part of the Open Collections Program at Harvard University project: Organizing Our World: Sponsored Exploration and Scientific Discovery in the Modern Age. Maps selected for the project correspond to various expeditions and represent a range of regions, originators, ground condition dates, scales, and purposes.


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Nel lavoro di tesi vengono esposti gli studi svolti su due aree situate nella giurisdizione riminese del Consorzio di Bonifica, riportanti forti problematiche idrauliche nelle reti di scolo: il territorio dei canali Tamagnino e Zonara Masere ed il Rio Gessi. La modellazione dei tratti è avvenuta attraverso i software Hec-Ras ed Hec-Hms, realizzati rispettivamente per l’analisi dei corsi d’acqua nelle pianure alluvionali attraverso la modellazione dell’evoluzione dei livelli e della corrente e per l’analisi dell’idrologia delle superfici di bacino. Il primo studio è dovuto a problematiche verificatesi fin dal 2014 causate da una variazione d’uso del suolo, il secondo studio è dovuto a dissesti idraulici iniziati nel 2013 causati alla presenza di un tombinamento che provoca l’ostruzione del tratto verso valle. Si esegue la modellazione dello stato di fatto per identificare le sezioni ed i manufatti problematici, in secondo luogo si realizzano le modellazioni delle ipotesi di progetto. Si definiscono infine le soluzioni praticabili e la spesa ipotizzata a seguito della realizzazione di un computo metrico estimativo.


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Pressing scientific questions concerning the Greenland ice sheet's climatic sensitivity, hydrology, and contributions to current and future sea level rise require hydrological datasets to resolve. While direct observations of ice sheet meltwater losses can be obtained in terrestrial rivers draining the ice sheet and from lake levels, few such datasets exist. We present a new dataset of meltwater river discharge for the vicinity of Kangerlussuaq, Southwest Greenland. The dataset contains measurements of river stage and discharge for three sites along the Akuliarusiarsuup Kuua (Watson) River's northern tributary, with 30 minute temporal resolution between June 2008 and August 2010. Additional data of water temperature, air pressure, and lake water depth and temperature are also provided. Discharge data were measured at sites with near-ideal properties for such data collection. Regardless, high water bedload and turbulent flow introduce considerable uncertainty. These were constrained and quantified using statistical techniques, thereby providing a high quality dataset from this important site. The greatest data uncertainties are associated with streambed elevation change and measurements. Large portions of stream channels deepened according to statistical tests, but poor precision of streambed depth measurements also added uncertainty. Quality checked data are freely available for scientific use as supplementary online material.


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The author is summarising the marine deposits of the south-west Pacific from a total of 773 samples taken during cruises of hms Challenger in 1874; USS Tuscarora and USS Enterprise in 1875 and 1876; HMS Egeria in 1888, 1889, and 1890; HMS Penguin in 1894, 1895, and 1896; and HMS Waterwitch in 1895.


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"HMS-1/7-92(5M)E"--P. [4] of cover.


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Desenvolvido em 1882 por Jigoro Kano a partir de seus estudos sobre as escolas de jujutsu, o Judô Kodokan surgiu dentro do espaço escolar a partir de três pilares básicos: como método de luta (arte marcial), como método de treinamento físico (educação física), como método de treinamento mental (desenvolvimento moral e intelectual) onde o Do (caminho) é o foco principal a ser ensinado em vista de beneficiar a sociedade. Uma das principais contribuições de Kano foi a transformação de uma prática de luta marcial em um método educativo. Tal processo ocorreu num momento histórico marcado por mudanças sociais no Japão que passou a receber forte influência do mundo ocidental durante a era Meiji. Naquela época os valores, pensamentos, instituições e linguagens orientais e ocidentais circulavam e se fundiam marcando um forte sincretismo em diversos espaços sociais. Teria Jigoro Kano absorvido essas influências ao desenvolver o judô? Essa possível ligação entre o Oriente e o Ocidente, preservando parte da cultura tradicional japonesa e permitindo a influência de pensamentos e práticas ocidentais, possui extrema relevância para a atualidade uma vez que muito se fala em retornar as formulações que deram origem ao Judô. Afinal, que formulações são estas e até que ponto devemos adotá-las sem uma profunda reflexão? No transcorrer da história e, mais precisamente ao final da 2ª guerra mundial, o judô perde boa parte dos conceitos e fundamentos que fazem sua ligação com a linguagem e o pensamento oriental bem como seu significado educativo original em função da sua expansão pelo mundo como prática esportiva. Assim o estudo tem como objetivos: 1) identificar os fundamentos do judô educativo segundo a influência do processo de integração Oriente-Ocidente; 2) Analisar a relação Oriente-Ocidente durante a transformação do Judô de método educativo para prática esportiva; 3) Organizar elementos estruturantes para estabelecer os fundamentos do judô educativo contemporâneo analisando a influência da integração Oriente-Ocidente nesse processo, partindo do modelo sistêmico de pensamento de Jigoro Kano ao elaborar o Judô Kodokan reorganizando suas referências conceituais a partir da Ciência da Motricidade Humana. Trata-se de um estudo teórico, de caráter bibliográfico, que se apropria da antropologia filosófica como suporte metodológico. Os resultados da pesquisa afirmam o processo de integração Oriente-Ocidente na formulação dos conceitos educativo/filosóficos do judô além das transformações dos sistemas simbólicos da luta que apontam sua evolução antropológico-filosófica, desde a prática do Bujutsu (Arte militar sec. XVII) no Japão medieval, até as perspectivas educativas contemporâneas apoiadas na Ciência da Motricidade Humana (CMH).


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Copper(II) acetylacetonate was anchored onto a hexagonal mesoporous silica (HMS) material using a two-step procedure: (i) functionalisation of the surface hydroxy groups with (3-aminopropyl)triethoxysilane (AMPTSi) and then (ii) anchoring of the copper(II) complex through Schiff condensation with free amine groups, using two different metal complex loadings. Upon the first step, nitrogen elemental analysis, XPS and DRIFT showed the presence of amine groups on the surface of the HMS material, and porosimetry indicated that the structure of the mesoporous material remained unchanged, although a slight decrease in surface area was observed. Atomic absorption, XPS and DRIFT showed that copper(II) acetylacetonate was anchored onto the amine-functionalised HMS by Schiff condensation between the free amine groups and the carbonyl groups of the copper(II) complex; using EPR an NO3 coordination sphere was proposed for the anchored copper(II) complex. The new [Cu(acac)2]-AMPTSi/HMS materials were tested in the aziridination of styrene at room temperature, using PhI=NTs as nitrogen source and acetonitrile as solvent. The styrene conversion and total TON of the heterogeneous phase reaction are higher than those of the same reaction catalysed in homogeneous phase by [Cu(acac)2]; nevertheless, the initial activity decreases and the reaction time increases due to substrate and product diffusion limitations. The heterogeneous catalyst showed a successive slight decrease in catalytic activity when reused for two more times. © Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, 2006.


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Two modified Jacobsen-type catalysts were anchored onto an amine functionalised hexagonal mesoporous silica (HMS) using two distinct anchoring procedures: (i) one was anchored directly through the carboxylic acid functionalised diimine bridge fragment of the complex (CAT1) and (ii) the other through the hydroxyl group on the aldehyde fragment of the complex (CAT2), mediated by cyanuric chloride. The new heterogeneous catalyst, as well as the precedent materials, were characterised by elemental analyses, DRIFT, UV-vis, porosimetry and XPS which showed that the complexes were successfully anchored onto the hexagonal mesoporous silica. These materials acted as active heterogeneous catalysts in the epoxidation of styrene, using m-CPBA as oxidant, and α-methylstyrene, using NaOCl as oxidant. Under the latter conditions they acted also as enantioselective heterogeneous catalysts. Furthermore, when compared to the reaction run in homogeneous phase under similar experimental conditions, an increase in asymmetric induction was observed for the heterogenised CAT1, while the opposite effect was observed for the heterogenised CAT2, despite of CAT2 being more enantioselective than CAT1 in homogeneous phase. These results indicate that the covalent attachment of the Jacobsen catalyst through the diimine bridge leads to improved enantiomeric excess (%ee), whereas covalent attachment through one of the aldehyde fragments results in a negative effect in the %ee. Using α-methylstyrene and NaOCl as oxidant, heterogeneous catalyst reuse led to no significant loss of catalytic activity and enantioselectivity. © 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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A Jacobsen-type catalyst was anchored onto an amine functionalised hexagonal mesoporous silica (HMS) through the diimine bridge fragment of the complex. The new heterogeneous catalyst, as well as the precedent materials, were characterised by elemental analyses, FTIR-DRIFT, UV-vis, porosimetry and XPS which showed that the complex was successfully anchored. This material was active in the epoxidation of styrene and α-methylstyrene in dichloromethane at 0°C using, respectively, m-CPBA/NMO and NaOCl. With the former substrate no asymmetric induction was found in the epoxide, whereas with the latter substrate higher %ee was found than in homogeneous phase. Using the latter experimental conditions, catalyst reuse led to no significant loss of catalytic activity and enantioselectivity. © 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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For derived flood frequency analysis based on hydrological modelling long continuous precipitation time series with high temporal resolution are needed. Often, the observation network with recording rainfall gauges is poor, especially regarding the limited length of the available rainfall time series. Stochastic precipitation synthesis is a good alternative either to extend or to regionalise rainfall series to provide adequate input for long-term rainfall-runoff modelling with subsequent estimation of design floods. Here, a new two step procedure for stochastic synthesis of continuous hourly space-time rainfall is proposed and tested for the extension of short observed precipitation time series. First, a single-site alternating renewal model is presented to simulate independent hourly precipitation time series for several locations. The alternating renewal model describes wet spell durations, dry spell durations and wet spell intensities using univariate frequency distributions separately for two seasons. The dependence between wet spell intensity and duration is accounted for by 2-copulas. For disaggregation of the wet spells into hourly intensities a predefined profile is used. In the second step a multi-site resampling procedure is applied on the synthetic point rainfall event series to reproduce the spatial dependence structure of rainfall. Resampling is carried out successively on all synthetic event series using simulated annealing with an objective function considering three bivariate spatial rainfall characteristics. In a case study synthetic precipitation is generated for some locations with short observation records in two mesoscale catchments of the Bode river basin located in northern Germany. The synthetic rainfall data are then applied for derived flood frequency analysis using the hydrological model HEC-HMS. The results show good performance in reproducing average and extreme rainfall characteristics as well as in reproducing observed flood frequencies. The presented model has the potential to be used for ungauged locations through regionalisation of the model parameters.


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It is important to find alternative membranes to the state-of-the-art polybenzimidazole based high temperature proton exchange membranes with high proton conductivity at elevated temperature but with simple synthesis procedures. In this work, inorganic-organic nanostructured hybrid membranes are developed based on a polyethersulfone-polyvinylpyrrolidone (PES-PVP) polymeric matrix with hollow mesoporous silica (HMS), amino-functionalized hollow mesoporous silica (NH2-HMS) and amino-functionalized mesoporous silica (NH2-meso-silica). The composite membranes show a significant increase in proton conductivity and a decrease in the activation energy for proton diffusion in comparison with the phosphoric acid (H3PO4, PA) doped PES-PVP membrane. And the composite membrane with NH2-HMS shows the best performance under the conditions in this study, achieving the highest proton conductivity of 1.52 × 10-1 S cm-1 and highest peak power density of 480 mW cm-2 at 180 °C under anhydrous conditions, which is 92.7% higher than that of the PA doped PES-PVP membrane at identical conditions. Such enhancement results from the facilitated proton transportation in the ordered mesoporous channels via the hydrogen bond between the -NH2 groups and H3PO4. The high water retention capability of silica materials with a hollow structure also contributes to the decrease of the activation of proton diffusion. Consequently, the results show promising potential of the NH2-HMS based PES-PVP composite membrane for the elevated temperature proton exchange membrane fuel cells.


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This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license.Neuro-Fuzzy Systems (NFS) are computational intelligence tools that have recently been employed in hydrological modeling. In many of the common NFS the learning algorithms used are based on batch learning where all the parameters of the fuzzy system are optimized off-line. Although these models have frequently been used, there is a criticism on such learning process as the number of rules are needed to be predefined by the user. This will reduce the flexibility of the NFS architecture while dealing with different data with different level of complexity. On the other hand, online or local learning evolves through local adjustments in the model as new data is introduced in sequence. In this study, dynamic evolving neural fuzzy inference system (DENFIS) is used in which an evolving, online clustering algorithm called the Evolving Clustering Method (ECM) is implemented. ECM is an online, maximum distance-based clustering method which is able to estimate the number of clusters in a data set and find their current centers in the input space through its fast, one-pass algorithm. The 10-minutes rainfall-runoff time series from a small (23.22 km2) tropical catchment named Sungai Kayu Ara in Selangor, Malaysia, was used in this study. Out of the 40 major events, 12 were used for training and 28 for testing. Results obtained by DENFIS were then compared with the ones obtained by physically-based rainfall-runoff model HEC-HMS and a regression model ARX. It was concluded that DENFIS results were comparable to HEC-HMS and superior to ARX model. This indicates a strong potential for DENFIS to be used in rainfall-runoff modeling.