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An interface between two polar semiconductors can support a whole new family of seven type of optic-phonon magnetoplasmons. Six of these arise due to nonequivalence property of propagation introduced by the magnetic field in Voigt configuration and one mainly due to finite plasma density ratio at the interface.


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An interface between two polar semiconductors in parallel magnetic field geometry can support at most four types of surface oscillations; the actual number (less-than-or-equals, slant4), however, depends on the strength of the magnetic field. The interface effects on these relevant ranges of magnetic field are analysed in detail.


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Cerebral Autosomal Dominant Arteriopathy with Subcortical Infarcts and Leukoencephalopathy (CADASIL) is the most common hereditary vascular dementia. CADASIL is a systemic disease of small and medium-sized arteries although the symptoms are almost exclusively neurological, including migraineous headache, recurrent ischemic episodes, cognitive impairment and, finally, subcortical dementia. CADASIL is caused by over 170 different mutations in the NOTCH3 gene, which encodes a receptor expressed in adults predominantly in the vascular smooth muscle cells. The function of NOTCH3 is not crucial for embryonic development but is needed after birth. NOTCH3 directs postnatal arterial maturation and helps to maintain arterial integrity. It is involved in regulation of vascular tone and in the wound healing of a vascular injury. In addition, NOTCH3 promotes cell survival by inducing expression of anti-apoptotic proteins. NOTCH3 is a membrane-spanning protein with a large extracellular domain (N3ECD) containing 34 epidermal growth factor-like (EGF) repeats and a smaller intracellular domain with six ankyrin repeats. All CADASIL mutations are located in the EGF repeats and the majority of the mutations cause gain or loss of one cysteine residue in one of these repeats leading to an odd number of cysteine residues, which in turn leads to misfolding of N3ECD. This misfolding most likely alters the maturation, targetting, degradation and/or function of the NOTCH3 receptor. CADASIL mutations do not seem to affect the canonical NOTCH3 signalling pathway. The main pathological findings are the accumulation of the NOTCH3 extracellular domain on degenerating vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs), accumulation of granular osmiophilic material (GOM) in the close vicinity of VSMCs as well as fibrosis and thickening of arterial walls. Narrowing of the arterial lumen and local thrombosis cause insufficient blood flow, mainly in small arteries of the cerebral white matter, resulting in tissue damage and lacunar infarcts. CADASIL is suspected in patients with a suggestive family history and clinical picture as well as characteristic white matter alterations in magnetic resonance imaging. A definitive verification of the diagnosis can be achieved by identifying a pathogenic mutation in the NOTCH3 gene or through the detection of GOM by electron microscopy. To understand the pathology underlying CADASIL, we have generated a unique set of cultured vascular smooth muscle cell (VSMC) lines from umbilical cord, placental, systemic and cerebral arteries of CADASIL patients and controls. Analyses of these VSMCs suggest that mutated NOTCH3 is misfolded, thus causing endoplasmic reticulum stress, activation of the unfolded protein response and increased production of reactive oxygen species. In addition, mutation in NOTCH3 causes alterations in actin cytoskeletal structures and protein expression, increased branching and abnormal node formation. These changes correlate with NOTCH3 expression levels within different VSMCs lines, suggesting that the phenotypic differences of SMCs may affect the vulnerability of the VSMCs and, therefore, the pathogenic impact of mutated NOTCH3 appears to vary in the arteries of different locations. Furthermore, we identified PDGFR- as an immediate downstream target gene of NOTCH3 signalling. Activation of NOTCH induces up-regulation of the PDGFR- expression in control VSMCs, whereas this up-regulation is impaired in CADASIL VSMCs and might thus serve as an alternative molecular mechanism that contributes to CADASIL pathology. In addition, we have established the congruence between NOTCH3 mutations and electron microscopic detection of GOM with a view to constructing a strategy for CADASIL diagnostics. In cases where the genetic analysis is not available or the mutation is difficult to identify, a skin biopsy is an easy-to-perform and highly reliable diagnostic method. Importantly, it is invaluable in setting guidelines concerning how far one should proceed with the genetic analyses.


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We study resonant nonlinear magneto-optic rotation (NMOR) in a paraffin-coated Rb vapor cell as the magnetic field is swept. At low sweep rates, the nonlinear rotation appears as a narrow resonance signal with a linewidth of about ``300 mu G''(2 pi x 420 Hz). At high sweep rates, the signal shows transient response with an oscillatory decay. The decay time constant is of order 100 ms. The behavior is different for transitions starting from the lower or the upper hyperfine level of the ground state because of optical pumping effects.


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Uusi hermoston rappeumasairaus MIRAS: Suomessa kantajia joka 125. väestöstä Tässä väitöskirjatyössä on kuvattu uusi peittyvästi periytyvä hermoston rappeumasairaus, MIRAS (mitochondrial recessive ataxia syndrome), ja sen geenitausta. Tauti osoittautui tutkimuksessamme Suomen yleisimmäksi perinnölliseksi ataksiasairaudeksi. Tutkimuksessa on tutkittu perinnöllisiä aivosairauksia, joissa yhtenä oireena on ataksia (kävelyn epävarmuus, tasapainovaikeus ja liikkeiden haparointi), sekä lukuisia muita aivojen toimintahäiriöstä johtuvia oireita. Seuloessamme suomalaisilta ataksiapotilailta MIRAS-geenivirhettä, 27 potilasta sai diagnoosin aikaisemmin tuntemattomalle, etenevälle ataksiasairaudelleen. Tutkimuksen tuloksena kyseisen geenivirheen DNA-diagnostiikka on otettu käyttöön suomalaisissa ja eurooppalaisissa laboratorioissa, ja toista sataa potilasta ympäri maailman on saanut diagnoosin. Suomen väestössä joka 125. kantaa MIRAS geenivirhettä, mutta taudin saa vain, jos perii geenivirheen molemmilta vanhemmiltaan. MIRAS on taudinkuvaltaan vaihteleva, mutta vaikea etenevä neurologinen sairaus. Useilla potilailla esiintyvät oireet ovat ataksia, puheen puuromaisuus (dysartria), ääreishermorappeuma (neuropatia), pakkoliikkeet, psykiatriset oireet sekä vaikea epilepsia. Erityisen tärkeää MIRAS-taudin tunnistaminen on siihen liittyvän epilepsian hoitopäätöksessä: valproaatti-lääkitys voi aiheuttaa MIRAS-potilaille vaikean maksavaurion. Väitöskirjatyön tuloksena selvisi, että kaikki suomalaiset, norjalaiset, belgialaiset, englantilaiset, australialaiset ja uusi-seelantilaiset MIRAS potilaat olivat kaukaista sukua samalle, tuhansia vuosia sitten eläneelle eurooppalaiselle esivanhemmalle. Ataksiasairauksien tautimekanismeja selvitimme tutkimalla MIRAS-ataksiaa ja sitä muistuttavaa IOSCA sairautta (infantile onset spinocerebellar ataxia), jonka aiheuttaa peittyvästi periytyvä geenivirhe Twinkle-geenissä. Tutkimuksessa löydettiin myös uusi, Twinkle-geenin geenivirheestä johtuva taudinkuva: vaikea-asteinen, varhaisella iällä alkava aivosairaus, jossa on lisäksi viitteitä maksasairaudesta. Löysimme potilaiden aivoista muutoksia mitokondrioiden eli solun voimalaitosten perimän määrässä. Nämä tulokset antavat arvokasta lisätietoa ataksiasairauksien taustalla olevista muutoksista, joiden ymmärtäminen on välttämätön edellytys hoitomahdollisuuksien tutkimiselle tulevaisuudessa.


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The prevalence and the causes of childhood visual impairment in Finland during the 1970s and the 1980s were investigated, with special attention to risk factors and further prevention of visual impairment in children. The primary data on children with visual impairment were obtained from the Finnish Register of Visual Impairment, one of the patient registers kept up by the National Research and Development Centre for Welfare and Health (Stakes). The data were supplemented from other registers in Stakes and from patient records of the children in Finnish central hospitals. Visual impairment had been registered in 556 children from a population of 1,138,326 children between ages 0-17, born from 1972 through 1989. The age-specific prevalence of registered visual impairment was 49/100,000 in total. Of them, 23/100,000 were blind children and 11/100,000 were children born prematurely. Boys were impaired more often and more severely than girls. Congenital malformations (52%), systemic diseases (48%), and multiple impairments (50%) were common. The main ophthalmic groups of visual impairment were retinal diseases (35%), ocular malformations (29%), and neuro-ophthalmological disorders (29%). Optic nerve atrophy was the most common diagnosis of visual impairment (22%), followed by congenital cataract (11%), retinopathy of prematurity (10%), and cerebral visual impairment (8%). Genetic factors (42%) were the most common etiologies of visual impairment, followed by prenatal (30%) and perinatal (21%) factors. The highest rates of blindness were seen in cerebral visual impairment (83%) and retinopathy of prematurity (82%). Retinopathy of prematurity had developed in the children born at a gestational age of 32 weeks or earlier. Significant risks for visual impairment were found in the association with preterm births, prenatal infections, birth asphyxia, neonatal respiratory difficulties, mechanical ventilation lasting over two weeks, and hyperbilirubinemia. A rise in blind and multi-impaired children was seen during the study period, associating with increases in the survival of preterm infants with extremely low birth weight. The incidence of visual impairment in children born prematurely was seven times higher than in children born at full term. A reliable profile of childhood visual impairment was obtained. The importance of highly qualified antenatal, neonatal, and ophthalmological care was clearly proved. The risks associated with pre- and perinatal disorders during pregnancy must be emphasized, e.g. the risks associated with maternal infections and the use of tobacco, alcohol, and drugs during pregnancy. Obvious needs for gene therapies and other new treatments for hereditary diseases were also proved.


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Passive wavelength/time fiber-optic code division multiple access (WIT FO-CDMA) network is a viable option for highspeed access networks. Constructions of 2-D codes, suitable for incoherent WIT FO-CDMA, have been proposed to reduce the time spread of the 1-D sequences. The 2-D constructions can be broadly classified as 1) hybrid codes and 2) matrix codes. In our earlier work [141, we had proposed a new family of wavelength/time multiple-pulses-per-row (W/T MPR) matrix codes which have good cardinality, spectral efficiency and at the same time have the lowest off-peak autocorrelation and cross-correlation values equal to unity. In this paper we propose an architecture for a WIT MPR FO-CDAM network designed using the presently available devices and technology. A complete FO-CDMA network of ten users is simulated, for various number of simultaneous users and shown that 0 --> 1 errors can occur only when the number of interfering users is at least equal to the threshold value.


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The stress-optic coefficient (n3/2)(q11-q12) has been determined for a series of 18 optical glasses of different compositions in the wavelength range 5700-3200 Å. The coefficients are negative for all the glasses except for a high-lead-content glass of density 6·7 and refractive index 1·89. The numerical value of the coefficient decreases as one proceeds to the ultraviolet. This behaviour is just the opposite of what is observed in fused silica. By applying Mueller's theory, the strain polarizability constant and its dispersion have been evaluated.


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Individuals with inherited deficiency in DNA mismatch repair(MMR) (Lynch syndrome) LS are predisposed to different cancers in a non-random fashion. Endometrial cancer (EC) is the most common extracolonic malignancy in LS. LS represents the best characterized form of hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal carcinoma (HNPCC). Other forms of familial non-polyposis colon cancer exist, including familial colorectal cancer type X (FCCX). This syndrome resembles LS, but MMR gene defects are excluded and the predisposition genes are unknown so far. To address why different organs are differently susceptible to cancer development, we examined molecular similarities and differences in selected cancers whose frequency varies in LS individuals. Tumors that are common (colorectal, endometrial, gastric) and less common (brain, urological) in LS were characterized for MMR protein expression, microsatellite instability (MSI), and by altered DNA methylation. We also studied samples of histologically normal endometrium, endometrial hyperplasia,and cancer for molecular alterations to identify potential markers that could predict malignant transformation in LS and sporadic cases. Our results suggest that brain and kidney tumors follow a different pathway for cancer development than the most common LS related cancers.Our results suggest also that MMR defects are detectable in endometrial tissues from a proportion of LS mutation carriers prior to endometrial cancer development. Traditionally (complex) atypical hyperplasia has been considered critical for progression to malignancy. Our results suggest that complex hyperplasia without atypia is equally important as a precursor lesion of malignancy. Tumor profiles from Egypt were compared with colorectal tumors from Finland to evaluate if there are differences specific to the ethnic origin (East vs.West). Results showed for the first time a distinct genetic and epigenetic signature in the Egyptian CRC marked by high methylation of microsatellite stable tumors associated with advanced stage, and low frequency of Wnt signaling activation, suggesting a novel pathway. DNA samples from FCCX families were studied with genome wide linkage analysis using microsatellite markers. Selected genes from the linked areas were tested for possible mutations that could explain predisposition to a large number of colon adenomas and carcinomas seen in these families. Based on the results from the linkage analysis, a number of areas with tentative linkage were identified in family 20. We narrowed down these areas by additional microsatellite markers to found a mutation in the BMPR1A gene. Sequencing of an additional 17 FCCX families resulted in a BMPR1A mutation frequency of 2/18 families (11%). Clarification of the mechanisms of the differential tumor susceptibility in LS increases the understanding of gene and organ specific targets of MMR deficiency. While it is generally accepted that widespread MMR deficiency and consequent microsatellite instability (MSI) drives tumorigenesis in LS, the timing of molecular alterations is controversial. In particular, it is important to know that alterations may occur several years before cancer formation, at stages that are still histologically regarded as normal. Identification of molecular markers that could predict the risk of malignant transformation may be used to improve surveillance and cancer prevention in genetically predisposed individuals. Significant fractions of families with colorectal and/or endometrial cancer presently lack molecular definition altogether. Our findings expand the phenotypic spectrum of BMPR1A mutations and, for the first time, link FCCX families to the germline mutation of a specific gene. In particular, our observations encourage screening of additional families with FCCX for BMPR1A mutation, which is necessary in obtaining a reliable estimate of the share of BMPR1A-associated cases among all FCCX families worldwide. Clinically, the identification of predisposing mutations enables targeted cancer prevention in proven mutation carriers and thereby reduces cancer morbidity and mortality in the respective families.