603 resultados para HELLER MYOTOMY
BACKGROUND: To determine male outpatient attenders' sexual behaviours, expectations and experience of talking about their sexuality and sexual health needs with a doctor. METHODS: A survey was conducted among all male patients aged 18-70, recruited from the two main medical outpatient clinics in Lausanne, Switzerland, in 2005-2006. The anonymous self-administered questionnaire included questions on sexual behaviour, HIV/STI information needs, expectations and experiences regarding discussion of sexual matters with a doctor. RESULTS: The response rate was 53.0% (N = 1452). The mean age was 37.7 years. Overall, 13.4% of patients were defined as at STI risk--i.e. having not consistently used condoms with casual partners in the last 6 months, or with a paid partner during the last intercourse--regarding their sexual behaviour in the last year. 90.9% would have liked their physician to ask them questions concerning their sexual life; only 61.4% had ever had such a discussion. The multivariate analysis showed that patients at risk tended to have the following characteristics: recruited from the HIV testing clinic, lived alone, declared no religion, had a low level of education, felt uninformed about HIV/AIDS, were younger, had had concurrent sexual partners in the last 12 months. However they were not more likely to have discussed sexual matters with their doctor than patients not at risk. CONCLUSION: Recording the sexual history and advice on the prevention of the risks of STI should become routine practice for primary health care doctors.
We hypothesized that a function of sleep is to replenish brain glycogen stores that become depleted while awake. We have previously tested this hypothesis in three inbred strains of mice by measuring brain glycogen after a 6h sleep deprivation (SD). Unexpectedly, glycogen content in the cerebral cortex did not decrease with SD in two of the strains and was even found to increase in mice of the C57BL/6J (B6) strain. Manipulations that initially induce glycogenolysis can also induce subsequent glycogen synthesis thereby elevating glycogen content beyond baseline. It is thus possible that in B6 mice, cortical glycogen content decreased early during SD and became elevated later in SD. In the present study, we therefore measured changes in brain glycogen over the course of a 6 h SD and during recovery sleep in B6 mice. We found no evidence of a decrease at any time during the SD, instead, cortical glycogen content monotonically increased with time-spent-awake and, when sleep was allowed, started to revert to control levels. Such a time-course is opposite to the one predicted by our initial hypothesis. These results demonstrate that glycogen synthesis can be achieved during prolonged wakefulness to the extent that it outweighs glycogenolysis. Maintaining this energy store seems thus not to be functionally related to sleep in this strain.
Le diable et l'artiste est une plongée dans l'atmosphère «démoniaque » qui régnait en Russie au passage du dix-neuvième au vingtième siècle. Au moment où la Russie, tout comme l'Europe, connaît un vif engouement pour l'ésotérisme, l'occultisme et la théosophie, les écrivains et les artistes s'emparent de la figure diabolique et l'adaptent à leur époque. Après le diable grandiose et solitaire de la période romantique, les symbolistes transforment et stylisent ce personnage, l'incarnant en de, multiples avatars, tantôt majestueux, tantôt petits et mesquins. Le sentiment apocalyptique qui imprègne le tournant du siècle, bientôt confirmé par les bouleversements socio-historiques, renforce encore le mysticisme des artistes et des écrivains, qui invoquent la présence du démon pour mieux comprendre le monde. Dans cet ouvrage, Fanny Mossière montre que la représentation symboliste du diable se caractérise par un «brouillage », un flou, une indétermination : toujours ambigu, insaisissable, «autre », le démon est difficile à percevoir. C'est le cas dans deux romans essentiels pour la période symboliste, L'ange de feu de Valerij Brjusov et Un démon de petite envergure de Fedor Sologub, qui mettent respectivement en scène le personnage mi-angélique mi-démoniaque de Madiel', et nedotykomka, démon informe et inquiétant. Le Maître et Marguerite de Mihail Bulgakov, plus tardif, s'inscrit dans la lignée du mouvement artistique et esthétique symboliste, tant au niveau stylistique que pour sa démonologie débridée. Enfin, une étude de l'oeuvre picturale de Mihail Vrubel', et plus particulièrement de son Démon, complète ce «portrait du diable » à l'orée du vingtième siècle.
Este artigo pretende ser uma contribuição para o estudo da categoria consciência numa perspectiva sócio-histórica, por conseguinte, elegemos Vygotski como o autor central para o desenvolvimento de nossas reflexões. Para a sua realização, além de Vygotski e de alguns leitores de sua obra, consideramos as contribuições de Fernando G. Rey e de Agnes Heller. Pela articulação das contribuições teóricas apontadas, desenvolvemos algumas reflexões sobre a categoria consciência, ressaltando seu processo de constituição, suas mediações e sua importância para a compreensão das formas de pensar, sentir e agir do ser humano.
The Na(+)-independent alanine-serine-cysteine transporter 1 (Asc-1) is exclusively expressed in neuronal structures throughout the central nervous system (CNS). Asc-1 transports small neutral amino acids with high affinity especially for D-serine and glycine (K(i): 8-12 microM), two endogenous glutamate co-agonists that activate N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors through interacting with the strychnine-insensitive glycine binding-site. By regulating D-serine (and possibly glycine) levels in the synaptic cleft, Asc-1 may play an important role in controlling neuronal excitability. We generated asc-1 gene knockout (asc-1(-/-)) mice to test this hypothesis. Behavioral phenotyping combined with electroencephalogram (EEG) recordings revealed that asc-1(-/-) mice developed tremors, ataxia, and seizures that resulted in early postnatal death. Both tremors and seizures were reduced by the NMDA receptor antagonist MK-801. Extracellular recordings from asc-1(-/-) brain slices indicated that the spontaneous seizure activity did not originate in the hippocampus, although, in this region, a relative increase in evoked synaptic responses was observed under nominal Mg(2+)-free conditions. Taken together with the known neurochemistry and neuronal distribution of the Asc-1 transporter, these results indicate that the mechanism underlying the behavioral hyperexcitability in mutant mice is likely due to overactivation of NMDA receptors, presumably resulting from elevated extracellular D-serine. Our study provides the first evidence to support the notion that Asc-1 transporter plays a critical role in regulating neuronal excitability, and indicate that the transporter is vital for normal CNS function and essential to postnatal survival of mice.