906 resultados para Gustav Krieg (Firm)
[spa] En primer lugar el autor se pregunta qué es lo que exactamente significa la palabra éxito aplicada al caso de la evolución reciente de la industria catalana del cava. La comparación de las trayectorias seguidas por la industria italiana del spumante y la del más reputado vino espumoso del mundo, el champagne, muestran una trayectoria muy positiva del volumen de producción y de las exportaciones. En segundo lugar el papel se pregunta por el agente responsable de este éxito. ¿Se debe a una empresa en particular o, por el contrario, al distrito en su conjunto, atendiendo que nos hallamos ante un sector muy concentrado geográficamente en torno a Sant Sadurní d’Anoia? La concentración de las exportaciones en más de dos tercios en manos de una sola empresa justificaría atribuir a dicha empresa el éxito. Sin embargo el análisis histórico de la formación del distrito industrial del cava en la zona del Penedés muestra como los productores se han podido beneficiar de las economías externas marshallianas inherentes a este tipo de concentraciones. El papel muestra que el éxito de la empresa exportadora líder se explica por la existencia de este tipo de ventajas invisibles derivadas de la concentración.
Tax reform proposals in the spirit of the "flat tax" model typically aim to reduce three parameters: the average tax burden, the progressivity of the tax schedule, and the complexity of the tax code. We explore the implications of changes in these three parameters for entrepreneurial activity, measured by counts of firm births. The Swiss fiscal system offers sufficient intra-national variation in tax codes to allow us to estimate such effects with considerable precision. We find that high average taxes and complicated tax codes depress firm birth rates, while tax progressivity per se promotes firm births. The latter result supports the existence of an insurance effect from progressive corporate income taxes for risk averse entrepreneurs. However, implied elasticities with respect to the level and complexity of corporate taxes are an order of magnitude larger than elasticities with respect to the progressivity of tax schedules.
[cat] Analitzem una economia amb dues característiques principals: la mobilitat dels treballadors implica transferència de coneixement i la productivitat de l’empresa augmenta amb l’intercanvi de coneixement. Cada empresa desenvolupa un tipus de coneixement que serà trasmès a la resta de la indústria mitjançant la mobilitat de treballadors. Estudiem dues estructures de mercat laboral i utilitzant un anàlisi comparatiu derivem les implicacions del model. Els resultats revelen com la mobilitat de treballadors depèn en la varietat i nivell del coneixement, la presència de costos de mobilitat, les institucions, la capacitat d’absorvir coneixement per part de les empreses i la mida de la indústria. Els resultats no depenen de l’estructura del mercat laboral.
ABSTRACT : A firm's competitive advantage can arise from internal resources as well as from an interfirm network. -This dissertation investigates the competitive advantage of a firm involved in an innovation network by integrating strategic management theory and social network theory. It develops theory and provides empirical evidence that illustrates how a networked firm enables the network value and appropriates this value in an optimal way according to its strategic purpose. The four inter-related essays in this dissertation provide a framework that sheds light on the extraction of value from an innovation network by managing and designing the network in a proactive manner. The first essay reviews research in social network theory and knowledge transfer management, and identifies the crucial factors of innovation network configuration for a firm's learning performance or innovation output. The findings suggest that network structure, network relationship, and network position all impact on a firm's performance. Although the previous literature indicates that there are disagreements about the impact of dense or spare structure, as well as strong or weak ties, case evidence from Chinese software companies reveals that dense and strong connections with partners are positively associated with firms' performance. The second essay is a theoretical essay that illustrates the limitations of social network theory for explaining the source of network value and offers a new theoretical model that applies resource-based view to network environments. It suggests that network configurations, such as network structure, network relationship and network position, can be considered important network resources. In addition, this essay introduces the concept of network capability, and suggests that four types of network capabilities play an important role in unlocking the potential value of network resources and determining the distribution of network rents between partners. This essay also highlights the contingent effects of network capability on a firm's innovation output, and explains how the different impacts of network capability depend on a firm's strategic choices. This new theoretical model has been pre-tested with a case study of China software industry, which enhances the internal validity of this theory. The third essay addresses the questions of what impact network capability has on firm innovation performance and what are the antecedent factors of network capability. This essay employs a structural equation modelling methodology that uses a sample of 211 Chinese Hi-tech firms. It develops a measurement of network capability and reveals that networked firms deal with cooperation between, and coordination with partners on different levels according to their levels of network capability. The empirical results also suggests that IT maturity, the openness of culture, management system involved, and experience with network activities are antecedents of network capabilities. Furthermore, the two-group analysis of the role of international partner(s) shows that when there is a culture and norm gap between foreign partners, a firm must mobilize more resources and effort to improve its performance with respect to its innovation network. The fourth essay addresses the way in which network capabilities influence firm innovation performance. By using hierarchical multiple regression with data from Chinese Hi-tech firms, the findings suggest that there is a significant partial mediating effect of knowledge transfer on the relationships between network capabilities and innovation performance. The findings also reveal that the impacts of network capabilities divert with the environment and strategic decision the firm has made: exploration or exploitation. Network constructing capability provides a greater positive impact on and yields more contributions to innovation performance than does network operating capability in an exploration network. Network operating capability is more important than network constructing capability for innovative firms in an exploitation network. Therefore, these findings highlight that the firm can shape the innovation network proactively for better benefits, but when it does so, it should adjust its focus and change its efforts in accordance with its innovation purposes or strategic orientation.
The article presents the trajectory of the Swedish psychiatrist Gustav Jonsson (1907-1994) who, in the 1940s, revolutionised the therapeutic and educational treatment of children and young people, considered irreclaimable from the social point of view, who were committed to educational institutions. It analyses the social development of the Welfare State in Sweden, the legal framework of child protection, as well as the context of Swedish residential care centres for children and young people in the first half of the 20th century in order to go further into the psychological and educational work conducted with the Barnbyn Skå group. Jonsson redirected the analysis of violent behaviours that were manifest in these children and young people which made them intractable from the educational point of view and established elements of psychoanalytical understanding, based on a systemic approach in which the family context became essential in order to understand the children’s difficulties. Barnbyn Skå was the centre which, under the guidance of Jonsson, developed this new therapeutic and pedagogic approach. The educational work carried out there exceeded the traditional model in terms of control and surveillance. The methods were considered radical from within pedagogy and caused great controversy which led the centre to continuous investigations on behalf of the Social Services of Stockholm between 1960 and 1970. For several decades Barnbyn Skå has been considered a pioneering experience in the field of Scandinavian child psychiatry.
Charles Bally et Gustav Shpet en conversation intellectuelle: reconstruire les archives de l'époque.
A firm that wishes to launch a new product to the market is faced with a difficult task of deciding what the best moment for the launch is. Timing may also be critical when a firm plans to adopt new processes or intends to head for new markets. The critical question the firm needs to tackle is whether it will try to reach the so-called first-mover advantage by acting earlier than its rivals. The first-mover position may reward the entrant with various opportunities to gain competitive advantage over later movers. However, there are also great risks involved in the early market entry, and sometimes the very first entrant fails even before the followers enter the market. The follower, on the other hand, may be able to free-ride on the earlier entrants' investments and gain from the languished uncertainties that characterize the new markets. According to the current understanding the occurrence of entry order advantages depends not only on the mechanism and attributes in the firm's environment that provide the initial opportunities but also on the firm's ability to capitalize on these advantage opportunities. This study contributes to this discussion by analyzing the linkages between the asset base of the firm, characteristics of the operating environment and the firm's entry timing orientation. To shed light on the relationship between the entry timing strategy and competitive advantage, this study utilizes the concept of entry timing orientation. The rationale for choosing this type of approach arises from the inability of previously employed research tools to reach the underlying factors that result in entry timing advantage. The work consists of an introductory theoretical discussion on entry timing advantages and of four research publication. The empirical findings support the understanding that entry timing advantage is related to the characteristics of the firm's operating environment but may also be related to firm-specific factors. This in turn suggests that some of the traditional ways of detecting and measuring first-mover advantage - which to some extent ignore these dimensions - may be outdated.
Yritysten välinen yhteistyö kasvaa asiantuntijamarkkinoilla. Suppean palvelutarjooman omaavat yritykset muodostavat laajempia palveluita yhdistämällä osaamisiaan kumppaneidensa kanssa. Näin muodostuvat yritysryhmittymät uhkaavat alaa hallitsevia monipuolisen palvelutarjooman omaavia kansainvälisiä moniosaajayrityksiä. Tämän diplomityön tavoitteena on selvittää minkälaisia hyötyjä moniosaajayritys voi saada näitä ryhmittymiä vastaan lisäämällä omaa yhteistyötään. Tavoitteeseen pääsemiseksi markkinoilla olevat yritysryhmittymät tunnistetaan ja selvitetään minkälaisia asioita asiakas pitää tärkeänä ostaessaan asiantuntijapalveluita. Toimialan trendit ja aikaisemmat tutkimukset yritysten välisestä yhteistyöstä sekä asiakkaan ostokäyttäytymisestä osoittavat, että yhteistyön avulla yrityksellä on mahdollisuus saavuttaa monia hyötyjä. Tietoa olemassa olevista yritysryhmittymistä ja asiakkaiden ostokäyttäytymisestä kerättiin haastattelemalla yhden kansainvälisen moniosaajayrityksen henkilöstöä sekä asiakkaita. Tuloksena löytyi yritysryhmittymiä, joista osa uhkaa moniosaajayrityksen kilpailuetua. Asiakkaiden ostokäyttäyminen suosi hieman enemmän asiantuntijapalveluiden hankkimista yritysryhmittymältä moniosaajayrityksen sijaan. Tekemällä yhteistyötä ja tarjoamalla tiettyjä palveluita yhdessä kumppanin kanssa, moniosaajayritys voi saavuttaa hyötyjä yritysryhmittymiä vastaan ja vaikuttaa positiivisesti asiakkaan ostokäyttäytymiseen.
Tämän diplomityön tavoitteena on kuvata tiedonkulkua projektiliiketoimintaa harjoittavassa yrityksessä sekä analysoida kuvausta määrittäen mahdolliset kehityskohdat. Työssätuotetut kuvaukset ja kehityskohtien määrittäminen toimivat pohjana yrityksen kehittäessä projektien hallintaansa tulevaisuudessa. Työssä valitaan tietojohtamisen näkökulma sopivaksi lähestymistavaksi yrityksen toiminnananalysointiin. Haastatteluin kerätyn tutkimusmateriaalin perusteella luodaan prosessikuvaukset jotka mallintavat tietovirtoja yrityksen projektien aikana tapahtuvien prosessien välillä. Kuvausta peilataan tietämyksen luomisen sekä projektien tietojohtamisen teoriaan ja määritetään kehityskohteita. Kehityskohteiden määrittämisen lisäksi ehdotetaan mahdollisia toimenpiteitä tiedon ja tietämyksen hallinnan kehittämiseksi. Kokemusten ja opittujen asioiden sekäpalautteen kerääminen projektien aikana sekä niiden jälkeen havaittiin tärkeimmäksi kehityskohdaksi. Näiden keräämisen voidaan todeta vaativan järjestelmällisyyttä jotta projektien onnistumiset sekä niissä saavutetut parannukset voidaan toistaa jatkossa ja virheet sekä epäonnistumiset sitä vastoin välttää.