999 resultados para Gunzi, Elisa Kiyoko 1976-.


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SALT threatened to institutionalize a bipolar world order. NWS and NNWS alike feared that the US and SU will prioritize global security principles such as systemic stability and conflict stability to Atlantic and European security. Endangered was Europe’s security and position in the future world order. Parity in strategic weapons invalidated the US nuclear umbrella. An ABM deployment and a non-transfer regime threatened Europe’s nuclear defence options. The danger of a Limited War or a denuclearization of Central Europe led to a European co-ordination on nuclear arms control to assure the preservation of the West and the future of Europe.


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Malone , C., 1990. American Journal of Archaeology 1993. 97(179-80).


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Pyrrolizidine alkaloids (PAs) are a group of plant secondary metabolites with carcinogenic and hepatotoxic properties. When PA-producing plants contaminate crops, toxins can be transferred through the food chain and cause illness in humans and animals, most notably hepatic veno-occlusive disease. Honey has been identified as a direct risk of human exposure. The European Food Safety Authority has recently identified four groups of PAs that are of particular importance for food and feed: senecionine-type, lycopsamine-type, heliotrine-type and monocrotaline-type. Liquid or gas chromatography methods are currently used to detect PAs but there are no rapid screening assays available commercially. Therefore, the aim of this study was to develop a rapid multiplex ELISA test for the representatives of three groups of alkaloids (senecionine, lycopsamine and heliotrine types) that would be used as a risk-management tool for the screening of these toxic compounds in food and feed. The method was validated for honey and feed matrices and was demonstrated to have a detection capability less than 25 µg/kg for jacobine, lycopsamine, heliotrine and senecionine. The zinc reduction step introduced to the extraction procedure allows for the additional detection of the presence of N-oxides of PAs. This first multiplex immunoassay for PA detection with N-oxide reduction can be used for the simultaneous screening of 21 samples for >12 PA analytes. Honey samples (n?=?146) from various origins were analysed for PA determination. Six samples were determined to contain measurable PAs >25 µg/kg by ELISA which correlated to >10 µg/kg by LC-MS/MS.


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Principal Findings: Over the period of 35 years, the risk of hospitalization for cardiovascular diseases and respiratory diseases decreased. Hospitalization for musculoskeletal diseases increased whereas mental and behavioral hospitalizations slightly decreased. The risk of cancer hospitalization decreased marginally in men, whereas in women an upward trend was observed.

Conclusions/Significance: A considerable health transition related to hospitalizations and a shift in the utilization of health care services of working-age men and women took place in Finland between 1976 and 2010.

Background: The health transition theory argues that societal changes produce proportional changes in causes of disability and death. The aim of this study was to identify long-term changes in main causes of hospitalization in working-age population within a nation that has experienced considerable societal change.

Methodology: National trends in all-cause hospitalization and hospitalizations for the five main diagnostic categories were investigated in the data obtained from the Finnish Hospital Discharge Register. The seven-cohort sample covered the period from 1976 to 2010 and consisted of 3,769,356 randomly selected Finnish residents, each cohort representing 25% sample of population aged 18 to 64 years.


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En 1986, Robert Berrouët-Oriol dénonçait le silence de la critique québécoise envers ce qu'il a appelé les écritures migrantes. Selon lui, on n'octroyait pas à ces textes la place qui leur était due au sein du discours critique. Seule une analyse exhaustive de la réception critique pourrait révéler les mécanismes d'exclusion en vigueur dans le champ littéraire québécois. Tel a été l'objectif de ce mémoire. Le premier chapitre présente une mise en contexte de la réalité vécue par les nouveaux arrivants au Québec. Un panorama des grands enjeux sociaux, politiques et culturels des dernières vingt-cinq années du XXe siècle est proposé. Ce tableau de l'époque se voit complété par un survol des différentes politiques d'intégration mises en place par les gouvernements pour accueillir les immigrants. Enfin, une rapide étude du phénomène des écritures migrantes, inscrites au coeur de la littérature québécoise, clôt ce chapitre. Par la suite, les données sociologiques des auteurs du corpus sont analysées de façon quantitative, afin d'obtenir de ces derniers un profil juste et signifiant. Selon cette même perspective quantitative, nous examinons également les articles colligés dans le but d'y déceler des tendances temporelles et des particularités propres à chacun des périodiques. Le troisième chapitre est consacré à une analyse de la terminologie utilisée par les critiques pour désigner les auteurs nés à l'étranger qui sont traités dans les pages des périodiques sélectionnés. Nous verrons à quels moments et dans quelles circonstances un auteur se voit attribuer une dénomination québécoise ou participant du marquage d'une altérité. Ce mémoire s'achève sur une étude approfondie des thématiques, tout autant celles abordées par les auteurs nés à l'étranger dans leurs ouvrages que relevées par les critiques qui en font la mention.


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Tese de doutoramento, Educação (História da Educação), Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Educação, 2014


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Tese de doutoramento, Ciências Biomédicas (Neurociências), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Medicina, 2014


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Concert program for University Chorale, February 27, 1976


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Concert program for Symphonic Band, March 7, 1976


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Concert program for Second Annual Spring Collegiate Jazz Festival, May 23, 1976


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Concert program for University Madrigal Singers, June 2, 1976


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Concert program for The University Symphony Orchestra, December 3, 1976


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Concert program for The Winter Jazz Concert, December 8, 1976