957 resultados para Forensic science


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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We report the results of the seventh edition of the GEP-ISFG mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) collaborative exercise. The samples submitted to the participant laboratories were blood stains from a maternity case and Simulated forensic samples, including a case of mixture. The success rate for the blood stains was moderate (similar to 77%); even though four inexperienced laboratories concentrated about one-third of the total errors. A similar success was obtained for the analysis of mixed samples (78.8% for a hair-saliva mixture and 69.2% for a saliva-saliva Mixture). Two laboratories also dissected the haplotypes contributing to the saliva-saliva mixture. Most of the errors were due to reading problems and misinterpretation of electropherograms, demonstrating once more that the lack of a solid devised experimental approach is the main cause of error in mtDNA testing. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Allele frequency distributions and population data for 12 Y-chromosomal short tandem repeats (STRs) included in the PowerPlex (R) Y Systems (Promega) were obtained for a sample of 200 healthy unrelated males living in S (a) over tildeo Paulo State (Southeast of Brazil). A total of 192 haplotypes were identified, of which 184 were unique and 8 were found in 2 individuals. The average gene diversity of the 12 Y-STR was 0.6746 and the haplotype diversity was 0.9996. Pairwise analysis confirmed that our population is more similar with the Italy, North Portugal and Spain, being more distant of the Japan. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Larvae of Chrysomya albiceps (Wiedemann) and Chrysomya putoria (Wiedemann) were reared on liver tissues from a rabbit that had a malignant tumor in the thoracic cavity. Larval rearing of both blowfly species was conducted at ambient temperature. Larvae that fed on tissues from the rabbit with the tumor developed at significantly faster rates than those feeding on tissues from the control animal.


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Genetic population data for five X-STR (DXS6854, DXS7424, DXS101, DXS6808 and DXS7132) were obtained from Bauru population (São Paulo, Brazil). No deviations from the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium were observed, with the exception of DXS101. The combined powers of discrimination in males and females were 0.99897253 and 0.99999120, respectively. These high values show the potential of this system in human identification and paternity testing. © 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A collaborative work was carried out by the Spanish and Portuguese ISFG Working Group with a PCR multiplex for X chromosome STRs. Markers were selected among those described as polymorphic in humans and that have been used by some laboratories in forensics. Primers and various technical methods were investigated with the aim of optimizing a multiplex for the 10 selected X-STRs. Primer mix stock solutions were sent to the laboratories that were asked to analyse two female bloodstains, taking as reference the genetic profiles from 9947A, 9948 and NA3657 samples. In this work, we report the results obtained by 30 GEP-ISFG laboratories, using this Decaplex, as well as alternative technical conditions that also produced good results. © 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Genetic population data for 10 X-STR (DXS8378, DXS9898, DXS7133, GATA31E08, GATA172D05, DXS7423, DXS6809, DXS7132, DXS9902 and DXS6789) were obtained from Vitória population (Espírito Santo State, Brazil). No deviations from the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium and linkage disequilibrium were observed. The combined powers of discrimination in males and females were 0.9999995 and 0.99999999996, respectively. These high values show the potential of this system in human identification in Vitória population, Brazil. © 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In 2010 QIAGEN® launched to eight kits of different combinations of STRs, including the Investigator IDplex Kit. This kit allows amplification in one PCR 16 markers. The aim of this study was to evaluate the reproducibility of Investigator IDplex Kit among Latin America laboratories. In the framework of the 'III International Theoretical-Practice Course in Populations Genetic and Biologicals Filiations' in Medellín-Colombia, all participants were invited to evaluate the reproducibility of this kit, they were provided of the necessary materials for the study. The results reported by participating were tabulated for the study the reproducibility. Results and comments were received on the agreed date of 12 of the 22 laboratories registered, one participant submits comments only. Some laboratories reported greater sensitivity Investigator IDplex Kit compared with other kits containing similar markers, also highlight the easy adaptability to existing conditions in laboratories, without involving major changes to its implementation. This paper shows the high reproducibility of Investigator IDplex Kit, a new tool offered by QIAGEN® for all laboratories that perform human identification testing and biological relationship testing using DNA markers. © 2011 Elsevier B.V.


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SNaPshot minisequencing reaction is in increasing use because of its fast detection of many polymorphisms in a single assay. In this work we described a highly sensitive single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) typing method with detection of 42 mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) SNPs in a single PCR and SNaPshot multiplex reaction in order to allow haplogroup classification in Latin American admixture population. We validated the panel typing 160 Brazilian individuals. DNA was extracted from blood spotted on filter paper using Chelex protocol. Forty SNPs were selected targeting haplogroup-specific mutations in Europeans, Africans and Asians (only precursors of Native Americans haplogroups A2, B2, C1, and D1) and two non-coding SNPs were chosen to increase the power of discrimination between individuals (SNPs positions 16,519 and 16,362). It was done using a modified version of a previously published multiplex SNaPshot minisequencing reaction established to resolve European haplogroups, adding SNPs targeting Africans (L0, L1, L2, L3, and L*) and Asians (A, B, C, and D) haplogroups based on SNPs described at PhyloTree.org build 2. PCR primers were designed using PerlPrimer software and checked with the Autodimer program. Thirty-three primer-pairs were used to amplify 42 SNPs. Using this panel, we were able to successfully classify 160 individuals into their correct haplogroups. Complete SNP profiles were obtained from 10. pg of total DNA. We conclude that it is possible to build and genotype more than 40 mtDNA SNPs in a single multiplex PCR and SNaPshot reaction, with sensitivity and reliability, resolving haplogroup classification in admixture populations. © 2011.


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The objective of this study was to demonstrate the effectiveness of rugoscopy as a human identification method, even when the patient is submitted to rapid palatal expansion, which in theory would introduce doubt. With this intent, the Rugoscopic Identity was obtained for each subject using the classification formula proposed by Santos based on the intra-oral casts made before and after treatment from patients who were subjected to palatal expansion. The casts were labeled with the patients' initials and randomly arranged for studying. The palatine rugae kept the same patterns in every case studied. The technical error of the intra-evaluator measurement provided a confidence interval of 95%, making rugoscopy a reliable identification method for patients who were submitted to rapid palatal expansion, because even in the presence of intra-oral changes owing to the use of palatal expanders, the palatine rugae retained the biological and technical requirements for the human identification process. © 2012 American Academy of Forensic Sciences.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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One of the main objectives of the Spanish and Portuguese-Speaking Group of the International Society for Forensic Genetics (GHEP-ISFG) is to promote and contribute to the development and dissemination of scientific knowledge in the area of forensic genetics. Due to this fact, GHEP-ISFG holds different working commissions that are set up to develop activities in scientific aspects of general interest. One of them, the Mixture Commission of GHEP-ISFG, has organized annually, since 2009, a collaborative exercise on analysis and interpretation of autosomal short tandem repeat (STR) mixture profiles. Until now, three exercises have been organized (GHEP-MIX01, GHEP-MIX02 and GHEP-MIX03), with 32, 24 and 17 participant laboratories respectively. The exercise aims to give a general vision by addressing, through the proposal of mock cases, aspects related to the edition of mixture profiles and the statistical treatment. The main conclusions obtained from these exercises may be summarized as follows. Firstly, the data show an increased tendency of the laboratories toward validation of DNA mixture profiles analysis following international recommendations (ISO/IEC 17025: 2005). Secondly, the majority of discrepancies are mainly encountered in stutters positions (53.4%, 96.0% and 74.9%, respectively for the three editions). On the other hand, the results submitted reveal the importance of performing duplicate analysis by using different kits in order to reduce errors as much as possible. Regarding the statistical aspect (GHEP-MIX02 and 03), all participants employed the likelihood ratio (LR) parameter to evaluate the statistical compatibility and the formulas employed were quite similar. When the hypotheses to evaluate the LR value were locked by the coordinators (GHEP-MIX02) the results revealed a minor number of discrepancies that were mainly due to clerical reasons. However, the GHEP-MIX03 exercise allowed the participants to freely come up with their own hypotheses to calculate the LR value. In this situation the laboratories reported several options to explain the mock cases proposed and therefore significant differences between the final LR values were obtained. Complete information concerning the background of the criminal case is a critical aspect in order to select the adequate hypotheses to calculate the LR value. Although this should be a task for the judicial court to decide, it is important for the expert to account for the different possibilities and scenarios, and also offer this expertise to the judge. In addition, continuing education in the analysis and interpretation of mixture DNA profiles may also be a priority for the vast majority of forensic laboratories. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.