939 resultados para Folklore.


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Powers of Death. Church-väki in the Finnish Folk Belief Tradition Folk belief tradition can be defined as a communication system in which the truth value of traditional motifs is judged by their usefulness and applicability. According to the Finnish belief tradition, a substance of power called väki resides in sacred elements and in entities which vitally affect human life. Väki is both ritually avoided and harnessed for beneficial or malevolent purposes. The powers of church and death merge in church-väki, which, in beliefs and narratives, emerges when the boundary between the living and the dead is crossed or violated. In rural societies where the relationship to the dying and the deceased was close, the church-väki tradition was relevant and productive. This study is based on approximately 2700 units of archived material from thel late 19th and early 20th centuries narratives, rite descriptions, and linguistic data. It explicates the concept of church-väki, presents the background of the tradition, and analyses narratives, their meanings, and their role in early modern world view. It also explores how the concept was used when constructing social boundaries and handling otherness in the early modern Finland. The theoretic emphasis is on conceptual and genre analysis, narrativity, as well as the multiple meanings and uses of folklore motifs. Descriptions of church-väki vary from it being an invisible force to a crowd of beings and decomposing corpses. The author defines church-väki as a fuzzy concept with three prototypical cores and several names, most of which are polysemous. Polysemous words connect church-väki with for example ghosts and devils, unkempt people, and vermin, constructing a loose paradigm of supernatural and social otherness. Folklore genres of the studied narratives range from stories of personal experience to fabulates. The taleworlds and their content range from realistic (near) to extraordinary (distant). The distance between the taleworld and reality has concrete (local and temporal), narrative, and normative aspects. Distant taleworlds often follow an ontology different than in real life, although the narratives may be carefully linked to reality. Instead of being fictive, they show what would be expected outside the socially constructed everyday order. Methods of narratology are applied to coherent legends, which locate dramatic events in distant taleworlds. Linguistic genres, based on structure, function here as narrative registers of folklore genres.


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Horseback riding is a popular activity in Finland, especially among young women and girls. For centuries, however, horse husbandry and horse culture in Finland had been dominated by men. Nowadays it is mainly the girls who ride as a hobby and take care of the horses. The stable has evolved into an important social sphere for girls, a semi-public room of their own where they spend time together. A study of the girl culture in the riding stable offers a unique perspective as well as new information on becoming a girl and a young woman in Finland. The subject of my research is the girl culture and girls communities at the horseback riding stables. In this thesis I discuss what kind of girl-cultural sphere the stable is, how girls organize their community, and what different aspects and meanings the hobby entails for girls while they are actively engaged in the hobby. I focus on the construction of gender and girlhood and examine how these gender constructions can be theorized as gender tradition. The research material consists of the interviews of 22 stable girls from different parts of Finland and an observation period at one of the stables. The informants were from 13 to 27 years of age. The theoretical background is based on the anthropological study of folklore, girls studies, feminist theory and post-humanist viewpoints. I am interested in how girls culture and girlhood are produced performatively in the interview narration and participant observation. I concentrate on four aspects of this culture: 1) what girls do at the stable, and what kind of relationships they create with horses; 2) social relations focusing on the ways girls construct their own groups, the way their hierarchy is constructed and how they use power; 3) the norms and social control regarding social behaviour; and 4) the reasons girls give for their involvement in the hobby, and girls interest in horses in general. In this girl culture, gender norms and boundaries are not only stretched or transgressed, but the culture also re-produces the hierarchical and stereotypical ideas of gender. The traditions of gender express both the hegemonic gender system and those ideas of gender which girls resist, at least momentarily. Constructions of gender and gender tradition are constituted at the intersections of historical and contemporary expectations of what it means to be a girl. Conscious of these societal demands, girls support, reproduce, challenge, and make comments on them.


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Introducción: El Tinkunaco en la provincia de La Rioja, Argentina, es una fiesta que, arraigada en este pueblo desde 1593, tiene una hondura inigualable. Puede ser leída desde diversos ángulos: realizando un recorrido histórico a lo largo de sus más de 400 años de historia, estudiándola desde la teología, la etnografía, el folklore, la lingüística, la política. Cada ciencia y línea de investigación tendrá su propio método, pero separadas unas de otras no accederán acabadamente a la fiesta. Nosotros realizaremos en esta tesis un acercamiento desde la Teología Práctica integrando también a ciencias tales como la historia, la sociología, la psicología...


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Resumen: Son numerosas las fuentes literarias que dan cuenta de los raptos de doncellas llevados a cabo por animales, de cuya unión se desprenden a su vez los nacimientos monstruosos de niños que reciben cualidades de su padre-animal, tanto físicamente como en su carácter, aunque en ocasiones lleguen a conservar en gran parte su apariencia antropomórfica. Historias de este tipo se propagan durante los siglos xv y xvi en libros de misceláneas y casos extraños, pero continúan aún vivos en los siglos posteriores, cuando adquieren nuevas formas y variantes a través del folklore, la narrativa y la lírica popular. Analizaremos particularmente los raptos ejecutados por el oso y el simio, dos animales en los que el hombre del Medioevo vio especialmente la lujuria.


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Resumen: En el marco de un proyecto de la Vicerrectoría de Investigaciones de la Universidad de Caldas denominado “Resignificación músico-pictórica del mito de la Salamanca” surgió la conveniencia de aplicar y diseñar programas de fundamentación matemática que permitieran definir la estructura y el tratamiento acústico de la obra especialmente escrita para este proyecto. Principalmente nos basamos en la implementación de la Transformada Rápida de Fourier (Fast Fourier Transform) para el análisis de espectros armónicos y su modificación en vivo y en la utilización de un entorno de programación para procesamiento de sonido en tiempo real. El marco general de la investigación parte del enfoque de Regionalismo Crítico procedente de las propuestas de Kenneth Frampton referentes originalmente a la crítica de la arquitectura. El planteamiento como investigación mutidisciplinaria implica (1) una visión crítica de la substancia mítica y social subyacente, (2) una resignificación pictórica por medio de fotografía, animación y pintura, basada en la sustancia visual que contiene el mito, (3) un enfoque musical electroacústico, a partir del material que surge del folklor local, utilizando la intervención de instrumentos en vivo y procesamiento en tiempo real.


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Resumen: Se trata de hallar solución al problema surgido por dos danzas criollas diferentes que ostentan, para los estudiosos, la misma designación, con la particularidad de que los cultores de las danzas nativas denominan, a una de ellas, con nombre inapropiado. Se hace el relato del problema surgido, presentando el estudio de las especies en cuestión y, demostrada su diferencia, se propone una designación para cada una de ellas, sin traicionar los nombres con que fueron conocidas en su tiempo.


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This bibliography attempts to list, with descriptive annotations and a subject index, important literature published between 1930 and 1953 dealing with the tunas and their fisheries in all parts of the world. It is thus a continuation of Corwin's (1930) work, which extended with similar scope through 1929, and an extension of Shimada's (1951), which was limited to the biology of Pacific tunas. The tunas with which it deals are those fishes customarily so-called in commercial parlance and usually classified in the genera Thunnus, Neothunnus, Parathunnus, Germo, Katsuwonus, Euthynnus and Auxis and their various synonyms. All aspects of the biology of the tunas are dealt with, as are descriptions and histories of all types of tuna fisheries, commercial and exploratory tuna fishing methods and results, fishing gear, catch statistics, and fishery management, but processing technology, economics and marketing, folklore, and purely literary references have been excluded.


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Since McCauley's 1945 publication, now out of print, on the "Turtles of Maryland," little has appeared on this interesting component of Maryland's vertebrate fauna. This work is thus an attempt to bring up to date the information that has accumulated during the interval. Each species has been treated in a similar vein regarding name, drawing, distribution, life history and biology. Additional information not usually found in texts or manuals has been added, especially that on folklore, uses and commercial value. Comments on environs, identification, species which should not be considered part of the turtle fauna, and the five known introduced species are included. A key to all the material and introduced species and subspecies is presented for the first time. The distribution maps have been made following the present limits of a species' known range. Dots were not used to illustrate ranges since so many species can and do move about readily. Those species whose ranges are expected to be larger than presently known are so indicated. These species and specimens thereof from the latter areas should be kept arid called to the attention of qualified personnel. All levels from the high school to scientist will find material of interest herein. (PDF contains 43 pages)


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We present a novel account of the theory of commutative spectral triples and their two closest noncommutative generalisations, almost-commutative spectral triples and toric noncommutative manifolds, with a focus on reconstruction theorems, viz, abstract, functional-analytic characterisations of global-analytically defined classes of spectral triples. We begin by reinterpreting Connes's reconstruction theorem for commutative spectral triples as a complete noncommutative-geometric characterisation of Dirac-type operators on compact oriented Riemannian manifolds, and in the process clarify folklore concerning stability of properties of spectral triples under suitable perturbation of the Dirac operator. Next, we apply this reinterpretation of the commutative reconstruction theorem to obtain a reconstruction theorem for almost-commutative spectral triples. In particular, we propose a revised, manifestly global-analytic definition of almost-commutative spectral triple, and, as an application of this global-analytic perspective, obtain a general result relating the spectral action on the total space of a finite normal compact oriented Riemannian cover to that on the base space. Throughout, we discuss the relevant refinements of these definitions and results to the case of real commutative and almost-commutative spectral triples. Finally, we outline progess towards a reconstruction theorem for toric noncommutative manifolds.


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Homenaje a Georges Laplace, realizado en Vitoria-Gasteiz el 13,14 y 15 de noviembre de 2012. Edición a cargo de Aitor Calvo, Aitor Sánchez, Maite García-Rojas y Mónica Alonso-Eguíluz.


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Este trabalho apresenta uma leitura das manifestações do insólito ficcional, a partir de mitos e do maravilhoso moçambicano, em Vinte e zinco, de Mia Couto. Essas manifestações podem ser vistas como pertencentes ao Realismo Maravilhoso, Mágico ou Animista, uma vez que podem ser observadas através da representação literária de mitos que perpassam o continente africano como um todo, permitindo, assim, repensar a origem de lendas, crenças, folclore, religiosidade e tradições nacionais. Dessa forma, os eventos insólitos presentes em Vinte e zinco são utilizados por Mia Couto com a intenção, explicitada em seus artigos de opinião, de resgatar e recuperar aspectos dispersos da mosaica e híbrida identidade moçambicana, contribuindo para sua construção na contemporaneidade, ultrapassadas as guerras de descolonização -frente a Portugal - e civil -entre os próprios moçambicanos


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Esta dissertação versa sobre o carnaval das escolas de samba, em seu período de formação, na década de 1930. Apresentando a Vizinha Faladeira procura-se identificar suas transgressões no contexto da institucionalização do chamado tradicional carnaval das escolas de samba da cidade. Busca-se compreender os motivos que levaram a Vizinha Faladeira a afastar-se das disputas carnavalescas e terminar suas atividades como escola de samba identificando assim as diversas tensões que circundavam o carnaval das escolas de samba. Verificando os desfiles da Vizinha Faladeira identificam-se formas estéticas diversas que revelam os diálogos tensionados entre os diversos grupos da sociedade e o desejo de fazer um carnaval cada vez mais popular. Este trabalho busca lançar um novo olhar sobre a festa carnavalesca entendendo a cultura popular como o local de disputas de significados simbólicos, rompendo-se com as visões folclóricas e antropológicas, privilegiando as disputas entre os grupos e as representações nas formas artísticas das escolas de samba


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Esta dissertação tem como tema O Bumba meu Boi e a expressão Verbal do Maranhão. Nela abordou-se a história da fundação de São Luis, capital do Estado, seus traços culturais e suas marcas na variação lingüística. Discorreu-se sobre a fala maranhense, destacando os fatos relacionados ao seu folclore. O córpus foi constituído de toadas da discografia do cenário do Bumba Meu Boi da Maioba, sotaque de matraca. Tomou-se por base a proposta teórica de Castilho (2010) para enfocar a variação, e a de Henriques (2011) para discutir o componente léxico. Dessa forma foi desenvolvida uma pesquisa semântico-lexical, com o propósito de mostrar a beleza do Português Brasileiro, cuja variação interna representa a dimensão continental do País