997 resultados para Ferromagnet-semiconductor Interface


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Field-effect transistors (FETs) fabricated from undoped and Co2+-doped CdSe colloidal nanowires show typical n-channel transistor behaviour with gate effect. Exposed to microscope light, a 10 times current enhancement is observed in the doped nanowire-based devices due to the significant modification of the electronic structure of CdSe nanowires induced by Co2+-doping, which is revealed by theoretical calculations from spin-polarized plane-wave density functional theory.


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Situated on Youtube, and shown in various locations. In this video we show a 3D mock up of a personal house purchasing process. A path traversal metaphor is used to give a sense of progression along the process stages. The intention is to be able to use console devices like an Xbox to consume business processes. This is so businesses can expose their internal processes to consumers using sophisticated user interfaces. The demonstrator was developed using Microsoft XNA, with assistance from the Suncorp Bank and the Smart Services CRC. More information at: www.bpmve.org


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With a monolayer honeycomb-lattice of sp2-hybridized carbon atoms, graphene has demonstrated exceptional electrical, mechanical and thermal properties. One of its promising applications is to create graphene-polymer nanocomposites with tailored mechanical and physical properties. In general, the mechanical properties of graphene nanofiller as well as graphene-polymer interface govern the overall mechanical performance of graphene-polymer nanocomposites. However, the strengthening and toughening mechanisms in these novel nanocomposites have not been well understood. In this work, the deformation and failure of graphene sheet and graphene-polymer interface were investigated using molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. The effect of structural defects on the mechanical properties of graphene and graphene-polymer interface was investigated as well. The results showed that structural defects in graphene (e.g. Stone-Wales defect and multi-vacancy defect) can significantly deteriorate the fracture strength of graphene but may still make full utilization of corresponding strength of graphene and keep the interfacial strength and the overall mechanical performance of graphene-polymer nanocomposites.


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Trauma education, both formal and informal, is an essential component of professional development for both nursing anf medical staff working in the Emergency Department. Ideally, this education will be multidisciplinary. As a result, the day to day aspects of emergency care such and team work and crew resource management are maintained.


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It has long been a concern that the wider uptake of the YAWL environment may have been hindered by the usability issues identified in the current Process Editor. As a consequence, it was decided that the Editor be completely rewritten to address those usability limitations. The result has been the implementation of a new YAWL Process Editor architecture that creates a clear separation between the User Interface component layer and the core processing back end, facilitating the redesign of the default user interface. This new architecture also supports the development of multiple User Interface front ends for specific contexts that take advantage of the core capabilities the new Editor architecture has to offer.


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In this paper, we report the preparation and characterisation of nanometer-sized TiO2, CdO, and ZnO semiconductor particles trapped in zeolite NaY. Preparation of these particles was carried out via the traditional ion exchange method and subsequent calcination procedure. It was found that the smaller cations, i.e., Cd2+ and Zn2+ could be readily introduced into the SI′ and SII′ sites located in the sodalite cages, through ion exchange; while this is not the case for the larger Ti species, i.e., Ti monomer [TiO]2+ or dimer [Ti2O3]2+ which were predominantly dispersed on the external surface of zeolite NaY. The subsequent calcination procedure promoted these Ti species to migrate into the internal surface of the supercages. These semiconductor particles confined in NaY zeolite host exhibited a significant blue shift in the UV-VIS absorption spectra, in contrast to the respective bulk semiconductor materials, due to the quantum size effect (QSE). The particle sizes calculated from the UV-VIS optical absorption spectra using the effective mass approximation model are in good agreement with the atomic absorption data.


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With persisting health inequalities across and between diverse populations, health promotion must consider its engagement with the culture concept in achieving better health for all. By way of a conversation between an Indigenous and non-Indigenous health promotion practitioner, this unique presentation will critically examine the cultural practice of health promotion for Indigenous Australians. Culture becomes the central tenant of this conversation – but not culture in the sense of something to “fix” to improve Indigenous health, or import to make mainstream practices “culturally appropriate”. Rather, the somewhat invisible culture of Australian health promotion practice itself is highlighted. The enthusiasm of mainstream health promotion practice for risk and reductionism supplants biological determinism with a cultural determinism that constructs culture as illness-producing. This is in contrast to Indigenous perspectives of culture in which it is described as integral to individual and community health and well-being. Whilst empowerment features strongly within global health promotion discourses, the preoccupation of health promotion with the inherent deficit/behavioural change approach is an all too convenient distraction from the broader structural factors impacting on the health of Indigenous Australians. That Indigenous Australians have not benefitted from successful public health policy interventions in the same way as the general population is in itself revealing of the culture of health promotion practice in Australia and it is somewhat ironic that the health promotion fraternity seems not to have questioned its own practice. This conversation aims to encourage health promotion practitioners, researchers and policy makers to interrogate the cultural assumptions of their own practice and of the public health system they are part of and consider how to embed and empower the voices and experiences of those who are ‘culturally othered’ within health promotion practice.


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Balancing the competing interests of autonomy and protection of individuals is an escalating challenge confronting an ageing Australian society. Legal and medical professionals are increasingly being asked to determine whether individuals are legally competent/capable to make their own testamentary and substitute decision-making, that is financial and/or personal/health care, decisions. No consistent and transparent competency/capacity assessment paradigm currently exists in Australia. Consequently, assessments are currently being undertaken on an ad hoc basis which is concerning as Australia’s population ages and issues of competency/capacity increase. The absence of nationally accepted competency/capacity assessment guidelines and supporting principles results in legal and medical professionals involved with competency/capacity assessment implementing individual processes tailored to their own abilities. Legal and medical approaches differ both between and within the professions. The terminology used also varies. The legal practitioner is concerned with whether the individual has the legal ability to make the decision. A medical practitioner assesses fluctuations in physical and mental abilities. The problem is that the terms competency and capacity are used interchangeably resulting in confusion about what is actually being assessed. The terminological and methodological differences subsequently create miscommunication and misunderstanding between the professions. Consequently, it is not necessarily a simple solution for a legal professional to seek the opinion of a medical practitioner when assessing testamentary and/or substitute decision-making competency/capacity. This research investigates the effects of the current inadequate testamentary and substitute decision-making assessment paradigm and whether there is a more satisfactory approach. This exploration is undertaken within a framework of therapeutic jurisprudence which promotes principles fundamentally important in this context. Empirical research has been undertaken to first, explore the effects of the current process with practising legal and medical professionals; and second, to determine whether miscommunication and misunderstanding actually exist between the professions such that it gives rise to a tense relationship which is not conducive to satisfactory competency/capacity assessments. The necessity of reviewing the adequacy of the existing competency/capacity assessment methodology in the testamentary and substitute decision-making domain will be demonstrated and recommendations for the development of a suitable process made.


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Background Standard operating procedures state that police officers should not drive while interacting with their mobile data terminal (MDT) which provides in-vehicle information essential to police work. Such interactions do however occur in practice and represent a potential source of driver distraction. The MDT comprises visual output with manual input via touch screen and keyboard. This study investigated the potential for alternative input and output methods to mitigate driver distraction with specific focus on eye movements. Method Nineteen experienced drivers of police vehicles (one female) from the NSW Police Force completed four simulated urban drives. Three drives included a concurrent secondary task: imitation licence plate search using an emulated MDT. Three different interface methods were examined: Visual-Manual, Visual-Voice, and Audio-Voice (“Visual” and “Audio” = output modality; “Manual” and “Voice” = input modality). During each drive, eye movements were recorded using FaceLAB™ (Seeing Machines Ltd, Canberra, ACT). Gaze direction and glances on the MDT were assessed. Results The Visual-Voice and Visual-Manual interfaces resulted in a significantly greater number of glances towards the MDT than Audio-Voice or Baseline. The Visual-Manual and Visual-Voice interfaces resulted in significantly more glances to the display than Audio-Voice or Baseline. For longer duration glances (>2s and 1-2s) the Visual-Manual interface resulted in significantly more fixations than Baseline or Audio-Voice. The short duration glances (<1s) were significantly greater for both Visual-Voice and Visual-Manual compared with Baseline and Audio-Voice. There were no significant differences between Baseline and Audio-Voice. Conclusion An Audio-Voice interface has the greatest potential to decrease visual distraction to police drivers. However, it is acknowledged that an audio output may have limitations for information presentation compared with visual output. The Visual-Voice interface offers an environment where the capacity to present information is sustained, whilst distraction to the driver is reduced (compared to Visual-Manual) by enabling adaptation of fixation behaviour.


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Police in-vehicle systems include a visual output mobile data terminal (MDT) with manual input via touch screen and keyboard. This study investigated the potential for voice-based input and output modalities for reducing subjective workload of police officers while driving. Nineteen experienced drivers of police vehicles (one female) from New South Wales (NSW) Police completed four simulated urban drives. Three drives included a concurrent secondary task: an imitation licence number search using an emulated MDT. Three different interface output-input modalities were examined: Visual-Manual, Visual-Voice, and Audio-Voice. Following each drive, participants rated their subjective workload using the NASA - Raw Task Load Index and completed questions on acceptability. A questionnaire on interface preferences was completed by participants at the end of their session. Engaging in secondary tasks while driving significantly increased subjective workload. The Visual-Manual interface resulted in higher time demand than either of the voice-based interfaces and greater physical demand than the Audio-Voice interface. The Visual-Voice and Audio-Voice interfaces were rated easier to use and more useful than the Visual-Manual interface, although not significantly different from each other. Findings largely echoed those deriving from the analysis of the objective driving performance data. It is acknowledged that under standard procedures, officers should not drive while performing tasks concurrently with certain invehicle policing systems; however, in practice this sometimes occurs. Taking action now to develop voice-based technology for police in-vehicle systems has potential to realise visions for potentially safer and more efficient vehicle-based police work.


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This thesis is a comprehensive study of the synthesis of nanomaterials. It explores the synthetic methods on the control of the size, shape and phase of semiconductor nanocrystals. A number of important conclusions, including the mechanism behind crystal growth and the structure-relationship, have been drawn through the experimental and theoretical investigation. The synthesized nanocrystals have been tested for applications in gas sensing, photocatalysis and solar cells, which exhibit considerable commercialization potential.


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The higher harmonic components available from large-amplitude Fourier-transformed alternating current (FT-ac) voltammetry enable the surface active state of a copper electrode in basic media to be probed in much more detail than possible with previously used dc methods. In particular, the absence of capacitance background current allows low-level Faradaic current contributions of fast electron-transfer processes to be detected; these are usually completely undetectable under conditions of dc cyclic voltammetry. Under high harmonic FT-ac voltammetric conditions, copper electrodes exhibit well-defined and reversible premonolayer oxidation responses at potentials within the double layer region in basic 1.0 M NaOH media. This process is attributed to oxidation of copper adatoms (Cu*) of low bulk metal lattice coordination numbers to surface-bonded, reactive hydrated oxide species. Of further interest is the observation that cathodic polarization in 1.0 M NaOH significantly enhances the current detected in each of the fundamental to sixth FT-ac harmonic components in the Cu*/Cu hydrous oxide electron-transfer process which enables the underlying electron transfer processes in the higher harmonics to be studied under conditions where the dc capacitance response is suppressed; the results support the incipient hydrous oxide adatom mediator (IHOAM) model of electrocatalysis. The underlying quasi-reversible interfacial Cu*/Cu hydrous oxide process present under these conditions is shown to mediate the reduction of nitrate at a copper electrode, while the mediator for the hydrazine oxidation reaction appears to involve a different mediator or active state redox couple. Use of FT-ac voltammetry offers prospects for new insights into the nature of active sites and electrocatalysis at the electrode/solution interface of Group 11 metals in aqueous media.


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In this study, the reaction of semiconductor microrods of phase I copper 7,7,8,8-tetracyanoquinodimethane (CuTCNQ) with KAuBr4 in acetonitrile is reported. It was found that the reaction is redox in nature and proceeds via a galvanic replacement mechanism in which the surface of CuTCNQ is replaced with metallic gold nanoparticles. Given the slight solubility of CuTCNQ in acetonitrile, two competing reactions, namely CuTCNQ dissolution and the redox reaction with KAuBr4, were found to operate in parallel. An increase in the surface coverage of CuTCNQ microrods with gold nanoparticles occurred with an increased KAuBr4 concentration in acetonitrile, which also inhibited CuTCNQ dissolution. The reaction progress with time was monitored using UV−visible, FT-IR, and Raman spectroscopy as well as XRD and EDX analysis, and SEM imaging. The CuTCNQ/Au nanocomposites were investigated for their photocatalytic properties, wherein the destruction of Congo red, an organic dye, by simulated solar light was found dependent on the surface coverage of gold nanoparticles on the CuTCNQ microrods. This method of decorating CuTCNQ may open the possibility of modifying this and other metal-TCNQ charge transfer complexes with a host of other metals which may have significant applications.


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Objective This study was to investigate issues that arose from pre-admission to post-discharge, for people in Toowoomba, Queensland over the age of 65 admitted to an acute facility. This paper concentrates on a significant concern that emerged from the large amount of data collected during this project, that is,the role of the nurse in the continuum of health care involving elderly people. Method The study involved a multi-site, multi-agency and multi-method (qualitative and quantitative) approach. Data was collected from regional service providers, the Department of Health and Aged Care (DHAC), the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), Home and Community Care (HACC), the Aged Care Assessment Team (ACAT), elderly people who had been discharged from regional hospitals and their carers, residents of regional aged care facilities, area health professionals and elderly regional hospital inpatients. Results The data indicated that nurses in this provincial area currently play a limited role in preadmission planning, being mostly concerned with elective surgery, especially joint replacements. While nurses deliver the majority of care during hospitalisation, they do not appear to be cognizant of the needs of the elderly regarding post-acute discharge. Conclusion The recent introduction of the model of nurse case management in the acute sector appears to be a positive development that will streamline and optimise the health care of the elderly across the continuum in the Toowoomba area. The paper recommends some strategies, such as discharge liaison nurses based in Emergency Departments and the expansion of the nurse case management role, which would optimise care for the elderly person at the interface of care.


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Today, the majority of semiconductor fabrication plants (fabs) conduct equipment preventive maintenance based on statistically-derived time- or wafer-count-based intervals. While these practices have had relative success in managing equipment availability and product yield, the cost, both in time and materials, remains high. Condition-based maintenance has been successfully adopted in several industries, where costs associated with equipment downtime range from potential loss of life to unacceptable affects to companies’ bottom lines. In this paper, we present a method for the monitoring of complex systems in the presence of multiple operating regimes. In addition, the new representation of degradation processes will be used to define an optimization procedure that facilitates concurrent maintenance and operational decision-making in a manufacturing system. This decision-making procedure metaheuristically maximizes a customizable cost function that reflects the benefits of production uptime, and the losses incurred due to deficient quality and downtime. The new degradation monitoring method is illustrated through the monitoring of a deposition tool operating over a prolonged period of time in a major fab, while the operational decision-making is demonstrated using simulated operation of a generic cluster tool.