984 resultados para Ex situ SEM
As paisagens tropicais são caracterizadas por possuírem complexas coberturas superficiais que trazem consigo os registros de processos que ocorreram durante os períodos geológicos antecedentes. Porém, é comum as camadas verticais de uma paisagem apresentarem características morfológicas aparentemente homogêneas, dificultando, assim, a identificação da natureza do material de origem dos seus estratos. Objetivou-se estudar regolitos (solum + saprolito) derivados de granitos do Complexo Xingu em uma microbacia sob vegetação de floresta amazônica, a partir de atributos indicadores de sua formação. Predominam na área estudada Latossolos Vermelho-Amarelos e Plintossolos. Foram coletadas amostras em quatro pontos da paisagem: um no platô, dois na encosta e um no sopé; as profundidades de coleta foram de 0-0,6, 0,6-1,0 m e, a partir de 1,0 m, a cada metro de profundidade até atingir 8,0 m, ou a rocha. Os resultados das relações Ki, Kr, Zr/Ti e areia fina/areia grossa (AF/AG) foram discutidos, permitindo identificar alguns aspectos dos processos de formação dos regolitos da microbacia. Os regolitos dos pontos 1 (platô) e 3 (encosta 2) possuem material de origem ex-situ; o ponto 2 (encosta 1) possui a sua gênese dentro de uma sequência normal de intemperismo, sem aporte de material externo; e o ponto 4, localizado no sopé da paisagem, apresentou algumas diferenças nos materiais próximos da superfície - indicativo de deposição de material das partes mais altas do relevo. Dos atributos utilizados, a relação Zr/Ti, juntamente com a relação AF/AG, foi mais eficiente na identificação de descontinuidades de material de origem dos regolitos.
Phosphopeptides tagging reactions by dinuclear zinc(II) complexes (1,3-bis[bis(2-pyridylmethyl)amino]-propan-2-olato dizinc(II)3+, called tag) were performed with a dual-channel microsprayer in electrospray ionization mass spectrometry. The reaction is first studied ex situ and analyzed with a commercial electrospray source. In situ reactions (i.e., inside the Taylor cone) were achieved with a dual-channel microsprayer both with the tag synthesized chemically before the experiments and with the tag electrogenerated by in situ oxidation of a zinc electrode, also used to apply the electrospray current. The device consists of a polyimide microchip with two microchannels (20 microm x 50 microm x 1 cm) etched on each side of the structure and connecting only at the tip of the microchip. We demonstrate here that mixing two solutions with different physicochemical properties inside the Taylor cone can be used to selectively tag target molecules.
Glandora oleifolia (Lapeyr.) D.C.Thomas [= Lithodora oleifolia (Lapeyr.) Griseb.] constituye uno de los endemismos más restringidos de la península Ibérica, puesto que cuenta con una única población (dividida en dos núcleos separados por apenas 5 km) localizada en la Alta Garrotxa, en el Pirineo gerundense. Glandora oleifolia está catalogada como VU en la Lista Roja 2008 de la Flora Vascular Española y goza de protección legal en Cataluña (está incluida en el reciente Catálogo de flora amenazada de esta comunidad autónoma). Como parte de un plan de conservación ex situ que está elaborando el Jardín Botánico Marimurtra (JBMiM) para este taxón amenazado, se ha estudiado su diversidad genética mediante aloenzimas y RAPDs. Para ambos marcadores, losniveles de variabilidad genética intrapoblacional mostraron unos valores muy pequeños, tal y como se espera para los endemismos de área muy reducida. La divergencia genética entre los dos núcleos poblacionales también resultó ser muy reducida, inferior al 10% con ambos marcadores. La exigua área de distribución de esta borraginácea, a pesar de su moderado tamaño poblacional (unos 5.000 individuos), junto con tan pequeña variabilidad genética, la convierte en un taxón con un elevado riesgo de extinción. Por otra parte, la especie está sometida a una enorme presión antrópica (sobrefrecuentación), mientras que la baja producción de semillas debido a la escasa actividad de los polinizadores constituye una amenaza adicional.
Résumé: Valoriser le géopatrimoine par la médiation indirecte et la visualisation des objets géomorphologiques Le géopatrimoine regroupe des objets géologiques lato sensu auxquels certaines valeurs sont attribuées, en fonction de leur intérêt pour la science, de leur rareté, de leurs particularités culturelles ou écologiques, etc. Valoriser le géopatrimoine signifie avant tout faire partager cette approche aux non-spécialistes, en expliquant ce qui fait la valeur de ces objets. Cette valorisation peut s'effectuer, entre autres, sous la forme d'une activité touristique et contribuer ainsi au développement régional. Faire comprendre l'origine, la singularité et la valeur des formes du relief implique le recours à une communication éducative, désignée par le terme de médiation. Les implications de la dimension éducative du processus, comme la prise en compte des connaissances et attentes du public, la création d'un environnement favorable à l'apprentissage ou l'attractivité du contenu, sont souvent négligées. Du point de vue conceptuel, un modèle de la médiation indirecte (c'est-à-dire au moyen de supports médiatiques) a été proposé et appliqué au développement empirique de produits de médiation et à leur évaluation. Ce modèle ne garantit pas la réussite de la communication éducative, mais contribue à créer un cadre favorable au processus. De plus, plusieurs lignes directrices pour le choix du type de média et sa mise en forme ont été définies sur la base d'une compilation de résultats de la psychologie cognitive sur l'usage des médias pour l'apprentissage. Des méthodes qualitatives et quantitatives variées ont été mobilisées : enquêtes par questionnaire ex situ et in situ, auprès des visiteurs de géomorphosites de montagne, réalisation de médias interactifs testés ensuite auprès de divers publics (parcours enregistré, pré- et post-questionnaires) et entretiens collectifs. Les résultats obtenus éclairent divers aspects de la problématique. L'étude du public a montré, par exemple, que le géotourisme possède un réel public parmi les visiteurs des sites de montagnes : trois-quarts d'entre eux expriment de l'intérêt pour des explications sur la géologie et l'évolution du paysage. Cette thèse a exploré ces aspects liés au processus d'apprentissage en se focalisant sur les médias visuels, surtout interactifs. La plupart des médias visuels couramment utilisés en géomorphologie ont été considérés. Le développement de versions interactives de ces médias sous forme d'applications web a fourni un aperçu concret des possibilités des nouvelles technologies. Les utilisateurs apprécient en particulier a richesse du contenu, le haut degré d'interactivité et la variété de ces applications. De tels médias incitent à visiter le site naturel et semblent aussi répondre aux intérêts de publics variés. Abstract: Geoheritage promotion through non-personal interpretation and visualisation of geomorphological features Geoheritage concerns all geological features lato sensu to which some values are attributed, according to their scientific interest, their rarity, their cultural or ecological dimensions, etc. Geoheritage promotion implies sharing this point of view with non-specialists, explaining what gives value to those objects. Geotourism is one of the many ways to achieve geoheritage promotion, while contributing also to regional development. In order to make non-specialists understand the origin, the specificity and the value of landforms, educational communication is needed, that is called interpretation (French: médiation). This education dimension has several, and often neglected, implications, like taking into account public's knowledge and expectations, creating a favourable learning environment, attractive design, etc. From the conceptual point of view, a model for non-personal interpretation has been proposed and applied for the empirical development and for the assessment of interpretive products. This model does not guarantee success of educational communication, but help creating a favourable environment for this process. Moreover, some guidelines were defined from a compilation of several results of cognitive psychology on media use for learning. They guide the choice of the kind of media and its design. Several qualitative and quantitative methods were applied: survey questionnaires ex situ and in situ by mountain geomorphosites visitors, interactive medias developed and then tested by different kinds of users (with usertracking, pre- and post-survey questionnaires), group interviews. The results answered different aspects of the research questions. Visitor surveys revealed for example that geotourism could attract many visitors of mountain areas: three quarters of them say they are interested in getting explanations about geology and landscape (in particular its dynamic dimensions). This thesis examined those aspects with a focus on visual medias, both statics and interactive. Most of currently used medias in geomorphology were considered. Interactive versions of those medias were developed in web applications; they gave a concrete overview on the opportunities that new technologies offer. The content richness, the high interaction level and the diversity of the applications are the most liked aspects by the users. Such medias drive to visit the natural site and seem to correspond to the interests of various kinds of publics. Zusammenfassung: Aufwertung des erdwissenschaftlichen Erbes durch mediale Vermittlung und Visualisierung von geomorphologischen Objekten Das erdwissenschaftliche Erbe besteht aus geologischen Gegebenheiten lato sensu, denen entsprechend ihrer Bedeutung für die Wissenschaft, ihrer Seltenheit, ihrer kulturellen oder ökologischen Besonderheiten usw. bestimmte Werte zugeordnet werden. Das erdwissenschaftliche Erbe aufzuwerten bedeutet in erster Linie, diesen Ansatz Nichtspezialisten näher zu bringen, indem ihnen erklärt wird, was den Wert dieser Gegebenheiten ausmacht. Dies kann etwa im Rahmen eines touristischen Angebots geschehen und so die regionale Entwicklung unterstützen. Um Entstehung, Besonderheit und Wert von Geländeformen verständlich zu machen, wird eine pädagogische Kommunikationsform verwendet, die als mediale Vermittlung (franz. médiation) bezeichnet wird. Die Bedeutung der pädagogischen Dimension des Vermittlungsprozesses wie etwa der Einbezug des Wissens und der Erwartungen des Publikums, die Gestaltung eines positiven Lernklimas oder die Attraktivität des Inhalts wird oft vernachlässigt. Auf konzeptueller Ebene wurde ein Modell der indirekten Interpretation erarbeitet (d. h. anhand von Medien), das bei der empirischen Entwicklung der Interpretationsprodukte und ihrer Evaluation Anwendung fand. Dieses Modell garantiert zwar nicht den Erfolg der pädagogischen Kommunikation. Es trägt aber dazu bei, einen für den Prozess günstigen Kontext zu schaffen. Des Weiteren wurden mehrere Richtlinien für die Wahl des Medientyps und dessen Ausgestaltung anhand einer Zusammenstellung von Resultaten der kognitiven Psychologie über den Gebrauch von Medien in Lernprozessen definiert. Es wurden verschiedene qualitative und quantitative Methoden eingesetzt: Befragung mittels Fragebogen der Besucher von geomorphologischen Geotopen im Gebirge - ex situ und in situ -, Erarbeitung von interaktiven Medien, die anschliessend anhand verschiedener Zielgruppen gestestet wurden (Aufnahme des Besuchparcours, Vor- und Nachfragebögen) sowie kollektive Interviews. Die Ergebnisse geben Aufschluss zu verschiedenen Aspekten der Fragestellung. Die Befragung des Publikums hat zum Beispiel deutlich gemacht, dass der Geotourismus unter den Besuchern von Berggebieten tatsächlich auf eine Nachfrage stösst: drei Viertel von ihnen zeigen ein Interesse für Erläuterungen zur Geologie und der Landschaftsentwicklung. Die vorliegende Doktorarbeit hat die genannten Aspekte der Lernprozesse untersucht, wobei der Fokus auf visuellen, insbesondere interaktiven Medien lag. Die meisten gängigen visuellen Medien der Geomorphologie wurden berücksichtigt. Die Entwicklung von interaktiven Versionen dieser Medien in Form von Web-Anwendungen hat die Möglichkeiten der neuen Technologien veranschaulicht. Die Benutzer schätzten insbesondere die Vielfalt des Inhalts, die hohe Interaktivität und die Diversität dieser Anwendungen. Solche Medien laden dazu ein, ein Naturgebiet zu besuchen und scheinen den Interessen der verschiedenen Publikumsgruppen entgegenzukommen.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a distribuição da variabilidade genética do umbuzeiro (Spondias tuberosa), no Semi-Árido brasileiro, por meio de marcadores AFLP, para subsidiar estratégias de prospecção e conservação da espécie. Foram analisados 68 indivíduos de umbuzeiro de 15 ecorregiões, pelo dendrograma UPGMA e pela dispersão em escala multidimensional (MDS), com o coeficiente de Jaccard de 141 bandas polimórficas de AFLP. A análise da variância molecular foi realizada pela decomposição total entre e dentro das regiões ecogeográficas. O dendrograma apresentou valor cofenético de 0,96, e o gráfico MDS apresentou 0,25 para a falta de ajustamento. A variabilidade genética do umbuzeiro foi estimada em 0,3138, o que indica grande variação entre os grupos de indivíduos. Agrupamentos específicos foram observados em seis regiões ecogeográficas, enquanto nas demais regiões observaram-se pares entre alguns indivíduos, sem formação de agrupamentos específicos por local de amostragem, o que indica que a variabilidade genética do umbuzeironão está uniformemente distribuída no Semi-Árido. Sugerem-se estratégias para o estabelecimento de maior número de áreas para conservação in situ ou amostragens de menor número de indivíduos, em várias unidades de paisagens, para conservação ex situ da variabilidade genética do umbuzeiro.
The objective of this work was to evaluate in vitro storage of Piper aduncum and P. hispidinervum under slow-growth conditions. Shoots were stored at low temperatures (10, 20 and 25°C), and the culture medium was supplemented with osmotic agents (sucrose and mannitol - at 1, 2 and 3%) and abiscisic acid - ABA (0, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0 mg L-1). After six-months of storage, shoots were evaluated for survival and regrowth. Low temperature at 20ºC was effective for the in vitro conservation of P. aduncum and P. hispidinervum shoots. In vitro cultures maintained at 20ºC on MS medium showed 100% survival with slow-growth shoots. The presence of mannitol or ABA, in the culture medium, negatively affected shoot growth, which is evidenced by the low rate of recovered shoots.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o potencial germinativo e caracterizar morfoanatomicamente a estrutura foliar de plântulas de pinhão-manso originadas de germoplasma criopreservado. Inicialmente, as sementes foram avaliadas quanto à dessecação, a cada 24 horas, por até 120 horas. Posteriormente, as sementes foram dessecadas por 0, 24 e 48 horas e avaliadas mensalmente quanto ao potencial germinativo, antes e após armazenamento em nitrogênio líquido por imersão direta e congelamento rápido. Para caracterizar a viabilidade das sementes que não germinaram após o período de avaliação, os embriões zigóticos foram imersos em solução de tetrazólio. A morfoanatomia foliar após criopreservação foi caracterizada por meio de estudos histológicos. As sementes de pinhão-manso toleraram a dessecação a níveis críticos e a criopreservação com umidade em torno de 8%. A dessecação das sementes até valores baixos, associada a períodos prolongados de exposição ao nitrogênio líquido, causa anormalidade de plântulas, danifica as células e os tecidos das folhas, e afeta negativamente a germinação.
The objective of this work was to evaluate the large-scale propagation of grapevine genotypes after short-term storage in vitro. Microshoots from ten grapevine genotypes were used. The following storage temperatures were evaluated: 10, 20, and 25°C. After short-term storage, the shoots were propagated in up to five successive subcultures, to assess the large-scale propagation of the germplasm maintained under conditions of minimal growth. The propagated shoots were rooted in different concentrations of indolbutiric acid (IBA) and acclimatized in greenhouse. The best temperature for short-term storage in vitro and survival of the genotypes was 20°C. In the propagation phase, the highest number of shoots per explant was found in the subcultures 4 and 5, with averages of 4.9 and 4.8 shoots per explant, respectively. In the rooting phase, the best results for number of roots were obtained using a culture medium supplemented with 0.4 µmol L-1 of IBA, with an average of three roots per shoot. During the acclimation phase, a survival rate higher than 95% was achieved after 30 days in the greenhouse. Grapevine genotypes maintained for six months in vitro, at 20ºC, can be micropropagated in large scale.
Crystal growth is an essential phase in crystallization kinetics. The rate of crystal growth provides significant information for the design and control of crystallization processes; nevertheless, obtaining accurate growth rate data is still challenging due to a number of factors that prevail in crystal growth. In industrial crystallization, crystals are generally grown from multi-componentand multi-particle solutions under complicated hydrodynamic conditions; thus, it is crucial to increase the general understanding of the growth kinetics in these systems. The aim of this work is to develop a model of the crystal growth rate from solution. An extensive literature review of crystal growth focuses on themodelling of growth kinetics and thermodynamics, and new measuring techniques that have been introduced in the field of crystallization. The growth of a singlecrystal is investigated in binary and ternary systems. The binary system consists of potassium dihydrogen phosphate (KDP, crystallizing solute) and water (solvent), and the ternary system includes KDP, water and an organic admixture. The studied admixtures, urea, ethanol and 1-propanol, are employed at relatively highconcentrations (of up to 5.0 molal). The influence of the admixtures on the solution thermodynamics is studied using the Pitzer activity coefficient model. Theprediction method of the ternary solubility in the studied systems is introduced and verified. The growth rate of the KDP (101) face in the studied systems aremeasured in the growth cell as a function of supersaturation, the admixture concentration, the solution velocity over a crystal and temperature. In addition, the surface morphology of the KDP (101) face is studied using ex situ atomic force microscopy (AFM). The crystal growth rate in the ternary systems is modelled on the basis of the two-step growth model that contains the Maxwell-Stefan (MS) equations and a surface-reaction model. This model is used together with measuredcrystal growth rate data to develop a new method for the evaluation of the model parameters. The validation of the model is justified with experiments. The crystal growth rate in an imperfectly mixed suspension crystallizer is investigatedusing computational fluid dynamics (CFD). A solid-liquid suspension flow that includes multi-sized particles is described by the multi-fluid model as well as by a standard k-epsilon turbulence model and an interface momentum transfer model. The local crystal growth rate is determined from calculated flow information in a diffusion-controlled crystal growth regime. The calculated results are evaluated experimentally.
Water soluble perchlorinated trityl (PTM) radicals were found to be effective 95 GHz DNP (dynamic nuclear polarization) polarizers in ex situ (dissolution) 13C DNP (Gabellieri et al., Angew Chem., Int. Ed. 2010, 49, 3360). The degree of the nuclear polarization obtained was reported to be dependent on the position of the chlorine substituents on the trityl skeleton. In addition, on the basis of the DNP frequency sweeps it was suggested that the 13C NMR signal enhancement is mediated by the Cl nuclei. To understand the DNP mechanism of the PTM radicals we have explored the 95 GHz EPR characteristics of these radicals that are relevant to their performance as DNP polarizers. The EPR spectra of the radicals revealed axially symmetric g-tensors. A comparison of the spectra with the 13C DNP frequency sweeps showed that although the solid effect mechanism is operational the DNP frequency sweeps reveal some extra width suggesting that contributions from EPR forbidden transitions involving 35,37Cl nuclear flips are likely. This was substantiated experimentally by ELDOR (electron-electron double resonance) detected NMR measurements, which map the EPR forbidden transitions, and ELDOR experiments that follow the depolarization of the electron spin upon irradiation of the forbidden EPR transitions. DFT (density functional theory) calculations helped to assign the observed transitions and provided the relevant spin Hamiltonian parameters. These results show that the 35,37Cl hyperfine and nuclear quadrupolar interactions cause a considerable nuclear state mixing at 95 GHz thus facilitating the polarization of the Cl nuclei upon microwave irradiation. Overlap of Cl nuclear frequencies and the 13C Larmor frequency further facilitates the polarization of the 13C nuclei by spin diffusion. Calculation of the 13C DNP frequency sweep based on the Cl nuclear polarization showed that it does lead to an increase in the width of the spectra, improving the agreement with the experimental sweeps, thus supporting the existence of a new heteronuclear assisted DNP mechanism.
Se presenta un análisis sobre la conservación y el uso de los recursos genéticos de especies frutales de la familia Annonaceae en México. El diagnóstico realizado en 2010 por la Red de Anonáceas (REMA) del Sistema Nacional de Recursos Fitogenéticos (SINAREFI) sirvió para tal fin y fue complementado por estudios recientes. Partimos de una revisión de registros de herbarios de la Red Mundial de Información sobre Biodiversidad (REMIB) además de recoger información con productores de comunidades rurales y recorridos de campo en estados del país donde las anonáceas se distribuyen. En México se encuentran 14 géneros y 63 especies de Annonaceae distribuidas principalmente en regiones tropicales del Sureste de México. La conservación in situ es esporádica, se está dando en huertos de traspatio para la guanábana (Annona muricata), chirimoya (A. cherimola), chincuya (A. purpurea) y saramuyo (A. squamosa) principalmente. La anona (A. reticulata), ilama (A. diversifolia) y chincuya (A. purpurea) son fomentadas pero no multiplicadas. La conservación ex situ se mantiene en bancos de germoplasma in vivo o colecciones de trabajo para guanábana (30 colectas), chirimoya (70 colectas) e ilama (100 colectas) solamente. Las semillas de estas especies no son ortodoxas y su conservación a mediano y largo plazo no está resuelta en México. El potencial de cultivo para este grupo de frutales es alto pero problemas de falta de variedades, fitosanidad, falta de tecnología y mercados reducidos limitan el cultivo comercial.
In the present work "ex situ"Raman microscopy was employed in the identification of some of the pigments present in the painting "Portrait of Murilo Mendes" by Cândido Portinari. In the investigated samples it was possible to identify unambiguously two pigments: Prussian blue and lapis-lazuli (or its synthetic analogue, ultramarine blue) - the former is observed together with organic substances, possibly used as dispersants, what suggests a further use of a mass for recover the painting.
EU on käynnistämässä ympäristöteknologioiden verifiointijärjestelmää, jonka avulla voidaan tarjota käyttäjille ja sijoittajille riippumatonta tietoa innovatiivisten teknologioiden toimivuudesta ja suorituskyvystä ja parantaa niiden markkina-asemaa. Verifioinnilla tarkoitetaan kolmannen osapuolen suorittamaa prosessia tai mekanismia, jonka avulla tuotteen toiminta ja suorituskyky voidaan todentaa. Kansallinen ympäristöteknologioiden verifiointijärjestelmä on käytössä mm. Yhdysvalloissa ja Kanadassa. Euroopassa järjestelmä otettaneen käyttöön vuonna 2011–2012. Suomessa tehdään nykyisin noin 300 pilaantuneen maan puhdistushanketta koskevaa lupa- ja ilmoituspäätöstä vuosittain. Noin 85 prosentissa kohteista käytetään kunnostusmenetelmänä massanvaihtoa. Massanvaihto tulee ainakin toistaiseksi säilymään yleisimpänä kunnostusmenetelmänä, mutta mm. in situ -menetelmien käytön arvioidaan lisääntyvän. Tämän diplomityön tavoitteena oli arvioida voidaanko verifiointia hyödyntää pilaantuneiden maiden laadukkaan käsittelyn edistämisessä ja voiko verifiointi nopeuttaa innovatiivisten kunnostusmenetelmien markkinoillepääsyä. Aihetta tarkasteltiin mm. kahden erityyppisen pilaantuneen maan ja pohjaveden kunnostusmenetelmän, reaktiivisten seinämien (in situ) ja bitumistabiloinnin (ex situ) kautta. Pilaantuneiden maiden kunnostusmenetelmien toimivuus riippuu monista eri tekijöistä, joista osaa ei voida hallita tai mallintaa luotettavasti. Verifiointi soveltuukin parhaiten laitteiden tai PIMA-menetelmiä yksinkertaisempien puhdistusmenetelmien suorituskyvyn todentamiseen. Verifiointi saattaa kuitenkin hyvin toimia PIMA-kunnostuksen kohdalla esimerkiksi tiedollisena ohjauskeinona. Reaktiivisten seinämien ja bitumistabiloinnin verifioinnin työvaiheet ovat hyvin samankaltaiset, suurimpana erona seinämien kohdalla tulee kuvata myös kohde johon seinämä on asennettu. Reaktiivisten seinämien toiminta on riippuvaista monista ympäristötekijöistä, toisin kuin erillisellä laitteistolla suoritettavan bitumistabiloinnin. Tulosten perusteella voidaan yleistää, että verifiointi soveltuu paremmin ex situ -, kuin in situ -kunnostusmenetelmille.
New techniques for treating wastewater, particularly the removal or degradation of organic pollutants and heavy metals, among other pollutants, have been extensively studied. The use of nanostructured iron oxides as adsorbent and photocatalyst for the removal of these contaminants has proved a promising approach, not only because of their high treatment efficiency, but also for their cost-effectiveness, having the flexibility for in situ and ex situ applications. In this review, we briefly introduced the most used kinds of iron oxide nanoparticles, some synthesis techniques for iron oxide nanostructure formation, their potential benefits in environmental clean-up, and their recent advances and applications in wastewater treatment. These advances range from the direct applications of synthesized nanoparticles as adsorbents for removing toxic contaminants or as catalysts to oxidize and break down noxious contaminants (including bacteria and viruses) in wastewater, to integrating nanoparticles into conventional treatment technologies, such as composite photocatalytic filters (membranes, sand and ceramic) that combine separation technology with photocatalytic activity. Finally, the impact of nanoparticles on the environment and human health is briefly discussed.
O estabelecimento de bancos de sementes para conservação ex situ de germoplasma vegetal é largamente utilizado, mas a contaminação das mesmas por fitopatógenos pode comprometer sua integridade. Este trabalho teve por objetivo monitorar a sobrevivência de Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. phaseoli, em um lote de sementes de feijão (Phaseolus vulgaris) cv. Roxão)submetido a três condições de temperatura, durante 60 meses de armazenamento: -18 e 5 ºC, condições preconizadas para a conservação de material genético vegetal a longo e médio prazo, respectivamente, e à temperatura ambiente (20-30 ºC). A sobrevivência da bactéria foi avaliada pela percentagem de sementes contaminadas e a viabilidade pela manutenção da patogenicidade dos isolados. A população de X. axonopodis pv. phaseoli nas sementes foi quantificada ao final de cinco anos de armazenamento. Os resultados mostraram que a percentagem de sementes contaminadas decresceu de 64 para 36-37% nos primeiros seis meses, para os três tratamentos. A partir de 30 meses observou-se que as sementes conservadas a -18 e 5 ºC apresentaram níveis de contaminação (58 e 72%) que diferiram significativamente das conservadas à temperatura ambiente (20%), e aos 60 meses taxas de 46%, 46% e 8%, respectivamente. A temperatura mais propícia à sobrevivência da bactéria foi 5 ºC em que se encontrou uma população máxima de 1,2 x 10(8) ufc/semente. Constatou-se, igualmente, a manutenção do poder infetivo dos isolados durante todo o armazenamento. Pode-se concluir que as condições ótimas para a conservação de sementes são as mesmas para a manutenção da longevidade de X. axonopodis pv. phaseoli.